17 resultados para Left Ventricle

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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We used targeted gene disruption in mice to ablate nonmuscle myosin heavy chain B (NMHC-B), one of the two isoforms of nonmuscle myosin II present in all vertebrate cells. Approximately 65% of the NMHC-B−/− embryos died prior to birth, and those that were born suffered from congestive heart failure and died during the first day. No abnormalities were detected in NMHC-B+/− mice. The absence of NMHC-B resulted in a significant increase in the transverse diameters of the cardiac myocytes from 7.8 ± 1.8 μm (right ventricle) and 7.8 ± 1.3 μm (left ventricle) in NMHC-B+/+ and B+/− mice to 14.7 ± 1.1 μm and 13.8 ± 2.3 μm, respectively, in NMHC-B−/− mice (in both cases, P < 0.001). The increase in size of the cardiac myocytes was seen as early as embryonic day 12.5 (4.5 ± 0.2 μm for NMHC-B+/+ and B+/− vs. 7.2 ± 0.6 μm for NMHC-B−/− mice (P < 0.01)). Six of seven NMHC-B−/− newborn mice analyzed by serial sectioning also showed structural cardiac defects, including a ventricular septal defect, an aortic root that either straddled the defect or originated from the right ventricle, and muscular obstruction to right ventricular outflow. Some of the hearts of NMHC-B−/− mice showed evidence for up-regulation of NMHC-A protein. These studies suggest that nonmuscle myosin II-B is required for normal cardiac myocyte development and that its absence results in structural defects resembling, in part, two common human congenital heart diseases, tetralogy of Fallot and double outlet right ventricle.


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In both normally hydrated and volume-expanded rats, there was a biphasic effect of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) (1–10 μg, i.v.) on renal function. Within the first hour, CRH caused antidiuresis, antinatriuresis, and antikaliuresis together with reduction in urinary cGMP output that, in the fourth hour, were replaced by diuresis, natriuresis, and kaliuresis accompanied by increased cGMP output. Plasma arginine vasopressin (AVP) concentrations increased significantly within 5 min, reached a peak at 15 min, and declined by 30 min to still-elevated values maintained for 180 min. Changes in plasma atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) were the mirror image of those of AVP. Plasma ANP levels were correlated with decreased ANP in the left ventricle at 30 min and increased ANP mRNA in the right atrium at 180 min. All urinary changes were reversed by a potent AVP type 2 receptor (V2R) antagonist. Control 0.9% NaCl injections evoked an immediate increase in blood pressure and heart rate measured by telemetry within 3–5 min. This elevation of blood pressure was markedly inhibited by CRH (5 μg). We hypothesize that the effects are mediated by rapid, direct vasodilation induced by CRH that decreases baroreceptor input to the brain stem, leading to a rapid release of AVP that induces the antidiuresis by direct action on the V2Rs in the kidney. Simultaneously, acting on V2Rs in the heart, AVP inhibits ANP release and synthesis, resulting in a decrease in renal cGMP output that is responsible for the antinatriuretic and antikaliuretic effects.


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Cardiac hypertrophy is associated with altered expression of the components of the cardiac renin-angiotensin system (RAS). While in vitro data suggest that local mechanical stimuli serve as important regulatory modulators of cardiac RAS activity, no in vivo studies have so far corroborated these observations. The aims of this study were to (i) examine the respective influence of local, mechanical versus systemic, soluble factors on the modulation of cardiac RAS gene expression in vivo; (ii) measure gene expression of all known components of the RAS simultaneously; and (iii) establish sequence information and an assay system for the RAS of the dog, one of the most important model organisms in cardiovascular research. We therefore examined a canine model of right ventricular hypertrophy and failure (RVHF) in which the right ventricle (RV) is hemodynamically loaded, the left ventricle (LV) is hemodynamically unloaded, while both are exposed to the same circulating milieu of soluble factors. Using specific competitive PCR assays, we found that RVHF was associated with significant increases in RV mRNA levels of angiotensin converting enzyme and angiotensin II type 2 receptor, and with significant decreases of RV expression of chymase and the angiotensin II type 1 receptor, while RV angiotensinogen and renin remained unchanged. All components remained unchanged in the LV. We conclude that (i) dissociated regional regulation of RAS components in RV and LV indicates modulation by local, mechanical, not soluble, systemic stimuli; (ii) components of the cardiac RAS are independently and differentially regulated; and (iii) opposite changes in the expression of angiotensin converting enzyme and chymase, and of angiotensin II type I and angiotensin II type 2 receptors, may indicate different physiological roles of these RAS components in RVHF.


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Voltage-gated K+ channels are important modulators of the cardiac action potential. However, the correlation of endogenous myocyte currents with K+ channels cloned from human heart is complicated by the possibility that heterotetrameric alpha-subunit combinations and function-altering beta subunits exist in native tissue. Therefore, a variety of subunit interactions may generate cardiac K+ channel diversity. We report here the cloning of a voltage-gated K+ channel beta subunit, hKv beta 3, from adult human left ventricle that shows 84% and 74% amino acid sequence identity with the previously cloned rat Kv beta 1 and Kv beta 2 subunits, respectively. Together these three Kv beta subunits share > 82% identity in the carboxyl-terminal 329 aa and show low identity in the amino-terminal 79 aa. RNA analysis indicated that hKv beta 3 message is 2-fold more abundant in human ventricle than in atrium and is expressed in both healthy and diseased human hearts. Coinjection of hKv beta 3 with a human cardiac delayed rectifier, hKv1.5, in Xenopus oocytes increased inactivation, induced an 18-mV hyperpolarizing shift in the activation curve, and slowed deactivation (tau = 8.0 msec vs. 35.4 msec at -50 mV). hKv beta 3 was localized to human chromosome 3 by using a human/rodent cell hybrid mapping panel. These data confirm the presence of functionally important K+ channel beta subunits in human heart and indicate that beta-subunit composition must be accounted for when comparing cloned channels with endogenous cardiac currents.


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A number of neuroimaging findings have been interpreted as evidence that the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) subserves retrieval of semantic knowledge. We provide a fundamentally different interpretation, that it is not retrieval of semantic knowledge per se that is associated with left IFG activity but rather selection of information among competing alternatives from semantic memory. Selection demands were varied across three semantic tasks in a single group of subjects. Functional magnetic resonance imaging signal in overlapping regions of left IFG was dependent on selection demands in all three tasks. In addition, the degree of semantic processing was varied independently of selection demands in one of the tasks. The absence of left IFG activity for this comparison counters the argument that the effects of selection can be attributed solely to variations in degree of semantic retrieval. Our findings suggest that it is selection, not retrieval, of semantic knowledge that drives activity in the left IFG.


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Objectives: To determine whether blood natriuretic peptide concentrations are helpful in identifying or excluding left ventricular systolic dysfunction in stable survivors of acute myocardial infarction.


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Objectives: To assess the relation between white coat hypertension and alterations of left ventricular structure and function.


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Mutations in Tg737 cause a wide spectrum of phenotypes, including random left-right axis specification, polycystic kidney disease, liver and pancreatic defects, hydrocephalus, and skeletal patterning abnormalities. To further assess the biological function of Tg737 and its role in the mutant pathology, we identified the cell population expressing Tg737 and determined the subcellular localization of its protein product called Polaris. Tg737 expression is associated with cells possessing either motile or immotile cilia and sperm. Similarly, Polaris concentrated just below the apical membrane in the region of the basal bodies and within the cilia or flagellar axoneme. The data suggest that Polaris functions in a ciliogenic pathway or in cilia maintenance, a role supported by the loss of cilia on the ependymal cell layer in ventricles of Tg737orpk brains and by the lack of node cilia in Tg737Δ2-3βGal mutants.


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This article reviews attempts to characterize the mental operations mediated by left inferior prefrontal cortex, especially the anterior and inferior portion of the gyrus, with the functional neuroimaging techniques of positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging. Activations in this region occur during semantic, relative to nonsemantic, tasks for the generation of words to semantic cues or the classification of words or pictures into semantic categories. This activation appears in the right prefrontal cortex of people known to be atypically right-hemisphere dominant for language. In this region, activations are associated with meaningful encoding that leads to superior explicit memory for stimuli and deactivations with implicit semantic memory (repetition priming) for words and pictures. New findings are reported showing that patients with global amnesia show deactivations in the same region associated with repetition priming, that activation in this region reflects selection of a response from among numerous relative to few alternatives, and that activations in a portion of this region are associated specifically with semantic relative to phonological processing. It is hypothesized that activations in left inferior prefrontal cortex reflect a domain-specific semantic working memory capacity that is invoked more for semantic than nonsemantic analyses regardless of stimulus modality, more for initial than for repeated semantic analysis of a word or picture, more when a response must be selected from among many than few legitimate alternatives, and that yields superior later explicit memory for experiences.