6 resultados para Large detector systems for particle and astroparticle physics

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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We demonstrate performance-related changes in cortical and cerebellar activity. The largest learning-dependent changes were observed in the anterior lateral cerebellum, where the extent and intensity of activation correlated inversely with psychophysical performance. After learning had occurred (a few minutes), the cerebellar activation almost disappeared; however, it was restored when the subjects were presented with a novel, untrained direction of motion for which psychophysical performance also reverted to chance level. Similar reductions in the extent and intensity of brain activations in relation to learning occurred in the superior colliculus, anterior cingulate, and parts of the extrastriate cortex. The motion direction-sensitive middle temporal visual complex was a notable exception, where there was an expansion of the cortical territory activated by the trained stimulus. Together, these results indicate that the learning and representation of visual motion discrimination are mediated by different, but probably interacting, neuronal subsystems.


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Signal peptides direct the cotranslational targeting of nascent polypeptides to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). It is currently believed that the signal recognition particle (SRP) mediates this targeting by first binding to signal peptides and then by directing the ribosome/nascent chain/SRP complex to the SRP receptor at the ER. We show that ribosomes can mediate targeting by directly binding to translocation sites. When purified away from cytosolic factors, including SRP and nascent-polypeptide-associated complex (NAC), in vitro assembled translation intermediates representing ribosome/nascent-chain complexes efficiently bound to microsomal membranes, and their nascent polypeptides could subsequently be efficiently translocated. Because removal of cytosolic factors from the ribosome/nascent-chain complexes also resulted in mistargeting of signalless nascent polypeptides, we previously investigated whether readdition of cytosolic factors, such as NAC and SRP, could restore fidelity to targeting. Without SRP, NAC prevented all nascent-chain-containing ribosomes from binding to the ER membrane. Furthermore, SRP prevented NAC from blocking ribosome-membrane association only when the nascent polypeptide contained a signal. Thus, NAC is a global ribosome-binding prevention factor regulated in activity by signal-peptide-directed SRP binding. A model presents ribosomes as the targeting vectors for delivering nascent polypeptides to translocation sites. In conjunction with signal peptides, SRP and NAC contribute to this specificity of ribosomal function by regulating exposure of a ribosomal membrane attachment site that binds to receptors in the ER membrane.


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The amount of genomic and proteomic data that is entered each day into databases and the experimental literature is outstripping the ability of experimental scientists to keep pace. While generic databases derived from automated curation efforts are useful, most biological scientists tend to focus on a class or family of molecules and their biological impact. Consequently, there is a need for molecular class-specific or other specialized databases. Such databases collect and organize data around a single topic or class of molecules. If curated well, such systems are extremely useful as they allow experimental scientists to obtain a large portion of the available data most relevant to their needs from a single source. We are involved in the development of two such databases with substantial pharmacological relevance. These are the GPCRDB and NucleaRDB information systems, which collect and disseminate data related to G protein-coupled receptors and intra-nuclear hormone receptors, respectively. The GPCRDB was a pilot project aimed at building a generic molecular class-specific database capable of dealing with highly heterogeneous data. A first version of the GPCRDB project has been completed and it is routinely used by thousands of scientists. The NucleaRDB was started recently as an application of the concept for the generalization of this technology. The GPCRDB is available via the WWW at http://www.gpcr.org/7tm/ and the NucleaRDB at http://www.receptors.org/NR/.


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A hyperphosphorylated form of the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II (pol IIo) is associated with the pre-mRNA splicing process. Pol IIo was detected in association with a subset of small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle and Ser-Arg protein splicing factors and also with pre-mRNA splicing complexes assembled in vitro. A subpopulation of pol IIo was localized to nuclear "speckle" domains enriched in splicing factors, indicating that it may also be associated with RNA processing in vivo. Moreover, pol IIo was retained in a similar pattern following in situ extraction of cells and was quantitatively recovered in the nuclear matrix fraction. The results implicate nuclear matrix-associated hyperphosphorylated pol IIo as a possible link in the coordination of transcription and splicing processes.