72 resultados para Lacz

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Complementing reporter genes provide biological indicators of coincident expression of proteins in cells. We have adapted intracistronic complementation of the Escherichia coli lacZ gene for use in mammalian cells. Enzymatic activity detectable by quantitative biochemical assay, flow cytometry, or microscopy is produced upon convergent expression of two distinct mutant lacZ peptides within single cells, or upon fusion of cells expressing such mutants. A novel fluorescent substrate for beta-galactosidase (Fluor-X-Gal) increases detection and permits simultaneous microscopic visualization of other fluorescent markers. The enzymatic complementation described here should facilitate studies of cell fusion, cell lineage, and signal transduction, by producing activity only when two proteins are expressed at the same time and place in intact cells.


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When in Escherichia coli the host RNA polymerase is replaced by the 8-fold faster bacteriophage T7 enzyme for transcription of the lacZ gene, the beta-galactosidase yield per transcript drops as a result of transcript destabilization. We have measured the beta-galactosidase yield per transcript from T7 RNA polymerase mutants that exhibit a reduced elongation speed in vitro. Aside from very slow mutants that were not sufficiently processive to transcribe the lacZ gene, the lower the polymerase speed, the higher the beta-galactosidase yield per transcript. In particular, a mutant which was 2.7-fold slower than the wild-type enzyme yielded 3.4- to 4.6-fold more beta-galactosidase per transcript. These differences in yield vanished in the presence of the rne-50 mutation and therefore reflect the unequal sensitivity of the transcripts to RNase E. We propose that the instability of the T7 RNA polymerase transcripts stems from the unmasking of an RNase E-sensitive site(s) between the polymerase and the leading ribosome: the faster the polymerase, the longer the lag between the synthesis of this site(s) and its shielding by ribosomes, and the lower the transcript stability.


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The lacZ transgenic mouse (Muta mouse) model was used to examine the timing of ethylnitrosourea (ENU)-induced mutations in germ cells. The spectrum of mutations was also determined. Animals received five daily treatments with ENU at 50 mg/kg and were sampled at times up to 55 days after treatment. In mixed germ-cell populations isolated from seminiferous tubules, there was little increase in the mutant frequency 5 days after treatment; subsequently, there was a continuous increase until the maximum (17.5-fold above background) was reached by approximately 35 days. In the spermatozoa, an increase in mutant frequency was not seen until 20 days after treatment, with the maximum (4.3-fold above background) being achieved no sooner than approximately 35 days. Based on the timing of sampling, these data demonstrate the detection of both spermatogonial and postspermatogonial, mutations. The most prominent feature of the ENU-induced base-pair mutations in testicular germ cells sampled 55 days after treatment is that 70% are induced in A.T base pairs, compared to only 16% in spontaneous mutations. These findings are consistent with comparable data from ENU studies using assays for inherited germ-cell mutations in mice. This study has demonstrated the utility and potential of the transgenic mouse lacZ model (Muta mouse) for the detection and study of germ-cell mutations and provides guidance in the selection of simplified treatment and sampling protocols.


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The transcription of genes encoding gluconeogenic enzymes is tightly regulated during the perinatal period. These genes are induced by glucagon (cAMP) and glucocorticoids and repressed by insulin. To address the role of cAMP and glucocorticoids in the physiological activation of genes encoding gluconeogenic enzymes in the perinatal period, transgenic mice have been generated with chimeric constructs containing the reporter gene lacZ under the control of hormone response elements. The activity of the transgene is restricted to the liver by the presence of the enhancers from the alpha-fetoprotein gene and its transcription is driven by a promoter that contains a TATA box linked to either cAMP response elements (CREs) or glucocorticoid response elements (GREs). We demonstrate cAMP and glucocorticoid regulation, liver-specific expression, and perinatal activation of the reporter gene. These data indicate that the CRE and GRE are, independently, necessary and sufficient to mediate perinatal gene activation. Perinatal activation was not impaired when a CRE reporter transgene was assayed in mice that contain a targeted mutation of the CRE-binding protein (CREB) gene, providing further evidence for functional redundancy among the members of the CREB/ATF gene family.


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The SH2 domain-containing tyrosine phosphatase Shp2 plays a pivotal role during the gastrulation of vertebrate embryos. However, because of the complex phenotype observed in mouse mutant embryos, the precise role of Shp2 during development is unclear. To define the specific functions of this phosphatase, Shp2 homozygous mutant embryonic stem cells bearing the Rosa-26 LacZ transgene were isolated and used to perform a chimeric analysis. Here, we show that Shp2 mutant cells amass in the tail bud of embryonic day 10.5 chimeric mouse embryos and that this accumulation begins at the onset of gastrulation. At this early stage, Shp2 mutant cells collect in the primitive streak of the epiblast and thus show deficiencies in their contribution to the mesoderm lineage. In high-contribution chimeras, we show that overaccumulation of Shp2 mutant cells at the posterior end of the embryo results in two abnormal phenotypes: spina bifida and secondary neural tubes. Consistent with a failure to undergo morphogenic movements at gastrulation, Shp2 is required for embryo fibroblast cells to mount a positive chemotactic response to acidic fibroblast growth factor in vitro. Our results demonstrate that Shp2 is required at the initial steps of gastrulation, as nascent mesodermal cells form and migrate away from the primitive streak. The aberrant behavior of Shp2 mutant cells at gastrulation may result from their inability to properly respond to signals initiated by fibroblast growth factors.


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Epidermis is renewed by a population of stem cells that have been defined in vivo by slow turnover, label retention, position in the epidermis, and enrichment in β1 integrin, and in vitro by clonogenic growth, prolonged serial passage, and rapid adherence to extracellular matrix. The goal of this study is to determine whether clonogenic cells with long-term growth potential in vitro persist in vivo and give rise to a fully differentiated epidermis. Human keratinocytes were genetically labeled in culture by transduction with a retrovirus encoding the lacZ gene and grafted to athymic mice. Analysis of the cultures before grafting showed that 21.1–27.8% of clonogenic cells with the capacity for >30 generations were successfully transduced. In vivo, β-galactosidase (β-gal) positive cells participated in the formation of a fully differentiated epithelium and were detected throughout the 40-week postgraft period, initially as loosely scattered clusters and later as distinct vertical columns. Viable cells recovered from excised grafts were seeded at clonal densities and 23.3–33.3% of the colonies thus formed were β-gal positive. In addition, no evidence of transgene inactivation was obtained: all keratinocyte colonies recovered from grafted tissue that were β-gal negative also lacked the lacZ transgene. These results show that cells with long-term growth properties in vitro do indeed persist in vivo and form a fully differentiated epidermis, thereby exhibiting the properties of stem cells.


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CTXφ is a filamentous bacteriophage that encodes cholera toxin, the principal virulence factor of Vibrio cholerae. CTXφ is unusual among filamentous phages because it encodes a repressor and forms lysogens. CTXφ can infect the existing live-attenuated V. cholerae vaccine strains derived from either the El Tor or classical V. cholerae biotypes and result in vaccine reversion to toxinogenicity. Intraintestinal CTXφ transduction assays were used to demonstrate that El Tor biotype strains of V. cholerae are immune to infection with the El Tor-derived CTXφ, whereas classical strains are not. The El Tor CTXφ repressor, RstR, was sufficient to render classical strains immune to infection with the El Tor CTXφ. The DNA sequences of the classical and El Tor CTXφ repressors and their presumed cognate operators are highly diverged, whereas the sequences that surround this “immunity” region are nearly identical. Transcriptional fusion studies revealed that the El Tor RstR mediated repression of an El Tor rstA-lacZ fusion but did not repress a classical rstA-lacZ fusion. Likewise, the classical RstR only repressed a classical rstA-lacZ fusion. Thus, similar to the mechanistic basis for heteroimmunity among lambdoid phages, the specificity of CTXφ immunity is based on the divergence of the sequences of repressors and their operators. Expression of the El Tor rstR in either El Tor or classical live-attenuated V. cholerae vaccine strains effectively protected these vaccines from CTXφ infection. Introduction of rstR into V. cholerae vaccine strains should enhance their biosafety.


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We present an approach for monitoring protein–protein interactions within intact eukaryotic cells, which should increase our understanding of the regulatory circuitry that controls the proliferation and differentiation of cells and how these processes go awry in disease states such as cancer. Chimeric proteins composed of proteins of interest fused to complementing β-galactosidase (β-gal) deletion mutants permit a novel analysis of protein complexes within cells. In this approach, the β-gal activity resulting from the forced interaction of nonfunctional weakly complementing β-gal peptides (Δα and Δω) serves as a measure of the extent of interaction of the non-β-gal portions of the chimeras. To test this application of lacZ intracistronic complementation, proteins that form a complex in the presence of rapamycin were used. These proteins, FRAP and FKBP12, were synthesized as fusion proteins with Δα and Δω, respectively. Enzymatic β-gal activity served to monitor the formation of the rapamycin-induced chimeric FRAP/FKBP12 protein complex in a time- and dose-dependent manner, as assessed by histochemical, biochemical, and fluorescence-activated cell sorting assays. This approach may prove to be a valuable adjunct to in vitro immunoprecipitation and crosslinking methods and in vivo yeast two-hybrid and fluorescence energy transfer systems. It may also allow a direct assessment of specific protein dimerization interactions in a biologically relevant context, localized in the cell compartments in which they occur, and in the milieu of competing proteins.


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Drosophila shibire and its mammalian homologue dynamin regulate an early step in endocytosis. We identified a Caenorhabditis elegans dynamin gene, dyn-1, based upon hybridization to the Drosophila gene. The dyn-1 RNA transcripts are trans-spliced to the spliced leader 1 and undergo alternative splicing to code for either an 830- or 838-amino acid protein. These dyn-1 proteins are highly similar in amino acid sequence, structure, and size to the Drosophila and mammalian dynamins: they contain an N-terminal GTPase, a pleckstrin homology domain, and a C-terminal proline-rich domain. We isolated a recessive temperature-sensitive dyn-1 mutant containing an alteration within the GTPase domain that becomes uncoordinated when shifted to high temperature and that recovers when returned to lower temperatures, similar to D. shibire mutants. When maintained at higher temperatures, dyn-1 mutants become constipated, egg-laying defective, and produce progeny that die during embryogenesis. Using a dyn-1::lacZ gene fusion, a high level of dynamin expression was observed in motor neurons, intestine, and pharyngeal muscle. Our results suggest that dyn-1 function is required during development and for normal locomotion.


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Retrovirus packaging cell lines expressing the Moloney murine leukemia virus gag and pol genes but lacking virus envelope genes produce virus-like particles constitutively, whether or not they express a transcript from an integrated retroviral provirus. In the absence of a proviral transcript, the assembled particles contain processed gag and reverse transcriptase, and particles made by cells expressing an integrated lacZ provirus also contain viral RNA. The virus-like particles from both cell types are enveloped and are secreted/budded into the extracellular space but are noninfectious. Their physicochemical properties are similar to those of mature retroviral particles. The noninfectious gag pol RNA particles can readily be made infectious by the addition of lipofection reagents to produce preparations with titers of up to 105 colony-forming units per ml.


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Perforant path long-term potentiation (LTP) in intact mouse hippocampal dentate gyrus increased the neuron-specific, growth-associated protein GAP-43 mRNA in hilar cells 3 days after tetanus, but surprisingly not in granule cells, the perforant path target. This increase was positively correlated with level of enhancement and restricted to central hilar cells on the side of stimulation. Blockade of LTP by puffing dl-aminophosphonovalerate (APV), an N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor blocker into the molecular layer, eliminated LTP-induced GAP-43 mRNA elevation in hilar cells. To determine whether the mRNA elevation was mediated by transcription, LTP was studied in transgenic mice bearing a GAP-43 promoter-lacZ reporter gene. Promoter activity as indexed by Transgene expression (PATE) increased as indicated by blue staining of the lacZ gene product, β-galactosidase. Potentiation induced a blue band bilaterally in the inner molecular layer of the dentate gyrus along the entire septotemporal axis. Because mossy cells are the only neurons in the central hilar zone that project to the inner molecular layer bilaterally along the entire septotemporal axis and LTP-induced activation of PATE in this zone was confined to the side of stimulation, we concluded that mossy cells were unilaterally activated, increasing synthesis of β-galactosidase, which was transported bilaterally. Neither granule cells nor pyramidal cells demonstrated increased PATE or increased GAP-43 mRNA levels. These results and recent evidence indicating the necessity of hilar neurons for LTP point to previously unheralded mossy cells as potentially critical for perforant path LTP and the GAP-43 in these cells as important for LTP persistence lasting days.


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The ability to use a vital cell marker to study mouse embryogenesis will open new avenues of experimental research. Recently, the use of transgenic mice, containing multiple copies of the jellyfish gene encoding the green fluorescent protein (GFP), has begun to realize this potential. Here, we show that the fluorescent signals produced by single-copy, targeted GFP in-frame fusions with two different murine Hox genes, Hoxa1 and Hoxc13, are readily detectable by using confocal microscopy. Since Hoxa1 is expressed early and Hoxc13 is expressed late in mouse embryogenesis, this study shows that single-copy GFP gene fusions can be used through most of mouse embryogenesis. Previously, targeted lacZ gene fusions have been very useful for analyzing mouse mutants. Use of GFP gene fusions extends the benefits of targeted lacZ gene fusions by providing the additional utility of a vital marker. Our analysis of the Hoxc13GFPneo embryos reveals GFP expression in each of the sites expected from analysis of Hoxc13lacZneo embryos. Similarly, Hoxa1GFPneo expression was detected in all of the sites predicted from RNA in situ analysis. GFP expression in the foregut pocket of Hoxa1GFPneo embryos suggests a role for Hoxa1 in foregut-mediated differentiation of the cardiogenic mesoderm.


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Neuronal signaling requires that synaptic proteins be appropriately localized within the cell and regulated there. In mammalian neurons, polyribosomes are found not just in the cell body, but also in dendrites where they are concentrated within or beneath the dendritic spine. The α subunit of Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKIIα) is one of only five mRNAs known to be present within the dendrites, as well as in the soma of neurons. This targeted subcellular localization of the mRNA for CaMKIIα provides a possible cell biological mechanism both for controlling the distribution of the cognate protein and for regulating independently the level of protein expression in individual dendritic spines. To characterize the cis-acting elements involved in the localization of dendritic mRNA we have produced two lines of transgenic mice in which the CaMKIIα promoter is used to drive the expression of a lacZ transcript, which either contains or lacks the 3′-untranslated region of the CaMKIIα gene. Although both lines of mice show expression in forebrain neurons that parallels the expression of the endogenous CaMKIIα gene, only the lacZ transcripts bearing the 3′-untranslated region are localized to dendrites. The β-galactosidase protein shows a variable level of expression along the dendritic shaft and within dendritic spines, which suggests that neurons can control the local biochemistry of the dendrite either through differential localization of the mRNA or variations in the translational efficiency at different sites along the dendrite.


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Bacteria communicate with each other to coordinate expression of specific genes in a cell density-dependent fashion, a phenomenon called quorum sensing and response. Although we know that quorum sensing via acyl-homoserine lactone (HSL) signals controls expression of several virulence genes in the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the number and types of genes controlled by quorum sensing have not been studied systematically. We have constructed a library of random insertions in the chromosome of a P. aeruginosa acyl-HSL synthesis mutant by using a transposon containing a promoterless lacZ. This library was screened for acyl-HSL induction of lacZ. Thirty-nine quorum sensing-regulated genes were identified. The genes were organized into classes depending on the pattern of regulation. About half of the genes appear to be in seven operons, some seem organized in large patches on the genome. Many of the quorum sensing-regulated genes code for putative virulence factors or production of secondary metabolites. Many of the genes identified showed a high level of induction by acyl-HSL signaling.


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The conserved two-component regulatory system GacS/GacA determines the expression of extracellular products and virulence factors in a variety of Gram-negative bacteria. In the biocontrol strain CHA0 of Pseudomonas fluorescens, the response regulator GacA is essential for the synthesis of extracellular protease (AprA) and secondary metabolites including hydrogen cyanide. GacA was found to exert its control on the hydrogen cyanide biosynthetic genes (hcnABC) and on the aprA gene indirectly via a posttranscriptional mechanism. Expression of a translational hcnA′-′lacZ fusion was GacA-dependent whereas a transcriptional hcnA-lacZ fusion was not. A distinct recognition site overlapping with the ribosome binding site appears to be primordial for GacA-steered regulation. GacA-dependence could be conferred to the Escherichia coli lacZ mRNA by a 3-bp substitution in the ribosome binding site. The gene coding for the global translational repressor RsmA of P. fluorescens was cloned. RsmA overexpression mimicked partial loss of GacA function and involved the same recognition site, suggesting that RsmA is a downstream regulatory element of the GacA control cascade. Mutational inactivation of the chromosomal rsmA gene partially suppressed a gacS defect. Thus, a central, GacA-dependent switch from primary to secondary metabolism may operate at the level of translation.