5 resultados para Lactobacillus crispatus EM-LC1

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Three of the four deoxynucleoside kinases required for growth of Lactobacillus acidophilus R-26 exist as heterodimeric pairs specific for deoxyadenosine (dAK) and deoxycytidine (dCK) or dAK and deoxyguanosine (dGK). However, only two tandem genes, dak/dgk, are found, and are expressed only as dAK/dGK in transformed Escherichia coli. Sequencing peptides spanning 63% of the native dCK subunit revealed a sequence identical to that deduced from dgk (beginning MTVIVL···), except that dCK lacks residues 2 and 3 (dCK is M··IVL; dGK is ·TVIVL). Also, mass spectrometry indicates that native dCK and dGK subunits are identical in mass adjusted for the first three residues. Furthermore, the native enzymes have identical isoelectric pH values, indicating an equal number of charged residues. To enable E. coli to express peptide having the native dCK sequence, codons 2 and 3 were deleted from the dgk portion of the tandem genes, resulting in expression of protein having the specificities and regulatory properties of native dAK/dCK, including heterotropic stimulation of dAK activity by deoxycytidine or dCTP (not deoxyguanosine or dGTP) and end-product inhibition of the respective activities by dATP and dCTP. Subcloning normal and mutant dgk yielded homodimeric dGK and dCK, respectively. The dCK homodimer strongly resembles human dCK, with a low Km for deoxycytidine, the ability to phosphorylate deoxyadenosine and deoxyguanosine at much higher Km values, and end-product inhibition by dCTP. Thus two distinct and specific enzymes evidently are derived from a single Lactobacillus gene. The mechanism by which this occurs in vivo has yet to be elucidated.


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Folylpolyglutamate synthetase, which is responsible for the addition of a polyglutamate tail to folate and folate derivatives, is an ATP-dependent enzyme isolated from eukaryotic and bacterial sources, where it plays a key role in the retention of the intracellular folate pool. Here, we report the 2.4-Å resolution crystal structure of the MgATP complex of the enzyme from Lactobacillus casei. The structural analysis reveals that folylpolyglutamate synthetase is a modular protein consisting of two domains, one with a typical mononucleotide-binding fold and the other strikingly similar to the folate-binding enzyme dihydrofolate reductase. We have located the active site of the enzyme in a large interdomain cleft adjacent to an ATP-binding P-loop motif. Opposite this site, in the C domain, a cavity likely to be the folate binding site has been identified, and inspection of this cavity and the surrounding protein structure suggests that the glutamate tail of the substrate may project into the active site. A further feature of the structure is a well defined Ω loop, which contributes both to the active site and to interdomain interactions. The determination of the structure of this enzyme represents the first step toward the elucidation of the molecular mechanism of polyglutamylation of folates and antifolates.


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In this study we investigated, using intravital microscopy, how neutrophil extravasation across mouse mesenteric postcapillary venules is inhibited by the glucocorticoid-regulated protein lipocortin (LC; also termed annexin) 1. Intraperitoneal injection of 1 mg of zymosan into mice induced neutrophil rolling on the activated mesenteric endothelium followed by adhesion (maximal at 2 hr: 5–6 cells per 100-μm of vessel length) and emigration (maximal at 4 hr: 8–10 cells per high-powered field). Treatment of mice with human recombinant LC1 (2 mg/kg s.c.) or its mimetic peptide Ac2–26 (13 mg/kg s.c.) did not modify cell rolling but markedly reduced (≥50%) the degree of neutrophil adhesion and emigration (P < 0.05). Intravenous treatment with peptide Ac2–26 (13 mg/kg) or recombinant human LC1 (0.7–2 mg/kg) promoted detachment of neutrophils adherent to the endothelium 2 hr after zymosan administration, with adherent cells detaching within 4.12 ± 0.75 min and 2.36 ± 0.31 min, respectively (n = 20–25 cells). Recruitment of newly adherent cells to the endothelium was unaffected. The structurally related protein LC5 was inactive in this assay, whereas a chimeric molecule constructed from the N terminus of LC1 (49 aa) attached to the core region of LC5 produced cell detachment with kinetics similar to LC1. Removal of adherent neutrophils from activated postcapillary endothelium is a novel pharmacological action, and it is at this site where LC1 and its mimetics operate to down-regulate this aspect of the host inflammatory response.


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Administration of Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 10 mg/kg i.v.) to male Wistar rats caused within 240 min (i) a sustained fall (approximately 30 mmHg) in mean arterial blood pressure, (ii) a reduction (> 75%) in the pressor responses to norepinephrine (1 microgram/kg i.v.), and (iii) an induction of nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) as measured in the lung. Dexamethasone (1 mg/kg i.p. at 2 h prior to LPS) attenuated the hypotension and the vascular hyporeactivity to norepinephrine and reduced (by approximately 77%) the expression of iNOS in the lung. These effects of dexamethasone were prevented by pretreatment of LPS-treated rats with a neutralizing antiserum to lipocortin 1 (anti-LC1; 60 mg/kg s.c. at 24 h prior to LPS) but not by a control nonimmune sheep serum. Stimulation of J774.2 macrophages with LPS (1 microgram/ml for 24 h) caused the expression of iNOS and cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) protein and significantly increased nitrite generation; this was prevented by dexamethasone (0.1 microM at 1 h prior to LPS), which also increased cell surface lipocortin 1. Pretreatment of J774.2 cells with anti-LC1 (1:60 dilution at 4 h prior to LPS) also abolished the inhibitory effect of dexamethasone on iNOS expression and nitrite accumulation but not that on COX-2 expression. A lipocortin 1 fragment (residues 1-188 of human lipocortin 1; 20 micrograms/ml at 1 h prior to LPS) also blocked iNOS in J774.2 macrophages activated by LPS (approximately 78% inhibition), and this too was prevented by anti-LC1. We conclude that the extracellular release of endogenous lipocortin 1 (i) mediates the inhibition by dexamethasone of the expression of iNOS, but not of COX-2, and (ii) contributes substantially to the beneficial actions of dexamethasone in rats with endotoxic shock.