5 resultados para LPL

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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We have identified a naturally occurring mutation in the promoter of the lipoprotein lipase (LPL) gene. One of 20 patients with familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCHL) and reduced levels of postheparin plasma LPL activity was found to be a heterozygote carrier of this mutation. The mutation, a T-->C substitution at nt -39, occurred in the binding site of the transcription factor Oct-1. As a result, the transcriptional activity of the mutant promoter was < 15% of wild type, as determined by transfection studies in the human macrophage-like cell line THP-1. This decrease in promoter activity was observed in undifferentiated as well as in phorbol ester-differentiated THP-1 cells. Furthermore, the inductive effect of elevating the levels of intracellular cAMP was equally reduced. This mutation was not present among 20 FCHL patients with normal plasma LPL levels nor has it been reported among individuals with familial LPL deficiency. Thus, heterozygosity for LPL promoter mutations may be one of several factors that contribute to the etiology of FCHL.


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Cathepsin B (CTSB) is overexpressed in tumors of the lung, prostate, colon, breast, and stomach. However, evidence of primary genomic alterations in the CTSB gene during tumor initiation or progression has been lacking. We have found a novel amplicon at 8p22–23 that results in CTSB overexpression in esophageal adenocarcinoma. Amplified genomic NotI–HinfI fragments were identified by two-dimensional DNA electrophoresis. Two amplified fragments (D4 and D5) were cloned and yielded unique sequences. Using bacterial artificial chromosome clones containing either D4 or D5, fluorescent in situ hybridization defined a single region of amplification involving chromosome bands 8p22–23. We investigated the candidate cancer-related gene CTSB, and potential coamplified genes from this region including farnesyl-diphosphate farnesyltransferase (FDFT1), arylamine N-acetyltransferase (NAT-1), lipoprotein lipase (LPL), and an uncharacterized expressed sequence tag (D8S503). Southern blot analysis of 66 esophageal adenocarcinomas demonstrated only CTSB and FDFT1 were consistently amplified in eight (12.1%) of the tumors. Neither NAT-1 nor LPL were amplified. Northern blot analysis showed overexpression of CTSB and FDFT1 mRNA in all six of the amplified esophageal adenocarcinomas analyzed. CTSB mRNA overexpression also was present in two of six nonamplified tumors analyzed. However, FDFT1 mRNA overexpression without amplification was not observed. Western blot analysis confirmed CTSB protein overexpression in tumor specimens with CTSB mRNA overexpression compared with either normal controls or tumors without mRNA overexpression. Abundant extracellular expression of CTSB protein was found in 29 of 40 (72.5%) of esophageal adenocarcinoma specimens by using immunohistochemical analysis. The finding of an amplicon at 8p22–23 resulting in CTSB gene amplification and overexpression supports an important role for CTSB in esophageal adenocarcinoma and possibly in other tumors.


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Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is the rate-limiting enzyme for the import of triglyceride-derived fatty acids by muscle, for utilization, and adipose tissue (AT), for storage. Relative ratios of LPL expression in these two tissues have therefore been suggested to determine body mass composition as well as play a role in the initiation and/or development of obesity. To test this, LPL knockout mice were mated to transgenics expressing LPL under the control of a muscle-specific promoter (MCK) to generate induced mutants with either relative (L2-MCK) or absolute AT LPL deficiency (L0-MCK). L0-MCK mice had normal weight gain and body mass composition. However, AT chemical composition indicated that LPL deficiency was compensated for by large increases in endogenous AT fatty acid synthesis. Histological analysis confirmed that such up-regulation of de novo fatty acid synthesis in L0-MCK mice could produce normal amounts of AT as early as 20 h after birth. To assess the role of AT LPL during times of profound weight gain, L0-MCK and L2-MCK genotypes were compared on the obese ob/ob background. ob/ob mice rendered deficient in AT LPL (L0-MCK-ob/ob) also demonstrated increased endogenous fatty acid synthesis but had diminished weight and fat mass. These findings reveal marked alterations in AT metabolism that occur during LPL deficiency and provide strong evidence for a role of AT LPL in one type of genetic obesity.


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Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is the central enzyme in plasma triglyceride hydrolysis. In vitro studies have shown that LPL also can enhance lipoprotein uptake into cells via pathways that are independent of catalytic activity but require LPL as a molecular bridge between lipoproteins and proteoglycans or receptors. To investigate whether this bridging function occurs in vivo, two transgenic mouse lines were established expressing a muscle creatine kinase promoter-driven human LPL (hLPL) minigene mutated in the catalytic triad (Asp156 to Asn). Mutated hLPL was expressed only in muscle and led to 3,100 and 3,500 ng/ml homodimeric hLPL protein in post-heparin plasma but no hLPL catalytic activity. Less than 5 ng/ml hLPL was found in preheparin plasma, indicating that proteoglycan binding of mutated LPL was not impaired. Expression of inactive LPL did not rescue LPL knock-out mice from neonatal death. On the wild-type (LPL2) background, inactive LPL decreased very low density lipoprotein (VLDL)-triglycerides. On the heterozygote LPL knock-out background (LPL1) background, plasma triglyceride levels were lowered 22 and 33% in the two transgenic lines. After injection of radiolabeled VLDL, increased muscle uptake was observed for triglyceride-derived fatty acids (LPL2, 1.7×; LPL1, 1.8×), core cholesteryl ether (LPL2, 2.3×; LPL1, 2.7×), and apolipoprotein (LPL1, 1.8×; significantly less than cholesteryl ether). Skeletal muscle from transgenic lines had a mitochondriopathy with glycogen accumulation similar to mice expressing active hLPL in muscle. In conclusion, it appears that inactive LPL can act in vivo to mediate VLDL removal from plasma and uptake into tissues in which it is expressed.


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Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is a key enzyme in the hydrolysis of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins. Conflicting results have been reported concerning its role in atherogenesis. To determine the effects of the overexpressed LPL on diet-induced atherosclerosis, we have generated low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) knockout mice that overexpressed human LPL transgene (LPL/LDLRKO) and compared their plasma lipoproteins and atherosclerosis with those in nonexpressing LDLR-knockout mice (LDLRKO). On a normal chow diet, LPL/LDLRKO mice showed marked suppression of mean plasma triglyceride levels (32 versus 236 mg/dl) and modest decrease in mean cholesterol levels (300 versus 386 mg/dl) as compared with LDLRKO mice. Larger lipoprotein particles of intermediate density lipoprotein (IDL)/LDL were selectively reduced in LPL/LDLRKO mice. On an atherogenic diet, both mice exhibited severe hypercholesterolemia. But, mean plasma cholesterol levels in LPL/ LDLRKO mice were still suppressed as compared with that in LDLRKO mice (1357 versus 2187 mg/dl). Marked reduction in a larger subfraction of IDL/LDL, which conceivably corresponds to remnant lipoproteins, was observed in the LPL/LDLRKO mice. LDLRKO mice developed severe fatty streak lesions in the aortic sinus after feeding with the atherogenic diet for 8 weeks. In contrast, mean lesion area in the LPL/LDLRKO mice was 18-fold smaller than that in LDLRKO mice. We suggest that the altered lipoprotein profile, in particular the reduced level of remnant lipoproteins, is mainly responsible for the protection by LPL against atherosclerosis.