20 resultados para L Seedlings

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Heat-acclimation or salicylic acid (SA) treatments were previously shown to induce thermotolerance in mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seedlings from 1.5 to 4 h after treatment. In the present study we investigated changes in endogenous SA and antioxidants in relation to induced thermotolerance. Thirty minutes into a 1-h heat-acclimation treatment glucosylated SA had increased 5.5-fold and then declined during the next 6 h. Increases in free SA were smaller (2-fold) but significant. Changes in antioxidants showed the following similarities after either heat-acclimation or SA treatment. The reduced-to-oxidized ascorbate ratio was 5-fold lower than the controls 1 h after treatment but recovered by 2 h. The glutathione pool became slightly more oxidized from 2 h after treatment. Glutathione reductase activity was more than 50% higher during the first 2 h. Activities of dehydroascorbate reductase and monodehydroascorbate reductase decreased by at least 25% during the first 2 h but were 20% to 60% higher than the control levels after 3 to 6 h. One hour after heat acclimation ascorbate peroxidase activity was increased by 30%. Young leaves appeared to be better protected by antioxidant enzymes following heat acclimation than the cotyledons or stem. Changes in endogenous SA and antioxidants may be involved in heat acclimation.


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Experiments were performed to confirm that the aldimine bond formation is a spontaneous reaction, because attempts to find an enzyme catalyzing the last decisive step in betaxanthin biosynthesis, the aldimine formation, failed. Feeding different amino acids to betalain-forming hairy root cultures of yellow beet (Beta vulgaris L. subsp. vulgaris “Golden Beet”) showed that all amino acids (S- and R-forms) led to the corresponding betaxanthins. We observed neither an amino acid specificity nor a stereoselectivity in this process. In addition, increasing the endogenous phenylalanine (Phe) level by feeding the Phe ammonia-lyase inhibitor 2-aminoindan 2-phosphonic acid yielded the Phe-derived betaxanthin. Feeding amino acids or 2-aminoindan 2-phosphonic acid to hypocotyls of fodder beet (B. vulgaris L. subsp. vulgaris “Altamo”) plants led to the same results. Furthermore, feeding cyclo-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-alanine (cyclo-Dopa) to these hypocotyls resulted in betanidin formation, indicating that the decisive step in betacyanin formation proceeds spontaneously. Finally, feeding betalamic acid to broad bean (Vicia faba L.) seedlings, which are known to accumulate high levels of Dopa but do not synthesize betaxanthins, resulted in the formation of dopaxanthin. These results indicate that the condensation of betalamic acid with amino acids (possibly including cyclo-Dopa or amines) in planta is a spontaneous, not an enzyme-catalyzed reaction.


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We studied the expression of three promoter 5′ deletion constructs (−218, −599, and −1312) of the LEA (late embryogenesis abundant)-class gene Dc3 fused to β-glucuronidase (GUS), where each construct value refers to the number of base pairs upstream of the transcription start site at which the deletion occurred. The Dc3 gene is noted for its induction by abscisic acid (ABA), but its response to other plant hormones and various environmental stresses has not been reported previously for vegetative cells. Fourteen-day-old transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) seedlings were exposed to dehydration, hypoxia, salinity, exogenous ethylene, or exogenous methyl jasmonate (MeJa). GUS activity was quantified fluorimetrically and expression was observed by histochemical staining of the seedlings. An increase in GUS activity was observed in plants with constructs −599 and −1312 in response to dehydration and salinity within 6 h of stress, and at 12 h in response to hypoxia. No increase in endogenous ABA was found in any of the three lines, even after 72 h of hypoxia. An ABA-independent increase in GUS activity was observed when endogenous ABA biosynthesis was blocked by fluridone and plants were exposed to 5 μL L−1 ethylene in air or 100 μm MeJa. Virtually no expression was observed in construct −218 in response to dehydration, salinity, or MeJa, but there was a moderate response to ethylene and hypoxia. This suggests that the region between −218 and −599 is necessary for ABA (dehydration and salinity)- and MeJa-dependent expression, whereas ethylene-mediated expression does not require this region of the promoter.


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Studies with 15N indicate that appreciable generation of NH4+ from endogenous sources accompanies the uptake and assimilation of exogenous NH4+ by roots. To identify the source of NH4+ generation, maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings were grown on 14NH4+ and then exposed for 3 d to highly labeled 15NH4+. More of the entering 15NH4+ was incorporated into the protein-N fraction of roots in darkness (approximately 25%) than in the light (approximately 14%). Although the 14NH4+ content of roots declined rapidly to less than 1 μmol per plant, efflux of 14NH4+ continued throughout the 3-d period at an average daily rate of 14 μmol per plant. As a consequence, cumulative 14NH4+ efflux during the 3-d period accounted for 25% of the total 14N initially present in the root. Although soluble organic 14N in roots declined during the 3-d period, insoluble 14N remained relatively constant. In shoots both soluble organic 14N and 14NH4+ declined, but a comparable increase in insoluble 14N was noted. Thus, total 14N in shoots remained constant, reflecting little or no net redistribution of 14N between shoots and roots. Collectively, these observations reveal that catabolism of soluble organic N, not protein N, is the primary source of endogenous NH4+ generation in maize roots.


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The role of acid secretion in regulating short-term changes in growth rate and wall extensibility was investigated in emerging first leaves of intact, water-stressed maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings. A novel approach was used to measure leaf responses to injection of water or solutions containing potential regulators of growth. Both leaf elongation and wall extensibility, as measured with a whole-plant creep extensiometer, increased dramatically within minutes of injecting water, 0.5 mm phosphate, or strong (50 mm) buffer solutions with pH ≤ 5.0 into the cell-elongation zone of water-stressed leaves. In contrast, injecting buffer solutions at pH ≥ 5.5 inhibited these fast responses. Solutions containing 0.5 mm orthovanadate or erythrosin B to inhibit wall acidification by plasma membrane H+-ATPases were also inhibitory. Thus, cell wall extensibility and leaf growth in water-stressed plants remained inhibited, despite the increased availability of (injected) water when accompanying increases in acid-induced wall loosening were prevented. However, growth was stimulated when pH 4.5 buffers were included with the vanadate injections. These findings suggest that increasing the availability of water to expanding cells in water-stressed leaves signals rapid increases in outward proton pumping by plasma membrane H+-ATPases. Resultant increases in cell wall extensibility participate in the regulation of water uptake, cell expansion, and leaf growth.


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Hypocotyls from etiolated cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings were gently abraded at their epidermal surface and cut segments were conditioned to develop competence for H2O2 elicitation. Alkaline hydrolysates of cutin from cucumber, tomato, and apple elicited H2O2 in such conditioned segments. The most active constituent of cucumber cutin was identified as dodecan-1-ol, a novel cutin monomer capable of forming hydrophobic terminal chains. Additionally, the cutin hydrolysates enhanced the activity of a fungal H2O2 elicitor, similar to cucumber surface wax, which contained newly identified alkan-1,3-diols. The specificity of elicitor and enhancement activity was further elaborated using some pure model compounds. Certain saturated hydroxy fatty acids were potent H2O2 elicitors as well as enhancers. Some unsaturated epoxy and hydroxy fatty acids were also excellent H2O2 elicitors but inhibited the fungal elicitor activity. Short-chain alkanols exhibited good elicitor and enhancer activity, whereas longer-chain alkan-1-ols were barely active. The enhancement effect was also observed for H2O2 elicitation by ergosterol and chitosan. The physiological significance of these observations might be that once the cuticle is degraded by fungal cutinase, the cutin monomers may act as H2O2 elicitors. Corrosion of cutin may also bring surface wax constituents in contact with protoplasts and enhance elicitation.


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To investigate the intracellular transport of sterols in etiolated leek (Allium porrum L.) seedlings, in vivo pulse-chase experiments with [1-14C]acetate were performed. Then, endoplasmic reticulum-, Golgi-, and plasma membrane (PM)-enriched fractions were prepared and analyzed for the radioactivity incorporated into free sterols. In leek seedlings sterols are present as a mixture in which (24R)-24-ethylcholest-5-en-3β-ol is by far the major compound (around 60%). The other sterols are represented by cholest-5-en-3β-ol, 24-methyl-cholest-5-en-3β-ol, (24S)-24-ethylcholesta-5,22E-dien-3β-ol, and stigmasta-5,24(241)Z-dien-3β-ol. These compounds are shown to reside mainly in the PM. Our results clearly indicate that free sterols are actively transported from the endoplasmic reticulum to the PM during the first 60 min of chase, with kinetics very similar to that of phosphatidylserine. Such a transport was found to be decreased at low temperature (12°C) and following treatment with monensin and brefeldin A. These data are consistent with a membrane-mediated process for the intracellular transport of sterols to the PM, which likely involves the Golgi apparatus.


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Spraying mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seedlings with salicylic acid (SA) solutions between 10 and 500 μm significantly improved their tolerance to a subsequent heat shock at 55°C for 1.5 h. The effects of SA were concentration dependent, with higher concentrations failing to induce thermotolerance. The time course of thermotolerance induced by 100 μm SA was similar to that obtained with seedlings acclimated at 45°C for 1 h. We examined the hypothesis that induced thermotolerance involved H2O2. Heat shock at 55°C caused a significant increase in endogenous H2O2 and reduced catalase activity. A peak in H2O2 content was observed within 5 min of either SA treatment or transfer to the 45°C acclimation temperature. Between 2 and 3 h after SA treatment or heat acclimation, both H2O2 and catalase activity significantly decreased below control levels. The lowered H2O2 content and catalase activity occurred in the period of maximum thermoprotection. It is suggested that thermoprotection obtained either by spraying SA or by heat acclimation may be achieved by a common signal transduction pathway involving an early increase in H2O2.


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We have developed and characterized a system to analyze light effects on auxin transport independent of photosynthetic effects. Polar transport of [3H]indole-3-acetic acid through hypocotyl segments from etiolated cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings was increased in seedlings grown in dim-red light (DRL) (0.5 μmol m−2 s−1) relative to seedlings grown in darkness. Both transport velocity and transport intensity (export rate) were increased by at least a factor of 2. Tissue formed in DRL completely acquired the higher transport capacity within 50 h, but tissue already differentiated in darkness acquired only a partial increase in transport capacity within 50 h of DRL, indicating a developmental window for light induction of commitment to changes in auxin transport. This light-induced change probably manifests itself by alteration of function of the auxin efflux carrier, as revealed using specific transport inhibitors. Relative to dark controls, DRL-grown seedlings were differentially less sensitive to two inhibitors of polar auxin transport, N-(naphth-1-yl) phthalamic acid and 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid. On the basis of these data, we propose that the auxin efflux carrier is a key target of light regulation during photomorphogenesis.


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Different approaches were utilized to investigate the mechanism by which fusicoccin (FC) induces the activation of the H+-ATPase in plasma membrane (PM) isolated from radish (Raphanus sativus L.) seedlings treated in vivo with (FC-PM) or without (C-PM) FC. Treatment of FC-PM with different detergents indicated that PM H+-ATPase and the FC-FC-binding-protein (FCBP) complex were solubilized to a similar extent. Fractionation of solubilized FC-PM proteins by a linear sucrose-density gradient showed that the two proteins comigrated and that PM H+-ATPase retained the activated state induced by FC. Solubilized PM proteins were also fractionated by a fast-protein liquid chromatography anion-exchange column. Comparison between C-PM and FC-PM indicated that in vivo treatment of the seedlings with FC caused different elution profiles; PM H+-ATPase from FC-PM was only partially separated from the FC-FCBP complex and eluted at a higher NaCl concentration than did PM H+-ATPase from C-PM. Western analysis of fast-protein liquid chromatography fractions probed with an anti-N terminus PM H+-ATPase antiserum and with an anti-14–3-3 antiserum indicated an FC-induced association of FCBP with the PM H+-ATPase. Analysis of the activation state of PM H+-ATPase in fractions in which the enzyme was partially separated from FCBP suggested that the establishment of an association between the two proteins was necessary to maintain the FC-induced activation of the enzyme.


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The response of the ascorbate-glutathione cycle was investigated in roots of young wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings that were deprived of oxygen either by subjecting them to root hypoxia or to entire plant anoxia and then re-aerated. Although higher total levels of ascorbate and glutathione were observed under hypoxia, only the total amount of ascorbate was increased under anoxia. Under both treatments a significant increase in the reduced form of ascorbate and glutathione was found, resulting in increased reduction states. Upon the onset of re-aeration the ratios started to decline rapidly, indicating oxidative stress. Hypoxia caused higher activity of ascorbate peroxidase, whereas activities of monodehydroascorbate reductase, dehydroascorbate reductase, and glutathione reductase were diminished or only slightly influenced. Under anoxia, activities of ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase decreased significantly to 39 and 62%, respectively. However, after re-aeration of hypoxically or anoxically pretreated roots, activity of enzymes approached the control levels. This corresponds with the restoration of the high reduction state of ascorbate and glutathione within 16 to 96 h of re-aeration, depending on the previous duration of anoxia. Apparently, anoxia followed by re-aeration more severely impairs entire plant metabolism compared with hypoxia, thus leading to decreased viability.


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An in vitro enzyme system for the conversion of amino acid to oxime in the biosynthesis of glucosinolates has been established by the combined use of an improved isolation medium and jasmonic acid-induced etiolated seedlings of Sinapis alba L. An 8-fold induction of de novo biosynthesis of the L-tyrosine-derived p-hydroxybenzylglucosinolate was obtained in etiolated S. alba seedlings upon treatment with jasmonic acid. Formation of inhibitory glucosinolate degradation products upon tissue homogenization was prevented by inactivation of myrosinase by addition of 100 mM ascorbic acid to the isolation buffer. The biosynthetically active microsomal enzyme system converted L-tyrosine into p-hydroxyphenylacetaldoxime and the production of oxime was strictly dependent on NADPH. The Km and Vmax values of the enzyme system were 346 microM and 538 pmol per mg of protein per h, respectively. The nature of the enzyme catalyzing the conversion of amino acid to oxime in the biosynthesis of glucosinolates has been subject of much speculation. In the present paper, we demonstrate the involvement of cytochrome P450 by photoreversible inhibition by carbon monoxide. The inhibitory effect of numerous cytochrome P450 inhibitors confirms the involvement of cytochrome P450. This provides experimental documentation of similarity between the enzymes converting amino acids into the corresponding oximes in the biosynthesis of glucosinolates and cyanogenic glycosides.


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The proline (Pro) concentration increases greatly in the growing region of maize (Zea mays L.) primary roots at low water potentials (ψw), largely as a result of an increased net rate of Pro deposition. Labeled glutamate (Glu), ornithine (Orn), or Pro was supplied specifically to the root tip of intact seedlings in solution culture at high and low ψw to assess the relative importance of Pro synthesis, catabolism, utilization, and transport in root-tip Pro deposition. Labeling with [3H]Glu indicated that Pro synthesis from Glu did not increase substantially at low ψw and accounted for only a small fraction of the Pro deposition. Labeling with [14C]Orn showed that Pro synthesis from Orn also could not be a substantial contributor to Pro deposition. Labeling with [3H]Pro indicated that neither Pro catabolism nor utilization in the root tip was decreased at low ψw. Pro catabolism occurred at least as rapidly as Pro synthesis from Glu. There was, however, an increase in Pro uptake at low ψw, which suggests increased Pro transport. Taken together, the data indicate that increased transport of Pro to the root tip serves as the source of low-ψw-induced Pro accumulation. The possible significance of Pro catabolism in sustaining root growth at low ψw is also discussed.


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Mitochondria are affected by low temperature during seedling establishment in maize (Zea mays L.). We evaluated the associated changes in the mitochondrial properties of populations selected for high (C4-H) and low (C4-L) germination levels at 9.5°C. When seedlings of the two populations were grown at 14°C (near the lower growth limit), the mitochondrial inner membranes of C4-H showed a higher percentage of 18-carbon unsaturated fatty acids, a higher fluidity, and a higher activity of cytochrome c oxidase. We found a positive relationship between these properties and the activity of a mitochondrial peroxidase, allowing C4-H to reduce lipid peroxidation relative to C4-L. The specific activity of reconstituted ATP/ADP translocase was positively associated with this peroxidase activity, suggesting that translocase activity is also affected by chilling. The level of oxidative stress and defense mechanisms are differently expressed in tolerant and susceptible populations when seedlings are grown at a temperature near the lower growth limit. Thus, the interaction between membrane lipids and cytochrome c oxidase seems to play a key role in maize chilling tolerance. Furthermore, the divergent-recurrent selection procedure apparently affects the allelic frequencies of genes controlling such an interaction.


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The enzymatic synthesis of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) from indole by an in vitro preparation from maize (Zea mays L.) that does not use tryptophan (Trp) as an intermediate is described. Light-grown seedlings of normal maize and the maize mutant orange pericarp were shown to contain the necessary enzymes to convert [14C]indole to IAA. The reaction was not inhibited by unlabeled Trp and neither [14C]Trp nor [14C]serine substituted for [14C]indole in this in vitro system. The reaction had a pH optimum greater than 8.0, required a reducing environment, and had an oxidation potential near that of ascorbate. The results obtained with this in vitro enzyme preparation provide strong, additional evidence for the presence of a Trp-independent IAA biosynthesis pathway in plants.