19 resultados para Kroesen, Justin E. A
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The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor is the prototype ligand-gated ion channel. A number of aromatic amino acids have been identified as contributing to the agonist binding site, suggesting that cation–π interactions may be involved in binding the quaternary ammonium group of the agonist, acetylcholine. Here we show a compelling correlation between: (i) ab initio quantum mechanical predictions of cation–π binding abilities and (ii) EC50 values for acetylcholine at the receptor for a series of tryptophan derivatives that were incorporated into the receptor by using the in vivo nonsense-suppression method for unnatural amino acid incorporation. Such a correlation is seen at one, and only one, of the aromatic residues—tryptophan-149 of the α subunit. This finding indicates that, on binding, the cationic, quaternary ammonium group of acetylcholine makes van der Waals contact with the indole side chain of α tryptophan-149, providing the most precise structural information to date on this receptor. Consistent with this model, a tethered quaternary ammonium group emanating from position α149 produces a constitutively active receptor.
As a step toward understanding their functional role, the low frequency vibrational motions (<300 cm−1) that are coupled to optical excitation of the primary donor bacteriochlorophyll cofactors in the reaction center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides were investigated. The pattern of hydrogen-bonding interaction between these bacteriochlorophylls and the surrounding protein was altered in several ways by mutation of single amino acids. The spectrum of low frequency vibrational modes identified by femtosecond coherence spectroscopy varied strongly between the different reaction center complexes, including between different mutants where the pattern of hydrogen bonds was the same. It is argued that these variations are primarily due to changes in the nature of the individual modes, rather than to changes in the charge distribution in the electronic states involved in the optical excitation. Pronounced effects of point mutations on the low frequency vibrational modes active in a protein-cofactor system have not been reported previously. The changes in frequency observed indicate a strong involvement of the protein in these nuclear motions and demonstrate that the protein matrix can increase or decrease the fluctuations of the cofactor along specific directions.
Ras proteins, key regulators of growth, differentiation, and malignant transformation, recently have been implicated in synaptic function and region-specific learning and memory functions in the brain. Rap proteins, members of the Ras small G protein superfamily, can inhibit Ras signaling through the Ras/Raf-1/mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway or, through B-Raf, can activate MAP kinase. Rap and Ras proteins both can be activated through guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs). Many Ras GEFs, but to date only one Rap GEF, have been identified. We now report the cloning of a brain-enriched gene, CalDAG-GEFI, which has substrate specificity for Rap1A, dual binding domains for calcium (Ca2+) and diacylglycerol (DAG), and enriched expression in brain basal ganglia pathways and their axon-terminal regions. Expression of CalDAG-GEFI activates Rap1A and inhibits Ras-dependent activation of the Erk/MAP kinase cascade in 293T cells. Ca2+ ionophore and phorbol ester strongly and additively enhance this Rap1A activation. By contrast, CalDAG-GEFII, a second CalDAG-GEF family member that we cloned and found identical to RasGRP [Ebinu, J. O., Bottorff, D. A., Chan, E. Y. W., Stang, S. L., Dunn, R. J. & Stone, J. C. (1998) Science 280, 1082–1088], exhibits a different brain expression pattern and fails to activate Rap1A, but activates H-Ras, R-Ras, and the Erk/MAP kinase cascade under Ca2+ and DAG modulation. We propose that CalDAG-GEF proteins have a critical neuronal function in determining the relative activation of Ras and Rap1 signaling induced by Ca2+ and DAG mobilization. The expression of CalDAG-GEFI and CalDAG-GEFII in hematopoietic organs suggests that such control may have broad significance in Ras/Rap regulation of normal and malignant states.
Anionic lipids play a variety of key roles in biomembrane function, including providing the immediate environment for the integral membrane proteins that catalyze photosynthetic and respiratory energy transduction. Little is known about the molecular basis of these lipid–protein interactions. In this study, x-ray crystallography has been used to examine the structural details of an interaction between cardiolipin and the photoreaction center, a key light-driven electron transfer protein complex found in the cytoplasmic membrane of photosynthetic bacteria. X-ray diffraction data collected over the resolution range 30.0–2.1 Å show that binding of the lipid to the protein involves a combination of ionic interactions between the protein and the lipid headgroup and van der Waals interactions between the lipid tails and the electroneutral intramembrane surface of the protein. In the headgroup region, ionic interactions involve polar groups of a number of residues, the protein backbone, and bound water molecules. The lipid tails sit along largely hydrophobic grooves in the irregular surface of the protein. In addition to providing new information on the immediate lipid environment of a key integral membrane protein, this study provides the first, to our knowledge, high-resolution x-ray crystal structure for cardiolipin. The possible significance of this interaction between an integral membrane protein and cardiolipin is considered.
Superoxide anion (O2−) plays a key role in the endogenous suppression of endothelium-derived nitric oxide (NO) bioactivity and has been implicated in the development of hypertension. In previous studies, we found that O2− is produced predominantly in the adventitia of isolated rabbit aorta and acts as a barrier to NO. In the present studies, we characterize the enzyme responsible for O2− production in the adventitia and show that this enzyme is a constitutively active NADPH oxidase with similar composition as the phagocyte NADPH oxidase. Constitutive O2−-generating activity was localized to aortic adventitial fibroblasts and was enhanced by the potent vasoconstrictor angiotensin II. Immunohistochemistry of aortic sections demonstrated the presence of p22phox, gp91phox, p47phox, and p67phox localized exclusively in rabbit aortic adventitia, coincident with the site of staining for O2− production. Furthermore, immunodepletion of p67phox from adventitial fibroblast particulates resulted in the loss of NADPH oxidase activity, which could be restored by the addition of recombinant p67phox. Further study into the regulation of this adventitial source of O2− is important in elucidating the mechanisms regulating the bioactivity of NO and may contribute to our understanding of the pathogenesis of hypertension.
Signal recognition particles (SRPs) in the cytosols of prokaryotes and eukaryotes are used to target proteins to cytoplasmic membranes and the endoplasmic reticulum, respectively. The mechanism of targeting relies on cotranslational SRP binding to hydrophobic signal sequences. An organellar SRP identified in chloroplasts (cpSRP) is unusual in that it functions posttranslationally to localize a subset of nuclear-encoded thylakoid proteins. In assays that reconstitute thylakoid integration of the light harvesting chlorophyll-binding protein (LHCP), stromal cpSRP binds LHCP posttranslationally to form a cpSRP/LHCP transit complex, which is believed to represent the LHCP form targeted to thylakoids. In this investigation, we have identified an 18-aa sequence motif in LHCP (L18) that, along with a hydrophobic domain, is required for transit complex formation. Fusion of L18 to the amino terminus of an endoplasmic reticulum-targeted protein, preprolactin, led to transit complex formation whereas wild-type preprolactin exhibited no ability to form a transit complex. In addition, a synthetic L18 peptide, which competed with LHCP for transit complex formation, caused a parallel inhibition of LHCP integration. Translocation of proteins by the thylakoid Sec and Delta pH transport systems was unaffected by the highest concentration of L18 peptide examined. Our data indicate that a motif contained in L18 functions in precursor recruitment to the posttranslational SRP pathway, one of at least four different thylakoid sorting pathways used by chloroplasts.
Agrin is a heparan sulfate proteoglycan that is widely expressed in neurons and microvascular basal lamina in the rodent and avian central nervous system. Agrin induces the differentiation of nerve-muscle synapses, but its function in either normal or diseased brains is not known. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by loss of synapses, changes in microvascular architecture, and formation of neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques. Here we have asked whether AD causes changes in the distribution and biochemical properties of agrin. Immunostaining of normal, aged human central nervous system revealed that agrin is expressed in neurons in multiple brain areas. Robust agrin immunoreactivity was observed uniformly in the microvascular basal lamina. In AD brains, agrin is highly concentrated in both diffuse and neuritic plaques as well as neurofibrillary tangles; neuronal expression of agrin also was observed. Furthermore, patients with AD had microvascular alterations characterized by thinning and fragmentation of the basal lamina. Detergent extraction and Western blotting showed that virtually all the agrin in normal brain is soluble in 1% SDS. In contrast, a large fraction of the agrin in AD brains is insoluble under these conditions, suggesting that it is tightly associated with β-amyloid. Together, these data indicate that the agrin abnormalities observed in AD are closely linked to β-amyloid deposition. These observations suggest that altered agrin expression in the microvasculature and the brain parenchyma contribute to the pathogenesis of AD.
Insulin negatively regulates expression of the insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1 (IGFBP-1) gene by means of an insulin-responsive element (IRE) that also contributes to glucocorticoid stimulation of this gene. We find that the Caenorhabditis elegans protein DAF-16 binds the IGFBP-1⋅IRE with specificity similar to that of the forkhead (FKH) factor(s) that act both to enhance glucocorticoid responsiveness and to mediate the negative effect of insulin at this site. In HepG2 cells, DAF-16 and its mammalian homologs, FKHR, FKHRL1, and AFX, activate transcription through the IGFBP-1⋅IRE; this effect is inhibited by the viral oncoprotein E1A, but not by mutants of E1A that fail to interact with the coactivator p300/CREB-binding protein (CBP). We show that DAF-16 and FKHR can interact with both the KIX and E1A/SRC interaction domains of p300/CBP, as well as the steroid receptor coactivator (SRC). A C-terminal deletion mutant of DAF-16 that is nonfunctional in C. elegans fails to bind the KIX domain of CBP, fails to activate transcription through the IGFBP-1⋅IRE, and inhibits activation of the IGFBP-1 promoter by glucocorticoids. Thus, the interaction of DAF-16 homologs with the KIX domain of CBP is essential to basal and glucocorticoid-stimulated transactivation. Although AFX interacts with the KIX domain of CBP, it does not interact with SRC and does not respond to glucocorticoids or insulin. Thus, we conclude that DAF-16 and FKHR act as accessory factors to the glucocorticoid response, by recruiting the p300/CBP/SRC coactivator complex to an FKH factor site in the IGFBP-1 promoter, which allows the cell to integrate the effects of glucocorticoids and insulin on genes that carry this site.
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a noninvasive technique to induce electric currents in the brain. Although rTMS is being evaluated as a possible alternative to electroconvulsive therapy for the treatment of refractory depression, little is known about the pattern of activation induced in the brain by rTMS. We have compared immediate early gene expression in rat brain after rTMS and electroconvulsive stimulation, a well-established animal model for electroconvulsive therapy. Our result shows that rTMS applied in conditions effective in animal models of depression induces different patterns of immediate-early gene expression than does electroconvulsive stimulation. In particular, rTMS evokes strong neural responses in the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (PVT) and in other regions involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms. The response in PVT is independent of the orientation of the stimulation probe relative to the head. Part of this response is likely because of direct activation, as repetitive magnetic stimulation also activates PVT neurons in brain slices.
5′-End fragments of two genes encoding plastid-localized acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase; EC of wheat (Triticum aestivum) were cloned and sequenced. The sequences of the two genes, Acc-1,1 and Acc-1,2, are 89% identical. Their exon sequences are 98% identical. The amino acid sequence of the biotin carboxylase domain encoded by Acc-1,1 and Acc-1,2 is 93% identical with the maize plastid ACCase but only 80–84% identical with the cytosolic ACCases from other plants and from wheat. Four overlapping fragments of cDNA covering the entire coding region were cloned by PCR and sequenced. The wheat plastid ACCase ORF contains 2,311 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 255 kDa. A putative transit peptide is present at the N terminus. Comparison of the genomic and cDNA sequences revealed introns at conserved sites found in the genes of other plant multifunctional ACCases, including two introns absent from the wheat cytosolic ACCase genes. Transcription start sites of the plastid ACCase genes were estimated from the longest cDNA clones obtained by 5′-RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends). The untranslated leader sequence encoded by the Acc-1 genes is at least 130–170 nucleotides long and is interrupted by an intron. Southern analysis indicates the presence of only one copy of the gene in each ancestral chromosome set. The gene maps near the telomere on the short arm of chromosomes 2A, 2B, and 2D. Identification of three different cDNAs, two corresponding to genes Acc-1,1 and Acc-1,2, indicates that all three genes are transcriptionally active.
Ca2+ sensitization of smooth muscle contraction involves inhibition of myosin light chain phosphatase (SMPP-1M) and enhanced myosin light chain phosphorylation. Inhibition of SMPP-1M is modulated through phosphorylation of the myosin targeting subunit (MYPT1) by either Rho-associated kinase (ROK) or an unknown SMPP-1M-associated kinase. Activated ROK is predominantly membrane-associated and its putative substrate, SMPP-1M, is mainly myofibrillar-associated. This raises a conundrum about the mechanism of interaction between these enzymes. We present ZIP-like kinase, identified by “mixed-peptide Edman sequencing after affinity purification, as the previously unidentified SMPP-1M-associated kinase. ZIP-like kinase was shown to associate with MYPT1 and phosphorylate the inhibitory site in intact smooth muscle. Phosphorylation of ZIP-like kinase was associated with an increase in kinase activity during carbachol stimulation, suggesting that the enzyme may be a terminal member of a Ca2+ sensitizing kinase cascade.
Oncoprotein18/stathmin (Op18) is a microtubule (MT) destabilizing protein that is inactivated during mitosis by phosphorylation at four Ser-residues. Op18 has at least two functions; the N-terminal region is required for catastrophe-promotion (i.e., transition from elongation to shortening), while the C-terminal region is required to inhibit MT-polymerization rate in vitro. We show here that a “pseudophosphorylation” derivative of Op18 (i.e., four Ser- to Glu-substitutions at phosphorylation sites) exhibits a selective loss of catastrophe-promoting activity. This is contrasted to authentic phosphorylation, which efficiently attenuates all activities except tubulin binding. In intact cells, overexpression of pseudophosphorylated Op18, which is not phosphorylated by endogenous kinases, is shown to destabilize interphase MTs but to leave spindle formation untouched. To test if the mitotic spindle is sensitive only to the catastrophe-promoting activity of Op18 and resistant to C-terminally associated activities, N- and C-terminal truncations with defined activity-profiles were employed. The cell-cycle phenotypes of nonphosphorylatable mutants (i.e., four Ser- to Ala-substitutions) of these truncation derivatives demonstrated that catastrophe promotion is required for interference with the mitotic spindle, while the C-terminally associated activities are sufficient to destabilize interphase MTs. These results demonstrate that specific Op18 derivatives with defined activity-profiles can be used as probes to distinguish interphase and mitotic MTs.
Schizophrenia is a serious brain disease of uncertain etiology. A role for retroviruses in the etiopathogenesis of some cases of schizophrenia has been postulated on the basis of clinical and epidemiological observations. We found sequences homologous to retroviral pol genes in the cell-free cerebrospinal fluids (CSFs) of 10 of 35 (29%) individuals with recent-onset schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. Retroviral sequences also were identified in the CSFs of 1 of 20 individuals with chronic schizophrenia. However, retroviral sequences were not identified in any of the CSFs obtained from 22 individuals with noninflammatory neurological diseases or from 30 individuals without evidence of neurological or psychiatric diseases (χ2 = 19.25, P < 0.001). The nucleotide sequences identified in the CSFs of the individuals with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder were related to those of the human endogenous retroviral (HERV)-W family of endogenous retroviruses and to other retroviruses in the murine leukemia virus genus. Transcription of RNA homologous to members of the HERV-W family of retroviruses also was found to be up-regulated differentially in the frontal cortex regions of brains obtained postmortem from individuals with schizophrenia, as compared with corresponding tissue from individuals without psychiatric diseases. The transcriptional activation of certain retroviral elements within the central nervous system may be associated with the development of schizophrenia in at least some individuals. The further characterization of retroviral elements within the central nervous system of individuals with schizophrenia might lead to improved methods for the diagnosis and management of this disorder.
The cAMP-response element-binding protein (CREB)-binding protein and p300 are two highly conserved transcriptional coactivators and histone acetyltransferases that integrate signals from diverse signal transduction pathways in the nucleus and also link chromatin remodeling with transcription. In this report, we have examined the role of p300 in the control of the G1 phase of the cell cycle in nontransformed immortalized human breast epithelial cells (MCF10A) and fibroblasts (MSU) by using adenovirus vectors expressing p300-specific antisense sequences. Quiescent MCF10A and MSU cells expressing p300-specific antisense sequences synthesized p300 at much reduced levels and exited G1 phase without serum stimulation. These cells also showed an increase in cyclin A and cyclin A- and E-associated kinase activities characteristic of S phase induction. Further analysis of the p300-depleted quiescent MCF10A cells revealed a 5-fold induction of c-MYC and a 2-fold induction of c-JUN. A direct target of c-MYC, CAD, which is required for DNA synthesis, was also found to be up-regulated, indicating that up-regulation of c-MYC functionally contributed to DNA synthesis. Furthermore, S phase induction in p300-depleted cells was reversed when antisense c-MYC was expressed in these cells, indicating that up-regulation of c-MYC may directly contribute to S phase induction. Adenovirus E1A also induced DNA synthesis and increased the levels of c-MYC and c-JUN in serum-starved MCF10A cells in a p300-dependent manner. Our results suggest an important role of p300 in cell cycle regulation at G1 and raise the possibility that p300 may negatively regulate early response genes, including c-MYC and c-JUN, thereby preventing DNA synthesis in quiescent cells.
Systemin-mediated defense signaling in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) plants is analogous to the cytokine-mediated inflammatory response in animals. Herein, we report that the initiation of defense signaling in suspension-cultured cells of Lycopersicon peruvianum by the peptide systemin, as well as by chitosan and β-glucan elicitor from Phytophtora megasperma, is inhibited by the polysulfonated naphtylurea compound suramin, a known inhibitor of cytokine and growth factor receptor interactions in animal cells. Using a radioreceptor assay, we show that suramin interfered with the binding of the systemin analog 125I-Tyr-2,Ala-15-systemin to the systemin receptor with an IC50 of 160 μM. Additionally, labeling of the systemin receptor with a photoaffinity analog of systemin was inhibited in the presence of suramin. Receptor-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of a 48-kDa mitogen-activated protein kinase and alkalinization of the medium of suspension-cultured cells in response to systemin and carbohydrate elicitors were also inhibited by suramin. The inhibition of medium alkalinization by suramin was reversible in the presence of high concentrations of systemin and carbohydrate elicitors. Calyculin A and erythrosin B, intracellular inhibitors of phosphatases and plasma membrane proton ATPases, respectively, both induce medium alkalinization, but neither response was inhibited by suramin. The polysulfonated compound heparin did not inhibit systemin-induced medium alkalinization. NF 007, a suramin derivative, induced medium alkalinization, indicating that neither NF 007 nor heparin interact with elicitor receptors like suramin. The data indicate that cell-surface receptors in plants show some common structural features with animal cytokine and growth factor receptors that can interact with suramin to interfere with ligand binding.