11 resultados para Kidney function tests
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
The human 15-lipoxygenase (15-LO) gene was transfected into rat kidneys in vivo via intra-renal arterial injection. Three days later, acute (passive) or accelerated forms of antiglomerular basement membrane antibody-mediated glomerulonephritis were induced in transfected and nontransfected or sham-transfected controls. Studies of glomerular functions (filtration and protein excretion) and ex vivo glomerular leukotriene B4 biosynthesis at 3 hr, and up to 4 days, after induction of nephritis revealed preservation or normalization of these parameters in transfected kidneys that expressed human 15-LO mRNA and mature protein, but not in contralateral control kidneys or sham-transfected animals. The results provide in vivo-derived data supporting a direct anti-inflammatory role for 15-LO during immune-mediated tissue injury.
The recessive mouse mutant Mpv17 is characterized by the development of early-onset glomerulosclerosis, concomitant hypertension, and structural alterations of the inner ear. The primary cause of the disease is the loss of function of the Mpv17 protein, a peroxisomal gene product involved in reactive oxygen metabolism. In our search of a common mediator exerting effects on several aspects of the phenotype, we discovered that the absence of the Mpv17 gene product causes a strong increase in matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) expression. This was seen in the kidney and cochlea of Mpv17-negative mice as well as in tissue culture cells derived from these animals. When these cells were transfected with the human Mpv17 homolog, an inverse causal relationship between Mpv17 and MMP-2 expression was established. These results indicate that the Mpv17 protein plays a crucial role in the regulation of MMP-2 and suggest that enhanced MMP-2 expression might mediate the mechanisms leading to glomerulosclerosis, inner ear disease, and hypertension in this model.
To examine the trafficking, assembly, and turnover of connexin43 (Cx43) in living cells, we used an enhanced red-shifted mutant of green fluorescent protein (GFP) to construct a Cx43-GFP chimera. When cDNA encoding Cx43-GFP was transfected into communication-competent normal rat kidney cells, Cx43-negative Madin–Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, or communication-deficient Neuro2A or HeLa cells, the fusion protein of predicted length was expressed, transported, and assembled into gap junctions that exhibited the classical pentalaminar profile. Dye transfer studies showed that Cx43-GFP formed functional gap junction channels when transfected into otherwise communication-deficient HeLa or Neuro2A cells. Live imaging of Cx43-GFP in MDCK cells revealed that many gap junction plaques remained relatively immobile, whereas others coalesced laterally within the plasma membrane. Time-lapse imaging of live MDCK cells also revealed that Cx43-GFP was transported via highly mobile transport intermediates that could be divided into two size classes of <0.5 μm and 0.5–1.5 μm. In some cases, the larger intracellular Cx43-GFP transport intermediates were observed to form from the internalization of gap junctions, whereas the smaller transport intermediates may represent other routes of trafficking to or from the plasma membrane. The localization of Cx43-GFP in two transport compartments suggests that the dynamic formation and turnover of connexins may involve at least two distinct pathways.
The function of acidification along the endocytic pathway is not well understood, in part because the perturbants used to modify compartmental pH have global effects and in some cases alter cytoplasmic pH. We have used a new approach to study the effect of pH perturbation on postendocytic traffic in polarized Madin–Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. Influenza M2 is a small membrane protein that functions as an acid-activated ion channel and can elevate the pH of the trans-Golgi network and endosomes. We used recombinant adenoviruses to express the M2 protein of influenza virus in polarized MDCK cells stably transfected with the polymeric immunoglobulin (Ig) receptor. Using indirect immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy, M2 was found to be concentrated at the apical plasma membrane and in subapical vesicles; intracellular M2 colocalized partly with internalized IgA in apical recycling endosomes as well as with the trans-Golgi network marker TGN-38. Expression of M2 slowed the rate of IgA transcytosis across polarized MDCK monolayers. The delay in transport occurred after IgA reached the apical recycling endosome, consistent with the localization of intracellular M2. Apical recycling of IgA was also slowed in the presence of M2, whereas basolateral recycling of transferrin and degradation of IgA were unaffected. By contrast, ammonium chloride affected both apical IgA and basolateral transferrin release. Together, our data suggest that M2 expression selectively perturbs acidification in compartments involved in apical delivery without disrupting other postendocytic transport steps.
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and nitric oxide (NO) are key regulators of ion and water transport in the kidney. Here, we report that these cGMP-elevating hormones stimulate Ca2+ reabsorption via a novel mechanism specifically involving type II cGMP-dependent protein kinase (cGK II). ANP and the NO donor, sodium nitroprusside (SNP), markedly increased Ca2+ uptake in freshly immunodissected rabbit connecting tubules (CNT) and cortical collecting ducts (CCD). Although readily increasing cGMP, ANP and SNP did not affect Ca2+ and Na+ reabsorption in primary cultures of these segments. Immunoblot analysis demonstrated that cGK II, and not cGK I, was present in freshly isolated CNT and CCD but underwent a complete down-regulation during the primary cell culture. However, upon adenoviral reexpression of cGK II in primary cultures, ANP, SNP, and 8-Br-cGMP readily increased Ca2+ reabsorption. In contrast, no cGMP-dependent effect on electrogenic Na+ transport was observed. The membrane localization of cGK II proved to be crucial for its action, because a nonmyristoylated cGK II mutant that was shown to be localized in the cytosol failed to mediate ANP-stimulated Ca2+ transport. The Ca2+-regulatory function of cGK II appeared isotype-specific because no cGMP-mediated increase in Ca2+ transport was observed after expression of the cytosolic cGK Iβ or a membrane-bound cGK II/Iβ chimer. These results demonstrate that ANP- and NO-stimulated Ca2+ reabsorption requires membrane-targeted cGK II.
The subclass Theria of Mammalia includes marsupials (infraclass Metatheria) and placentals (infraclass Eutheria). Within each group, interordinal relationships remain unclear. One limitation of many studies is incomplete ordinal representation. Here, we analyze DNA sequences for part of exon 1 of the interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein gene, including 10 that are newly reported, for representatives of all therian orders. Among placentals, the most robust clades are Cetartiodactyla, Paenungulata, and an expanded African clade that includes paenungulates, tubulidentates, and macroscelideans. Anagalida, Archonta, Altungulata, Hyracoidea + Perissodactyla, Ungulata, and the “flying primate” hypothesis are rejected by statistical tests. Among marsupials, the most robust clade includes all orders except Didelphimorphia. The phylogenetic placement of the monito del monte and the marsupial mole remains unclear. However, the marsupial mole sequence contains three frameshift indels and numerous stop codons in all three reading frames. Given that the interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein gene is a single-copy gene that functions in the visual cycle and that the marsupial mole is blind with degenerate eyes, this finding suggests that phenotypic degeneration of the eyes is accompanied by parallel changes at the molecular level as a result of relaxed selective constraints.
The MAL proteolipid, a component of the integral protein sorting machinery, has been demonstrated as being necessary for normal apical transport of the influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) and the overall apical membrane proteins in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. The MAL carboxy terminus ends with the sequence Arg-Trp-Lys-Ser-Ser (RWKSS), which resembles dilysine-based motifs involved in protein sorting. To investigate whether the RWKSS pentapeptide plays a role in modulating the distribution of MAL and/or its function in apical transport, we have expressed MAL proteins with distinct carboxy terminus in MDCK cells whose apical transport was impaired by depletion of endogenous MAL. Apical transport of HA was restored to normal levels by expression of MAL with an intact but not with modified carboxyl terminal sequences bearing mutations that impair the functioning of dilysine-based sorting signals, although all the MAL proteins analyzed incorporated efficiently into lipid rafts. Ultrastructural analysis indicated that compared with MAL bearing an intact RWKSS sequence, a mutant with lysine −3 substituted by serine showed a twofold increased presence in clathrin-coated cytoplasmic structures and a reduced expression on the plasma membrane. These results indicate that the carboxyl-terminal RWKSS sequence modulates the distribution of MAL in clathrin-coated elements and is necessary for HA transport to the apical surface.
Disruption of guanylyl cyclase-A (GC-A) results in mice displaying an elevated blood pressure, which is not altered by high or low dietary salt. However, atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), a proposed ligand for GC-A, has been suggested as critical for the maintenance of normal blood pressure during high salt intake. In this report, we show that infusion of ANP results in substantial natriuresis and diuresis in wild-type mice but fails to cause significant changes in sodium excretion or urine output in GC-A-deficient mice. ANP, therefore, appears to signal through GC-A in the kidney. Other natriuretic/diuretic factors could be released from the heart. Therefore, acute volume expansion was used as a means to cause release of granules from the atrium of the heart. That granule release occurred was confirmed by measurements of plasma ANP concentrations, which were markedly elevated in both wild-type and GC-A-null mice. After volume expansion, urine output as well as urinary sodium and cyclic GMP excretion increased rapidly and markedly in wild-type mice, but the rapid increases were abolished in GC-A-deficient animals. These results strongly suggest that natriuretic/diuretic factors released from the heart function exclusively through GC-A.
The hypothesis that age-associated impairment of cognitive and motor functions is due to oxidative molecular damage was tested in the mouse. In a blind study, senescent mice (aged 22 months) were subjected to a battery of behavioral tests for motor and cognitive functions and subsequently assayed for oxidative molecular damage as assessed by protein carbonyl concentration in different regions of the brain. The degree of age-related impairment in each mouse was determined by comparison to a reference group of young mice (aged 4 months) tested concurrently on the behavioral battery. The age-related loss of ability to perform a spatial swim maze task was found to be positively correlated with oxidative molecular damage in the cerebral cortex, whereas age-related loss of motor coordination was correlated with oxidative molecular damage within the cerebellum. These results support the view that oxidative stress is a causal factor in brain senescence. Furthermore, the findings suggest that age-related declines of cognitive and motor performance progress independently, and involve oxidative molecular damage within different regions of the brain.