17 resultados para Just-in-time (manufacturing system)

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Recent studies of corticofugal modulation of auditory information processing indicate that cortical neurons mediate both a highly focused positive feedback to subcortical neurons “matched” in tuning to a particular acoustic parameter and a widespread lateral inhibition to “unmatched” subcortical neurons. This cortical function for the adjustment and improvement of subcortical information processing is called egocentric selection. Egocentric selection enhances the neural representation of frequently occurring signals in the central auditory system. For our present studies performed with the big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus), we hypothesized that egocentric selection adjusts the frequency map of the inferior colliculus (IC) according to auditory experience based on associative learning. To test this hypothesis, we delivered acoustic stimuli paired with electric leg stimulation to the bat, because such paired stimuli allowed the animal to learn that the acoustic stimulus was behaviorally important and to make behavioral and neural adjustments based on the acquired importance of the acoustic stimulus. We found that acoustic stimulation alone evokes a change in the frequency map of the IC; that this change in the IC becomes greater when the acoustic stimulation is made behaviorally relevant by pairing it with electrical stimulation; that the collicular change is mediated by the corticofugal system; and that the IC itself can sustain the change evoked by the corticofugal system for some time. Our data support the hypothesis.


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The dichotomy between two groups of workers on neuroelectrical activity is retarding progress. To study the interrelations between neuronal unit spike activity and compound field potentials of cell populations is both unfashionable and technically challenging. Neither of the mutual disparagements is justified: that spikes are to higher functions as the alphabet is to Shakespeare and that slow field potentials are irrelevant epiphenomena. Spikes are not the basis of the neural code but of multiple codes that coexist with nonspike codes. Field potentials are mainly information-rich signs of underlying processes, but sometimes they are also signals for neighboring cells, that is, they exert influence. This paper concerns opportunities for new research with many channels of wide-band (spike and slow wave) recording. A wealth of structure in time and three-dimensional space is different at each scale—micro-, meso-, and macroactivity. The depth of our ignorance is emphasized to underline the opportunities for uncovering new principles. We cannot currently estimate the relative importance of spikes and synaptic communication vs. extrasynaptic graded signals. In spite of a preponderance of literature on the former, we must consider the latter as probably important. We are in a primitive stage of looking at the time series of wide-band voltages in the compound, local field, potentials and of choosing descriptors that discriminate appropriately among brain loci, states (functions), stages (ontogeny, senescence), and taxa (evolution). This is not surprising, since the brains in higher species are surely the most complex systems known. They must be the greatest reservoir of new discoveries in nature. The complexity should not deter us, but a dose of humility can stimulate the flow of imaginative juices.


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Gangliosides, sialic acid-containing glycosphingolipids, are abundant in the vertebrate (mammalian) nervous system. Their composition is spatially and developmentally regulated, and gangliosides have been widely believed to lay essential roles in establishment of the nervous system, especially in neuritogenesis and synaptogenesis. However, this has never been tested directly. Here we report the generation of mice with a disrupted beta 1,4-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (GM2/GD2 synthase; EC gene. The mice lacked all complex gangliosides. Nevertheless, they did not show any major histological defects in their nervous systems or in gross behavior. Just a slight reduction in the neural conduction velocity from the tibial nerve to the somatosensory cortex, but not to the lumbar spine, was detected. These findings suggest that complex gangliosides are required in neuronal functions but not in the morphogenesis and organogenesis of the brain. The higher levels of GM3 and GD3 expressed in the brains of these mutant mice may be able to compensate for the lack of complex gangliosides.


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The hippocampus and septum play central roles in one of the most important spheres of brain function: learning and memory. Although their topographic connections have been known for two decades and topography may be critical for cognitive functions, the basis for hippocamposeptal topographic projection is unknown. We now report for the first time that Elf-1, a membrane-bound eph family ligand, is a candidate molecular tag for the genesis of the hippocamposeptal topographic projection. Elf-1 is expressed in an increasing gradient from dorsal to ventral septum. Furthermore, Elf-1 selectively allows growth of neurites from topographically appropriate lateral hippocampal neurons, while inhibiting neurite outgrowth by medial hippocampal neurons. Complementary to the expression of Elf-1, an eph family receptor, Bsk, is expressed in the hippocampus in a lateral to medial gradient, consistent with a function as a receptor for Elf-1. Further, Elf-1 specifically bound Bsk, eliciting tyrosine kinase activity. We conclude that the Elf-1/Bsk ligand-receptor pair exhibits traits of a chemoaffinity system for the organization of hippocamposeptal topographic projections.


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Familial multiple system tauopathy with presenile dementia (MSTD) is a neurodegenerative disease with an abundant filamentous tau protein pathology. It belongs to the group of familial frontotemporal dementias with Parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17), a major class of inherited dementing disorders whose genetic basis is unknown. We now report a G to A transition in the intron following exon 10 of the gene for microtubule-associated protein tau in familial MSTD. The mutation is located at the 3′ neighboring nucleotide of the GT splice-donor site and disrupts a predicted stem-loop structure. We also report an abnormal preponderance of soluble tau protein isoforms with four microtubule-binding repeats over isoforms with three repeats in familial MSTD. This most likely accounts for our previous finding that sarkosyl-insoluble tau protein extracted from the filamentous deposits in familial MSTD consists only of tau isoforms with four repeats. These findings reveal that a departure from the normal ratio of four-repeat to three-repeat tau isoforms leads to the formation of abnormal tau filaments. The results show that dysregulation of tau protein production can cause neurodegeneration and imply that the FTDP-17 gene is the tau gene. This work has major implications for Alzheimer’s disease and other tauopathies.


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Endothelial-selective delivery of therapeutic agents, such as drugs or genes, would provide a useful tool for modifying vascular function in various disease states. A potential molecular target for such delivery is E-selectin, an endothelial-specific cell surface molecule expressed at sites of activation in vivo and inducible in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) by treatment with cytokines such as recombinant human interleukin 1β (IL-1β). Liposomes of various types (classical, sterically stabilized, cationic, pH-sensitive), each conjugated with mAb H18/7, a murine monoclonal antibody that recognizes the extracellular domain of E-selectin, bound selectively and specifically to IL-1β-activated HUVEC at levels up to 275-fold higher than to unactivated HUVEC. E-selectin-targeted immunoliposomes appeared in acidic, perinuclear vesicles 2–4 hr after binding to the cell surface, consistent with internalization via the endosome/lysosome pathway. Activated HUVEC incubated with E-selectin-targeted immunoliposomes, loaded with the cytotoxic agent doxorubicin, exhibited significantly decreased cell survival, whereas unactivated HUVEC were unaffected by such treatment. These results demonstrate the feasibility of exploiting cell surface activation markers for the endothelial-selective delivery of biologically active agents via immunoliposomes. Application of this targeting approach in vivo may lead to novel therapeutic strategies in the treatment of cardiovascular disease.


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The specificity of the yeast proprotein-processing Kex2 protease was examined in vivo by using a sensitive, quantitative assay. A truncated prepro-α-factor gene encoding an α-factor precursor with a single α-factor repeat was constructed with restriction sites for cassette mutagenesis flanking the single Kex2 cleavage site (-SLDKR↓EAEA-). All of the 19 substitutions for the Lys (P2) residue in the cleavage site were made. The wild-type and mutant precursors were expressed in a yeast strain lacking the chromosomal genes encoding Kex2 and prepro-α-factor. Cleavage of the 20 sites by Kex2, expressed at the wild-type level, was assessed by using a quantitative-mating assay with an effective range greater than six orders of magnitude. All substitutions for Lys at P2 decreased mating, from 2-fold for Arg to >106-fold for Trp. Eviction of the Kex2-encoding plasmid indicated that cleavage of mutant sites by other cellular proteases was not a complicating factor. Mating efficiencies of strains expressing the mutant precursors correlated well with the specificity (kcat/KM) of purified Kex2 for comparable model peptide substrates, validating the in vivo approach as a quantitative method. The results support the conclusion that KM, which is heavily influenced by the nature of the P2 residue, is a major determinant of cleavage efficiency in vivo. P2 preference followed the rank order: Lys > Arg > Thr > Pro > Glu > Ile > Ser > Ala > Asn > Val > Cys > AsP > Gln > Gly > His > Met > Leu > Tyr > Phe > Trp.


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Mathematical analysis of the subthreshold oscillatory properties of inferior olivary neurons in vitro indicates that the oscillation is nonlinear and supports low dimensional chaotic dynamics. This property leads to the generation of complex functional states that can be attained rapidly via phase coherence that conform to the category of “generalized synchronization.” Functionally, this translates into neuronal ensemble properties that can support maximum functional permissiveness and that rapidly can transform into robustly determined multicellular coherence.


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In this study the interplay of mitochondria and peroxisomes in photorespiration was simulated in a reconstituted system of isolated mitochondria and peroxisomes from spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) leaves. The mitochondria oxidizing glycine produced serine, which was reduced in the peroxisomes to glycerate. The required reducing equivalents were provided by the mitochondria via the malate-oxaloacetate (OAA) shuttle, in which OAA was reduced in the mitochondrial matrix by NADH generated during glycine oxidation. The rate of peroxisomal glycerate formation, as compared with peroxisomal protein, resembled the corresponding rate required during leaf photosynthesis under ambient conditions. When the reconstituted system produced glycerate at this rate, the malate-to-OAA ratio was in equilibrium with a ratio of NADH/NAD of 8.8 × 10−3. This low ratio is in the same range as the ratio of NADH/NAD in the cytosol of mesophyll cells of intact illuminated spinach leaves, as we had estimated earlier. This result demonstrates that in the photorespiratory cycle a transfer of redox equivalents from the mitochondria to peroxisomes, as postulated from separate experiments with isolated mitochondria and peroxisomes, can indeed operate under conditions of the very low reductive state of the NADH/NAD system prevailing in the cytosol of mesophyll cells in a leaf during photosynthesis.


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In insects, neurotransmitter catabolism, melatonin precursor formation, and sclerotization involve arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (aaNAT, EC activity. It is not known if one or multiple aaNAT enzymes are responsible for these activities. We recently have purified an aaNAT from Drosophila melanogaster. Here, we report the cloning of the corresponding aaNAT cDNA (aaNAT1) that upon COS cell expression acetylates dopamine, tryptamine, and the immediate melatonin precursor serotonin. aaNAT1 represents a novel gene family unrelated to known acetyl-transferases, except in two weakly conserved amino acid motifs. In situ hybridization studies of aaNAT1 mRNA in embryos reveal hybridization signals in the brain, the ventral cord, the gut, and probably in oenocytes, indicating a broad tissue distribution of aaNAT1 transcripts. Moreover, in day/ night studies we demonstrate a diurnal rhythm of melatonin concentration without a clear-cut change in aaNAT1 mRNA levels. The data suggest that tissue-specific regulation of aaNAT1 may be associated with different enzymatic functions and do not exclude the possibility of additional aaNAT genes.