14 resultados para Iron Metabolism
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
The puzzling linkage between genetic hemochromatosis and histocompatibility loci became even more so when the gene involved, HFE, was identified. Indeed, within the well defined, mainly peptide-binding, MHC class I family of molecules, HFE seems to perform an unusual yet essential function. As yet, our understanding of HFE function in iron homeostasis is only partial; an even more open question is its possible role in the immune system. To advance on both of these avenues, we report the deletion of HFE α1 and α2 putative ligand binding domains in vivo. HFE-deficient animals were analyzed for a comprehensive set of metabolic and immune parameters. Faithfully mimicking human hemochromatosis, mice homozygous for this deletion develop iron overload, characterized by a higher plasma iron content and a raised transferrin saturation as well as an elevated hepatic iron load. The primary defect could, indeed, be traced to an augmented duodenal iron absorption. In parallel, measurement of the gut mucosal iron content as well as iron regulatory proteins allows a more informed evaluation of various hypotheses regarding the precise role of HFE in iron homeostasis. Finally, an extensive phenotyping of primary and secondary lymphoid organs including the gut provides no compelling evidence for an obvious immune-linked function for HFE.
As an essential nutrient and a potential toxin, iron poses an exquisite regulatory problem in biology and medicine. At the cellular level, the basic molecular framework for the regulation of iron uptake, storage, and utilization has been defined. Two cytoplasmic RNA-binding proteins, iron-regulatory protein-1 (IRP-1) and IRP-2, respond to changes in cellular iron availability and coordinate the expression of mRNAs that harbor IRP-binding sites, iron-responsive elements (IREs). Nitric oxide (NO) and oxidative stress in the form of H2O2 also signal to IRPs and thereby influence cellular iron metabolism. The recent discovery of two IRE-regulated mRNAs encoding enzymes of the mitochondrial citric acid cycle may represent the beginnings of elucidating regulatory coupling between iron and energy metabolism. In addition to providing insights into the regulation of iron metabolism and its connections with other cellular pathways, the IRE/IRP system has emerged as a prime example for the understanding of translational regulation and mRNA stability control. Finally, IRP-1 has highlighted an unexpected role for iron sulfur clusters as post-translational regulatory switches.
Hemochromatosis (HC) is an inherited disorder of iron absorption, mapping within the human major histocompatibility complex (MHC). We have identified a multigene system in the murine MHC that contains excellent candidates for the murine equivalent of the human HC locus and implicate nonclassical class I genes in the control of iron absorption. This gene system is characterized by multiple copies of two head-to-head genes encoded on opposite strands and driven by one common regulatory motif. This regulatory motif has a striking homology to the promoter region of the beta-globin gene, a gene obviously involved in iron metabolism and hence termed beta-globin analogous promoter (betaGAP). Upstream of the betaGAP sequence are nonclassical class I genes. At least one of these nonclassical class I genes, Q2, is expressed in the gastrointestinal tract, the primary site of iron absorption. Also expressed in the gastrointestinal tract and downstream of the betaGAP motif is a second set of putative genes, termed Hephaestus (HEPH). Based on these observations, we hypothesized that the genes that seem to be controlled by the betaGAP regulatory motifs would be responsible for the control of Fe absorption. As a test of this hypothesis, we predicted that mice which have altered expression of class I gene products, the beta2-microglobulin knockout mice, [beta2m(-/-)], would develop Fe overload. This prediction was confirmed, and these results indicate beta2m-associated proteins are involved in the control of intestinal Fe absorption.
Ceruloplasmin is an abundant alpha 2-serum glycoprotein that contains 95% of the copper found in the plasma of vertebrate species. We report here on the identification of a genetic defect in the ceruloplasmin gene in a patient previously noted to have a total absence of circulating serum ceruloplasmin in association with late-onset retinal and basal ganglia degeneration. In this patient T2 (transverse relaxation time)-weighted magnetic resonance imaging of the brain revealed basal ganglia densities consistent with iron deposition, and liver biopsy confirmed the presence of excess iron. Although Southern blot analysis of the patient's DNA was normal, PCR amplification of 18 of the 19 exons composing the human ceruloplasmin gene revealed a distinct size difference in exon 7. DNA sequence analysis of this exon revealed a 5-bp insertion at amino acid 410, resulting in a frame-shift mutation and a truncated open reading frame. The validity of this mutation was confirmed by analysis of DNA from the patient's daughter, which revealed heterozygosity for this same 5-bp insertion. The presence of this mutation in conjunction with the clinical and pathologic findings demonstrates an essential role for ceruloplasmin in human biology and identifies aceruloplasminemia as an autosomal recessive disorder of iron metabolism. These findings support previous studies that identified ceruloplasmin as a ferroxidase and are remarkably consistent with recent studies on the essential role of a homologous copper oxidase in iron metabolism in yeast. The clinical and laboratory findings suggest that additional patients with movement disorders and nonclassical Wilson disease should be examined for ceruloplasmin gene mutations.
Iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) are cytoplasmic RNA binding proteins that are central components of a sensory and regulatory network that modulates vertebrate iron homeostasis. IRPs regulate iron metabolism by binding to iron responsive element(s) (IREs) in the 5′ or 3′ untranslated region of ferritin or transferrin receptor (TfR) mRNAs. Two IRPs, IRP1 and IRP2, have been identified previously. IRP1 exhibits two mutually exclusive functions as an RNA binding protein or as the cytosolic isoform of aconitase. We demonstrate that the Ba/F3 family of murine pro-B lymphocytes represents the first example of a mammalian cell line that fails to express IRP1 protein or mRNA. First, all of the IRE binding activity in Ba/F3-gp55 cells is attributable to IRP2. Second, synthesis of IRP2, but not of IRP1, is detectable in Ba/F3-gp55 cells. Third, the Ba/F3 family of cells express IRP2 mRNA at a level similar to other murine cell lines, but IRP1 mRNA is not detectable. In the Ba/F3 family of cells, alterations in iron status modulated ferritin biosynthesis and TfR mRNA level over as much as a 20- and 14-fold range, respectively. We conclude that IRP1 is not essential for regulation of ferritin or TfR expression by iron and that IRP2 can act as the sole IRE-dependent mediator of cellular iron homeostasis.
Iron regulatory protein-1 (IRP-1), a central cytoplasmic regulator of cellular iron metabolism, is rapidly activated by oxidative stress to bind to mRNA iron-responsive elements. We have reconstituted the response of IRP-1 to extracellular H2O2 in a system derived from murine B6 fibroblasts permeabilized with streptolysin-O. This procedure allows separation of the cytosol from the remainder of the cells (cell pellet). IRP-1 in the cytosolic fraction fails to be directly activated by addition of H2O2. IRP-1 activation requires the presence of a nonsoluble, possibly membrane-associated component in the cell pellet. The streptolysin-O-based in vitro system faithfully recapitulates characteristic hallmarks of IRP-1 activation by H2O2 in intact cells. We show that the H2O2-mediated activation of IRP-1 is temperature dependent and sensitive to treatment with calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase (CIAP). Although IRP-1 activation is unaffected by addition of excess ATP or GTP to this in vitro system, it is negatively affected by the nonhydrolyzable nucleotide analogs adenylyl-imidodiphosphate and guanylyl-imidophosphate and completely blocked by ATP-γS and GTP-γS. The in vitro reconstitution of this oxidative stress-induced pathway has opened a different avenue for the biochemical dissection of the regulation of mammalian iron metabolism by oxidative stress. Our data show that H2O2 must be sensed to stimulate a pathway to activate IRP-1.
Animals regulate iron metabolism largely through the action of the iron regulatory proteins (IRPs). IRPs modulate mRNA utilization by binding to iron-responsive elements (IRE) in the 5′ or 3′ untranslated region of mRNAs encoding proteins involved in iron homeostasis or energy production. IRP1 is also the cytosolic isoform of aconitase. The activities of IRP1 are mutually exclusive and are modulated through the assembly/disassembly of its [4Fe–4S] cluster, reversibly converting it between an IRE-binding protein and cytosolic aconitase. IRP1 is also phosphoregulated by protein kinase C, but the mechanism by which phosphorylation posttranslationally increases IRE binding activity has not been fully defined. To investigate this, Ser-138 (S138), a PKC phosphorylation site, was mutated to phosphomimetic glutamate (S138E), aspartate (S138D), or nonphosphorylatable alanine (S138A). The S138E IRP1 mutant and, to a lesser extent, the S138D IRP1 mutant were impaired in aconitase function in yeast when grown aerobically but not when grown anaerobically. Purified wild-type and mutant IRP1s could be reconstituted to active aconitases anaerobically. However, when exposed to oxygen, the [4Fe–4S] cluster of the S138D and S138E mutants decayed 5-fold and 20-fold faster, respectively, than was observed for wild-type IRP1. Our findings suggest that stability of the Fe–S cluster of IRP1 can be regulated by phosphorylation and reveal a mechanism whereby the balance between the IRE binding and [4Fe–4S] forms of IRP1 can be modulated independently of cellular iron status. Furthermore, our results show that IRP1 can function as an oxygen-modulated posttranscriptional regulator of gene expression.
Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is a common disorder of iron metabolism caused by mutation in HFE, a gene encoding an MHC class I-like protein. Clinical studies demonstrate that the severity of iron loading is highly variable among individuals with identical HFE genotypes. To determine whether genetic factors other than Hfe genotype influence the severity of iron loading in the murine model of HH, we bred the disrupted murine Hfe allele onto three different genetically defined mouse strains (AKR, C57BL/6, and C3H), which differ in basal iron status and sensitivity to dietary iron loading. Serum transferrin saturations (percent saturation of serum transferrin with iron), hepatic and splenic iron concentrations, and hepatocellular iron distribution patterns were compared for wild-type (Hfe +/+), heterozygote (Hfe +/−), and knockout (Hfe −/−) mice from each strain. Although the Hfe −/− mice from all three strains demonstrated increased transferrin saturations and liver iron concentrations compared with Hfe +/+ mice, strain differences in severity of iron accumulation were striking. Targeted disruption of the Hfe gene led to hepatic iron levels in Hfe −/− AKR mice that were 2.5 or 3.6 times higher than those of Hfe −/− C3H or Hfe −/− C57BL/6 mice, respectively. The Hfe −/− mice also demonstrated strain-dependent differences in transferrin saturation, with the highest values in AKR mice and the lowest values in C3H mice. These observations demonstrate that heritable factors markedly influence iron homeostasis in response to Hfe disruption. Analysis of mice from crosses between C57BL/6 and AKR mice should allow the mapping and subsequent identification of genes modifying the severity of iron loading in this murine model of HH.
We previously reported the disruption of the murine gene encoding the transcription factor USF2 and its consequences on glucose-dependent gene regulation in the liver. We report here a peculiar phenotype of Usf2−/− mice that progressively develop multivisceral iron overload; plasma iron overcomes transferrin binding capacity, and nontransferrin-bound iron accumulates in various tissues including pancreas and heart. In contrast, the splenic iron content is strikingly lower in knockout animals than in controls. To identify genes that may account for the abnormalities of iron homeostasis in Usf2−/− mice, we used suppressive subtractive hybridization between livers from Usf2−/− and wild-type mice. We isolated a cDNA encoding a peptide, hepcidin (also referred to as LEAP-1, for liver-expressed antimicrobial peptide), that was very recently purified from human blood ultrafiltrate and from urine as a disulfide-bonded peptide exhibiting antimicrobial activity. Accumulation of iron in the liver has been recently reported to up-regulate hepcidin expression, whereas our data clearly show that a complete defect in hepcidin expression is responsible for progressive tissue iron overload. The striking similarity of the alterations in iron metabolism between HFE knockout mice, a murine model of hereditary hemochromatosis, and the Usf2−/− hepcidin-deficient mice suggests that hepcidin may function in the same regulatory pathway as HFE. We propose that hepcidin acts as a signaling molecule that is required in conjunction with HFE to regulate both intestinal iron absorption and iron storage in macrophages.
The posttranscriptional control of iron uptake, storage, and utilization by iron-responsive elements (IREs) and iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) provides a molecular framework for the regulation of iron homeostasis in many animals. We have identified and characterized IREs in the mRNAs for two different mitochondrial citric acid cycle enzymes. Drosophila melanogaster IRP binds to an IRE in the 5' untranslated region of the mRNA encoding the iron-sulfur protein (Ip) subunit of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH). This interaction is developmentally regulated during Drosophila embryogenesis. In a cell-free translation system, recombinant IRP-1 imposes highly specific translational repression on a reporter mRNA bearing the SDH IRE, and the translation of SDH-Ip mRNA is iron regulated in D. melanogaster Schneider cells. In mammals, an IRE was identified in the 5' untranslated regions of mitochondrial aconitase mRNAs from two species. Recombinant IRP-1 represses aconitase synthesis with similar efficiency as ferritin IRE-controlled translation. The interaction between mammalian IRPs and the aconitase IRE is regulated by iron, nitric oxide, and oxidative stress (H2O2), indicating that these three signals can control the expression of mitochondrial aconitase mRNA. Our results identify a regulatory link between energy and iron metabolism in vertebrates and invertebrates, and suggest biological functions for the IRE/IRP regulatory system in addition to the maintenance of iron homeostasis.
Posttranscriptional regulation of genes of mammalian iron metabolism is mediated by the interaction of iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) with RNA stem-loop sequence elements known as iron-responsive elements (IREs). There are two identified IRPs, IRP1 and IRP2, each of which binds consensus IREs present in eukaryotic transcripts with equal affinity. Site-directed mutagenesis of IRP1 and IRP2 reveals that, although the binding affinities for consensus IREs are indistinguishable, the contributions of arginine residues in the active-site cleft to the binding affinity are different in the two RNA binding sites. Furthermore, although each IRP binds the consensus IRE with high affinity, each IRP also binds a unique alternative ligand, which was identified in an in vitro systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment procedure. Differences in the two binding sites may be important in the function of the IRE-IRP regulatory system.
The expression of at least 24 distinct genes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 is under direct control of the "ferric uptake regulator" (Fur). Novel targets of the Fur protein were isolated in a powerful SELEX (systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment)-like cycle selection consisting of in vitro DNA-Fur interaction, binding to anti-Fur antibody, purification on protein G, and PCR amplification. DNA fragments obtained after at least three exponential enrichment cycles were cloned and subjected to DNA mobility-shift assays and DNase I footprint analyses to verify the specific interaction with the Fur protein in vitro. Iron-dependent expression of the corresponding genes in vivo was monitored by RNase protection analysis. In total, 20 different DNA fragments were identified which represent actual Pseudomonas iron-regulated genes (PIGs). While four PIGs are identical to already known genes (pfeR, pvdS, tonB, and fumC, respectively), 16 PIGs represent previously unknown genes. Homology studies of the putative proteins encoded by the PIGs allowed us to speculate about their possible function. Two PIG products were highly similar to siderophore receptors from various species, and three PIG products were significantly homologous to alternative sigma factors. Furthermore, homologs of the Escherichia coli ORF1-tolQ, nuoA, stringent starvation protein Ssp, and of a two-component regulatory system similar to the Pseudomonas syringae LemA sensor kinase were identified. The putative gene products of seven additional PIGs did not show significant homologies to any known proteins. The PIGs were mapped on the P.aeruginosa chromosome. Their possible role in iron metabolism and virulence of P. aeruginosa is discussed.
A minor Hsp70 chaperone of the mitochondrial matrix of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Ssq1, is involved in the formation or repair of Fe/S clusters and/or mitochondrial iron metabolism. Here, we report evidence that Jac1, a J-type chaperone of the mitochondrial matrix, is the partner of Ssq1 in this process. Reduced activity of Jac1 results in a decrease in activity of Fe/S containing mitochondrial proteins and an accumulation of iron in mitochondria. Fe/S enzyme activities remain low in both jac1 and ssq1 mutant mitochondria even if normal mitochondrial iron levels are maintained. Therefore, the low activities observed are not solely due to oxidative damage caused by excess iron. Rather, these molecular chaperones likely play a direct role in the normal assembly process of Fe/S clusters.
To identify the proteins induced by Fe deficiency, we have compared the proteins of Fe-sufficient and Fe-deficient barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) roots by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Peptide sequence analysis of induced proteins revealed that formate dehydrogenase (FDH), adenine phosphoribosyltransferase, and the Ids3 gene product (for Fe deficiency-specific) increased in Fe-deficient roots. FDH enzyme activity was detected in Fe-deficient roots but not in Fe-sufficient roots. A cDNA encoding FDH (Fdh) was cloned and sequenced. Fdh expression was induced by Fe deficiency. Fdh was also expressed under anaerobic stress and its expression was more rapid than that induced by Fe deficiency. Thus, the expression of Fdh observed in Fe-deficient barley roots appeared to be a secondary effect caused by oxygen deficiency in Fe-deficient plants.