35 resultados para Iron(iii) Complex
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
Upon photolysis at 355 nm, dioxygen is released from a (mu-peroxo)(mu-hydroxo)bis[bis(bipyridyl)cobalt-(III)] complex in aqueous solutions and at physiological pH with a quantum yield of 0.04. The [Co(bpy)2(H2O)2]2+ (bpy = bipyridyl) photoproduct was generated on a nanosecond or faster time scale as determined by time-resolved optical absorption spectroscopy. A linear correspondence between the spectral changes and the oxygen production indicates that O2 is released on the same time scale. Oxyhemoglobin was formed from deoxyhemoglobin upon photodissociation of the (mu-peroxo) (mu-hydroxo)bis[bis(bipyridyl)cobalt(III)] complex, verifying that dioxygen is a primary photoproduct. This complex and other related compounds provide a method to study fast biological reactions involving O2, such as the reduction of dioxygen to water by cytochrome oxidase.
Zinc finger domains are structures that mediate sequence recognition for a large number of DNA-binding proteins. These domains consist of sequences of amino acids containing cysteine and histidine residues tetrahedrally coordinated to a zinc ion. In this report, we present a means to selectively inhibit a zinc finger transcription factor with cobalt(III) Schiff-base complexes. 1H NMR spectroscopy confirmed that the structure of a zinc finger peptide is disrupted by axial ligation of the cobalt(III) complex to the nitrogen of the imidazole ring of a histidine residue. Fluorescence studies reveal that the zinc ion is displaced from the model zinc finger peptide in the presence of the cobalt complex. In addition, gel-shift and filter-binding assays reveal that cobalt complexes inhibit binding of a complete zinc finger protein, human transcription factor Sp1, to its consensus sequence. Finally, a DNA-coupled conjugate of the cobalt complexes selectively inhibited Sp1 in the presence of several other transcription factors.
We compared magnetoencephalographic responses for natural vowels and for sounds consisting of two pure tones that represent the two lowest formant frequencies of these vowels. Our aim was to determine whether spectral changes in successive stimuli are detected differently for speech and nonspeech sounds. The stimuli were presented in four blocks applying an oddball paradigm (20% deviants, 80% standards): (i) /α/ tokens as deviants vs. /i/ tokens as standards; (ii) /e/ vs. /i/; (iii) complex tones representing /α/ formants vs. /i/ formants; and (iv) complex tones representing /e/ formants vs. /i/ formants. Mismatch fields (MMFs) were calculated by subtracting the source waveform produced by standards from that produced by deviants. As expected, MMF amplitudes for the complex tones reflected acoustic deviation: the amplitudes were stronger for the complex tones representing /α/ than /e/ formants, i.e., when the spectral difference between standards and deviants was larger. In contrast, MMF amplitudes for the vowels were similar despite their different spectral composition, whereas the MMF onset time was longer for /e/ than for /α/. Thus the degree of spectral difference between standards and deviants was reflected by the MMF amplitude for the nonspeech sounds and by the MMF latency for the vowels.
In inflammatory states, nitric oxide (.NO) may be synthesized from precursor L-arginine via inducible .NO synthase (iNOS) in large amounts for prolonged periods of time. When .NO acts as an effector molecule under these conditions, it may be toxic to cells by inhibition of iron-containing enzymes or initiation of DNA single-strand breaks. In contrast to molecular targets of .NO, considerably less is known regarding mechanisms by which cells become resistant to .NO. Metallothionein (MT), the major protein thiol induced in cells exposed to cytokines and bacterial products, is capable of forming iron-dinitrosyl thiolates in vitro. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that overexpression of MT reduces the sensitivity of NIH 3T3 cells to the .NO donor, S-nitrosoacetylpenicillamine (SNAP), and to .NO released from cells (NIH 3T3-DFG-iNOS) after infection with a retroviral vector expressing human iNOS gene. There was a 4-fold increase in MT in cells transfected with the mouse MT-1 gene (NIH 3T3/MT) compared to cells transfected with the promoter-free inverted gene (NIH 3T3/TM). NIH 3T3/MT cells were more resistant than NIH 3T3/TM cells to the cytotoxic effects of SNAP (0.1-1.0 mM) or .NO released from NIH 3T3-DFG-iNOS cells. A brief (1 h) exposure to 10 mM SNAP caused DNA single-strand breaks that were 9-fold greater in NIH 3T3/TM compared to NIH 3T3/MT cells. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy of NIH 3T3 cells revealed a greater peak at g = 2.04 (e.g., iron-dinitrosyl complex) in NIH 3T3/MT than NIH 3T3/TM cells. These data are consistent with a role for cytoplasmic MT in interacting with .NO and reducing .NO-induced cyto- and nuclear toxicity.
The prgHIJK operon encodes components of the Salmonella typhimurium pathogenicity island 1 type III secretion system (TTSS). Previously, prgH and prgK were shown to be required for formation of the supramolecular type III secretion needle complex (NC) [Kubori, T., et al. (1998) Science 280, 602–605]. This work indicates that all prg operon genes are required for NC formation. PrgH multimerizes into a distinct tetrameric-shaped structure that may be an early intermediate of NC assembly and may provide the structural foundation required for PrgK oligomerization. PrgH and PrgK, in the absence of other TTSS components, oligomerize into ring-shaped structures identical in appearance and size to the base of the NC, indicating that they are likely the major inner membrane structural components required for secretion. PrgI and PrgJ cofractionate with the NC and are secreted into the culture supernatant. NC from prgI and prgJ mutants have an identical morphology to the envelope-spanning (basal body) NC components, but are missing the external needle, indicating that PrgI and PrgJ are required for full NC assembly and are likely components of the external needle. Therefore, PrgI and PrgJ are secreted through the NC basal body, composed in part of PrgH/K and InvG/H rings, to participate in assembly of the more distal components of the NC.
Many bacterial pathogens of plants and animals have evolved a specialized protein-secretion system termed type III to deliver bacterial proteins into host cells. These proteins stimulate or interfere with host cellular functions for the pathogen's benefit. The Salmonella typhimurium pathogenicity island 1 encodes one of these systems that mediates this bacterium's ability to enter nonphagocytic cells. Several components of this type III secretion system are organized in a supramolecular structure termed the needle complex. This structure is made of discrete substructures including a base that spans both membranes and a needle-like projection that extends outward from the bacterial surface. We demonstrate here that the type III secretion export apparatus is required for the assembly of the needle substructure but is dispensable for the assembly of the base. We show that the length of the needle segment is determined by the type III secretion associated protein InvJ. We report that InvG, PrgH, and PrgK constitute the base and that PrgI is the main component of the needle of the type III secretion complex. PrgI homologs are present in type III secretion systems from bacteria pathogenic for animals but are absent from bacteria pathogenic for plants. We hypothesize that the needle component may establish the specificity of type III secretion systems in delivering proteins into either plant or animal cells.
The RNA polymerase II and III small nuclear RNA (snRNA) promoters contain a common basal promoter element, the proximal sequence element (PSE). The PSE binds a multisubunit complex we refer to as the snRNA activating protein complex (SNAPc). At least four polypeptides are visible in purified SNAPc preparations, which migrate with apparent molecular masses of 43, 45, 50, and 190 kDa on SDS/polyacrylamide gels. In addition, purified preparations of SNAPc contain variable amounts of TATA box binding protein (TBP). An important question is whether the PSEs of RNA polymerase II and III snRNA promoters recruit the exact same SNAP complex or slightly different versions of SNAPc, differing, for example, by the presence or absence of a subunit. To address this question, we are isolating cDNAs encoding different subunits of SNAPc. We have previously isolated the cDNA encoding the 43-kDa subunit SNAP43. We now report the isolation of the cDNA that encodes the p45 polypeptide. Antibodies directed against p45 retard the mobility of the SNAPc-PSE complex in an electrophoretic mobility shift assay, indicating that p45 is indeed part of SNAPc. We therefore refer to this protein as SNAP45. SNAP45 is exceptionally proline-rich, interacts strongly with TBP, and, like SNAP43, is required for both RNA polymerase II and III transcription of snRNA genes.
Although mitochondrial DNA is known to encode a limited number (<20) of the polypeptide components of respiratory complexes I, III, IV, and V, genes for components of complex II [succinate dehydrogenase (ubiquinone); succinate:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, EC] are conspicuously lacking in mitochondrial genomes so far characterized. Here we show that the same three subunits of complex II are encoded in the mitochondrial DNA of two phylogenetically distant eukaryotes, Porphyra purpurea (a photosynthetic red alga) and Reclinomonas americana (a heterotrophic zooflagellate). These complex II genes, sdh2, sdh3, and sdh4, are homologs, respectively, of Escherichia coli sdhB, sdhC, and sdhD. In E. coli, sdhB encodes the iron-sulfur subunit of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), whereas sdhC and sdhD specify, respectively, apocytochrome b558 and a hydrophobic 13-kDa polypeptide, which together anchor SDH to the inner mitochondrial membrane. Amino acid sequence similarities indicate that sdh2, sdh3, and sdh4 were originally encoded in the protomitochondrial genome and have subsequently been transferred to the nuclear genome in most eukaryotes. The data presented here are consistent with the view that mitochondria constitute a monophyletic lineage.
Hemochromatosis (HC) is an inherited disorder of iron absorption, mapping within the human major histocompatibility complex (MHC). We have identified a multigene system in the murine MHC that contains excellent candidates for the murine equivalent of the human HC locus and implicate nonclassical class I genes in the control of iron absorption. This gene system is characterized by multiple copies of two head-to-head genes encoded on opposite strands and driven by one common regulatory motif. This regulatory motif has a striking homology to the promoter region of the beta-globin gene, a gene obviously involved in iron metabolism and hence termed beta-globin analogous promoter (betaGAP). Upstream of the betaGAP sequence are nonclassical class I genes. At least one of these nonclassical class I genes, Q2, is expressed in the gastrointestinal tract, the primary site of iron absorption. Also expressed in the gastrointestinal tract and downstream of the betaGAP motif is a second set of putative genes, termed Hephaestus (HEPH). Based on these observations, we hypothesized that the genes that seem to be controlled by the betaGAP regulatory motifs would be responsible for the control of Fe absorption. As a test of this hypothesis, we predicted that mice which have altered expression of class I gene products, the beta2-microglobulin knockout mice, [beta2m(-/-)], would develop Fe overload. This prediction was confirmed, and these results indicate beta2m-associated proteins are involved in the control of intestinal Fe absorption.
Yeast centromeric DNA (CEN DNA) binding factor 3 (CBF3) is a multisubunit protein complex that binds to the essential CDEIII element in CEN DNA. The four CBF3 proteins are required for accurate chromosome segregation and are considered to be core components of the yeast kinetochore. We have examined the structure of the CBF3–CEN DNA complex by atomic force microscopy. Assembly of CBF3–CEN DNA complexes was performed by combining purified CBF3 proteins with a DNA fragment that includes the CEN region from yeast chromosome III. Atomic force microscopy images showed DNA molecules with attached globular bodies. The contour length of the DNA containing the complex is ≈9% shorter than the DNA alone, suggesting some winding of DNA within the complex. The measured location of the single binding site indicates that the complex is located asymmetrically to the right of CDEIII extending away from CDEI and CDEII, which is consistent with previous data. The CEN DNA is bent ≈55° at the site of complex formation. A significant fraction of the complexes are linked in pairs, showing three to four DNA arms, with molecular volumes approximately three times the mean volumes of two-armed complexes. These multi-armed complexes indicate that CBF3 can bind two DNA molecules together in vitro and, thus, may be involved in holding together chromatid pairs during mitosis.
We have generated mice with markedly elevated plasma levels of human low density lipoprotein (LDL) and reduced plasma levels of high density lipoprotein. These mice have no functional LDL receptors [LDLR−/−] and express a human apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB) transgene [Tg(apoB+/+)] with or without an apo(a) transgene [Tg(apoa+/−)]. Twenty animals (10 males and 10 females) of each of the following four genotypes were maintained on a chow diet: (i) LDLR−/−, (ii) LDLR−/−;Tg(apoa+/−), (iii) LDLR−/−;Tg(apoB+/+), and (iv)LDLR−/−;Tg(apoB+/+);Tg(apo+/−). The mice were killed at 6 mo, and the percent area of the aortic intimal surface that stained positive for neutral lipid was quantified. Mean percent areas of lipid staining were not significantly different between the LDLR−/− and LDLR−/−;Tg(apoa+/−) mice (1.0 ± 0.2% vs. 1.4 ± 0.3%). However, the LDLR−/−;Tg(apoB+/+) mice had ≈15-fold greater mean lesion area than the LDLR−/− mice. No significant difference was found in percent lesion area in the LDLR−/−;Tg(apoB+/+) mice whether or not they expressed apo(a) [18.5 ± 2.5%, without lipoprotein(a), Lp(a), vs. 16.0 ± 1.7%, with Lp(a)]. Histochemical analyses of the sections from the proximal aorta of LDLR−/−;Tg(apoB+/+) mice revealed large, complex, lipid-laden atherosclerotic lesions that stained intensely with human apoB-100 antibodies. In mice expressing Lp(a), large amounts of apo(a) protein colocalized with apoB-100 in the lesions. We conclude that LDLR−/−; Tg(apoB+/+) mice exhibit accelerated atherosclerosis on a chow diet and thus provide an excellent animal model in which to study atherosclerosis. We found no evidence that apo(a) increased atherosclerosis in this animal model.
Reaction of the Schiff-base complex [Co(acetylacetonate-ethylenediimine)(NH3)2]+ with metmyoglobin at pH 6.5 yields a partially folded protein containing six Co(III) complexes. Although half of its α-helical secondary structure is retained, absorption and CD spectra indicate that the tertiary structure in both B-F and AGH domains is disrupted in the partially folded protein. In analogy to proton-induced unfolding, it is likely that the loss of tertiary structure is triggered by metal-ion binding to histidines. Cobalt(III)-induced unfolding of myoglobin is unique in its selectivity (other proteins are unaffected) and in allowing the isolation of the partially folded macromolecule (the protein does not refold or aggregate upon removal of free denaturant).
In Azotobacter vinelandii, deletion of the fdxA gene that encodes a well characterized seven-iron ferredoxin (FdI) is known to lead to overexpression of the FdI redox partner, NADPH:ferredoxin reductase (FPR). Previous studies have established that this is an oxidative stress response in which the fpr gene is transcriptionally activated to the same extent in response to either addition of the superoxide propagator paraquat to the cells or to fdxA deletion. In both cases, the activation occurs through a specific DNA sequence located upstream of the fpr gene. Here, we report the identification of the A. vinelandii protein that binds specifically to the paraquat activatable fpr promoter region as the E1 subunit of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDHE1), a central enzyme in aerobic respiration. Sequence analysis shows that PDHE1, which was not previously suspected to be a DNA-binding protein, has a helix–turn–helix motif. The data presented here further show that FdI binds specifically to the DNA-bound PDHE1.
Rhinoviruses are a frequent cause of the common cold. A series of antirhinoviral compounds have been developed that bind into a hydrophobic pocket in the viral capsid, stabilizing the capsid and interfering with cell attachment. The structures of a variety of such compounds, complexed with rhinovirus serotypes 14, 16, 1A, and 3, previously have been examined. Three chemically similar compounds, closely related to a drug that is undergoing phase III clinical trials, were chosen to determine the structural impact of the heteroatoms in one of the three rings. The compounds were found to have binding modes that depend on their electronic distribution. In the compound with the lowest efficacy, the terminal ring is displaced by 1 Å and rotated by 180° relative to the structure of the other two. The greater polarity of the terminal ring in one of the three compounds leads to a small displacement of its position relative to the other compounds in the hydrophobic end of the antiviral compound binding pocket to a site where it makes fewer interactions. Its lower efficacy is likely to be the result of the reduced number of interactions. A region of conserved residues has been identified near the entrance to the binding pocket where there is a corresponding conservation of the mode of binding of these compounds to different serotypes. Thus, variations in residues lining the more hydrophobic end of the pocket are primarily responsible for the differences in drug efficacies.
The products of the recF, recO, and recR genes are thought to interact and assist RecA in the utilization of single-stranded DNA precomplexed with single-stranded DNA binding protein (Ssb) during synapsis. Using immunoprecipitation, size-exclusion chromatography, and Ssb protein affinity chromatography in the absence of any nucleotide cofactors, we have obtained the following results: (i) RecF interacts with RecO, (ii) RecF interacts with RecR in the presence of RecO to form a complex consisting of RecF, RecO, and RecR (RecF–RecO–RecR); (iii) RecF interacts with Ssb protein in the presence of RecO. These data suggested that RecO mediates the interactions of RecF protein with RecR and with Ssb proteins. Incubation of RecF, RecO, RecR, and Ssb proteins resulted in the formation of RecF–RecO–Ssb complexes; i.e., RecR was excluded. Preincubation of RecF, RecO, and RecR proteins prior to addition of Ssb protein resulted in the formation of complexes consisting of RecF, RecO, RecR, and Ssb proteins. These data suggest that one role of RecF is to stabilize the interaction of RecR with RecO in the presence of Ssb protein. Finally, we found that interactions of RecF with RecO are lost in the presence of ATP. We discuss these results to explain how the RecF–RecO–RecR complex functions as an anti-Ssb factor.