8 resultados para Ionophores

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Cation-π interactions are important forces in molecular recognition by biological receptors, enzyme catalysis, and crystal engineering. We have harnessed these interactions in designing molecular systems with circular arrangement of benzene units that are capable of acting as ionophores and models for biological receptors. [n]Collarenes are promising candidates with high selectivity for a specific cation, depending on n, because of their structural rigidity and well-defined cavity size. The interaction energies of [n]collarenes with cations have been evaluated by using ab initio calculations. The selectivity of these [n]collarenes in aqueous solution was revealed by using statistical perturbation theory in conjunction with Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations. It has been observed that in [n]collarenes the ratio of the interaction energies of a cation with it and the cation with the basic building unit (benzene) can be correlated to its ion selectivity. We find that collarenes are excellent and efficient ionophores that bind cations through cation-π interactions. [6]Collarene is found to be a selective host for Li+ and Mg2+, [8]collarene for K+ and Sr2+, and [10]collarene for Cs+ and Ba2+. This finding indicates that [10]collarene and [8]collarene could be used for effective separation of highly radioactive isotopes, 137Cs and 90Sr, which are major constituents of nuclear wastes. More interestingly, collarenes of larger cavity size can be useful in capturing organic cations. [12]Collarene exhibits a pronounced affinity for tetramethylammonium cation and acetylcholine, which implies that it could serve as a model for acetylcholinestrase. Thus, collarenes can prove to be novel and effective ionophores/model-receptors capable of heralding a new direction in molecular recognition and host-guest chemistry.


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Many cellular events depend on a tightly compartmentalized distribution of H+ ions across membrane-bound organelles. However, measurements of organelle pH in living cells have been scarce. Several mutants of the Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein (GFP) displayed a pH-dependent absorbance and fluorescent emission, with apparent pKa values ranging from 6.15 (mutations F64L/S65T/H231L) and 6.4 (K26R/F64L/S65T/Y66W/N146I/M153T/V163A/N164H/H231L) to a remarkable 7.1 (S65G/S72A/T203Y/H231L). We have targeted these GFPs to the cytosol plus nucleus, the medial/trans-Golgi by fusion with galactosyltransferase, and the mitochondrial matrix by using the targeting signal from subunit IV of cytochrome c oxidase. Cells in culture transfected with these cDNAs displayed the expected subcellular localization by light and electron microscopy and reported local pH that was calibrated in situ with ionophores. We monitored cytosolic and nuclear pH of HeLa cells, and mitochondrial matrix pH in HeLa cells and in rat neonatal cardiomyocytes. The pH of the medial/trans-Golgi was measured at steady-state (calibrated to be 6.58 in HeLa cells) and after various manipulations. These demonstrated that the Golgi membrane in intact cells is relatively permeable to H+, and that Cl− serves as a counter-ion for H+ transport and likely helps to maintain electroneutrality. The amenability to engineer GFPs to specific subcellular locations or tissue targets using gene fusion and transfer techniques should allow us to examine pH at sites previously inaccessible.


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Growth of a glutamate transport-deficient mutant of Rhodobacter sphaeroides on glutamate as sole carbon and nitrogen source can be restored by the addition of millimolar amounts of Na+. Uptake of glutamate (Kt of 0.2 μM) by the mutant strictly requires Na+ (Km of 25 mM) and is inhibited by ionophores that collapse the proton motive force (pmf). The activity is osmotic-shock-sensitive and can be restored in spheroplasts by the addition of osmotic shock fluid. Transport of glutamate is also observed in membrane vesicles when Na+, a proton motive force, and purified glutamate binding protein are present. Both transport and binding is highly specific for glutamate. The Na+-dependent glutamate transporter of Rb. sphaeroides is an example of a secondary transport system that requires a periplasmic binding protein and may define a new family of bacterial transport proteins.


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In this paper, we report direct measurement of an influx of extracellular Ca2+ induced by gamete fusion in flowering plants. This result was obtained during maize in vitro fertilization with the use of an extracellular Ca2+-selective vibrating probe. Ca2+ influx recorded at the surface of isolated egg cells, with or without adhesion of a male sperm cell, was close to zero and stable over time. Gamete fusion, however, triggered a Ca2+ influx in the vicinity of the sperm entry site with a delay of 1.8 ± 0.6 sec. The Ca2+ influx spread subsequently through the whole egg cell plasma membrane as a wavefront, progressing at an estimated rate of 1.13 μm⋅sec−1. Once established, Ca2+ influx intensities were sustained, monotonic and homogeneous over the whole egg cell, with an average peak influx of 14.92 pmol⋅cm−2⋅sec−1 and an average duration of 24.4 min. The wavefront spread of channel activation correlates well with the cytological modifications induced by fertilization, such as egg cell contraction, and with the cytosolic Ca2+ (c[Ca2+]) elevation previously reported. Calcium influx was inhibited effectively by gadolinium, possibly implicating mechanosensitive channels. Furthermore, artificial influxes created by incubation with Ca2+ ionophores mimicked some aspects of egg activation. Taken together, these results suggest that, during fertilization in higher plants, gamete membrane fusion starts the first embryonic events by channel opening and Ca2+ influx. In turn, c[Ca2+] may work as a trigger and possibly a space and time coordinator of many aspects of egg activation.


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To assess the availability of Ca2+ in the lumen of the thylakoid membrane that is required to support the assembly of the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II, we have investigated the mechanism of 45Ca2+ transport into the lumen of pea (Pisum sativum) thylakoid membranes using silicone-oil centrifugation. Trans-thylakoid Ca2+ transport is dependent on light or, in the dark, on exogenously added ATP. Both light and ATP hydrolysis are coupled to Ca2+ transport through the formation of a transthylakoid pH gradient. The H+-transporting ionophores nigericin/K+ and carbonyl cyanide 3-chlorophenylhydrazone inhibit the transport of Ca2+. Thylakoid membranes are capable of accumulating up to 30 nmol Ca2+ mg−1 chlorophyll from external concentrations of 15 μm over the course of a 15-min reaction. These results are consistent with the presence of an active Ca2+/H+ antiport in the thylakoid membrane. Ca2+ transport across the thylakoid membrane has significant implications for chloroplast and plant Ca2+ homeostasis. We propose a model of chloroplast Ca2+ regulation whereby the activity of the Ca2+/H+ antiporter facilitates the light-dependent uptake of Ca2+ by chloroplasts and reduces stromal Ca2+ levels.


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Chloroplast to chromoplast development involves new synthesis and plastid localization of nuclear-encoded proteins, as well as changes in the organization of internal plastid membrane compartments. We have demonstrated that isolated red bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) chromoplasts contain the 75-kD component of the chloroplast outer envelope translocon (Toc75) and are capable of importing chloroplast precursors in an ATP-dependent fashion, indicating a functional general import apparatus. The isolated chromoplasts were able to further localize the 33- and 17-kD subunits of the photosystem II O2-evolution complex (OE33 and OE17, respectively), lumen-targeted precursors that utilize the thylakoidal Sec and ΔpH pathways, respectively, to the lumen of an internal membrane compartment. Chromoplasts contained the thylakoid Sec component protein, cpSecA, at levels comparable to chloroplasts. Routing of OE17 to the lumen was abolished by ionophores, suggesting that routing is dependent on a transmembrane ΔpH. The chloroplast signal recognition particle pathway precursor major photosystem II light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein failed to associate with chromoplast membranes and instead accumulated in the stroma following import. The Pftf (plastid fusion/translocation factor), a chromoplast protein, integrated into the internal membranes of chromoplasts during in vitro assays, and immunoblot analysis indicated that endogenous plastid fusion/translocation factor was also an integral membrane protein of chromoplasts. These data demonstrate that the internal membranes of chromoplasts are functional with respect to protein translocation on the thylakoid Sec and ΔpH pathways.


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All peroxisomal proteins are nuclear encoded, synthesized on free cytosolic ribosomes, and posttranslationally targeted to the organelle. We have used an in vitro assay to reconstitute protein import into pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) glyoxysomes, a class of peroxisome found in the cotyledons of oilseed plants, to study the mechanisms involved in protein transport across peroxisome membranes. Results indicate that ATP hydrolysis is required for protein import into peroxisomes; nonhydrolyzable analogs of ATP could not substitute for this requirement. Nucleotide competition studies suggest that there may be a nucleotide binding site on a component of the translocation machinery. Peroxisomal protein import also was supported by GTP hydrolysis. Nonhydrolyzable analogs of GTP did not substitute in this process. Experiments to determine the cation specificity of the nucleotide requirement show that the Mg2+ salt was preferred over other divalent and monovalent cations. The role of a putative protonmotive force across the peroxisomal membrane was also examined. Although low concentrations of ionophores had no effect on protein import, relatively high concentrations of all ionophores tested consistently reduced the level of protein import by approximately 50%. This result suggests that a protonmotive force is not absolutely required for peroxisomal protein import.


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Although the interaction of proton-conducting ionophores (protonophores) with photosynthetic electron transport has been extensively studied during the past decade, the mode of action of protonophores remained uncertain. For a better understanding of the molecular mechanism of the action of protonophores, the introduction of chemically new types of molecules will be required. In this work, we demonstrate that acridones (9-azaanthracene-10-ones) completely fulfill this requirement. At low concentrations of acridones, the thermoluminescence bands at +20 degrees C and +10 degrees C were strongly inhibited, while normal electron transport activity was retained. This indicates that the concentrations of S2 and S3 states involved in the generation of these bands are reduced. At higher concentrations, an increased activity of electron transport was observed, which is attributed to the typical uncoupler effect of protonophores. Indeed, acridones accelerate the decay of the electrochromic absorbance change at 515 nm and also inhibit the generation of the transmembrane proton gradient, measured as an absorbance transient of neutral red. Variable fluorescence induction was quenched even at low concentrations of acridones but was restored by either a long-term illumination or high light intensity. Acridones, similarly to other protonophores, promoted the autooxidation of the high-potential form of cytochrome b559 and partially converted it to lower potential forms. These results suggest that acridones, acting as typical protonophores, uncouple electron transport, accelerate the deactivation of the S2 and S3 states on the donor side, and facilitate the oxidation of cytochrome b559 on the acceptor side of photosystem II.