5 resultados para Interphase Boundary Structure

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The DNA in eukaryotic chromosomes is organized into a series of loops that are permanently attached at their bases to the nuclear scaffold or matrix at sequences known as scaffold-attachment or matrix-attachment regions. At present, it is not clear what effect affixation to the nuclear matrix has on chromatin architecture in important regulatory regions such as origins of replication or the promoter regions of genes. In the present study, we have investigated cell-cycle-dependent changes in the chromatin structure of a well characterized replication initiation zone in the amplified dihydrofolate reductase domain of the methotrexate-resistant Chinese hamster ovary cell line CHOC 400. Replication can initiate at any of multiple potential sites scattered throughout the 55-kilobase intergenic region in this domain, with two subregions (termed ori-β and ori-γ) being somewhat preferred. We show here that the chromatin in the ori-β and ori-γ regions undergoes dramatic alterations in micrococcal nuclease hypersensitivity as cells cross the G1/S boundary, but only in those copies of the amplicon that are affixed to the nuclear matrix. In contrast, the fine structure of chromatin in the promoter of the dihydrofolate reductase gene does not change detectably as a function of matrix attachment or cell-cycle position. We suggest that attachment of DNA to the nuclear matrix plays an important role in modulating chromatin architecture, and this could facilitate the activity of origins of replication.


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A quantitative model of interphase chromosome higher-order structure is presented based on the isochore model of the genome and results obtained in the field of copolymer research. G1 chromosomes are approximated in the model as multiblock copolymers of the 30-nm chromatin fiber, which alternately contain two types of 0.5- to 1-Mbp blocks (R and G minibands) differing in GC content and DNA-bound proteins. A G1 chromosome forms a single-chain string of loop clusters (micelles), with each loop ∼1–2 Mbp in size. The number of ∼20 loops per micelle was estimated from the dependence of geometrical versus genomic distances between two points on a G1 chromosome. The greater degree of chromatin extension in R versus G minibands and a difference in the replication time for these minibands (early S phase for R versus late S phase for G) are explained in this model as a result of the location of R minibands at micelle cores and G minibands at loop apices. The estimated number of micelles per nucleus is close to the observed number of replication clusters at the onset of S phase. A relationship between chromosomal and nuclear sizes for several types of higher eukaryotic cells (insects, plants, and mammals) is well described through the micelle structure of interphase chromosomes. For yeast cells, this relationship is described by a linear coil configuration of chromosomes.


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Here we report the crystal structure at ≈4-Å resolution of a selectively proteolyzed bovine fibrinogen. This key component in hemostasis is an elongated 340-kDa glycoprotein in the plasma that upon activation by thrombin self-assembles to form the fibrin clot. The crystals are unusual because they are made up of end-to-end bonded molecules that form flexible filaments. We have visualized the entire coiled-coil region of the molecule, which has a planar sigmoidal shape. The primary polymerization receptor pockets at the ends of the molecule face the same way throughout the end-to-end bonded filaments, and based on this conformation, we have developed an improved model of the two-stranded protofibril that is the basic building block in fibrin. Near the middle of the coiled-coil region, the plasmin-sensitive segment is a hinge about which the molecule adopts different conformations. This segment also includes the boundary between the three- and four-stranded portions of the coiled coil, indicating the location on the backbone that anchors the extended flexible Aα arm. We suggest that a flexible branch point in the molecule may help accommodate variability in the structure of the fibrin clot.


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It is now well understood that chromatin structure is perturbed in the neighborhood of expressed genes. This is most obvious in the neighborhood of promoters and enhancers, where hypersensitivity to nucleases marks sites that no longer carry canonical nucleosomes, and to which transcription factors bind. To study the relationship between transcription factor binding and the generation of these hypersensitive regions, we mutated individual cis-acting regulatory elements within the enhancer that lies between the chicken beta- and epsilon-globin genes. Constructions carrying the mutant enhancer were introduced by stable transformation into an avian erythroid cell line. We observed that weakening the enhancer resulted in creation of two classes of site: those still completely accessible to nuclease attack and those that were completely blocked. This all-or-none behavior suggests a mechanism by which chromatin structure can act to sharpen the response of developmental systems to changing concentrations of regulatory factors. Another problem raised by chromatin structure concerns the establishment of boundaries between active and inactive chromatin domains. We have identified a DNA element at the 5' end of the chicken beta-globin locus, near such a boundary, that has the properties of an insulator; in test constructions, it blocks the action of an enhancer on a promoter when it is placed between them. We describe the properties and partial dissection of this sequence. A third problem is posed by the continued presence of nucleosomes on transcribed genes, which might prevent the passage of RNA polymerase. We show, however, that a prokaryotic polymerase can transcribe through a histone octamer on a simple chromatin template. The analysis of this process reveals that an octamer is capable of transferring from a position in front of the polymerase to one behind, without ever losing its attachment to the DNA.


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Using allozymes and mtDNA sequences from the cytochrome b gene, we report that the brown kiwi has the highest levels of genetic structuring observed in birds. Moreover, the mtDNA sequences are, with two minor exceptions, diagnostic genetic markers for each population investigated, even though they are among the more slowly evolving coding regions in this genome. A major unexpected finding was the concordant split in molecular phylogenies between brown kiwis in the southern South Island and elsewhere in New Zealand. This basic phylogeographic boundary halfway down the South Island coincides with a fixed allele difference in the Hb nuclear locus and strongly suggests that two morphologically cryptic species are currently merged under one polytypic species. This is another striking example of how molecular genetic assays can detect phylogenetic discontinuities that are not reflected in traditional morphologically based taxonomies. However, reanalysis of the morphological characters by using phylogenetic methods revealed that the reason for this discordance is that most are primitive and thus are phylogenetically uninformative. Shared-derived morphological characters support the same relationships evident in the molecular phylogenies and, in concert with the molecular data, suggest that as brown kiwis colonized northward from the southern South Island, they retained many primitive characters that confounded earlier systematists. Strong subdivided population structure and cryptic species in brown kiwis seem to have evolved relatively recently as a consequence of Pleistocene range disjunctions, low dispersal power, and genetic drift in small populations.