22 resultados para Inflammatory pseudotumor of the liver
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Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is thought to be controlled by virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). We have recently shown that HBV-specific CTL can abolish HBV replication noncytopathically in the liver of transgenic mice by secreting tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) after antigen recognition. We now demonstrate that hepatocellular HBV replication is also abolished noncytopathically during lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection, and we show that this process is mediated by TNF-alpha and IFN-alpha/beta produced by LCMV-infected hepatic macrophages. These results confirm the ability of these inflammatory cytokines to abolish HBV replication; they elucidate the mechanism likely to be responsible for clearance of HBV in chronically infected patients who become superinfected by other hepatotropic viruses; they suggest that pharmacological activation of intrahepatic macrophages may have therapeutic value in chronic HBV infection; and they raise the possibility that conceptually similar events may be operative in other viral infections as well.
Portal hypertension resulting from increased intrahepatic resistance is a common complication of chronic liver diseases and a leading cause of death in patients with liver cirrhosis, a scarring process of the liver that includes components of both increased fibrogenesis and wound contraction. A reduced production of nitric oxide (NO) resulting from an impaired enzymatic function of endothelial NO synthase and an increased contraction of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) have been demonstrated to contribute to high intrahepatic resistance in the cirrhotic liver. 2-(Acetyloxy) benzoic acid 3-(nitrooxymethyl) phenyl ester (NCX-1000) is a chemical entity obtained by adding an NO-releasing moiety to ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), a compound that is selectively metabolized by hepatocytes. In this study we have examined the effect of NCX-1000 and UDCA on liver fibrosis and portal hypertension induced by i.p. injection of carbon tetrachloride in rats. Our results demonstrated that although both treatments reduced liver collagen deposition, NCX-1000, but not UDCA, prevented ascite formation and reduced intrahepatic resistance in carbon tetrachloride-treated rats as measured by assessing portal perfusion pressure. In contrast to UDCA, NCX-1000 inhibited HSC contraction and exerted a relaxing effect similar to the NO donor S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine. HSCs were able to metabolize NCX-1000 and release nitrite/nitrate in cell supernatants. In aggregate these data indicate that NCX-1000, releasing NO into the liver microcirculation, may provide a novel therapy for the treatment of patients with portal hypertension.
von Hippel–Lindau (VHL) disease is a pleomorphic familial tumor syndrome that is characterized by the development of highly vascularized tumors. Homozygous disruption of the VHL gene in mice results in embryonic lethality. To investigate VHL function in the adult we have generated a conditional VHL null allele (2-lox allele) and null allele (1-lox allele) by Cre-mediated recombination in embryonic stem cells. We show here that mice heterozygous for the 1-lox allele develop cavernous hemangiomas of the liver, a rare manifestation of the human disease. Histologically these tumors were associated with hepatocellular steatosis and focal proliferations of small vessels. To study the cellular origin of these lesions we inactivated VHL tissue-specifically in hepatocytes. Deletion of VHL in the liver resulted in severe steatosis, many blood-filled vascular cavities, and foci of increased vascularization within the hepatic parenchyma. These histopathological changes were similar to those seen in livers from mice heterozygous for the 1-lox allele. Hypoxia-inducible mRNAs encoding vascular endothelial growth factor, glucose transporter 1, and erythropoietin were up-regulated. We thus provide evidence that targeted inactivation of mouse VHL can model clinical features of the human disease and underline the importance of the VHL gene product in the regulation of hypoxia-responsive genes in vivo.
Dissection of the primary and secondary response to an influenza A virus established that the liver contains a substantial population of CD8+ T cells specific for the immunodominant epitope formed by H-2Db and the influenza virus nucleoprotein peptide fragment NP366–374 (DbNP366). The numbers of CD8+ DbNP366+ cells in the liver reflected the magnitude of the inflammatory process in the pneumonic lung, though replication of this influenza virus is limited to the respiratory tract. Analysis of surface phenotypes indicated that the liver CD8+ DbNP366+ cells tended to be more “activated” than the set recovered from lymphoid tissue but generally less so than those from the lung. The distinguishing characteristic of the lymphocytes from the liver was that the prevalence of the CD8+ DbNP366+ set was always much higher than the percentage of CD8+ T cells that could be induced to synthesize interferon γ after short-term, in vitro stimulation with the NP366–374 peptide, whereas these values were generally comparable for virus-specific CD8+ T cells recovered from other tissue sites. Also, the numbers of apoptotic CD8+ T cells were higher in the liver. The results overall are consistent with the idea that antigen-specific CD8+ T cells are destroyed in the liver during the control and resolution phases of this viral infection, though this destruction is not necessarily an immediate process.
We have succeeded in constructing a stable full-length cDNA clone of strain H77 (genotype 1a) of hepatitis C virus (HCV). We devised a cassette vector with fixed 5′ and 3′ termini and constructed multiple full-length cDNA clones of H77 in a single step by cloning of the entire ORF, which was amplified by long reverse transcriptase–PCR, directly into this vector. The infectivity of two complete full-length cDNA clones was tested by the direct intrahepatic injection of a chimpanzee with RNA transcripts. However, we found no evidence for HCV replication. Sequence analysis of these and 16 additional full-length clones revealed that seven clones were defective for polyprotein synthesis, and the remaining nine clones had 6–28 amino acid mutations in the predicted polyprotein compared with the consensus sequence of H77. Next, we constructed a consensus chimera from four of the full-length cDNA clones with just two ligation steps. Injection of RNA transcripts from this consensus clone into the liver of a chimpanzee resulted in viral replication. The sequence of the virus recovered from the chimpanzee was identical to that of the injected RNA transcripts. This stable infectious molecular clone should be an important tool for developing a better understanding of the molecular biology and pathogenesis of HCV.
This report shows that loss of heterozygosity at the mannose 6-phosphate/insulin-like growth factor II receptor (M6P/IGF2R) locus occurred in 5/8 (63%) dysplastic liver lesions and 11/18 (61%) hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) associated with the high risk factors of hepatitis virus infection and liver cirrhosis. Mutations in the remaining allele were detected in 6/11 (55%) HCCs, including deletions in a polydeoxyguanosine region known to be a target of microsatellite instability. M6P/IGF2R allele loss was also found in cirrhotic tissue of clonal origin adjacent to these dysplastic lesions and HCCs, demonstrating that M6P/IGF2R inactivation occurs early in liver carcinogenesis. In conclusion, HCCs frequently develop from clonal expansions of phenotypically normal, M6P/IGF2R-mutated hepatocytes, providing further support for the idea that M6P/IGF2R functions as a liver tumor-suppressor gene.
The stress-activated protein kinases JNK and p38 mediate increased gene expression and are activated by environmental stresses and proinflammatory cytokines. Using an in vivo model in which oxidative stress is generated in the liver by intracellular metabolism, rapid protein–DNA complex formation on stress-activated AP-1 target genes was observed. Analysis of the induced binding complexes indicates that c-fos, c-jun, and ATF-2 were present, but also two additional jun family members, JunB and JunD. Activation of JNK precedes increased AP-1 DNA binding. Furthermore, JunB was shown to be a substrate for JNK, and phosphorylation requires the N-terminal activation domain. Unexpectedly, p38 activity was found to be constitutively active in the liver and was down-regulated through selective dephosphorylation following oxidative stress. One potential mechanism for p38 dephosphorylation is the rapid stress-induced activation of the phosphatase MKP-1, which has high affinity for phosphorylated p38 as a substrate. These data demonstrate that there are mechanisms for independent regulation of the JNK and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase signal transduction pathways after metabolic oxidative stress in the liver.
Inflammation is associated with production of cytokines and chemokines that recruit and activate inflammatory cells. Interleukin (IL) 12 produced by macrophages in response to various stimuli is a potent inducer of interferon (IFN) γ production. IFN-γ, in turn, markedly enhances IL-12 production. Although the immune response is typically self-limiting, the mechanisms involved are unclear. We demonstrate that IFN-γ inhibits production of chemokines (macrophage inflammatory proteins MIP-1α and MIP-1β). Furthermore, pre-exposure to tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibited IFN-γ priming for production of high levels of IL-12 by macrophages in vitro. Inhibition of IL-12 by TNF can be mediated by both IL-10-dependent and IL-10-independent mechanisms. To determine whether TNF inhibition of IFN-γ-induced IL-12 production contributed to the resolution of an inflammatory response in vivo, the response of TNF+/+ and TNF−/− mice injected with Corynebacterium parvum were compared. TNF−/− mice developed a delayed, but vigorous, inflammatory response leading to death, whereas TNF+/+ mice exhibited a prompt response that resolved. Serum IL-12 levels were elevated 3-fold in C. parvum-treated TNF−/− mice compared with TNF+/+ mice. Treatment with a neutralizing anti-IL-12 antibody led to resolution of the response to C. parvum in TNF−/− mice. We conclude that the role of TNF in limiting the extent and duration of inflammatory responses in vivo involves its capacity to regulate macrophage IL-12 production. IFN-γ inhibition of chemokine production and inhibition of IFN-γ-induced IL-12 production by TNF provide potential mechanisms by which these cytokines can exert anti-inflammatory/repair function(s).
An important signaling pathway for the differentiation of T helper type 2 (TH2) cells from uncommitted CD4 T cell precursors is activation of the STAT6 transcription factor by interleukin 4 (IL-4). The protooncogene BCL-6 is also involved in TH2 differentiation, as BCL-6 −/− mice develop an inflammation of the heart and lungs associated with an overproduction of TH2 cells. Surprisingly, IL-4 −/− BCL-6 −/− and STAT6 −/− BCL-6 −/− double-mutant mice developed the same TH2-type inflammation of the heart and lungs as is characteristic of BCL-6 −/− mice. Furthermore, a TH2 cytokine response developed in STAT6 −/− BCL-6 −/− and IL-4 −/− BCL-6 −/− mice after immunization with a conventional antigen in adjuvant. In contrast to these in vivo findings, STAT6 was required for the in vitro differentiation of BCL-6 −/− T cells into TH2 cells. BCL-6, a transcriptional repressor that can bind to the same DNA binding motifs as STAT transcription factors, seems to regulate TH2 responses in vivo by a pathway independent of IL-4 and STAT6.
The transcription factor NF-κB activates a number of genes whose protein products are proinflammatory. In quiescent cells, NF-κB exists in a latent form and is activated via a signal-dependent proteolytic mechanism in which the inhibitory protein IκB is degraded by the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway. Consequently, inhibition of the proteasome suppresses activation of NF-κB. This suppression should therefore decrease transcription of many genes encoding proinflammatory proteins and should ultimately have an anti-inflammatory effect. To this end, a series of peptide boronic acid inhibitors of the proteasome, exemplified herein by PS-341, were developed. The proteasome is the large multimeric protease that catalyzes the final proteolytic step of the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway. PS-341, a potent, competitive inhibitor of the proteasome, readily entered cells and inhibited the activation of NF-κB and the subsequent transcription of genes that are regulated by NF-κB. Significantly, PS-341 displayed similar effects in vivo. Oral administration of PS-341 had anti-inflammatory effects in a model of Streptococcal cell wall-induced polyarthritis and liver inflammation in rats. The attenuation of inflammation in this model was associated with an inhibition of IκBα degradation and NF-κB-dependent gene expression. These experiments clearly demonstrate that the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway and NF-κB play important roles in regulating chronic inflammation and that, as predicted, proteasome inhibition has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal underactivity has been reported in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). This phenomenon has implications with regard to the pathogenesis and treatment of the disease. The present study was designed to evaluate the secretion of the adrenal androgen dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) and its relation to clinical variables in RA, spondyloarthropathy (Spa), and undifferentiated inflammatory arthritis (UIA). Eighty-seven patients (38 with RA, 29 with Spa, and 20 with UIA) were studied, of whom 54 were women. Only 12 patients (14%) had taken glucocorticoids previously. Age-matched, healthy women (134) and men (149) served as controls. Fasting blood samples were taken for determination of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), serum DHEAS and insulin, and plasma glucose. Insulin resistance was estimated by the homeostasis-model assessment (HOMAIR). DHEAS concentrations were significantly decreased in both women and men with inflammatory arthritis (IA) (P < 0.001). In 24 patients (28%), DHEAS levels were below the lower extreme ranges found for controls. Multiple intergroup comparisons revealed similarly decreased concentrations in each disease subset in both women and men. After the ESR, previous glucocorticoid usage, current treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, duration of disease and HOMAIR were controlled for, the differences in DHEAS levels between patients and controls were markedly attenuated in women (P = 0.050) and were no longer present in men (P = 0.133). We concluded that low DHEAS concentrations are commonly encountered in IA and, in women, this may not be fully explainable by disease-related parameters. The role of hypoadrenalism in the pathophysiology of IA deserves further elucidation. DHEA replacement may be indicated in many patients with IA, even in those not taking glucocorticoids.
The gap junctional protein connexin32 is expressed in hepatocytes, exocrine pancreatic cells, Schwann cells, and other cell types. We have inactivated the connexin32 gene by homologous recombination in the mouse genome and have generated homozygous connexin32-deficient mice that were viable and fertile but weighed on the average approximately 17% less than wild-type controls. Electrical stimulation of sympathetic nerves in connexin32-deficient liver triggered a 78% lower amount of glucose mobilization from glycogen stores, when compared with wild-type liver. Thus, connexin32-containing gap junctions are essential in mouse liver for maximal intercellular propagation of the noradrenaline signal from the periportal (upstream) area, where it is received from sympathetic nerve endings, to perivenous (downstream) hepatocytes. In connexin32-defective liver, the amount of connexin26 protein expressed was found to be lower than in wild-type liver, and the total area of gap junction plaques was approximately 1000-fold smaller than in wild-type liver. In contrast to patients with connexin32 defects suffering from X chromosome-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMTX) due to demyelination in Schwann cells of peripheral nerves, connexin32-deficient mice did not show neurological abnormalities when analyzed at 3 months of age. It is possible, however, that they may develop neurodegenerative symptoms at older age.
Overexpression of the c-myc oncogene is associated with a variety of both human and experimental tumors, and cooperation of other oncogenes and growth factors with the myc family are critical in the evolution of the malignant phenotype. The interaction of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) with c-myc during hepatocarcinogenesis in a transgenic mouse model has been analyzed. While sustained overexpression of c-myc in the liver leads to cancer, coexpression of HGF and c-myc in the liver delayed the appearance of preneoplastic lesions and prevented malignant conversion. Furthermore, tumor promotion by phenobarbital was completely inhibited in the c-myc/HGF double transgenic mice, whereas phenobarbital was an effective tumor promoter in the c-myc single transgenic mice. The results indicate that HGF may function as a tumor suppressor during early stages of liver carcinogenesis, and suggest the possibility of therapeutic application for this cytokine.
High density lipoproteins (HDLs) play a role in two processes that include the amelioration of atheroma formation and the centripetal flow of cholesterol from the extrahepatic organs to the liver. This study tests the hypothesis that the flow of sterol from the peripheral organs to the liver is dependent upon circulating HDL concentrations. Transgenic C57BL/6 mice were used that expressed variable amounts of simian cholesteryl ester-transfer protein (CETP). The rate of centripetal cholesterol flux was quantitated as the sum of the rates of cholesterol synthesis and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol uptake in the extrahepatic tissues. Steady-state concentrations of cholesterol carried in HDL (HDL-C) varied from 59 to 15 mg/dl and those of apolipoprotein AI from 138 to 65 mg/dl between the control mice (CETPc) and those maximally expressing the transfer protein (CETP+). There was no difference in the size of the extrahepatic cholesterol pools in the CETPc and CETP+ animals. Similarly, the rates of cholesterol synthesis (83 and 80 mg/day per kg, respectively) and cholesterol carried in low density lipoprotein uptake (4 and 3 mg/day per kg, respectively) were virtually identical in the two groups. Thus, under circumstances where the steady-state concentration of HDL-C varied 4-fold, the centripetal flux of cholesterol from the peripheral organs to the liver was essentially constant at approximately 87 mg/day per kg. These studies demonstrate that neither the concentration of HDL-C or apolipoprotein AI nor the level of CETP activity dictates the magnitude of centripetal cholesterol flux from the extrahepatic organs to the liver, at least in the mouse.