33 resultados para ISLETS

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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ATP-sensitive K+ (KATP) channels are known to play important roles in various cellular functions, but the direct consequences of disruption of KATP channel function are largely unknown. We have generated transgenic mice expressing a dominant-negative form of the KATP channel subunit Kir6.2 (Kir6.2G132S, substitution of glycine with serine at position 132) in pancreatic beta cells. Kir6.2G132S transgenic mice develop hypoglycemia with hyperinsulinemia in neonates and hyperglycemia with hypoinsulinemia and decreased beta cell population in adults. KATP channel function is found to be impaired in the beta cells of transgenic mice with hyperglycemia. In addition, both resting membrane potential and basal calcium concentrations are shown to be significantly elevated in the beta cells of transgenic mice. We also found a high frequency of apoptotic beta cells before the appearance of hyperglycemia in the transgenic mice, suggesting that the KATP channel might play a significant role in beta cell survival in addition to its role in the regulation of insulin secretion.


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Overaccumulation of lipids in nonadipose tissues of obese rodents may lead to lipotoxic complications such as diabetes. To assess the pathogenic role of the lipogenic transcription factor, sterol regulatory element binding protein 1 (SREBP-1), we measured its mRNA in liver and islets of obese, leptin-unresponsive fa/fa Zucker diabetic fatty rats. Hepatic SREBP-1 mRNA was 2.4 times higher than in lean +/+ controls, primarily because of increased SREBP-1c expression. mRNA of lipogenic enzymes ranged from 2.4- to 4.6-fold higher than lean controls, and triacylglycerol (TG) content was 5.4 times higher. In pancreatic islets of fa/fa rats, SREBP-1c was 3.4 times higher than in lean +/+ Zucker diabetic fatty rats. The increase of SREBP-1 in liver and islets of untreated fa/fa rats was blocked by 6 weeks of troglitazone therapy, and the diabetic phenotype was prevented. Up-regulation of SREBP-1 also occurred in livers of Sprague–Dawley rats with diet-induced obesity. Hyperleptinemia, induced in lean +/+ rats by adenovirus gene transfer, lowered hepatic SREBP-1c by 74% and the lipogenic enzymes from 35 to 59%. In conclusion, overnutrition increases and adenovirus-induced hyperleptinemia decreases SREBP-1c expression in liver and islets. SREBP-1 overexpression, which is prevented by troglitazone, may play a role in the ectopic lipogenesis and lipotoxicity complicating obesity in Zucker diabetic fatty rats.


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Pancreatic islets from young normal and scorbutic male guinea pigs were examined for their ability to release insulin when stimulated with elevated D-glucose. Islets from normal guinea pigs released insulin in a D-glucose-dependent manner showing a rapid initial secretion phase and three secondary secretion waves during a 120-min period. Islets from scorbutic guinea pigs failed to release insulin during the immediate period, and only delayed and decreased responses were observed over the 40-60 min after D-glucose elevation. Insulin release from scorbutic islets was greatly elevated if 5 mM L-ascorbic acid 2-phosphate was supplemented in the perifusion medium during the last 60 min of perifusion. When 5 mM L-ascorbic acid 2-phosphate was added to the perifusion medium concurrently with elevation of medium D-glucose, islets from scorbutic guinea pigs released insulin as rapidly as control guinea pig islets and to a somewhat greater extent. L-Ascorbic acid 2-phosphate without elevated D-glucose had no effect on insulin release by islets from normal or scorbutic guinea pigs. The pancreas from scorbutic guinea pigs contained 2.4 times more insulin than that from control guinea pigs, suggesting that the decreased insulin release from the scorbutic islets was not due to decreased insulin synthesis but due to abnormal insulin secretion.


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Insulin secretion has been studied in isolated rat pancreatic islets under stringent Ca(2+)-depleted, Ca(2+)-free conditions. Under these conditions, the effect of 16.7 mM glucose to stimulate insulin release was abolished. Forskolin, which activates adenylyl cyclase, also failed to stimulate release in the presence of either low or high glucose concentrations. A phorbol ester (phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate; PMA) increased the release rate slightly and this was further increased by 16.7 mM glucose. Remarkably, in the presence of both forskolin and PMA, 16.7 mM glucose strongly augmented insulin release. The augmentation was concentration dependent and monophasic and had a temporal profile similar to the "second phase" of glucose-stimulated insulin release, which is seen under normal conditions when Ca2+ is present. Metabolism is required for the effect because mannoheptulose abolished the glucose response. Other nutrient secretagogues, alpha-ketoisocaproate, and the combination of leucine and glutamine augmented release under the same conditions. Norepinephrine, a physiological inhibitor of insulin secretion, totally blocked the stimulation of release by forskolin and PMA and the augmentation of release by glucose. Thus, under the stringent Ca(2+)-free conditions imposed, the stimulation of insulin release by forskolin and PMA, as well as the augmentation of release by glucose, is under normal physiological control. As no increase in intracellular [Ca2+] was observed, the results demonstrate that glucose can increase the rate of exocytosis and insulin release by pancreatic islets in a Ca(2+)-independent manner. This interesting pathway of stimulus-secretion coupling for glucose appears to exert its effect at a site beyond the usual elevation of intracellular [Ca2+] and is not due to an activation by glucose of protein kinase A or C.


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Simultaneous measurements of cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration and insulin release, in mouse single pancreatic islets, revealed a direct correlation only initially after stimulation with glucose or K+. Later, there is an apparent dissociation between these two parameters, with translocation of alpha and epsilon isoenzymes of protein kinase C to membranes and simultaneous desensitization of insulin release in response to glucose. Recovery of insulin release, without any concomitant changes in cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration, after addition of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, okadaic acid, and forskolin supports the notion that the desensitization process is accounted for by dephosphorylation of key regulatory sites of the insulin exocytotic machinery.


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There are two major mechanisms reported to prevent the autoreactivity of islet-specific CD8+ T cells: ignorance and tolerance. When ignorance is operative, naïve autoreactive CD8+ T cells ignore islet antigens and recirculate without causing damage, unless activated by an external stimulus. In the case of tolerance, CD8+ T cells are deleted. Which factor(s) contributes to each particular outcome was previously unknown. Here, we demonstrate that the concentration of self antigen determines which mechanism operates. When ovalbumin (OVA) was expressed at a relatively low concentration in the pancreatic islets of transgenic mice, there was no detectable cross-presentation, and the CD8+ T cell compartment remained ignorant of OVA. In mice expressing higher doses of OVA, cross-presentation was detectable and led to peripheral deletion of OVA-specific CD8+ T cells. When cross-presentation was prevented by reconstituting the bone marrow compartment with cells incapable of presenting OVA, deletional tolerance was converted to ignorance. Thus, the immune system uses two strategies to avoid CD8+ T cell-mediated autoimmunity: for high dose antigens, it deletes autoreactive T cells, whereas for lower dose antigens, it relies on ignorance.


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The adenovirus (Ad) genome contains immunoregulatory and cytokine inhibitory genes that are presumed to function in facilitating acute infection or in establishing persistence in vivo. Some of these genes are clustered in early region 3 (E3), which contains a 19-kDa glycoprotein (gp19) that inhibits the transport of selected class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules out of the endoplasmic reticulum. In addition, the E3 region contains three protein inhibitors of the cytolytic function of tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α). Because type I autoimmune diabetes destroys islets by mechanisms that involve class I MHC and TNF-α, we investigated whether the entire cassette of Ad E3 genes might prevent the onset of diabetes in a well studied lymphocytic choriomeningitis viral (LCMV) murine model of virus-induced autoimmune diabetes. In this model, a LCMV polypeptide (either glycoprotein or nucleoprotein) expressed as a transgene in the islets is a target for autoimmune destruction of β cells after LCMV infection. In this scenario the LCMV-induced immune response is directed not only against the virus but also against the LCMV transgenes expressed in the β cells. Our experiments demonstrated a very efficient prevention of this LCMV-triggered diabetes by the Ad E3 genes. This resulted from the inhibition of target cell recognition by a fully competent and LCMV-primed immune system. Unlike the results from the β-2 microglobulin gene deletion experiments, our approach shows that selective regulation at the level of the target cell is sufficient to prevent autoimmune diabetes without disrupting the function of the systemic immune response. Although the Ad genes in these experiments were provided as transgenes, recent experiments may permit the introduction of such genes through the use of viral vectors. Although the decrease in class I MHC in islets by Ad genes was demonstrated in these in vivo studies, the relative importance of this process and the control of TNF-α cytolysis must await further genetic dissection of the introduced Ad genes.


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Exposure to cyclopamine, a steroid alkaloid that blocks Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling, promotes pancreatic expansion in embryonic chicks. Heterotopic development of pancreatic endocrine and exocrine structures occurs in regions adjacent to the pancreas including stomach and duodenum, and insulin-producing islets in the pancreas are enlarged. The homeodomain transcription factor PDX1, required for pancreas development, is expressed broadly in the posterior foregut but pancreas development normally initiates only in a restricted region of PDX1-expressing posterior foregut where endodermal Shh expression is repressed. The results suggests that cyclopamine expands the endodermal region where Shh signaling does not occur, resulting in pancreatic differentiation in a larger region of PDX1-expressing foregut endoderm. Cyclopamine reveals the capacity of a broad region of the posterior embryonic foregut to form pancreatic cells and provides a means for expanding embryonic pancreas development.


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The mammalian anx7 gene codes for a Ca2+-activated GTPase, which supports Ca2+/GTP-dependent secretion events and Ca2+ channel activities in vitro and in vivo. To test whether anx7 might be involved in Ca2+ signaling in secreting pancreatic β cells, we knocked out the anx7 gene in the mouse and tested the insulin-secretory properties of the β cells. The nullizygous anx7 (−/−) phenotype is lethal at embryonic day 10 because of cerebral hemorrhage. However, the heterozygous anx7 (+/−) mouse, although expressing only low levels of ANX7 protein, is viable and fertile. The anx7 (+/−) phenotype is associated with a substantial defect in insulin secretion, although the insulin content of the islets, is 8- to 10-fold higher in the mutants than in the normal littermate control. We infer from electrophysiological studies that both glucose-stimulated secretion and voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel functions are normal. However, electrooptical recordings indicate that the (+/−) mutation has caused a change in the ability of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)-generating agonists to release intracellular calcium. The principle molecular consequence of lower anx7 expression is a profound reduction in IP3 receptor expression and function in pancreatic islets. The profound increase in islets, β cell number, and size may be a means of compensating for less efficient insulin secretion by individual defective pancreatic β cells. This is a direct demonstration of a connection between glucose-activated insulin secretion and Ca2+ signaling through IP3-sensitive Ca2+ stores.


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Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α (HNF4α) plays a critical role in regulating the expression of many genes essential for normal functioning of liver, gut, kidney, and pancreatic islets. A nonsense mutation (Q268X) in exon 7 of the HNF4α gene is responsible for an autosomal dominant, early-onset form of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (maturity-onset diabetes of the young; gene named MODY1). Although this mutation is predicted to delete 187 C-terminal amino acids of the HNF4α protein the molecular mechanism by which it causes diabetes is unknown. To address this, we first studied the functional properties of the MODY1 mutant protein. We show that it has lost its transcriptional transactivation activity, fails to dimerize and bind DNA, implying that the MODY1 phenotype is because of a loss of HNF4α function. The effect of loss of function on HNF4α target gene expression was investigated further in embryonic stem cells, which are amenable to genetic manipulation and can be induced to form visceral endoderm. Because the visceral endoderm shares many properties with the liver and pancreatic β-cells, including expression of genes for glucose transport and metabolism, it offers an ideal system to investigate HNF4-dependent gene regulation in glucose homeostasis. By exploiting this system we have identified several genes encoding components of the glucose-dependent insulin secretion pathway whose expression is dependent upon HNF4α. These include glucose transporter 2, and the glycolytic enzymes aldolase B and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, and liver pyruvate kinase. In addition we have found that expression of the fatty acid binding proteins and cellular retinol binding protein also are down-regulated in the absence of HNF4α. These data provide direct evidence that HNF4α is critical for regulating glucose transport and glycolysis and in doing so is crucial for maintaining glucose homeostasis.


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Two mouse insulin genes, Ins1 and Ins2, were disrupted and lacZ was inserted at the Ins2 locus by gene targeting. Double nullizygous insulin-deficient pups were growth-retarded. They did not show any glycosuria at birth but soon after suckling developed diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis and liver steatosis and died within 48 h. Interestingly, insulin deficiency did not preclude pancreas organogenesis and the appearance of the various cell types of the endocrine pancreas. The presence of lacZ expressing β cells and glucagon-positive α cells was demonstrated by cytochemistry and immunocytochemistry. Reverse transcription-coupled PCR analysis showed that somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide mRNAs were present, although at reduced levels, accounting for the presence also of δ and pancreatic polypeptide cells, respectively. Morphometric analysis revealed enlarged islets of Langherans in the pancreas from insulin-deficient pups, suggesting that insulin might function as a negative regulator of islet cell growth. Whether insulin controls the growth of specific islet cell types and the molecular basis for this action remain to be elucidated.


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Impaired insulin secretion is a characteristic of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). One possible therapeutic agent for NIDDM is the insulinotropic hormone glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1). GLP-1 stimulates insulin secretion through several mechanisms including activation of protein kinase A (PKA). We now demonstrate that the subcellular targeting of PKA through association with A-kinase-anchoring proteins (AKAPs) facilitates GLP-1-mediated insulin secretion. Disruption of PKA anchoring by the introduction of anchoring inhibitor peptides or expression of soluble AKAP fragments blocks GLP-1 action in primary islets and cAMP-responsive insulin secretion in clonal beta cells (RINm5F). Displacement of PKA also prevented cAMP-mediated elevation of intracellular calcium suggesting that localized PKA phosphorylation events augment calcium flux.


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Two-photon excitation microscopy was used to image and quantify NAD(P)H autofluorescence from intact pancreatic islets under glucose stimulation. At maximal glucose stimulation, the rise in whole-cell NAD(P)H levels was estimated to be ≈30 μM. However, because glucose-stimulated insulin secretion involves both glycolytic and Kreb's cycle metabolism, islets were cultured on extracellular matrix that promotes cell spreading and allows spatial resolution of the NAD(P)H signals from the cytoplasm and mitochondria. The metabolic responses in these two compartments are shown to be differentially stimulated by various nutrient applications. The glucose-stimulated increase of NAD(P)H fluorescence within the cytoplasmic domain is estimated to be ≈7 μM. Likewise, the NAD(P)H increase of the mitochondrial domain is ≈60 μM and is delayed with respect to the change in cytoplasmic NAD(P)H by ≈20 sec. The large mitochondrial change in glucose-stimulated NAD(P)H thus dominates the total signal but may depend on the smaller but more rapid cytoplasmic increase.


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The β cell-specific glucose-sensitive factor (GSF), which binds the A3 motif of the rat I and human insulin promoters, is modulated by extracellular glucose. A single mutation in the GSF binding site of the human insulin promoter abolishes the stimulation by high glucose only in normal islets, supporting the suggested physiological role of GSF in the glucose-regulated expression of the insulin gene. GSF binding activity was observed in all insulin-producing cells. We have therefore purified this activity from the rat insulinoma RIN and found that a single polypeptide of 45 kDa was responsible for DNA binding. Its amino acid sequence, determined by microsequencing, provided direct evidence that GSF corresponds to insulin promoter factor 1 (IPF-1; also known as PDX-1) and that, in addition to its essential roles in development and differentiation of pancreatic islets and in β cell-specific gene expression, it functions as mediator of the glucose effect on insulin gene transcription in differentiated β cells. The human cDNA coding for GSF/IPF-1 has been cloned, its cell and tissue distribution is described. Its expression in the glucagon-producing cell line αTC1 transactivates the wild-type human insulin promoter more efficiently than the mutated construct. It is demonstrated that high levels of ectopic GSF/IPF-1 inhibit the expression of the human insulin gene in normal islets, but not in transformed βTC1 cells. These results suggest the existence of a control mechanism, such as requirement for a coactivator of GSF/IPF-1, which may be present in limiting amounts in normal as opposed to transformed β cells.


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In the mammalian pancreas, the endocrine cell types of the islets of Langerhans, including the α-, β-, δ-, and pancreatic polypeptide cells as well as the exocrine cells, derive from foregut endodermal progenitors. Recent genetic studies have identified a network of transcription factors, including Pdx1, Isl1, Pax4, Pax6, NeuroD, Nkx2.2, and Hlxb9, regulating the development of islet cells at different stages, but the molecular mechanisms controlling the specification of pancreatic endocrine precursors remain unknown. neurogenin3 (ngn3) is a member of a family of basic helix–loop–helix transcription factors that is involved in the determination of neural precursor cells in the neuroectoderm. ngn3 is expressed in discrete regions of the nervous system and in scattered cells in the embryonic pancreas. We show herein that ngn3-positive cells coexpress neither insulin nor glucagon, suggesting that ngn3 marks early precursors of pancreatic endocrine cells. Mice lacking ngn3 function fail to generate any pancreatic endocrine cells and die postnatally from diabetes. Expression of Isl1, Pax4, Pax6, and NeuroD is lost, and endocrine precursors are lacking in the mutant pancreatic epithelium. Thus, ngn3 is required for the specification of a common precursor for the four pancreatic endocrine cell types.