112 resultados para ISLET-CELL ANTIBODIES

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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It has been reported that the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor subtype 3 is expressed in islet cells and is localized to both insulin and somatostatin granules [Blondel, O., Moody, M. M., Depaoli, A. M., Sharp, A. H., Ross, C. A., Swift, H. & Bell, G. I. (1994) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91, 7777-7781]. This subcellular localization was based on electron microscope immunocytochemistry using antibodies (affinity-purified polyclonal antiserum AB3) directed to a 15-residue peptide of rat inositol trisphosphate receptor subtype 3. We now show that these antibodies cross-react with rat, but not human, insulin. Accordingly, the anti-inositol trisphosphate receptor subtype 3 (AB3) antibodies label electron dense cores of mature (insulin-rich) granules of rat pancreatic beta cells, and rat granule labeling was blocked by preabsorption of the AB3 antibodies with rat insulin. The immunostaining of immature, Golgi-associated proinsulin-rich granules with AB3 antibodies was very weak, indicating that cross-reactivity is limited to the hormone and not its precursor. Also, the AB3 antibodies labeled pure rat insulin crystals grown in vitro but failed to stain crystals grown from pure human insulin. By immunoprecipitation, the antibodies similarly displayed a higher affinity for rat than for human insulin. We could not confirm the labeling of somatostatin granules using AB3 antibodies.


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Insulin resistance is a feature of many common disorders including obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. In these disorders, the β-cells compensate for the insulin resistance for long periods of time with an increase in secretory capacity, an increase in β-cell mass, or both. To determine whether the β-cell response might relate to a circulating growth factor, we have transplanted normal islets under the kidney capsule of normoglycemic insulin-resistant mice with two different models of insulin resistance: lean mice that have a double heterozygous deletion of the insulin receptor and insulin receptor substrate-1 (DH) or the obese, hyperglycemic ob/ob mice. In the grafts transplanted into both hosts, there was a marked increase in β-cell mitotic activity and islet mass that was comparable with that observed in the endogenous pancreas. By contrast, islets of the DH mouse transplanted into normal mice showed reduced mitotic index. These data suggest the insulin resistance is associated with a circulating islet cell growth factor that is independent of glucose and obesity.


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Nonobese diabetic mice spontaneously develop diabetes that is caused by autoimmune cell-mediated destruction of pancreatic beta cells. Here we report that surgical removal of 90% of pancreatic tissue before onset of insulitis induced a long-term diabetes-free condition in nonobese diabetic mice. Pancreatectomy after development of moderate insulitis had no effect on the course of diabetes. The effect of pancreatectomy was abrogated with subsequent development of diabetes by infusion of islet-cell-specific T lymphocytes and by transplantation of pancreatic islets. Lymphocytes from pancreatectomized diabetes-free mice exhibited low response to islet cells but responded normally to alloantigens. These results suggest that the islet cell mass plays a critical role in development of autoimmune diabetes.


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Two mouse insulin genes, Ins1 and Ins2, were disrupted and lacZ was inserted at the Ins2 locus by gene targeting. Double nullizygous insulin-deficient pups were growth-retarded. They did not show any glycosuria at birth but soon after suckling developed diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis and liver steatosis and died within 48 h. Interestingly, insulin deficiency did not preclude pancreas organogenesis and the appearance of the various cell types of the endocrine pancreas. The presence of lacZ expressing β cells and glucagon-positive α cells was demonstrated by cytochemistry and immunocytochemistry. Reverse transcription-coupled PCR analysis showed that somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide mRNAs were present, although at reduced levels, accounting for the presence also of δ and pancreatic polypeptide cells, respectively. Morphometric analysis revealed enlarged islets of Langherans in the pancreas from insulin-deficient pups, suggesting that insulin might function as a negative regulator of islet cell growth. Whether insulin controls the growth of specific islet cell types and the molecular basis for this action remain to be elucidated.


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Streptozotocin (STZ), a glucose analogue known to induce diabetes in experimental animals, causes DNA strand breaks and subsequent activation of poly(ADPribose) polymerase (Parp). Because Parp uses NAD as a substrate, extensive DNA damage will result in reduction of cellular NAD level. In fact, STZ induces NAD depletion and cell death in isolated pancreatic islets in vitro. Activation of Parp therefore is thought to play an important role in STZ-induced diabetes. In the present study, we established Parp-deficient (Parp−/−) mice by disrupting Parp exon 1 by using the homologous recombination technique. These mice were used to examine the possible involvement of Parp in STZ-induced β-cell damage in vivo. The wild-type (Parp+/+) mice showed significant increases in blood glucose concentration from 129 mg/dl to 218, 370, 477, and 452 mg/dl on experimental days 1, 7, 21, and 60, respectively, after a single injection of 180 mg STZ/kg body weight. In contrast, the concentration of blood glucose in Parp−/− mice remained normal up to day 7, slightly increased on day 21, but returned to normal levels on day 60. STZ injection caused extensive necrosis in the islets of Parp+/+ mice on day 1, with subsequent progressive islet atrophy and loss of functional β cells from day 7. In contrast, the extent of islet β-cell death and dysfunction was markedly less in Parp−/− mice. Our findings clearly implicate Parp activation in islet β-cell damage and glucose intolerance induced by STZ in vivo.


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The role of interferon-γ in autoimmune diabetes was assessed by breeding a null mutation of the interferon-γ receptor α chain into the nonobese diabetic mouse strain, as well as into a simplified T cell receptor transgenic model of diabetes. In contrast to a previous report on abrogation of the interferon-γ gene, mutation of the gene encoding its receptor led to drastic effects on disease in both mouse lines. Nonobese diabetic mice showed a marked inhibition of insulitis—both the kinetics and penetrance—and no signs of diabetes; the transgenic model exhibited near-normal insulitis, but this never evolved into diabetes, either spontaneously or after experimental provocation. This failure could not be explained by perturbations in the ratio of T helper cell phenotypes; rather, it reflected a defect in antigen-presenting cells or in the islet β cell targets.


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The feasibility of using carbohydrate-based vaccines for the immunotherapy of cancer is being actively explored at the present time. Although a number of clinical trials have already been conducted with glycoconjugate vaccines, the optimal design and composition of the vaccines has yet to be determined. Among the candidate antigens being examined is Lewisy (Ley), a blood group-related antigen that is overexpressed on the majority of human carcinomas. Using Ley as a model for specificity, we have examined the role of epitope clustering, carrier structure, and adjuvant on the immunogenicity of Ley conjugates in mice. A glycolipopeptide containing a cluster of three contiguous Ley-serine epitopes and the Pam3Cys immunostimulating moiety was found to be superior to a similar construct containing only one Ley-serine epitope in eliciting antitumor cell antibodies. Because only IgM antibodies were produced by this vaccine, the effect on immunogenicity of coupling the glycopeptide to keyhole limpet hemocyanin was examined; although both IgM and IgG antibodies were formed, the antibodies reacted only with the immunizing structure. Reexamination of the clustered Ley-serine Pam3Cys conjugate with the adjuvant QS-21 resulted in the identification of both IgG and IgM antibodies reacting with tumor cells, thus demonstrating the feasibility of an entirely synthetic carbohydrate-based anticancer vaccine in an animal model.


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IA-2 is a 105,847 Da transmembrane protein that belongs to the protein tyrosine phosphatase family. Immunoperoxidase staining with antibody raised against IA-2 showed that this protein is expressed in human pancreatic islet cells. In this study, we expressed the full-length cDNA clone of IA-2 in a rabbit reticulocyte transcription/translation system and used the recombinant radiolabeled IA-2 protein to detect autoantibodies by immunoprecipitation. Coded sera (100) were tested: 50 from patients with newly diagnosed insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and 50 from age-matched normal controls. Sixty-six percent of the sera from patients, but none of the sera from controls, reacted with IA-2. The same diabetic sera tested for autoantibodies to islet cells (ICA) by indirect immunofluorescence and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65Ab) by depletion ELISA showed 68% and 52% positivity, respectively. Up to 86% of the IDDM patients had autoantibodies to IA-2 and/or GAD65. Moreover, greater than 90% (14 of 15) of the ICA-positive but GAD65Ab-negative sera had autoantibodies to IA-2. Absorption experiments showed that the immunofluorescence reactivity of ICA-positive sera was greatly reduced by prior incubation with recombinant IA-2 or GAD65 when the respective antibody was present. A little over one-half (9 of 16) of the IDDM sera that were negative for ICA were found to be positive for autoantibodies to IA-2 and/or GAD65, arguing that the immunofluorescence test for ICA is less sensitive than the recombinant tests for autoantibodies to IA-2 and GAD65. It is concluded that IA-2 is a major islet cell autoantigen in IDDM, and, together with GAD65, is responsible for much of the reactivity of ICA with pancreatic islets. Tests for the detection of autoantibodies to recombinant IA-2 and GAD65 may eventually replace ICA immunofluorescence for IDDM population screening.


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A novel cDNA, IA-2beta, was isolated from a mouse neonatal brain library. The predicted protein sequence revealed an extracellular domain, a transmembrane region, and an intracellular domain. The intracellular domain is 376 amino acids long and 74% identical to the intracellular domain of IA-2, a major autoantigen in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). A partial sequence of the extracellular domain of IA-2beta indicates that it differs substantially (only 26% identical) from that of IA-2. Both molecules are expressed in islets and brain tissue. Forty-six percent (23 of 50) of the IDDM sera but none of the sera from normal controls (0 of 50) immunoprecipitated the intracellular domain of IA-2beta. Competitive inhibition experiments showed that IDDM sera have autoantibodies that recognize both common and distinct determinants on IA-2 and IA-2beta. Many IDDM sera are known to immunoprecipitate 37-kDa and 40-kDa tryptic fragments from islet cells, but the identity of the precursor protein(s) has remained elusive. The current study shows that treatment of recombinant IA-2beta and IA-2 with trypsin yields a 37-kDa fragment and a 40-kDa fragment, respectively, and that these fragments can be immunoprecipitated with diabetic sera. Absorption of diabetic sera with unlabeled recombinant IA-2 or IA-2beta, prior to incubation with radiolabeled 37-kDa and 40-kDa tryptic fragments derived from insulinoma or glucagonoma cells, blocks the immunoprecipitation of both of these radiolabeled tryptic fragments. We conclude that IA-2beta and IA-2 are the precursors of the 37-kDa and 40-kDa islet cell autoantigens, respectively, and that both IA-2 and IA-2beta are major autoantigens in IDDM.


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Angiogenesis is activated during multistage tumorigenesis prior to the emergence of solid tumors. Using a transgenic mouse model, we have tested the proposition that treatment with angiogenesis inhibitors can inhibit the progression of tumorigenesis after the switch to the angiogenic phenotype. In this model, islet cell carcinomas develop from multifocal, hyperproliferative nodules that show the histological hallmarks of human carcinoma in situ. Mice were treated with a combination of the angiogenesis inhibitor AGM-1470 (TNP-470), the antibiotic minocycline, and interferon alpha/beta. The treatment regimen markedly attenuated tumor growth but did not prevent tumor formation; tumor volume was reduced to 11% and capillary density to 40% of controls. The proliferation index of tumor cells in treated and control mice was similar, whereas the apoptotic index was doubled in treated tumors. This study shows that de novo tumor progression can be restricted solely by antiangiogenic therapy. The results suggest that angiogenesis inhibitors represent a valid component of anticancer strategies aimed at progression from discrete stages of tumorigenesis and demonstrate that transgenic mouse models can be used to evaluate efficacy of candidate antiangiogenic agents.


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A pathogenic role for self-reactive cells against the stress protein Hsp60 has been proposed as one of the events leading to autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta cells in the diabetes of nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice. To examine this hypothesis, we generated transgenic NOD mice carrying a murine Hsp60 transgene driven by the H-2E alpha class II promoter. This would be expected to direct expression of the transgene to antigen-presenting cells including those in the thymus and so induce immunological tolerance by deletion. Detailed analysis of Hsp60 expression revealed that the endogenous gene is itself expressed strongly in thymic medullary epithelium (and weakly in cortex) yet fails to induce tolerance. Transgenic mice with retargeted Hsp60 showed overexpression of the gene in thymic cortical epithelium and in bone marrow-derived cells. Analysis of spontaneous T-cell responses to a panel of self and heterologous Hsp60 antigens showed that tolerance to the protein had not been induced, although responses to an immunodominant 437-460 epitope implicated in disease were suppressed, probably indicating an epitope shift. This correlated with changes in disease susceptibility: insulitis in transgenic mice was substantially reduced so that pathology rarely progressed beyond periislet infiltration. This was reflected in a substantial reduction in hyperglycemia and disease. These data indicate that T cells specific for some epitopes of murine Hsp60 are likely to be involved in the islet-cell destruction that occurs in NOD mice.


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Major targets for autoantibodies associated with the development of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) include tryptic fragments with a molecular mass of 37 kDa and/or 40 kDa of a pancreatic islet cell antigen of unknown identity. The assay identifying autoantibodies against the 37/40-kDa antigen in human sera is based on the immunoprecipitation of 35S-labeled rat insulinoma cell proteins with sera from IDDM patients, followed by limited trypsin digestion of the immunoprecipitated material. To identify cDNA clones coding for the 37/40-kDa antigen, we have screened a cDNA expression library from rat insulinoma cells with a serum from an IDDM patient that precipitated the 37/40-kDa antigen in our assay. Among the cDNA products that reacted with the IDDM serum, we identified one cDNA clone whose open reading frame encodes a protein with a predicted mass of 105 kDa that we termed "ICA105" for 105-kDa islet cell antibody. The deduced amino acid sequence has high homology to a recently cloned putative tyrosine phosphatase IA-2 from human and mouse cDNA libraries. Translation of the cDNA in vitro results in a polypeptide with the expected molecular mass of 105 kDa. The evidence that ICA105 is indeed the precursor of the 37/40-kDa tryptic fragments is based on the following three results: (i) Sera from IDDM patients containing autoantibodies to the 37/40-kDa antigen precipitate the in vitro translated polypeptide, whereas sera from healthy subjects as well as sera from IDDM patients not reactive with the 37/40-kDa antigen do not precipitate the cDNA product. (ii) Immunoprecipitation of the in vitro translated protein with sera containing autoantibodies to the 37/40-kDa antigen followed by limited trypsin digestion of the precipitated proteins results in a 40-kDa polypeptide. (iii) The protein derived from our cDNA but not from an unrelated control cDNA clone can block immunoprecipitation of the 37/40-kDa antigen from a labeled rat insulinoma cell extract. The availability of the cloned 37/40-kDa antigen should facilitate the identification of individuals at risk of IDDM with increased accuracy. Furthermore, the identification of the 37/40-kDa antigen as the putative tyrosine phosphatase IA-2 is of relevance in elucidating the role of this antigen in the development of IDDM.


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There are two major mechanisms reported to prevent the autoreactivity of islet-specific CD8+ T cells: ignorance and tolerance. When ignorance is operative, naïve autoreactive CD8+ T cells ignore islet antigens and recirculate without causing damage, unless activated by an external stimulus. In the case of tolerance, CD8+ T cells are deleted. Which factor(s) contributes to each particular outcome was previously unknown. Here, we demonstrate that the concentration of self antigen determines which mechanism operates. When ovalbumin (OVA) was expressed at a relatively low concentration in the pancreatic islets of transgenic mice, there was no detectable cross-presentation, and the CD8+ T cell compartment remained ignorant of OVA. In mice expressing higher doses of OVA, cross-presentation was detectable and led to peripheral deletion of OVA-specific CD8+ T cells. When cross-presentation was prevented by reconstituting the bone marrow compartment with cells incapable of presenting OVA, deletional tolerance was converted to ignorance. Thus, the immune system uses two strategies to avoid CD8+ T cell-mediated autoimmunity: for high dose antigens, it deletes autoreactive T cells, whereas for lower dose antigens, it relies on ignorance.


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The β-chemokine receptor CCR-5 is essential for the efficient entry of primary macrophage-tropic HIV-1 isolates into CD4+ target cells. To study CCR-5-dependent cell-to-cell fusion, we have developed an assay system based on the infection of CD4+ CCR-5+ HeLa cells with a Semliki Forest virus recombinant expressing the gp120/gp41 envelope (Env) from a primary clade B HIV-1 isolate (BX08), or from a laboratory T cell line-adapted strain (LAI). In this system, gp120/gp41 of the “nonsyncytium-inducing,” primary, macrophage-tropic HIV-1BX08 isolate, was at least as fusogenic as that of the “syncytium-inducing” HIV-1LAI strain. BX08 Env-mediated fusion was inhibited by the β-chemokines RANTES (regulated upon activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted) and macrophage inflammatory proteins 1β (MIP-1β) and by antibodies to CD4, whereas LAI Env-mediated fusion was insensitive to these β-chemokines. In contrast soluble CD4 significantly reduced LAI, but not BX08 Env-mediated fusion, suggesting that the primary isolate Env glycoprotein has a reduced affinity for CD4. The domains in gp120/gp41 involved in the interaction with the CD4 and CCR-5 molecules were probed using monoclonal antibodies. For the antibodies tested here, the greatest inhibition of fusion was observed with those directed to conformation-dependent, rather than linear epitopes. Efficient inhibition of fusion was not restricted to epitopes in any one domain of gp120/gp41. The assay was sufficiently sensitive to distinguish between antibody- and β-chemokine-mediated fusion inhibition using serum samples from patient BX08, suggesting that the system may be useful for screening human sera for the presence of biologically significant antibodies.