13 resultados para IRRADIATED POLYAMIDE-1010

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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We conducted a Phase I clinical trial investigating the biologic activity of vaccination with irradiated autologous melanoma cells engineered to secrete human granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor in patients with metastatic melanoma. Immunization sites were intensely infiltrated with T lymphocytes, dendritic cells, macrophages, and eosinophils in all 21 evaluable patients. Although metastatic lesions resected before vaccination were minimally infiltrated with cells of the immune system in all patients, metastatic lesions resected after vaccination were densely infiltrated with T lymphocytes and plasma cells and showed extensive tumor destruction (at least 80%), fibrosis, and edema in 11 of 16 patients examined. Antimelanoma cytotoxic T cell and antibody responses were associated with tumor destruction. These results demonstrate that vaccination with irradiated autologous melanoma cells engineered to secrete granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor stimulates potent antitumor immunity in humans with metastatic melanoma.


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Ultraviolet-B (UVB) (290–320 nm) radiation-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers within the DNA of epidermal cells are detrimental to human health by causing mutations and immunosuppressive effects that presumably contribute to photocarcinogenesis. Conventional photoprotection by sunscreens is exclusively prophylactic in nature and of no value once DNA damage has occurred. In this paper, we have therefore assessed whether it is possible to repair UVB radiation-induced DNA damage through topical application of the DNA-repair enzyme photolyase, derived from Anacystis nidulans, that specifically converts cyclobutane dimers into their original DNA structure after exposure to photoreactivating light. When a dose of UVB radiation sufficient to induce erythema was administered to the skin of healthy subjects, significant numbers of dimers were formed within epidermal cells. Topical application of photolyase-containing liposomes to UVB-irradiated skin and subsequent exposure to photoreactivating light decreased the number of UVB radiation-induced dimers by 40–45%. No reduction was observed if the liposomes were not filled with photolyase or if photoreactivating exposure preceded the application of filled liposomes. The UVB dose administered resulted in suppression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), a molecule required for immunity and inflammatory events in the epidermis. In addition, in subjects hypersensitive to nickel sulfate, elicitation of the hypersensitivity reaction in irradiated skin areas was prevented. Photolyase-induced dimer repair completely prevented these UVB radiation-induced immunosuppressive effects as well as erythema and sunburn-cell formation. These studies demonstrate that topical application of photolyase is effective in dimer reversal and thereby leads to immunoprotection.


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Length change mutation at the Ms6hm hypervariable mouse minisatellite locus was analyzed in C57BL/6N × C3H/HeN F1 mice and the F1 of the reciprocal cross born to irradiated male parents. Spontaneous mutant frequencies were 8.4% and 9.8% for the paternally derived and maternally derived C3H/HeN alleles, respectively. The mutant frequencies for the paternally derived allele increased to 22% and 19% when the male parents were irradiated with 6 Gy at the postmeiotic spermatozoa stage and the spermatogonia stage, respectively. These increases in the mutant frequency were at least 10 to 100 times higher than those expected from the frequency of hits to the 3- to 4-kb allele, suggesting that the length change mutation at this minisatellite locus was not a targeted event due directly to DNA damage in the region. Further analysis demonstrated that the mutant frequency increased also at the maternally derived C3H/HeN allele to 20% when the male parents were irradiated at the spermatozoa stage. This increase in the maternal allele mutation was not observed in F1 born to irradiated spermatogonia. The present study suggests that introduction of DNA damage by irradiated sperm triggers genomic instability in zygotes and in embryos of subsequent developmental stages, and this genomic instability induces untargeted mutation in cis at the paternally derived minisatellite allele and in trans at the maternally derived unirradiated allele. Untargeted mutation revealed in the present study defines a previously unnoticed genetic hazard to the maternally derived genome by the paternally introduced DNA damage.


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Polyamides composed of four amino acids, imidazole (Im), pyrrole (Py), hydroxypyrrole (Hp), and β-alanine (β), are synthetic ligands that form highly stable complexes in the minor groove of DNA. Although specific pairing rules within the 2:1 motif can be used to distinguish the four Watson⋅Crick base pairs, a comparable recognition code for 1:1 polyamide:DNA complexes had not been described. To set a quantitative baseline for the field, the sequence specificities of Im, Py, Hp, and β for the four Watson⋅Crick base pairs were determined for two polyamides, Im-β-ImPy-β-Im-β-ImPy-β-Dp (1, for Im, Py, and β) and Im-β-ImHp-β-Im-β-ImPy-β-Dp (2, for Hp), in a 1:1 complex within the DNA sequence context 5′-AAAGAGAAGAG-3′. Im residues do not distinguish G,C from A,T but bind all four base pairs with high affinity. Py and β residues exhibit ≥10-fold preference for A,T over G,C base pairs. The Hp residue displays a unique preference for a single A⋅T base pair with an energetic penalty.


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Alternative reproductive cycles make use of different strategies to generate different reproductive products. In Escherichia coli, recA and several other rec genes are required for the generation of recombinant genomes during Hfr conjugation. During normal asexual reproduction, many of these same genes are needed to generate clonal products from UV-irradiated cells. However, unlike conjugation, this latter process also requires the function of the nucleotide excision repair genes. Following UV irradiation, the recovery of DNA replication requires uvrA and uvrC, as well as recA, recF, and recR. The rec genes appear to be required to protect and maintain replication forks that are arrested at DNA lesions, based on the extensive degradation of the nascent DNA that occurs in their absence. The products of the recJ and recQ genes process the blocked replication forks before the resumption of replication and may affect the fidelity of the recovery process. We discuss a model in which several rec gene products process replication forks arrested by DNA damage to facilitate the repair of the blocking DNA lesions by nucleotide excision repair, thereby allowing processive replication to resume with no need for strand exchanges or recombination. The poor survival of cellular populations that depend on recombinational pathways (compared with that in their excision repair proficient counterparts) suggests that at least some of the rec genes may be designed to function together with nucleotide excision repair in a common and predominant pathway by which cells faithfully recover replication and survive following UV-induced DNA damage.


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UV irradiation interferes with the induction of T cell-mediated immune responses, in part by causing cells in the skin to produce immunoregulatory cytokines. Recent evidence implicates UV-induced DNA damage as a trigger for the cascade of events leading to systemic immune suppression in vivo. However, to date, there has been no direct evidence linking DNA damage and cytokine production in UV-irradiated cells. Here we provide such evidence by showing that treatment of UV-irradiated murine keratinocytes in vitro with liposomal T4 endonuclease V, which accelerates the repair of cyclobutylpyrimidine dimers in these cells, inhibits their production of immunosuppressive cytokines, including interleukin 10. Application of these liposomes to murine skin in vivo also reduced the induction of interleukin 10 by UV irradiation, whereas liposomes containing heat-inactivated T4 endonuclease V were ineffective. These results support our hypothesis that unrepaired DNA damage in the skin activates the production of cytokines that down-regulate immune responses initiated at distant sites.


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Vaccination with cytokine-producing tumor cells generates potent immune responses against tumors outside the central nervous system (CNS). The CNS, however, is a barrier to allograft and xenograft rejection, and established tumors within the CNS have failed to respond to other forms of systemic immunotherapy. To determine what barriers the "immunologically privileged" CNS would pose to cytokine-assisted tumor vaccines and what cytokines would be most efficacious against tumors within the CNS, we irradiated B16 murine melanoma cells producing murine interleukin 2 (IL-2), IL-3, IL-4, IL-6, gamma-interferon, or granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and used these cells as subcutaneous vaccines against tumors within the brain. Under conditions where untransfected B16 cells had no effect, cells producing IL-3, IL-6, or GM-CSF increased the survival of mice challenged with viable B16 cells in the brain. Vaccination with B16 cells producing IL-4 or gamma-interferon had no effect, and vaccination with B16 cells producing IL-2 decreased survival time. GM-CSF-producing vaccines were also able to increase survival in mice with pre-established tumors. The response elicited by GM-CSF-producing vaccines was found to be specific to tumor type and to be abrogated by depletion of CD8+ cells. Unlike the immunity generated against subcutaneous tumors by GM-CSF, however, the effector responses generated against tumors in the CNS were not dependent on CD4+ cells. These data suggest that cytokine-producing tumor cells are very potent stimulators of immunity against tumors within the CNS, but effector responses in the CNS may be different from those obtained against subcutaneous tumors.


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Hairpin polyamides are synthetic ligands for sequence-specific recognition in the minor groove of double-helical DNA. A thermodynamic characterization of the DNA-binding properties exhibited by a six-ring hairpin polyamide, ImPyPy-gamma-PyPyPy-beta-Dp (where Im = imidazole, Py = pyrrole, gamma = gamma-aminobutyric acid, beta = beta-alanine, and Dp = dimethylaminopropylamide), reveals an approximately 1-2 kcal/mol greater affinity for the designated match site, 5'-TGTTA-3', relative to the single base pair mismatch sites, 5'-TGGTA-3' and 5'-TATTA-3'. The enthalpy and entropy data at 20 degrees C reveal this sequence specificity to be entirely enthalpic in origin. Correlations between the thermodynamic driving forces underlying the sequence specificity exhibited by ImPyPy-gamma-PyPyPy-beta-Dp and the structural properties of the heterodimeric complex of PyPyPy and ImPyPy bound to the minor groove of DNA provide insight into the molecular forces that govern the affinity and specificity of pyrrole-imidazole polyamides.


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Polyamides containing N-methylimidazole (Im) and N-methylpyrrole (Py) amino acids can be combined in antiparallel side-by-side dimeric complexes for sequence-specific recognition in the minor groove of DNA. Six polyamides containing three to eight rings bind DNA sites 5-10 bp in length, respectively. Quantitative DNase I footprint titration experiments demonstrate that affinity maximizes and is similar at ring sizes of five, six, and seven. Sequence specificity decreases as the length of the polyamides increases beyond five rings. These results provide useful guidelines for the design of new polyamides that bind longer DNA sites with enhanced affinity and specificity.


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Polyamide ("peptide") nucleic acids (PNAs) are molecules with antigene and antisense effects that may prove to be effective neuropharmaceuticals if these molecules are enabled to undergo transport through the brain capillary endothelial wall, which makes up the blood-brain barrier in vivo. The model PNA used in the present studies is an 18-mer that is antisense to the rev gene of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and is biotinylated at the amino terminus and iodinated at a tyrosine residue near the carboxyl terminus. The biotinylated PNA was linked to a conjugate of streptavidin (SA) and the OX26 murine monoclonal antibody to the rat transferrin receptor. The blood-brain barrier is endowed with high transferrin receptor concentrations, enabling the OX26-SA conjugate to deliver the biotinylated PNA to the brain. Although the brain uptake of the free PNA was negligible following intravenous administration, the brain uptake of the PNA was increased at least 28-fold when the PNA was bound to the OX26-SA vector. The brain uptake of the PNA bound to the OX26-SA vector was 0.1% of the injected dose per gram of brain at 60 min after an intravenous injection, approximating the brain uptake of intravenously injected morphine. The PNA bound to the OX26-SA vector retained the ability to bind to synthetic rev mRNA as shown by RNase protection assays. In summary, the present studies show that while the transport of PNAs across the blood-brain barrier is negligible, delivery of these potential neuropharmaceutical drugs to the brain may be achieved by coupling them to vector-mediated peptide-drug delivery systems.


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Cells from transgenic mice expressing a human mini-gene for collagen I were used as markers to follow the fate of mesenchymal precursor cells from marrow that were partially enriched by adherence to plastic, expanded in culture, and then injected into irradiated mice. Sensitive PCR assays for the marker collagen I gene indicated that few of the donor cells were present in the recipient mice after 1 week, but 1-5 months later, the donor cells accounted for 1.5-12% of the cells in bone, cartilage, and lung in addition to marrow and spleen. A PCR in situ assay on lung indicated that the donor cells diffusely populated the parenchyma, and reverse transcription-PCR assays indicated that the marker collagen I gene was expressed in a tissue-specific manner. The results, therefore, demonstrated that mesenchymal precursor cells from marrow that are expanded in culture can serve as long-lasting precursors for mesenchymal cells in bone, cartilage, and lung. They suggest that cells may be particularly attractive targets for gene therapy ex vivo.


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Immunization of rodents and humans with irradiation-attenuated malaria sporozoites confers preerythrocytic stage-specific protective immunity to challenge infection. This immunity is directed against intrahepatic parasites and involves T cells and interferon gamma, which prevent development of exoerythrocytic stages and subsequent blood infection. The present study was undertaken to determine how protective immunity is achieved after immunization of rodent hosts with irradiated Plasmodium berghei sporozoites. We present evidence that irradiated parasites persist in hepatocytes of rats and mice for up to 6 months after immunization. A relationship between the persistence of parasites and the maintenance of protective immunity was observed. Protective immunity was abrogated in irradiated-sporozoite-immunized rats following the application of chemotherapy to remove preexisting liver parasites. Additionally, protective immunity against sporozoite challenge was established in rats vaccinated with early and late hepatic stages of irradiated parasites. These results show that irradiation-attenuated sporozoites produce persistent intrahepatic stages in vivo necessary for the induction and maintenance of protective immunity.


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To elucidate the mechanism of recognition of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) by homopyrimidine polyamide ("peptide") nucleic acid (PNA) leading to the strand-displacement, the kinetics of the sequence-specific PNA/DNA binding have been studied. The binding was monitored with time by the gel retardation and nuclease S1 cleavage assays. The experimental kinetic curves obey pseudo-first-order kinetics and the dependence of the pseudo-first-order rate constant, kps, on PNA concentration, P, obeys a power law kps approximately P gamma with 2 < gamma < 3. The kps values for binding of decamer PNA to dsDNA target sites with one mismatch are hundreds of times slower than for the correct site. A detailed kinetic scheme for PNA/DNA binding is proposed that includes two major steps of the reaction of strand invasion: (i) a transient partial opening of the PNA binding site on dsDNA and incorporation of one PNA molecule with the formation of an intermediate PNA/DNA duplex and (ii) formation of a very stable PNA2/DNA triplex. A simple theoretical treatment of the proposed kinetic scheme is performed. The interpretation of our experimental data in the framework of the proposed kinetic scheme leads to the following conclusions. The sequence specificity of the recognition is essentially provided at the "search" step of the process, which consists in the highly reversible transient formation of duplex between one PNA molecule and the complementary strand of duplex DNA while the other DNA strand is displaced. This search step is followed by virtually irreversible "locking" step via PNA2/DNA triplex formation. The proposed mechanism explains how the binding of homopyrimidine PNA to dsDNA meets two apparently mutually contradictory features: high sequence specificity of binding and remarkable stability of both correct and mismatched PNA/DNA complexes.