11 resultados para INVARIANCE

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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In three experiments, electric brain waves of 19 subjects were recorded under several different experimental conditions for two purposes. One was to test how well we could recognize which sentence, from a set of 24 or 48 sentences, was being processed in the cortex. The other was to study the invariance of brain waves between subjects. As in our earlier work, the analysis consisted of averaging over trials to create prototypes and test samples, to both of which Fourier transforms were applied, followed by filtering and an inverse transformation to the time domain. A least-squares criterion of fit between prototypes and test samples was used for classification. In all three experiments, averaging over subjects improved the recognition rates. The most significant finding was the following. When brain waves were averaged separately for two nonoverlapping groups of subjects, one for prototypes and the other for test samples, we were able to recognize correctly 90% of the brain waves generated by 48 different sentences about European geography.


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In two experiments, electric brain waves of 14 subjects were recorded under several different conditions to study the invariance of brain-wave representations of simple patches of colors and simple visual shapes and their names, the words blue, circle, etc. As in our earlier work, the analysis consisted of averaging over trials to create prototypes and test samples, to both of which Fourier transforms were applied, followed by filtering and an inverse transformation to the time domain. A least-squares criterion of fit between prototypes and test samples was used for classification. The most significant results were these. By averaging over different subjects, as well as trials, we created prototypes from brain waves evoked by simple visual images and test samples from brain waves evoked by auditory or visual words naming the visual images. We correctly recognized from 60% to 75% of the test-sample brain waves. The general conclusion is that simple shapes such as circles and single-color displays generate brain waves surprisingly similar to those generated by their verbal names. These results, taken together with extensive psychological studies of auditory and visual memory, strongly support the solution proposed for visual shapes, by Bishop Berkeley and David Hume in the 18th century, to the long-standing problem of how the mind represents simple abstract ideas.


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Previous analysis of the rules regarding how much more a female should invest in a litter of size C rather than producing a litter with one more offspring revealed an invariance relationship between litter size and the range of resources per offspring in any litter size. The rule is that the range of resources per offspring should be inversely proportional to litter size. Here we present a modification of this rule that relates litter size to the total resources devoted to reproduction at that litter size. The result is that the range of resources devoted to reproduction should be the same for all litter sizes. When parental phenotypes covary linearly with resources devoted to reproduction, then those traits should also show equal ranges within each litter size category (except for litters of one). We tested this prediction by examining the range in body size (=total length) of female mosquito fish (Gambusia hubbsi) at different litter sizes. Because resources devoted to reproduction may take many forms (e.g., nest defense), this prediction may have broad applicability.


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The three single-headed monomeric myosin I isozymes of Acanthamoeba castellanii (AMIs)—AMIA, AMIB, and AMIC—are among the best-studied of all myosins. We have used AMIC to study structural correlates of myosin’s actin-activated ATPase. This activity is normally controlled by phosphorylation of Ser-329, but AMIC may be switched into constitutively active or inactive states by substituting this residue with Glu or Ala, respectively. To determine whether activation status is reflected in structural differences in the mode of attachment of myosin to actin, these mutant myosins were bound to actin filaments in the absence of nucleotide (rigor state) and visualized at 24-Å resolution by using cryoelectron microscopy and image reconstruction. No such difference was observed. Consequently, we suggest that regulation may be affected not by altering the static (time-averaged) structure of AMIC but by modulating its dynamic properties, i.e., molecular breathing. The tail domain of vertebrate intestinal brush-border myosin I has been observed to swing through 31° on binding of ADP. However, it was predicted on grounds of differing kinetics that any such effects with AMIC should be small [Jontes, J. D., Ostap, E. M., Pollard, T. D. & Milligan, R. A. (1998) J. Cell Biol. 141, 155–162]. We have confirmed this hypothesis by observing actin-associated AMIC in its ADP-bound state. Finally, we compared AMIC to brush-border myosin I and AMIB, which were previously studied under similar conditions. In each case, the shape and angle of attachment to F-actin of the catalytic domain is largely conserved, but the domain structure and disposition of the tail is distinctively different for each myosin.


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Analysis of the reactivity of IgM with self-antigens in tissues by a quantitative immunoblotting technique showed striking invariance among newborns in the human and in the mouse. The self-reactive repertoire of IgM of adults was also markedly conserved; it comprised most anti-self reactivities that prevailed among neonates. Multivariate analysis confirmed the homogeneity of IgM repertoires of neonates toward self- and non-self-antigens. Multivariate analysis discriminated between newborn and adult repertoires for reactivity with two of five sources of self-proteins and with non-self-antigens. Our observations support the concept that naturally activated B lymphocytes are selected early in development and throughout life for reactivity with a restricted set of self-antigens.


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Schrödinger’s equation of a three-body system is a linear partial differential equation (PDE) defined on the 9-dimensional configuration space, ℝ9, naturally equipped with Jacobi’s kinematic metric and with translational and rotational symmetries. The natural invariance of Schrödinger’s equation with respect to the translational symmetry enables us to reduce the configuration space to that of a 6-dimensional one, while that of the rotational symmetry provides the quantum mechanical version of angular momentum conservation. However, the problem of maximizing the use of rotational invariance so as to enable us to reduce Schrödinger’s equation to corresponding PDEs solely defined on triangular parameters—i.e., at the level of ℝ6/SO(3)—has never been adequately treated. This article describes the results on the orbital geometry and the harmonic analysis of (SO(3),ℝ6) which enable us to obtain such a reduction of Schrödinger’s equation of three-body systems to PDEs solely defined on triangular parameters.


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Electrical and magnetic brain waves of two subjects were recorded for the purpose of recognizing which one of 12 sentences or seven words auditorily presented was processed. The analysis consisted of averaging over trials to create prototypes and test samples, to each of which a Fourier transform was applied, followed by filtering and an inverse transformation to the time domain. The filters used were optimal predictive filters, selected for each subject. A still further improvement was obtained by taking differences between recordings of two electrodes to obtain bipolar pairs that then were used for the same analysis. Recognition rates, based on a least-squares criterion, varied, but the best were above 90%. The first words of prototypes of sentences also were cut and pasted to test, at least partially, the invariance of a word’s brain wave in different sentence contexts. The best result was above 80% correct recognition. Test samples made up only of individual trials also were analyzed. The best result was 134 correct of 288 (47%), which is promising, given that the expected recognition number by chance is just 24 (or 8.3%). The work reported in this paper extends our earlier work on brain-wave recognition of words only. The recognition rates reported here further strengthen the case that recordings of electric brain waves of words or sentences, together with extensive mathematical and statistical analysis, can be the basis of new developments in our understanding of brain processing of language.


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How a reacting system climbs through a transition state during the course of a reaction has been an intriguing subject for decades. Here we present and quantify a technique to identify and characterize local invariances about the transition state of an N-particle Hamiltonian system, using Lie canonical perturbation theory combined with microcanonical molecular dynamics simulation. We show that at least three distinct energy regimes of dynamical behavior occur in the region of the transition state, distinguished by the extent of their local dynamical invariance and regularity. Isomerization of a six-atom Lennard–Jones cluster illustrates this: up to energies high enough to make the system manifestly chaotic, approximate invariants of motion associated with a reaction coordinate in phase space imply a many-body dividing hypersurface in phase space that is free of recrossings even in a sea of chaos. The method makes it possible to visualize the stable and unstable invariant manifolds leading to and from the transition state, i.e., the reaction path in phase space, and how this regularity turns to chaos with increasing total energy of the system. This, in turn, illuminates a new type of phase space bottleneck in the region of a transition state that emerges as the total energy and mode coupling increase, which keeps a reacting system increasingly trapped in that region.


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Reasoning from two basic principles of molecular physics, P invariance of electromagnetic interaction and the second law of thermodynamics, one would conclude that mirror symmetry retained in the world of chiral molecules. This inference is fully consistent with what is observed in inorganic nature. However, in the bioorganic world, the reverse is true. Mirror symmetry there is definitely broken. Is it possible to account for this phenomenon without going beyond conventional concepts of the kinetics of enantioselective processes? This study is an attempt to survey all existing hypotheses containing this phenomenon.


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The effect of temperature from 5 degrees C to 50 degrees C on the retention of dansyl derivatives of amino acids in hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) was investigated by HPLC on three stationary phases. Plots of the logarithmic retention factor against the reciprocal temperature in a wide range were nonlinear, indicative of a large negative heat capacity change associated with retention. By using Kirchoff's relations, the enthalpy, entropy, and heat capacity changes were evaluated from the logarithmic retention factor at various temperatures by fitting the data to a logarithmic equation and a quadratic equation that are based on the invariance and on an inverse square dependence of the heat capacity on temperature, respectively. In the experimental temperature interval, the heat capacity change was found to increase with temperature and could be approximated by the arithmetic average. For HIC retention of a set of dansylamino acids, both enthalpy and entropy changes were positive at low temperatures but negative at high temperatures as described in the literature for other processes based on the hydrophobic effect. The approach presented here shows that chromatographic measurements can be not only a useful adjunct to calorimetry but also an alternative means for the evaluation of thermodynamic parameters.


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Landforms and earthquakes appear to be extremely complex; yet, there is order in the complexity. Both satisfy fractal statistics in a variety of ways. A basic question is whether the fractal behavior is due to scale invariance or is the signature of a broadly applicable class of physical processes. Both landscape evolution and regional seismicity appear to be examples of self-organized critical phenomena. A variety of statistical models have been proposed to model landforms, including diffusion-limited aggregation, self-avoiding percolation, and cellular automata. Many authors have studied the behavior of multiple slider-block models, both in terms of the rupture of a fault to generate an earthquake and in terms of the interactions between faults associated with regional seismicity. The slider-block models exhibit a remarkably rich spectrum of behavior; two slider blocks can exhibit low-order chaotic behavior. Large numbers of slider blocks clearly exhibit self-organized critical behavior.