em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
Self-incompatibility in Brassica is controlled by a single multi-allelic locus (S locus), which contains at least two highly polymorphic genes expressed in the stigma: an S glycoprotein gene (SLG) and an S receptor kinase gene (SRK). The putative ligand-binding domain of SRK exhibits high homology to the secretory protein SLG, and it is believed that SLG and SRK form an active receptor kinase complex with a self-pollen ligand, which leads to the rejection of self-pollen. Here, we report 31 novel SLG sequences of Brassica oleracea and Brassica campestris. Sequence comparisons of a large number of SLG alleles and SLG-related genes revealed the following points. (i) The striking sequence similarity observed in an inter-specific comparison (95.6% identity between SLG14 of B. oleracea and SLG25 of B. campestris in deduced amino acid sequence) suggests that SLG diversification predates speciation. (ii) A perfect match of the sequences in hypervariable regions, which are thought to determine S specificity in an intra-specific comparison (SLG8 and SLG46 of B. campestris) and the observation that the hypervariable regions of SLG and SRK of the same S haplotype were not necessarily highly similar suggests that SLG and SRK bind different sites of the pollen ligand and that they together determine S specificity. (iii) Comparison of the hypervariable regions of SLG alleles suggests that intragenic recombination, together with point mutations, has contributed to the generation of the high level of sequence variation in SLG alleles. Models for the evolution of SLG/SRK are presented.
Objective To summarise comparisons of randomised clinical trials and non-randomised clinical trials, trials with adequately concealed random allocation versus inadequately concealed random allocation, and high quality trials versus low quality trials where the effect of randomisation could not be separated from the effects of other methodological manoeuvres.
Comparative genomics offers unparalleled opportunities to integrate historically distinct disciplines, to link disparate biological kingdoms, and to bridge basic and applied science. Cross-species, cross-genera, and cross-kingdom comparisons are proving key to understanding how genes are structured, how gene structure relates to gene function, and how changes in DNA have given rise to the biological diversity on the planet. The application of genomics to the study of crop species offers special opportunities for innovative approaches for combining sequence information with the vast reservoirs of historical information associated with crops and their evolution. The grasses provide a particularly well developed system for the development of tools to facilitate comparative genetic interpretation among members of a diverse and evolutionarily successful family. Rice provides advantages for genomic sequencing because of its small genome and its diploid nature, whereas each of the other grasses provides complementary genetic information that will help extract meaning from the sequence data. Because of the importance of the cereals to the human food chain, developments in this area can lead directly to opportunities for improving the health and productivity of our food systems and for promoting the sustainable use of natural resources.
A number of studies have noted that nucleotide substitution rates at the chloroplast-encoded rbcL locus violate the molecular clock principle. Substitution rate variation at this plastid gene is particularly pronounced between palms and grasses; for example, a previous study estimated that substitution rates in rbcL sequences are approximately 5-fold faster in grasses than in palms. To determine whether a proportionate change in substitution rates also occurs in plant nuclear genes, we characterized nucleotide substitution rates in palm and grass sequences for the nuclear gene Adh. In this article, we report that palm sequences evolve at a rate of 2.61 x 10(-9) substitution per synonymous site per year, a rate which is slower than most plant nuclear genes. Grass Adh sequences evolve approximately 2.5-fold faster than palms at synonymous sites. Thus, synonymous rates in nuclear Adh genes show a marked decrease in palms relative to grasses, paralleling the pattern found at the plastid rbcL locus. This shared pattern indicates that synonymous rates are correlated between a nuclear and a plastid gene. Remarkably, nonsynonymous rates do not show this correlation. Nonsynonymous rates vary between two duplicated grass Adh loci, and nonsynonymous rates at the palm Adh locus are not markedly reduced relative to grasses.