49 resultados para INFECTIVITY

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The link between recognition and replication is fundamental to the operation of the immune system. In recent years, modeling this process in a format of phage-display combinatorial libraries has afforded a powerful tool for obtaining valuable antibodies. However, the ability to readily select and isolate rare catalysts would expand the scope of library technology. A technique in which phage infection controlled the link between recognition and replication was applied to show that chemistry is a selectable process. An antibody that operated by covalent catalysis to form an acyl intermediate restored phage infectivity and allowed selection from a library in which the catalyst constituted 1 in 105 members. Three different selection approaches were examined for their convenience and generality. Incorporating these protocols together with well known affinity labels and mechanism-based inactivators should allow the procurement of a wide range of novel catalytic antibodies.


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Linear peptides derived from the membrane proximal region of the gp41 ectodomain are effective inhibitors of HIV type 1 (HIV-1)-mediated fusion events. These inhibitory peptides lack structure in solution, rendering mechanistic interpretation of their activity difficult. Using structurally constrained analogs of these molecules, we demonstrate that the peptides inhibit infectivity by adopting a helical conformation. Moreover, we show that a specific face of the helix must be exposed to block viral infectivity. Recent crystal structures show that the region of gp41 corresponding to the inhibitory peptides is helical and uses the analogous face to pack against a groove formed by an N-terminal coiled-coil trimer. Our results provide a direct link between the inhibition of HIV-1 infectivity by these peptides and the x-ray structures, and suggest that the conformation of gp41 observed by crystallography represents the fusogenic state. Other agents that block HIV-1 infectivity by binding to this groove may hold promise for the treatment of AIDS.


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The accessory protein negative factor (Nef) from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) is required for optimal viral infectivity and the progression to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Nef interacts with the endocytic machinery, resulting in the down-regulation of cluster of differentiation antigen 4 (CD4) and major histocompatibility complex class I (MHCI) molecules on the surface of infected cells. Mutations in the C-terminal flexible loop of Nef result in a lower rate of internalization by this viral protein. However, no loop-dependent binding of Nef to adaptor protein-2 (AP-2), which is the adaptor protein complex that is required for the internalization of proteins from the plasma membrane, could be demonstrated. In this study we investigated the relevance of different motifs in Nef from SIVmac239 for its internalization, CD4 down-regulation, binding to components of the trafficking machinery, and viral infectivity. Our data suggest that the binding of Nef to the catalytic subunit H of the vacuolar membrane ATPase (V-ATPase) facilitates its internalization. This binding depends on the integrity of the whole flexible loop. Subsequent studies on Nef mutant viruses revealed that the flexible loop is essential for optimal viral infectivity. Therefore, our data demonstrate how Nef contacts the endocytic machinery in the absence of its direct binding to AP-2 and suggest an important role for subunit H of the V-ATPase in viral infectivity.


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Two human T-cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I) molecular clones, K30p and K34p were derived from HTLV-I-infected rabbit cell lines. K30p and K34p differ by 18 bp with changes in the long terminal repeats (LTRs) as well as in the gag, pol, and rex but not tax or env gene products. Cells transfected with clone K30p were infectious in vitro and injection of the K30p transfectants or naked K30p DNA into rabbits leads to chronic infection. In contrast, K34p did not mediate infection in vitro or in vivo, although the cell line from which it was derived is fully infectious and K34p transfectants produce intact virus particles. To localize differences involved in the ability of the clones to cause infection, six chimeric HTLV-I clones were constructed by shuffling corresponding fragments containing the substitutions in the LTRs, the gag/pol region and the rex region between K30p and K34p. Cells transfected with any of the six chimeras produced virus, but higher levels of virus were produced by cells transfected with those constructs containing the K30p rex region. Virus production was transient except in cells transfected with K30p or with a chimera consisting of the entire protein coding region of K30p flanked by K34p LTRs; only the transfectants showing persistent virus production mediated in vitro infection. In vivo infection in rabbits following intramuscular DNA injection was mediated by K30p as well as by a chimera of K30p containing the K34p rex gene. Comparisons revealed that virus production was greater and appeared earlier in rabbits injected with K30p. These data suggest that several defects in the K34p clone preclude infectivity and furthermore, provide systems to explore functions of HTLV-I genes.


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Experimental lemurs either were infected orally with the agent of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or were maintained as uninfected control animals. Immunohistochemical examination for proteinase-resistant protein (prion protein or PrP) was performed on tissues from two infected but still asymptomatic lemurs, killed 5 months after infection, and from three uninfected control lemurs. Control tissues showed no staining, whereas PrP was detected in the infected animals in tonsil, gastrointestinal tract and associated lymphatic tissues, and spleen. In addition, PrP was detected in ventral and dorsal roots of the cervical spinal cord, and within the spinal cord PrP could be traced in nerve tracts as far as the cerebral cortex. Similar patterns of PrP immunoreactivity were seen in two symptomatic and 18 apparently healthy lemurs in three different French primate centers, all of which had been fed diets supplemented with a beef protein product manufactured by a British company that has since ceased to include beef in its veterinary nutritional products. This study of BSE-infected lemurs early in their incubation period extends previous pathogenesis studies of the distribution of infectivity and PrP in natural and experimental scrapie. The similarity of neuropathology and PrP immunostaining patterns in experimentally infected animals to those observed in both symptomatic and asymptomatic animals in primate centers suggests that BSE contamination of zoo animals may have been more widespread than is generally appreciated.


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Stromal cell-derived factor-1α (SDF-1α ) is a member of the chemokine superfamily and functions as a growth factor and chemoattractant through activation of CXCR4/LESTR/Fusin, a G protein-coupled receptor. This receptor also functions as a coreceptor for T-tropic syncytium-inducing strains of HIV-1. SDF-1α antagonizes infectivity of these strains by competing with gp120 for binding to the receptor. The crystal structure of a variant SDF-1α ([N33A]SDF-1α ) prepared by total chemical synthesis has been refined to 2.2-Å resolution. Although SDF-1α adopts a typical chemokine β-β-β-α topology, the packing of the α-helix against the β-sheet is strikingly different. Comparison of SDF-1α with other chemokine structures confirms the hypothesis that SDF-1α may be either an ancestral protein from which all other chemokines evolved or the chemokine that is the least divergent from a primordial chemokine. The structure of SDF-1α reveals a positively charged surface ideal for binding to the negatively charged extracellular loops of the CXCR4 HIV-1 coreceptor. This ionic complementarity is likely to promote the interaction of the mobile N-terminal segment of SDF-1α with interhelical sites of the receptor, resulting in a biological response.


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TVA, the cellular receptor for subgroup A avian leukosis viruses (ALV-A) can mediate viral entry when expressed as a transmembrane protein or as a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked protein on the surfaces of transfected mammalian cells. To determine whether mammalian cells can be rendered susceptible to ALV-A infection by attaching a soluble form of TVA to their plasma membranes, the TVA-epidermal growth factor (EGF) fusion protein was generated. TVA-EGF is comprised of the extracellular domain of TVA linked to the mature form of human EGF. Flow cytometric analysis confirmed that TVA-EGF is a bifunctional reagent capable of binding simultaneously to cell surface EGF receptors and to an ALV-A surface envelope-Ig fusion protein. TVA-EGF prebound to transfected mouse fibroblasts expressing either wild-type or kinase-deficient human EGF receptors, rendered these cells highly susceptible to infection by ALV-A vectors. Viral infection was blocked specifically in the presence of a recombinant human EGF protein, demonstrating that the binding of TVA-EGF to EGF receptors was essential for infectivity. These studies have demonstrated that a soluble TVA-ligand fusion protein can mediate viral infection when attached to specific cell surfaces, suggesting an approach for targeting retroviral infection to specific cell types.


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We have succeeded in constructing a stable full-length cDNA clone of strain H77 (genotype 1a) of hepatitis C virus (HCV). We devised a cassette vector with fixed 5′ and 3′ termini and constructed multiple full-length cDNA clones of H77 in a single step by cloning of the entire ORF, which was amplified by long reverse transcriptase–PCR, directly into this vector. The infectivity of two complete full-length cDNA clones was tested by the direct intrahepatic injection of a chimpanzee with RNA transcripts. However, we found no evidence for HCV replication. Sequence analysis of these and 16 additional full-length clones revealed that seven clones were defective for polyprotein synthesis, and the remaining nine clones had 6–28 amino acid mutations in the predicted polyprotein compared with the consensus sequence of H77. Next, we constructed a consensus chimera from four of the full-length cDNA clones with just two ligation steps. Injection of RNA transcripts from this consensus clone into the liver of a chimpanzee resulted in viral replication. The sequence of the virus recovered from the chimpanzee was identical to that of the injected RNA transcripts. This stable infectious molecular clone should be an important tool for developing a better understanding of the molecular biology and pathogenesis of HCV.


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The scrapie prion protein (PrPSc) is the major, and possibly the only, component of the infectious prion; it is generated from the cellular isoform (PrPC) by a conformational change. N-terminal truncation of PrPSc by limited proteolysis produces a protein of ≈142 residues designated PrP 27–30, which retains infectivity. A recombinant protein (rPrP) corresponding to Syrian hamster PrP 27–30 was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified. After refolding rPrP into an α-helical form resembling PrPC, the structure was solved by multidimensional heteronuclear NMR, revealing many structural features of rPrP that were not found in two shorter PrP fragments studied previously. Extensive side-chain interactions for residues 113–125 characterize a hydrophobic cluster, which packs against an irregular β-sheet, whereas residues 90–112 exhibit little defined structure. Although identifiable secondary structure is largely lacking in the N terminus of rPrP, paradoxically this N terminus increases the amount of secondary structure in the remainder of rPrP. The surface of a long helix (residues 200–227) and a structured loop (residues 165–171) form a discontinuous epitope for binding of a protein that facilitates PrPSc formation. Polymorphic residues within this epitope seem to modulate susceptibility of sheep and humans to prion disease. Conformational heterogeneity of rPrP at the N terminus may be key to the transformation of PrPC into PrPSc, whereas the discontinuous epitope near the C terminus controls this transition.


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We recently reported that HIV-1 Vif (virion infectivity factor) inhibits HIV-1 protease in vitro and in bacteria, suggesting that it may serve as the basis for the design of new protease inhibitors and treatment for HIV-1 infection. To evaluate this possibility, we synthesized peptide derivatives from the region of Vif, which inhibits protease, and tested their activity on protease. In an assay of cleavage of virion-like particles composed of HIV-1 Gag precursor polyprotein, full-length recombinant Vif, and a peptide consisting of residues 21–65 of Vif, but not a control peptide or BSA, inhibited protease activity. Vif21–65 blocked protease at a molar ratio of two to one. We then tested this peptide and a smaller peptide, Vif41–65, for their effects on HIV-1 infection of peripheral blood lymphocytes. Both Vif peptides inhibited virus expression below the limit of detection, but control peptides had no effect. To investigate its site of action, Vif21–65 was tested for its effect on Gag cleavage by protease during HIV-1 infection. We found that commensurate with its reduction of virus expression, Vif21–65 inhibited the cleavage of the polyprotein p55 to mature p24. These results are similar to those obtained by using Ro 31–8959, a protease inhibitor in clinical use. We conclude that Vif-derived peptides inhibit protease during HIV-1 infection and may be useful for the development of new protease inhibitors.


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The identification of the neutralization domains of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is essential for the development of an effective vaccine. Here, we show that the hypervariable region 1 (HVR1) of the envelope 2 (E2) protein is a critical neutralization domain of HCV. Neutralization of HCV in vitro was attempted with a rabbit hyperimmune serum raised against a homologous synthetic peptide derived from the HVR1 of the E2 protein, and the residual infectivity was evaluated by inoculation of HCV-seronegative chimpanzees. The source of HCV was plasma obtained from a patient (H) during the acute phase of posttransfusion non-A, non-B hepatitis, which had been titered for infectivity in chimpanzees. The anti-HVR1 antiserum induced protection against homologous HCV infection in chimpanzees, but not against the emergence of neutralization escape mutants that were found to be already present in the complex viral quasispecies of the inoculum. The finding that HVR1 can elicit protective immunity opens new perspectives for the development of effective preventive strategies. However, the identification of the most variable region of HCV as a critical neutralization domain poses a major challenge for the development of a broadly reactive vaccine against HCV.


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The N terminus of the scrapie isoform of prion protein (PrPSc) can be truncated without loss of scrapie infectivity and, correspondingly, the truncation of the N terminus of the cellular isoform, PrPC, still permits conversion into PrPSc. To assess whether additional segments of the PrP molecule can be deleted, we previously removed regions of putative secondary structure in PrPC; in the present study we found that deletion of each of the four predicted helices prevented PrPSc formation, as did deletion of the stop transfer effector region and the C178A mutation. Removal of a 36-residue loop between helices 2 and 3 did not prevent formation of protease-resistant PrP; the resulting scrapie-like protein, designated PrPSc106, contained 106 residues after cleavage of an N-terminal signal peptide and a C-terminal sequence for glycolipid anchor addition. Addition of the detergent Sarkosyl to cell lysates solubilized PrPSc106, which retained resistance to digestion by proteinase K. These results suggest that all the regions of proposed secondary structure in PrP are required for PrPSc formation, as is the disulfide bond stabilizing helices 3 and 4. The discovery of PrPSc106 should facilitate structural studies of PrPSc, investigations of the mechanism of PrPSc formation, and the production of PrPSc-specific antibodies.


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Large sections of the 3′ untranslated region (UTR) of hepatitis C virus (HCV) were deleted from an infectious cDNA clone, and the RNA transcripts from seven deletion mutants were tested sequentially for infectivity in a chimpanzee. Mutants lacking all or part of the 3′ terminal conserved region or the poly(U–UC) region were unable to infect the chimpanzee, indicating that both regions are critical for infectivity in vivo. However, the third region, the variable region, was able to tolerate a deletion that destroyed the two putative stem–loop structures within this region. Mutant VR-24 containing a deletion of the proximal 24 nt of the variable region of the 3′ UTR was viable in the chimpanzee and seemed to replicate as well as the undeleted parent virus. The chimpanzee became viremic 1 week after inoculation with mutant VR-24, and the HCV genome titer increased over time during the early acute infection. Therefore, the poly(U–UC) region and the conserved region, but not the variable region, of the 3′ UTR seem to be critical for in vivo infectivity of HCV.


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Trypanosoma brucei, the protozoan parasite responsible for sleeping sickness, evades the immune response of mammalian hosts and digestion in the gut of the insect vector by means of its coat proteins tethered to the cell surface via glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchors. To evaluate the importance of GPI for parasite survival, we cloned and disrupted a trypanosomal gene, TbGPI10, involved in biosynthesis of GPI. TbGPI10 encodes a protein of 558 amino acids having 25% and 23% sequence identity to human PIG-B and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Gpi10p, respectively. TbGPI10 restored biosynthesis of GPI in a mouse mutant cell line defective in mouse Pig-b gene. TbGPI10 also rescued the inviability of GPI10-disrupted S. cerevisiae, indicating that TbGPI10 is the orthologue of PIG-B/GPI10 that is involved in the transfer of the third mannose to GPI. The bloodstream form of T. brucei could not lose TbGPI10; therefore, GPI synthesis is essential for growth of mammalian stage parasites. Procyclic form cells (insect stage parasites) lacking the surface coat proteins because of disruption of TbGPI10 are viable and grow slower than normal, provided that they are cultured in nonadherent flasks. In regular flasks, they adhered to the plastic surface and died. Infectivity to tsetse flies is partially impaired, particularly in the early stage. Therefore, parasitespecific inhibition of GPI biosynthesis should be an effective chemotherapy target against African trypanosomiasis.


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Retrovirus assembly and maturation involve folding and transport of viral proteins to the virus assembly site followed by subsequent proteolytic cleavage of the Gag polyprotein within the nascent virion. We report that inhibiting proteasomes severely decreases the budding, maturation, and infectivity of HIV. Although processing of the Env glycoproteins is not changed, proteasome inhibitors inhibit processing of Gag polyprotein by the viral protease without affecting the activity of the HIV-1 viral protease itself, as demonstrated by in vitro processing of HIV-1 Gag polyprotein Pr55. Furthermore, this effect occurs independently of the virus release function of the HIV-1 accessory protein Vpu and is not limited to HIV-1, as proteasome inhibitors also reduce virus release and Gag processing of HIV-2. Electron microscopy analysis revealed ultrastructural changes in budding virions similar to mutants in the late assembly domain of p6gag, a C-terminal domain of Pr55 required for efficient virus maturation and release. Proteasome inhibition reduced the level of free ubiquitin in HIV-1-infected cells and prevented monoubiquitination of p6gag. Consistent with this, viruses with mutations in PR or p6gag were resistant to detrimental effects mediated by proteasome inhibitors. These results indicate the requirement for an active proteasome/ubiquitin system in release and maturation of infectious HIV particles and provide a potential pharmaceutical strategy for interfering with retrovirus replication.