73 resultados para INCREASED EXPRESSION

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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We tested whether severe congestive heart failure (CHF), a condition associated with excess free-water retention, is accompanied by altered regulation of the vasopressin-regulated water channel, aquaporin-2 (AQP2), in the renal collecting duct. CHF was induced by left coronary artery ligation. Compared with sham-operated animals, rats with CHF had severe heart failure with elevated left ventricular end-diastolic pressures (LVEDP): 26.9 ± 3.4 vs. 4.1 ± 0.3 mmHg, and reduced plasma sodium concentrations (142.2 ± 1.6 vs. 149.1 ± 1.1 mEq/liter). Quantitative immunoblotting of total kidney membrane fractions revealed a significant increase in AQP2 expression in animals with CHF (267 ± 53%, n = 12) relative to sham-operated controls (100 ± 13%, n = 14). In contrast, immunoblotting demonstrated a lack of an increase in expression of AQP1 and AQP3 water channel expression, indicating that the effect on AQP2 was selective. Furthermore, postinfarction animals without LVEDP elevation or plasma Na reduction showed no increase in AQP2 expression (121 ± 28% of sham levels, n = 6). Immunocytochemistry and immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated very abundant labeling of the apical plasma membrane and relatively little labeling of intracellular vesicles in collecting duct cells from rats with severe CHF, consistent with enhanced trafficking of AQP2 to the apical plasma membrane. The selective increase in AQP2 expression and enhanced plasma membrane targeting provide an explanation for the development of water retention and hyponatremia in severe CHF.


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Neuropeptides are implicated in many tumors, breast cancer (BC) included. Preprotachykinin-I (PPT-I) encodes multiple neuropeptides with pleiotropic functions such as neurotransmission, immune/hematopoietic modulation, angiogenesis, and mitogenesis. PPT-I is constitutively expressed in some tumors. In this study, we investigated a role for PPT-I and its receptors, neurokinin-1 (NK-1) and NK-2, in BC by using quantitative reverse transcription–PCR, ELISA, and in situ hybridization. Compared with normal mammary epithelial cells (n = 2) and benign breast biopsies (n = 21), BC cell lines (n = 7) and malignant breast biopsies (n = 25) showed increased expression of PPT-I and NK-1. NK-2 levels were high in normal and malignant cells. Specific NK-1 and NK-2 antagonists inhibited BC cell proliferation, suggesting autocrine and/or intercrine stimulation of BC cells by PPT-I peptides. NK-2 showed no effect on the proliferation of normal cells but mediated the proliferation of BC cells. Cytosolic extracts from malignant BC cells enhanced PPT-I translation whereas extracts from normal mammary epithelial cells caused no change. These enhancing effects may be protein-specific because a similar increase was observed for IL-6 translation and no effect was observed for IL-1α and stem cell factor. The data suggest that PPT-I peptides and their receptors may be important in BC development. Considering that PPT-I peptides are hematopoietic modulators, these results could be extended to understand early integration of BC cells in the bone marrow, a preferred site of metastasis. Molecular signaling transduced by PPT-I peptides and the mechanism that enhances translation of PPT-I mRNA could lead to innovative strategies for BC treatments and metastasis.


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Liver-specific and nonliver-specific methionine adenosyltransferases (MATs) are products of two genes, MAT1A and MAT2A, respectively, that catalyze the formation of S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet), the principal biological methyl donor. Mature liver expresses MAT1A, whereas MAT2A is expressed in extrahepatic tissues and is induced during liver growth and dedifferentiation. To examine the influence of MAT1A on hepatic growth, we studied the effects of a targeted disruption of the murine MAT1A gene. MAT1A mRNA and protein levels were absent in homozygous knockout mice. At 3 months, plasma methionine level increased 776% in knockouts. Hepatic AdoMet and glutathione levels were reduced by 74 and 40%, respectively, whereas S-adenosylhomocysteine, methylthioadenosine, and global DNA methylation were unchanged. The body weight of 3-month-old knockout mice was unchanged from wild-type littermates, but the liver weight was increased 40%. The Affymetrix genechip system and Northern and Western blot analyses were used to analyze differential expression of genes. The expression of many acute phase-response and inflammatory markers, including orosomucoid, amyloid, metallothionein, Fas antigen, and growth-related genes, including early growth response 1 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen, is increased in the knockout animal. At 3 months, knockout mice are more susceptible to choline-deficient diet-induced fatty liver. At 8 months, knockout mice developed spontaneous macrovesicular steatosis and predominantly periportal mononuclear cell infiltration. Thus, absence of MAT1A resulted in a liver that is more susceptible to injury, expresses markers of an acute phase response, and displays increased proliferation.


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We investigated the cellular and molecular events associated with the increase in sodium transport across the alveolar epithelium of rats exposed to hyperoxia (85% O2 for 7 days followed by 100% O2 for 4 days). Alveolar type II (ATII) cell RNA was isolated and probed with a cDNA for one of the rat colonic epithelial sodium channel subunits (alpha rENaC). The alpha rENaC mRNA (3.7-kb transcript) increased 3-fold in ATII cell RNA isolated from rats exposed to 85% O2 for 7 days and 6-fold after 4 days of subsequent exposure to 100% O2. In situ hybridization revealed increased expression of alpha rENaC mRNA transcripts in both airway and alveolar epithelial cells of hyperoxic rats. When immunostained with a polyclonal antibody to kidney sodium channel protein, ATII cells from hyperoxic rats exhibited a significant increase in the amount of immunogenic protein present in both the plasma membrane and the cytoplasm. When patched in the whole-cell mode, ATII cells from hyperoxic rats exhibited amiloride and 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl)-2',4'-amiloride (EIPA)-sensitive currents that were 100% higher compared with those obtained from air-breathing rats. Single-channel sodium currents (mean conductance of 25 pS) were seen in ATII cells patched in both the inside-out and cell-attached modes. The number and open probability of these channels increased significantly during exposure to hyperoxia. Exposure to sublethal hyperoxia up-regulated both alpha rENaC mRNA and the functional expression of sodium channels in ATII cells.


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The gene product of the recently cloned mouse obese gene (ob) is important in regulating adipose tissue mass. ob RNA is expressed specifically by mouse adipocytes in vivo in each of several different fat cell depots, including brown fat. ob RNA is also expressed in cultured 3T3-442A preadipocyte cells that have been induced to differentiate. Mice with lesions of the hypothalamus, as well as mice mutant at the db locus, express a 20-fold higher level of ob RNA in adipose tissue. These data suggest that both the db gene and the hypothalamus are downstream of the ob gene in the pathway that regulates adipose tissue mass and are consistent with previous experiments suggesting that the db locus encodes the ob receptor. In db/db and lesioned mice, quantitative differences in expression level of ob RNA correlated with adipocyte lipid content. The molecules that regulate expression level of the ob gene in adipocytes probably are important in determining body weight, as are the molecules that mediate the effects of ob at its site of action.


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The p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase is activated by treatment of cells with cytokines and by exposure to environmental stress. The effects of these stimuli on p38 MAP kinase are mediated by the MAP kinase kinases (MKKs) MKK3, MKK4, and MKK6. We have examined the function of the p38 MAP kinase signaling pathway by investigating the effect of targeted disruption of the Mkk3 gene. Here we report that Mkk3 gene disruption caused a selective defect in the response of fibroblasts to the proinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor, including reduced p38 MAP kinase activation and cytokine expression. These data demonstrate that the MKK3 protein kinase is a critical component of a tumor necrosis factor-stimulated signaling pathway that causes increased expression of inflammatory cytokines.


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Calbindin D28 encodes a calcium binding protein that is expressed in the cerebellum exclusively in Purkinje cells. We have used biolistic transfection of organotypic slices of P12 cerebellum to identify a 40-bp element from the calbindin promoter that is necessary and sufficient for Purkinje cell specific expression in this transient in situ assay. This element (PCE1) is also present in the calmodulin II promoter, which regulates expression of a second Purkinje cell Ca2+ binding protein. Expression of high levels of exogenous calbindin or calretinin decreased transcription mediated by PCE1 in Purkinje cells 2.5- to 3-fold, whereas the presence of 1 μM ionomycin in the extracellular medium increased expression. These results demonstrate that PCE1 is a component of a cell-specific and Ca2+-sensitive transcriptional regulatory mechanism that may play a key role in setting the Ca2+ buffering capacity of Purkinje cells.


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The twn2 mutant of Arabidopsis exhibits a defect in early embryogenesis where, following one or two divisions of the zygote, the decendents of the apical cell arrest. The basal cells that normally give rise to the suspensor proliferate abnormally, giving rise to multiple embryos. A high proportion of the seeds fail to develop viable embryos, and those that do, contain a high proportion of partially or completely duplicated embryos. The adult plants are smaller and less vigorous than the wild type and have a severely stunted root. The twn2-1 mutation, which is the only known allele, was caused by a T-DNA insertion in the 5′ untranslated region of a putative valyl-tRNA synthetase gene, valRS. The insertion causes reduced transcription of the valRS gene in reproductive tissues and developing seeds but increased expression in leaves. Analysis of transcript initiation sites and the expression of promoter–reporter fusions in transgenic plants indicated that enhancer elements inside the first two introns interact with the border of the T-DNA to cause the altered pattern of expression of the valRS gene in the twn2 mutant. The phenotypic consequences of this unique mutation are interpreted in the context of a model, suggested by Vernon and Meinke [Vernon, D. M. & Meinke, D. W. (1994) Dev. Biol. 165, 566–573], in which the apical cell and its decendents normally suppress the embryogenic potential of the basal cell and its decendents during early embryo development.


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Hypertrophy of mammalian cardiac muscle is mediated, in part, by angiotensin II through an angiotensin II type1a receptor (AT1aR)-dependent mechanism. To understand how the level of AT1aRs is altered in this pathological state, we studied the expression of an injected AT1aR promoter-luciferase reporter gene in adult rat hearts subjected to an acute pressure overload by aortic coarctation. This model was validated by demonstrating that coarctation increased expression of the α-skeletal actin promoter 1.7-fold whereas the α-myosin heavy chain promoter was unaffected. Pressure overload increased expression from the AT1aR promoter by 1.6-fold compared with controls. Mutations introduced into consensus binding sites for AP-1 or GATA transcription factors abolished the pressure overload response but had no effect on AT1aR promoter activity in control animals. In extracts from coarcted hearts, but not from control hearts, a Fos-JunB-JunD complex and GATA-4 were detected in association with the AP-1 and GATA sites, respectively. These results establish that the AT1aR promoter is active in cardiac muscle and its expression is induced by pressure overload, and suggest that this response is mediated, in part, by a functional interaction between AP-1 and GATA-4 transcription factors.


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c-Cbl-associated protein (CAP) is a signaling protein that interacts with both c-Cbl and the insulin receptor that may be involved in the specific insulin-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of c-Cbl. The restricted expression of CAP in cells metabolically sensitive to insulin suggests an important potential role in insulin action. The expression of CAP mRNA and proteins are increased in 3T3-L1 adipocytes by the insulin sensitizing thiazolidinedione drugs, which are activators of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ). The stimulation of CAP expression by PPARγ activators results from increased transcription. This increased expression of CAP was accompanied by a potentiation of insulin-stimulated c-Cbl tyrosine phosphorylation. Administration of the thiazolidinedione troglitazone to Zucker (fa/fa) rats markedly increased the expression of the major CAP isoform in adipose tissue. This effect was sustained for up to 12 weeks of treatment and accompanied the ability of troglitazone to prevent the onset of diabetes and its complications. Thus, CAP is the first PPARγ-sensitive gene identified that participates in insulin signaling and may play a role in thiazolidinedione-induced insulin sensitization.


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Myostatin, a member of the transforming growth factor-β superfamily, is a genetic determinant of skeletal muscle growth. Mice and cattle with inactivating mutations of myostatin have marked muscle hypertrophy. However, it is not known whether myostatin regulates skeletal muscle growth in adult men and whether increased myostatin expression contributes to wasting in chronic illness. We examined the hypothesis that myostatin expression correlates inversely with fat-free mass in humans and that increased expression of the myostatin gene is associated with weight loss in men with AIDS wasting syndrome. We therefore cloned the human myostatin gene and cDNA and examined the gene’s expression in the skeletal muscle and serum of healthy and HIV-infected men. The myostatin gene comprises three exons and two introns, maps to chromosomal region 2q33.2, has three putative transcription initiation sites, and is transcribed as a 3.1-kb mRNA species that encodes a 375-aa precursor protein. Myostatin is expressed uniquely in the human skeletal muscle as a 26-kDa mature glycoprotein (myostatin-immunoreactive protein) and secreted into the plasma. Myostatin immunoreactivity is detectable in human skeletal muscle in both type 1 and 2 fibers. The serum and intramuscular concentrations of myostatin-immunoreactive protein are increased in HIV-infected men with weight loss compared with healthy men and correlate inversely with fat-free mass index. These data support the hypothesis that myostatin is an attenuator of skeletal muscle growth in adult men and contributes to muscle wasting in HIV-infected men.


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In Alzheimer disease (AD), neurons are thought to be subjected to the deleterious cytotoxic effects of activated microglia. We demonstrate that binding of amyloid-beta peptide (Aβ) to neuronal Receptor for Advanced Glycation Endproduct (RAGE), a cell surface receptor for Aβ, induces macrophage-colony stimulating factor (M-CSF) by an oxidant sensitive, nuclear factor κB-dependent pathway. AD brain shows increased neuronal expression of M-CSF in proximity to Aβ deposits, and in cerebrospinal fluid from AD patients there was ≈5-fold increased M-CSF antigen (P < 0.01), compared with age-matched controls. M-CSF released by Aβ-stimulated neurons interacts with its cognate receptor, c-fms, on microglia, thereby triggering chemotaxis, cell proliferation, increased expression of the macrophage scavenger receptor and apolipoprotein E, and enhanced survival of microglia exposed to Aβ, consistent with pathologic findings in AD. These data delineate an inflammatory pathway triggered by engagement of Aβ on neuronal RAGE. We suggest that M-CSF, thus generated, contributes to the pathogenesis of AD, and that M-CSF in cerebrospinal fluid might provide a means for monitoring neuronal perturbation at an early stage in AD.


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The structure and biosynthesis of poly-N-acetyllactosamine display a dramatic change during development and oncogenesis. Poly-N-acetyllactosamines are also modified by various carbohydrate residues, forming functional oligosaccharides such as sialyl Lex. Herein we describe the isolation and functional expression of a cDNA encoding β-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (iGnT), an enzyme that is essential for the formation of poly-N-acetyllactosamine. For this expression cloning, Burkitt lymphoma Namalwa KJM-1 cells were transfected with cDNA libraries derived from human melanoma and colon carcinoma cells. Transfected Namalwa cells overexpressing the i antigen were continuously selected by fluorescence-activated cell sorting because introduced plasmids containing Epstein–Barr virus replication origin can be continuously amplified as episomes. Sibling selection of plasmids recovered after the third consecutive sorting resulted in a cDNA clone that directs the increased expression of i antigen on the cell surface. The deduced amino acid sequence indicates that this protein has a type II membrane protein topology found in almost all mammalian glycosyltransferases cloned to date. iGnT, however, differs in having the longest transmembrane domain among glycosyltransferases cloned so far. The iGnT transcript is highly expressed in fetal brain and kidney and adult brain but expressed ubiquitously in various adult tissues. The expression of the presumed catalytic domain as a fusion protein with the IgG binding domain of protein A enabled us to demonstrate that the cDNA encodes iGnT, the enzyme responsible for the formation of GlcNAcβ1 → 3Galβ1 → 4GlcNAc → R structure and poly-N-acetyllactosamine extension.


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The increased expression of epidermal growth factor receptor induced by tumor necrosis factor α renders pancreatic cancer cells more susceptible to antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity by a mAb specific for this receptor. Laboratory studies with athymic mice bearing xenografts of human pancreatic cancer cells demonstrated a cytokine-induced ability of the mAb to cause significant tumor regression. In a phase I/II clinical trial, 26 patients with unresectable pancreatic cancer were enrolled into three cohorts receiving variable amounts of the antibody together with a constant amount of tumor necrosis factor α. With increasing doses of antibody, the growth of the primary tumor was significantly inhibited. This was reflected by a longer median survival, with one complete remission lasting for 3 years obtained with the highest dose of antibody employed. Thus, a combination of the cytokine, tumor necrosis factor α, with a mAb to the epidermal growth factor receptor offers a potentially useful approach for the treatment of pancreatic cancer.


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Level of physical activity is linked to improved glucose homeostasis. We determined whether exercise alters the expression and/or activity of proteins involved in insulin-signal transduction in skeletal muscle. Wistar rats swam 6 h per day for 1 or 5 days. Epitrochlearis muscles were excised 16 h after the last exercise bout, and were incubated with or without insulin (120 nM). Insulin-stimulated glucose transport increased 30% and 50% after 1 and 5 days of exercise, respectively. Glycogen content increased 2- and 4-fold after 1 and 5 days of exercise, with no change in glycogen synthase expression. Protein expression of the glucose transporter GLUT4 and the insulin receptor increased 2-fold after 1 day, with no further change after 5 days of exercise. Insulin-stimulated receptor tyrosine phosphorylation increased 2-fold after 5 days of exercise. Insulin-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin-receptor substrate (IRS) 1 and associated phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase activity increased 2.5- and 3.5-fold after 1 and 5 days of exercise, despite reduced (50%) IRS-1 protein content after 5 days of exercise. After 1 day of exercise, IRS-2 protein expression increased 2.6-fold and basal and insulin-stimulated IRS-2 associated PI 3-kinase activity increased 2.8-fold and 9-fold, respectively. In contrast to IRS-1, IRS-2 expression and associated PI 3-kinase activity normalized to sedentary levels after 5 days of exercise. Insulin-stimulated Akt phosphorylation increased 5-fold after 5 days of exercise. In conclusion, increased insulin-stimulated glucose transport after exercise is not limited to increased GLUT4 expression. Exercise leads to increased expression and function of several proteins involved in insulin-signal transduction. Furthermore, the differential response of IRS-1 and IRS-2 to exercise suggests that these molecules have specialized, rather than redundant, roles in insulin signaling in skeletal muscle.