27 resultados para IMMATURE STAGES

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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During αβ thymocyte development, clonotype-independent CD3 complexes are expressed at the cell surface before the pre-T cell receptor (TCR). Signaling through clonotype-independent CD3 complexes is required for expression of rearranged TCRβ genes. On expression of a TCRβ polypeptide chain, the pre-TCR is assembled, and TCRβ locus allelic exclusion is established. We investigated the putative contribution of clonotype-independent CD3 complex signaling to TCRβ locus allelic exclusion in mice single-deficient or double-deficient for CD3ζ/η and/or p56lck. These mice display defects in the expression of endogenous TCRβ genes in immature thymocytes, proportional to the severity of CD3 complex malfunction. Exclusion of endogenous TCRβ VDJ (variable, diversity, joining) rearrangements by a functional TCRβ transgene was severely compromised in the single-deficient and double-deficient mutant mice. In contrast to wild-type mice, most of the CD25+ double-negative (DN) thymocytes of the mutant mice failed to express the TCRβ transgene, suggesting defective expression of the TCRβ transgene similar to endogenous TCRβ genes. In the mutant mice, a proportion of CD25+ DN thymocytes that failed to express the transgene expressed endogenous TCRβ polypeptide chains. Many double-positive cells of the mutant mice coexpressed endogenous and transgenic TCRβ chains or more than one endogenous TCRβ chain. The data suggest that signaling through clonotype-independent CD3 complexes may contribute to allelic exclusion of the TCRβ locus by inducing the expression of rearranged TCRβ genes in CD25+ DN thymocytes.


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We have used electron cryo-microscopy and image analysis to examine the native structure of immature, protease-deficient (PR−) and mature, wild-type (WT) Moloney murine leukemia virus (MuLV). Maturational cleavage of the Gag polyprotein by the viral protease is associated with striking morphological changes. The PR− MuLV particles exhibit a rounded central core, which has a characteristic track-like shell on its surface, whereas the WT MuLV cores display a polygonal surface with loss of the track-like feature. The pleomorphic shape and inability to refine unique orientation angles suggest that neither the PR− nor the WT MuLV adheres to strict icosahedral symmetry. Nevertheless, the PR− MuLV particles do exhibit paracrystalline order with a spacing between Gag molecules of ≈45 Å and a length of ≈200 Å. Because of the pleomorphic shape and paracrystalline packing of the Gag–RNA complexes, we raise the possibility that assembly of MuLV is driven by protein–RNA, as well as protein–protein, interactions. The maturation process involves a dramatic reorganization of the packing arrangements within the ribonucleoprotein core with disordering and loosening of the individual protein components.


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Nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice develop insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus due to autoimmune T lymphocyte-mediated destruction of pancreatic β cells. Although both major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted CD8+ and class II-restricted CD4+ T cell subsets are required, the specific role each subset plays in the pathogenic process is still unclear. Here we show that class I-dependent T cells are required for all but the terminal stages of autoimmune diabetes development. To characterize the diabetogenic CD8+ T cells responsible, we isolated and propagated in vitro CD8+ T cells from the earliest insulitic lesions of NOD mice. They were cytotoxic to NOD islet cells, restricted to H-2Kd, and showed a diverse T cell receptor β chain repertoire. In contrast, their α chain repertoire was more restricted, with a recurrent amino acid sequence motif in the complementarity-determining region 3 loop and a prevalence of Vα17 family members frequently joined to the Jα42 gene segment. These results suggest that a number of the CD8+ T cells participating in the initial phase of autoimmune β cell destruction recognize a common structural component of Kd/peptide complexes on pancreatic β cells, possibly a single peptide.


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In pre-B lymphocytes, productive rearrangement of Ig light chain genes allows assembly of the B cell receptor (BCR), which selectively promotes further developmental maturation through poorly defined transmembrane signaling events. Using a novel in vitro system to study immune tolerance during development, we find that BCR reactivity to auto-antigen blocks this positive selection, preventing down-regulation of light chain gene recombination and promoting secondary light chain gene rearrangements that often alter BCR specificity, a process called receptor editing. Under these experimental conditions, self-antigen induces secondary light chain gene rearrangements in at least two-thirds of autoreactive immature B cells, but fails to accelerate cell death at this stage. These data suggest that in these cells the mechanism of immune tolerance is receptor selection rather than clonal selection.


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During reverse transcription of retroviral RNA, synthesis of (−) strand DNA is primed by a cellular tRNA that anneals to an 18-nt primer binding site within the 5′ long terminal repeat. For (+) strand synthesis using a (−) strand DNA template linked to the tRNA primer, only the first 18 nt of tRNA are replicated to regenerate the primer binding site, creating the (+) strand strong stop DNA intermediate and providing a 3′ terminus capable of strand transfer and further elongation. On model HIV templates that approximate the (−) strand linked to natural modified or synthetic unmodified tRNA3Lys, we find that a (+) strand strong stop intermediate of the proper length is generated only on templates containing the natural, modified tRNA3Lys, suggesting that a posttranscriptional modification provides the termination signal. In the presence of a recipient template, synthesis after strand transfer occurs only from intermediates generated from templates containing modified tRNA3Lys. Reverse transcriptase from Moloney murine leukemia virus and avian myoblastosis virus shows the same requirement for a modified tRNA3Lys template. Because all retroviral tRNA primers contain the same 1-methyl-A58 modification, our results suggest that 1-methyl-A58 is generally required for termination of replication 18 nt into the tRNA sequence, generating the (+) strand intermediate, strand transfer, and subsequent synthesis of the entire (+) strand. The possibility that the host methyl transferase responsible for methylating A58 may provide a target for HIV chemotherapy is discussed.


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Shortly after the synthesis of the two cells required for sporulation in Bacillus subtilis, the membranes of the larger mother cell begin to migrate around and engulf the smaller forespore cell. At the completion of this process the leading edges of the migrating membrane meet and fuse, releasing the forespore into the mother cell cytoplasm. We developed a fluorescent membrane stain-based assay for this membrane fusion event, and we isolated mutants defective in the final stages of engulfment or membrane fusion. All had defects in spoIIIE, which is required for translocation of the forespore chromosome across the polar septum. We isolated one spoIIIE mutant severely defective in chromosome translocation, but not in membrane fusion; this mutation disrupts the ATP/GTP-binding site of SpoIIIE, suggesting that ATP binding and hydrolysis are required for DNA translocation but not for the late engulfment function of SpoIIIE. We also correlated relocalization of SpoIIIE-green fluorescent protein from the sporulation septum to the forespore pole with the completion of membrane fusion and engulfment. We suggest that SpoIIIE is required for the final steps of engulfment and that it may regulate or catalyze membrane fusion events.


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The goal of this study was to identify the circulating cell that is the immediate precursor of tissue macrophages. ROSA 26 marrow mononuclear cells (containing the β-geo transgene that encodes β-galactosidase and neomycin resistance activities) were cultured in the presence of macrophage colony-stimulating factor and flt3 Ligand for 6 days to generate monocytic cells at all stages of maturation. Expanded monocyte cells (EMC), the immature (ER-MP12+) and more mature (ER-MP20+) subpopulations, were transplanted into irradiated B6/129 F2 mice. β-gal staining of tissue sections from animals 15 min after transplantation demonstrated that the donor cells landed randomly. By 3 h, donor cells in lung and liver were more frequent in animals transplanted with ER-MP20+ (more mature) EMC than in animals transplanted with unseparated EMC or fresh marrow mononuclear cells, a pattern that persisted at 3 and 7 days. At 3 days, donor cells were found in spleen, liver, lung, and brain (rarely) as clusters as well as individual cells. By 7 and 14 days, the clusters had increased in size, and the cells expressed the macrophage antigen F4/80, suggesting that further replication and differentiation had occurred. PCR for the neogene was used to quantitate the amount of donor DNA in tissues from transplanted animals and confirmed that ER-MP20+ EMC preferentially engrafted. These data demonstrate that a mature monocytic cell gives rise to tissue macrophages. Because these cells can be expanded and manipulated in vitro, they may be a suitable target population for gene therapy of lysosomal storage diseases.


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Bcl-2, which can both reduce apoptosis and retard cell cycle entry, is thought to have important roles in hematopoiesis. To evaluate the impact of its ubiquitous overexpression within this system, we targeted expression of the human bcl-2 gene in mice by using the promoter of the vav gene, which is active throughout this compartment but rarely outside it. The vav-bcl-2 transgene was expressed in essentially all nucleated cells of hematopoietic tissues but not notably in nonhematopoietic tissues. Presumably because of enhanced cell survival, the mice displayed increases in myeloid cells as well as a marked elevation in B and T lymphocytes. The spleen was enlarged and the lymphoid follicles expanded. Although total thymic cellularity was normal, T cell development was altered: cells at the very immature and most mature stages were increased, whereas those at the intermediate stage were decreased. Unexpectedly, blood platelets were reduced by half, suggesting that their production from megakaryocytes is regulated by the Bcl-2 family. Colony formation by myeloid progenitor cells in vitro remained cytokine dependent, and the frequency of most progenitor and preprogenitor cells was normal. Macrophage progenitors were less frequent and yielded smaller colonies, however, perhaps reflecting inhibitory effects of Bcl-2 on cell cycling in specific lineages. After irradiation or factor deprivation, Bcl-2 markedly enhanced clonogenic survival of all tested progenitor and preprogenitor cells. Thus, Bcl-2 has multiple effects on the hematopoietic system. These mice should help to further clarify the role of apoptosis in the development and homeostasis of this compartment.


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A monoclonal antibody specific for the empty conformation of class II MHC molecules revealed the presence of abundant empty molecules on the surface of spleen- and bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (DC) among various types of antigen-presenting cells. The empty class II MHC molecules are developmentally regulated and expressed predominantly on immature DC. They can capture peptide antigens directly from the extracellular medium and present bound peptides to antigen-specific T lymphocytes. The ability of the empty cell-surface class II MHC proteins to bind peptides and present them to T cells without intracellular processing can serve to extend the spectrum of antigens able to be presented by DC, consistent with their role as sentinels in the immune system.


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In antigen presentation to CD4+ T cells, proteins are degraded to peptide fragments and loaded onto class II MHC molecules in a process involving the peptide exchange factors H-2M (murine) or HLA-DM (human). In many antigen-presenting cells these processes occur in intracellular endosomal compartments, where peptides are generated and loaded onto class II MHC proteins for subsequent transport to the surface and presentation to T cells. Here, we provide evidence for an additional antigen-processing pathway in immature dendritic cells (DC). Immature DC express at the cell surface empty or peptide-receptive class II MHC molecules, as well as H-2M or HLA-DM. Secreted DC proteases act extracellularly to process intact proteins into antigenic peptides. Peptides produced by such activity are efficiently loaded onto cell surface class II MHC molecules. Together these elements comprise an unusual extracellular presentation pathway in which antigen processing and peptide loading can occur entirely outside of the cell.


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To identify cellular functions involved in the early phase of the retroviral life cycle, somatic cell mutants were isolated after selection for resistance to infection. Rat2 fibroblasts were treated with chemical mutagens, and individual virus-resistant clones were recovered after selection for resistance to infection. Two clones were characterized in detail. Both mutant lines were resistant to infection by both ecotropic and amphotropic murine viruses, as well as by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 pseudotypes. One clone showed a strong block to reverse transcription of the retroviral RNA, including formation of the earliest DNA products. The second clone showed normal levels of viral DNA synthesis but did not allow formation of the circular DNAs normally found in the nucleus. Cell fractionation showed that the viral preintegration complex was present in a form that could not be extracted under conditions that readily extracted the complex from wild-type cells. The results suggest that the DNA was trapped in a nonproductive state and excluded from the nucleus of the infected cell. The properties of these two mutant lines suggest that host gene products play important roles both before and after reverse transcription.


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Antigen receptors (BCRs) on developing B lymphocytes play two opposing roles—promoting survival of cells that may later bind a foreign antigen and inhibiting survival of cells that bind too strongly to self-antigens. It is not known how these opposing outcomes are signaled by BCRs on immature B cells. Here we analyze the effect of a null mutation in the Syk tyrosine kinase on maturing B cells displaying a transgene-encoded BCR that binds hen egg lysozyme (HEL). In the absence of HEL antigen, HEL-specific BCRs are expressed normally on the surface of Syk-deficient immature B-lineage cells, but this fails to promote maturation beyond the earliest stages of B-lineage commitment. Binding of HEL antigen, nevertheless, triggers phosphorylation of CD79α/β BCR subunits and modulation of receptors from the surface in Syk-deficient cells, but it cannot induce an intracellular calcium response. Continuous binding of low- or high-avidity forms of HEL, expressed as self-antigens, fails to restore the signal needed for maturation. Compared with the effects in the same system of null mutations in other BCR signaling elements, such as CD45 and Lyn kinase, these results indicate that Syk is essential for transmitting a signal that initiates the program of B-lymphocyte maturation.


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The structural changes accompanying stretch-induced early unfolding events were investigated for the four type III fibronectin (FN-III) modules, FN-III7, FN-III8, FN-III9, and FN-III10 by using steered molecular dynamics. Simulations revealed that two main energy barriers, I and II, have to be overcome to initiate unraveling of FN-III's tertiary structure. In crossing the first barrier, the two opposing β-sheets of FN-III are rotated against each other such that the β-strands of both β-sheets align parallel to the force vector (aligned state). All further events in the unfolding pathway proceed from this intermediate state. A second energy barrier has to be overcome to break the first major cluster of hydrogen bonds between adjacent β-strands. Simulations revealed that the height of barrier I varied significantly among the four modules studied, being largest for FN-III7 and lowest for FN-III10, whereas the height of barrier II showed little variation. Key residues affecting the mechanical stability of FN-III modules were identified. These results suggest that FN-III modules can be prestretched into an intermediate state with only minor changes to their tertiary structures. FN-III10, for example, extends 12 Å from the native “twisted” to the intermediate aligned state, and an additional 10 Å from the aligned state to further unfolding where the first β-strand is peeled away. The implications of the existence of intermediate states regarding the elasticity of fibrillar fibers and the stretch-induced exposure of cryptic sites are discussed.