5 resultados para IB-DFE
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
Ewes from the Booroola strain of Australian Mérino sheep are characterized by high ovulation rate and litter size. This phenotype is due to the action of the FecBB allele of a major gene named FecB, as determined by statistical analysis of phenotypic data. By genetic analysis of 31 informative half-sib families from heterozygous sires, we showed that the FecB locus is situated in the region of ovine chromosome 6 corresponding to the human chromosome 4q22–23 that contains the bone morphogenetic protein receptor IB (BMPR-IB) gene encoding a member of the transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) receptor family. A nonconservative substitution (Q249R) in the BMPR-IB coding sequence was found to be associated fully with the hyperprolificacy phenotype of Booroola ewes. In vitro, ovarian granulosa cells from FecBB/FecBB ewes were less responsive than granulosa cells from FecB+/FecB+ ewes to the inhibitory effect on steroidogenesis of GDF-5 and BMP-4, natural ligands of BMPR-IB. It is suggested that in FecBB/FecBB ewes, BMPR-IB would be inactivated partially, leading to an advanced differentiation of granulosa cells and an advanced maturation of ovulatory follicles.
Previously we have characterized type IB DNA topoisomerase V (topo V) in the hyperthermophile Methanopyrus kandleri. The enzyme has a powerful topoisomerase activity and is abundant in M. kandleri. Here we report two characterizations of topo V. First, we found that its N-terminal domain has sequence homology with both eukaryotic type IB topoisomerases and the integrase family of tyrosine recombinases. The C-terminal part of the sequence includes 12 repeats, each repeat consisting of two similar but distinct helix-hairpin-helix motifs; the same arrangement is seen in recombination protein RuvA and mammalian DNA polymerase β. Second, on the basis of sequence homology between topo V and polymerase β, we predict and demonstrate that topo V possesses apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) site-processing activities that are important in base excision DNA repair: (i) it incises the phosphodiester backbone at the AP site, and (ii) at the AP endonuclease cleaved AP site, it removes the 5′ 2-deoxyribose 5-phosphate moiety so that a single-nucleotide gap with a 3′-hydroxyl and 5′-phosphate can be filled by a DNA polymerase. Topo V is thus the prototype for a new subfamily of type IB topoisomerases and is the first example of a topoisomerase with associated DNA repair activities.
Urinary tract infections, caused mainly by Escherichia coli, are among the most common infectious diseases. Most isolates of the uropathogenic E.coli can express type 1 and P fimbriae containing adhesins that recognize cell receptors. While P fimbriae recognize kidney glycolipid receptors and are involved in peyelonephritis, the urothelial for type 1 fimbriae were not identified. We show that type 1-fimbriated E. coli recognize uroplakins Ia and Ib, two major glycoproteins of urothelial apical plaques. Anchorage of E. coli to urothelial surface via type 1 fimbriae-uroplakin I interactions may play a role in its bladder colonization and eventual ascent through the ureters, against urine flow, to invade the kidneys.
A bacteriophage library displaying random decapeptides was used to characterize the binding preference of C-34, a monoclonal antibody originally raised against platelet-type von Willebrand disease platelets heterozygous for the mutation 23OWKQ (G --> V)233V234 in the alpha chain of glycoprotein Ib (GPIb alpha). Three rounds of biopanning C-34 against the library resulted in striking convergence upon the sequence WNWRYREYV. Since no portion of this sequence corresponds to a recognizable peptide sequence within human platelet GPIb alpha, it may be considered a "mimotope" of the naturally occurring C-34 epitope, presumably bearing similarity to it in three-dimensional structure. Synthetic AWNWRYREYV peptide preincubated with C-34 fully neutralized the ability of C-34 to inhibit platelet aggregation, with an IC50 of approximately 6 microg/ml. When biotinylated AWNWRYREYV was subsequently bioparmed against the original decapeptide library, the sole clone demonstrating inhibitory activity above background level in a functional platelet assay displayed the sequence RHVAWWRQGV, and chemically synthesized peptide fully inhibited ristocetin-induced aggregation, with an IC50 of 200-400 microg/ml. Synthesized RHVAWWKQGV peptide exerted only slight inhibition, whereas RHVAWWKQVV peptide showed potent inhibitory activity. Moreover, whereas synthesized wild-type 228YVWKQGVDVK237 GPIb alpha peptide was virtually without inhibitory activity, the 228YVWKQ(G -->V) 233VDVK237 peptide fully inhibited ristocetin-induced aggregation, with an IC50 of approximately 400 microg/ml. These studies raise the possibility of an intramolecular association of peptide regions within GPIb alpha that may play a role in the regulation of von Willebrand factor-dependent platelet aggregation.