14 resultados para Hypoxanthine

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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It has previously been reported that 1,N6-ethenoadenine (ɛA), deaminated adenine (hypoxanthine, Hx), and 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG), but not 3,N4-ethenocytosine (ɛC), are released from DNA in vitro by the DNA repair enzyme alkylpurine-DNA-N-glycosylase (APNG). To assess the potential contribution of APNG to the repair of each of these mutagenic lesions in vivo, we have used cell-free extracts of tissues from APNG-null mutant mice and wild-type controls. The ability of these extracts to cleave defined oligomers containing a single modified base was determined. The results showed that both testes and liver cells of these knockout mice completely lacked activity toward oligonucleotides containing ɛA and Hx, but retained wild-type levels of activity for ɛC and 8-oxoG. These findings indicate that (i) the previously identified ɛA-DNA glycosylase and Hx-DNA glycosylase activities are functions of APNG; (ii) the two structurally closely related mutagenic adducts ɛA and ɛC are repaired by separate gene products; and (iii) APNG does not contribute detectably to the repair of 8-oxoG.


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Hypoxanthine (H), the deamination product of adenine, has been implicated in the high frequency of A to G transitions observed in retroviral and other RNA genomes. Although H·C base pairs are thermodynamically more stable than other H·N pairs, polymerase selection may be determined in part by kinetic factors. Therefore, the hypoxanthine induced substitution pattern resulting from replication by viral polymerases may be more complex than that predicted from thermodynamics. We have examined the steady-state kinetics of formation of base pairs opposite template H in RNA by HIV-RT, and for the incorporation of dITP during first- and second-strand synthesis. Hypoxanthine in an RNA template enhances the k2app for pairing with standard dNTPs by factors of 10–1000 relative to adenine at the same sequence position. The order of base pairing preferences for H in RNA was observed to be H·C >> H·T > H·A > H·G. Steady-state kinetics of insertion for all possible mispairs formed with dITP were examined on RNA and DNA templates of identical sequence. Insertion of dITP opposite all bases occurs 2–20 times more frequently on RNA templates. This bias for higher insertion frequencies on RNA relative to DNA templates is also observed for formation of mispairs at template A. This kinetic advantage afforded by RNA templates for mismatches and pairing involving H suggests a higher induction of mutations at adenines during first-strand synthesis by HIV-RT.


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Unique, small sequences (sequence tag sites) have been identified at the 3′ ends of most human genes that serve as landmarks in genome mapping. We investigated whether a single copy gene could be isolated directly from total human DNA by transformation-associated recombination (TAR) cloning in yeast using a short, 3′ unique target. A TAR cloning vector was constructed that, when linearized, contained a small amount (381 bp) of 3′ hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) sequence at one end and an 189-bp Alu repeat at the other end. Transformation with this vector along with human DNA led to selective isolations of the entire HPRT gene as yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) that extended from the 3′ end sequence to various Alu positions as much as 600 kb upstream. These YACs were retrofitted with a NeoR and a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) sequence to transfer the YACs to bacteria and subsequently the BACs to mouse cells by using a Neo selection. Most of the HPRT isolates were functional, demonstrating that TAR cloning retains the functional integrity of the isolated material. Thus, this modified version of TAR cloning, which we refer to as radial TAR cloning, can be used to isolate large segments of the human genome accurately and directly with only a small amount of sequence information.


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The level and fate of hMSH3 (human MutS homolog 3) were examined in the promyelocytic leukemia cell line HL-60 and its methotrexate-resistant derivative HL-60R, which is drug resistant by virtue of an amplification event that spans the dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) and MSH3 genes. Nuclear extracts from HL-60 and HL-60R cells were subjected to an identical, rapid purification protocol that efficiently captures heterodimeric hMutSα (hMSH2⋅hMSH6) and hMutSβ (hMSH2⋅hMSH3). In HL-60 extracts the hMutSα to hMutSβ ratio is roughly 6:1, whereas in methotrexate-resistant HL-60R cells the ratio is less than 1:100, due to overproduction of hMSH3 and heterodimer formation of this protein with virtually all the nuclear hMSH2. This shift is associated with marked reduction in the efficiency of base–base mismatch and hypermutability at the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) locus. Purified hMutSα and hMutSβ display partial overlap in mismatch repair specificity: both participate in repair of a dinucleotide insertion–deletion heterology, but only hMutSα restores base–base mismatch repair to extracts of HL-60R cells or hMSH2-deficient LoVo colorectal tumor cells.


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3-methyladenine (3MeA) DNA glycosylases remove 3MeAs from alkylated DNA to initiate the base excision repair pathway. Here we report the generation of mice deficient in the 3MeA DNA glycosylase encoded by the Aag (Mpg) gene. Alkyladenine DNA glycosylase turns out to be the major DNA glycosylase not only for the cytotoxic 3MeA DNA lesion, but also for the mutagenic 1,N6-ethenoadenine (ɛA) and hypoxanthine lesions. Aag appears to be the only 3MeA and hypoxanthine DNA glycosylase in liver, testes, kidney, and lung, and the only ɛA DNA glycosylase in liver, testes, and kidney; another ɛA DNA glycosylase may be expressed in lung. Although alkyladenine DNA glycosylase has the capacity to remove 8-oxoguanine DNA lesions, it does not appear to be the major glycosylase for 8-oxoguanine repair. Fibroblasts derived from Aag −/− mice are alkylation sensitive, indicating that Aag −/− mice may be similarly sensitive.


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The AG dinucleotide at the 3′ splice sites of metazoan nuclear pre-mRNAs plays a critical role in catalytic step II of the splicing reaction. Previous studies have shown that replacement of the guanine by adenine in the AG (AG → GG) inhibits this step. We find that the second step was even more severely inhibited by cytosine (AG → CG) or uracil (AG → UG) substitutions at this position. By contrast, a relatively moderate inhibition was observed with a hypoxanthine substitution (AG → HG). When adenine was replaced by a purine base (AG → PG) or by 7-deazaadenine (AG → c7AG), little effect on the second step was observed, suggesting that the 6-NH2 and N7 groups do not play a critical role in adenine recognition. Finally, replacement of adenine by 2-aminopurine (AG → 2-APG) had no effect on the second step. Taken together, our results suggest that the N1 group of adenine functions as an essential determinant in adenine recognition during the second step of pre-mRNA splicing.


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The increasing resistance of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum to currently available drugs demands a continuous effort to develop new antimalarial agents. In this quest, the identification of antimalarial effects of drugs already in use for other therapies represents an attractive approach with potentially rapid clinical application. We have found that the extensively used antimycotic drug clotrimazole (CLT) effectively and rapidly inhibited parasite growth in five different strains of P. falciparum, in vitro, irrespective of their chloroquine sensitivity. The concentrations for 50% inhibition (IC50), assessed by parasite incorporation of [3H]hypoxanthine, were between 0.2 and 1.1 μM. CLT concentrations of 2 μM and above caused a sharp decline in parasitemia, complete inhibition of parasite replication, and destruction of parasites and host cells within a single intraerythrocytic asexual cycle (≈48 hr). These concentrations are within the plasma levels known to be attained in humans after oral administration of the drug. The effects were associated with distinct morphological changes. Transient exposure of ring-stage parasites to 2.5 μM CLT for a period of 12 hr caused a delay in development in a fraction of parasites that reverted to normal after drug removal; 24-hr exposure to the same concentration caused total destruction of parasites and parasitized cells. Chloroquine antagonized the effects of CLT whereas mefloquine was synergistic. The present study suggests that CLT holds much promise as an antimalarial agent and that it is suitable for a clinical study in P. falciparum malaria.


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The drugs in clinical use against African sleeping sickness are toxic, costly, or inefficient. We show that Trypanosoma brucei, which causes this disease, has very low levels of CTP, which are due to a limited capacity for de novo synthesis and the lack of salvage pathways. The CTP synthetase inhibitors 6-diazo-5-oxo-l-norleucine (DON) and α-amino-3-chloro-4,5-dihydro-5-isoxazoleacetic acid (acivicin) reduced the parasite CTP levels even further and inhibited trypanosome proliferation in vitro and in T. brucei-infected mice. In mammalian cells, DON mainly inhibits de novo purine biosynthesis, a pathway lacking in trypanosomes. We could rescue DON-treated human and mouse fibroblasts by the addition of the purine base hypoxanthine to the growth medium. For treatment of sleeping sickness, we propose the use of CTP synthetase inhibitors alone or in combination with appropriate nucleosides or bases.


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SoxR is a transcription factor that governs a global defense against the oxidative stress caused by nitric oxide or excess superoxide in Escherichia coli. SoxR is a homodimer containing a pair of [2Fe-2S] clusters essential for its transcriptional activity, and changes in the stability of these metal centers could contribute to the activation or inactivation of SoxR in vivo. Herein we show that reduced glutathione (GSH) in aerobic solution disrupts the SoxR [2Fe-2S] clusters, releasing Fe from the protein and eliminating SoxR transcriptional activity. This disassembly process evidently involves oxygen-derived free radicals. The loss of [2Fe-2S] clusters does not occur in anaerobic solution and is blocked in aerobic solution by the addition of superoxide dismutase and catalase. Although H2O2 or xanthine oxidase and hypoxanthine (to generate superoxide) were insufficient on their own to cause [2Fe-2S] cluster loss, they did accelerate the rate of disassembly after GSH addition. Oxidized GSH alone was ineffective in disrupting the clusters, but the rate of [2Fe-2S] cluster disassembly was maximal when reduced and oxidized GSH were present at a ratio of approximately 1:3, which suggests the critical involvement of a GSH-based free radical in the disassembly process. Such a reaction might occur in vivo: we found that the induction by paraquat of SoxR-dependent soxS transcription was much higher in a GSH-deficient E. coli strain than in its GSH-containing parent. The results imply that GSH may play a significant role during the deactivation process of SoxR in vivo. Ironically, superoxide production seems both to activate SoxR and, in the GSH-dependent disassembly process, to switch off this transcription factor.


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We describe a general way of introducing transgenes into the mouse germ line for comparing different sequences without the complications of variation in copy number and insertion site. The method uses homologous recombination in embryonic stem (ES) cells to generate mice having a single copy of a transgene integrated into a chosen location in the genome. To test the method, a single copy murine bcl-2 cDNA driven by either a chicken beta-actin promoter or a human beta-actin promoter has been inserted immediately 5' to the X-linked hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase locus by a directly selectable homologous recombination event. The level of expression of the targeted bcl-2 transgene in ES cells is identical in independently isolated homologous recombinants having the same promoter yet varies between the different promoters. In contrast, the expression of bcl-2 transgenes having the same (chicken beta-actin) promoter varies drastically when they are independently integrated at random insertion sites. Both promoters direct broad expression of the single-copy transgene in mice derived from the respective targeted ES cells. In vitro and in vivo, the human beta-actin promoter consistently directed a higher level of transgene expression than the chicken beta-actin promoter.


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To isolate and characterize effector molecules of the transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta) signaling pathway we have used a genetic approach involving the generation of stable recessive mutants, defective in their TGFbeta signaling, which can subsequently be functionally complemented to clone the affected genes. We have generated a cell line derived from a hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase negative (HPRT-) HT1080 clone that contains the selectable marker Escherichia coli guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (gpt) linked to a TGFbeta-responsive promoter. This cell line proliferates or dies in the appropriate selection medium in response to TGFbeta. We have isolated three distinct TGFbeta-unresponsive mutants following chemical mutagenesis. Somatic cell hybrids between pairs of individual TGFbeta-unresponsive clones reveal that each is in a distinct complementation group. Each mutant clone retains all three TGFbeta receptors yet fails to induce a TGFbeta-inducible luciferase reporter construct or TGFbeta-mediated plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) expression. Two of the three have an attenuated TGFbeta-induced fibronectin response, whereas in the other mutant the fibronectin response is intact. These TGFbeta-unresponsive cells should allow selection and identification of signaling molecules through functional complementation.


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In somatic mammalian cells, homologous recombination is a rare event. To study the effects of chromosomal breaks on frequency of homologous recombination, site-specific endonucleases were introduced into human cells by electroporation. Cell lines with a partial duplication within the HPRT (hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase) gene were created through gene targeting. Homologous intrachromosomal recombination between the repeated regions of the gene can reconstruct a functioning, wild-type gene. Treatment of these cells with the restriction endonuclease Xba I, which has a recognition site within the repeated region of HPRT homology, increased the frequency or homologous recombination bv more than 10-fold. Recombination frequency was similarly increased by treatment with the rare-cutting yeast endonuclease PI-Sce I when a cleavage site was placed within the repeated region of HPRT. In contrast, four restriction enzymes that cut at positions either outside of the repeated regions or between them produced no change in recombination frequency. The results suggest that homologous recombination between intrachromosomal repeats can be specifically initiated by a double-strand break occurring within regions of homology, consistent with the predictions of a model.


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We studied inhibition of growth of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum in in vitro culture using antisense (AS) oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) against different target genes. W2 and W2mef strains of drug-resistant parasites were exposed to AS ODNs over 48 hr, and growth was determined by microscopic examination and [3H]hypoxanthine incorporation. At ODN concentrations of 1 microM, phosphorothioate (PS) ODNs inhibited growth in a target-independent manner. However, between 0.5 and 0.005 microM, ODNs against dihydrofolate reductase, dihydropteroate synthetase, ribonucleotide reductase, the schizont multigene family, and erythrocyte binding antigen EBA175 significantly inhibited growth compared with a PS AS ODN against human immunodeficiency virus, two AS ODNs containing eight mismatches, or the sense strand controls (P < 0.0001). The IC50 was approximately 0.05 microM, whereas that for non-sequence-specific controls was 15-fold higher. PS AS ODNs against DNA polymerase alpha showed less activity than that for other targets, whereas a single AS ODN against triose-phosphate isomerase did not differ significantly from controls. We conclude that at concentrations below 0.5 microM, PS AS ODNs targeted against several malarial genes significantly inhibit growth of drug-resistant parasites in a nucleotide sequence-dependent manner. This technology represents an alternative method for identifying malarial genes as potential drug targets.


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During the last 15 years several laboratories have attempted to generate rabbit monoclonal antibodies, mainly because rabbits recognize antigens and epitopes that are not immunogenic in mice or rats, two species from which monoclonal antibodies are usually generated. Monoclonal antibodies from rabbits could not be generated, however, because a plasmacytoma fusion partner was not available. To obtain a rabbit plasmacytoma cell line that could be used as a fusion partner we generated transgenic rabbits carrying two transgenes, c-myc and v-abl. These rabbits developed plasmacytomas, and we obtained several plasmacytoma cell lines from which we isolated hypoxanthine/aminopterin/thymidine-sensitive clones. One of these clones, when fused with spleen cells of immunized rabbits, produced stable hybridomas that secreted antibodies specific for the immunogen. The hybridomas can be cloned and propagated in nude mice, and they can be frozen without change in their ability to secrete specific monoclonal antibodies. These rabbit-rabbit hybridomas will be useful not only for production of monoclonal antibodies but also for studies of immunoglobulin gene rearrangements and isotype switching.