40 resultados para Hermite Associated Functions

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Among the numerous centrin isoforms identified by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis in human cells, an acidic and slow-migrating isoform is particularly enriched in a centrosome fraction. We report here that this isoform specifically reacts with antibodies raised against Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cdc31p and is present, as other centrin isoforms, in the distal lumen of centrioles. It is encoded by a new centrin gene, which we propose to name HsCEN3 (Homo sapiens centrin gene 3). This gene is more closely related to the yeast CDC31 gene, and shares less identity with algae centrin than HsCEN1 and HsCEN2. A murine CDC31-related gene was also found that shows 98% identity and 100% similarity with HsCEN3, demonstrating a higher interspecies conservation than the murine centrin gene MmCEN1 (Mus musculus centrin gene 1) with either HsCEN1, or HsCEN2. Finally, immunological data suggest that a CDC31-related gene could exist in amphibians and echinoderms as well. All together, our data suggest the existence of two divergent protein subfamilies in the current centrin family, which might be involved in distinct centrosome-associated functions. The possible implication of this new mammalian centrin gene in centrosome duplication is discussed.


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Haptokinetic cell migration across surfaces is mediated by adhesion receptors including β1 integrins and CD44 providing adhesion to extracellular matrix (ECM) ligands such as collagen and hyaluronan (HA), respectively. Little is known, however, about how such different receptor systems synergize for cell migration through three-dimensionally (3-D) interconnected ECM ligands. In highly motile human MV3 melanoma cells, both β1 integrins and CD44 are abundantly expressed, support migration across collagen and HA, respectively, and are deposited upon migration, whereas only β1 integrins but not CD44 redistribute to focal adhesions. In 3-D collagen lattices in the presence or absence of HA and cross-linking chondroitin sulfate, MV3 cell migration and associated functions such as polarization and matrix reorganization were blocked by anti-β1 and anti-α2 integrin mAbs, whereas mAbs blocking CD44, α3, α5, α6, or αv integrins showed no effect. With use of highly sensitive time-lapse videomicroscopy and computer-assisted cell tracking techniques, promigratory functions of CD44 were excluded. 1) Addition of HA did not increase the migratory cell population or its migration velocity, 2) blocking of the HA-binding Hermes-1 epitope did not affect migration, and 3) impaired migration after blocking or activation of β1 integrins was not restored via CD44. Because α2β1-mediated migration was neither synergized nor replaced by CD44–HA interactions, we conclude that the biophysical properties of 3-D multicomponent ECM impose more restricted molecular functions of adhesion receptors, thereby differing from haptokinetic migration across surfaces.


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Transduction of energetic signals into membrane electrical events governs vital cellular functions, ranging from hormone secretion and cytoprotection to appetite control and hair growth. Central to the regulation of such diverse cellular processes are the metabolism sensing ATP-sensitive K+ (KATP) channels. However, the mechanism that communicates metabolic signals and integrates cellular energetics with KATP channel-dependent membrane excitability remains elusive. Here, we identify that the response of KATP channels to metabolic challenge is regulated by adenylate kinase phosphotransfer. Adenylate kinase associates with the KATP channel complex, anchoring cellular phosphotransfer networks and facilitating delivery of mitochondrial signals to the membrane environment. Deletion of the adenylate kinase gene compromised nucleotide exchange at the channel site and impeded communication between mitochondria and KATP channels, rendering cellular metabolic sensing defective. Assigning a signal processing role to adenylate kinase identifies a phosphorelay mechanism essential for efficient coupling of cellular energetics with KATP channels and associated functions.


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Parkinson's disease is a common neurodegenerative disorder in which familial-linked genes have provided novel insights into the pathogenesis of this disorder. Mutations in Parkin, a ring-finger-containing protein of unknown function, are implicated in the pathogenesis of autosomal recessive familial Parkinson's disease. Here, we show that Parkin binds to the E2 ubiquitin-conjugating human enzyme 8 (UbcH8) through its C-terminal ring-finger. Parkin has ubiquitin–protein ligase activity in the presence of UbcH8. Parkin also ubiquitinates itself and promotes its own degradation. We also identify and show that the synaptic vesicle-associated protein, CDCrel-1, interacts with Parkin through its ring-finger domains. Furthermore, Parkin ubiquitinates and promotes the degradation of CDCrel-1. Familial-linked mutations disrupt the ubiquitin–protein ligase function of Parkin and impair Parkin and CDCrel-1 degradation. These results suggest that Parkin functions as an E3 ubiquitin–protein ligase through its ring domains and that it may control protein levels via ubiquitination. The loss of Parkin's ubiquitin–protein ligase function in familial-linked mutations suggests that this may be the cause of familial autosomal recessive Parkinson's disease.


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A unique chromosomal translocation involving the genes PAX3 and FKHR is characteristic of most human alveolar rhabdomyosarcomas. The resultant chimeric protein fuses the PAX3 DNA-binding domains to the transactivation domain of FKHR, suggesting that PAX3-FKHR exerts its role in alveolar rhabdomyosarcomas through dysregulation of PAX3-specific target genes. Here, we have produced transgenic mice in which PAX3-FKHR expression was driven by mouse Pax3 promoter/enhancer sequences. Five independent lines expressed PAX3-FKHR in the dorsal neural tube and lateral dermomyotome. Each line exhibited phenotypes that correlated with PAX3-FKHR expression levels and predominantly involved pigmentary disturbances of the abdomen, hindpaws, and tail, with additional neurological related alterations. Phenotypic severity could be increased by reducing Pax3 levels through matings with Pax3-defective Splotch mice, and interference between PAX3 and PAX3-FKHR was apparent in transcription reporter assays. These data suggest that the tumor-associated PAX3-FKHR fusion protein interferes with normal Pax3 developmental functions as a prelude to transformation.


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The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter TAP translocates peptides from the cytosol to awaiting MHC class I molecules in the endoplasmic reticulum. TAP is made up of the TAP1 and TAP2 polypeptides, which each possess a nucleotide binding domain (NBD). However, the role of ATP in peptide binding and translocation is poorly understood. We present biochemical and functional evidence that the NBDs of TAP1 and TAP2 are non-equivalent. Photolabeling experiments with 8-azido-ATP demonstrate a cooperative interaction between the two NBDs that can be stimulated by peptide. The substitution of key lysine residues in the Walker A motifs of TAP1 and TAP2 suggests that TAP1-mediated ATP hydrolysis is not essential for peptide translocation but that TAP2-mediated ATP hydrolysis is critical, not only for translocation, but for peptide binding.


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Heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) is a conserved component of the highly compact chromatin of higher eukaryotic centromeres and telomeres. Cytogenetic experiments in Drosophila have shown that HP1 localization into this chromatin is perturbed in mutants for the origin recognition complex (ORC) 2 subunit. ORC has a multisubunit DNA-binding activity that binds origins of DNA replication where it is required for origin firing. The DNA-binding activity of ORC is also used in the recruitment of the Sir1 protein to silence nucleation sites flanking silent copies of the mating-type genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A fraction of HP1 in the maternally loaded cytoplasm of the early Drosophila embryo is associated with a multiprotein complex containing Drosophila melanogaster ORC subunits. This complex appears to be poised to function in heterochromatin assembly later in embryonic development. Here we report the identification of a novel component of this complex, the HP1/ORC-associated protein. This protein contains similarity to DNA sequence-specific HMG proteins and is shown to bind specific satellite sequences and the telomere-associated sequence in vitro. The protein is shown to have heterochromatic localization in both diploid interphase and mitotic chromosomes and polytene chromosomes. Moreover, the gene encoding HP1/ORC-associated protein was found to display reciprocal dose-dependent variegation modifier phenotypes, similar to those for mutants in HP1 and the ORC 2 subunit.


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The proper placement of the Escherichia coli division septum requires the MinE protein. MinE accomplishes this by imparting topological specificity to a division inhibitor coded by the minC and minD genes. As a result, the division inhibitor prevents septation at potential division sites that exist at the cell poles but permits septation at the normal division site at midcell. In this paper, we define two functions of MinE that are required for this effect and present evidence that different domains within the 88-amino acid MinE protein are responsible for each of these two functions. The first domain, responsible for the ability of MinE to counteract the activity of the MinCD division inhibitor, is located in a small region near the N terminus of the protein. The second domain, required for the topological specificity of MinE function, is located in the more distal region of the protein and affects the site specificity of placement of the division septum even when separated from the domain responsible for suppression of the activity of the division inhibitor.


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The normal function of human intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) is to provide adhesion between endothelial cells and leukocytes after injury or stress. ICAM-1 binds to leukocyte function-associated antigen (LFA-1) or macrophage-1 antigen (Mac-1). However, ICAM-1 is also used as a receptor by the major group of human rhinoviruses and is a catalyst for the subsequent viral uncoating during cell entry. The three-dimensional atomic structure of the two amino-terminal domains (D1 and D2) of ICAM-1 has been determined to 2.2-Å resolution and fitted into a cryoelectron microscopy reconstruction of a rhinovirus–ICAM-1 complex. Rhinovirus attachment is confined to the BC, CD, DE, and FG loops of the amino-terminal Ig-like domain (D1) at the end distal to the cellular membrane. The loops are considerably different in structure to those of human ICAM-2 or murine ICAM-1, which do not bind rhinoviruses. There are extensive charge interactions between ICAM-1 and human rhinoviruses, which are mostly conserved in both major and minor receptor groups of rhinoviruses. The interaction of ICAMs with LFA-1 is known to be mediated by a divalent cation bound to the insertion (I)-domain on the α chain of LFA-1 and the carboxyl group of a conserved glutamic acid residue on ICAMs. Domain D1 has been docked with the known structure of the I-domain. The resultant model is consistent with mutational data and provides a structural framework for the adhesion between these molecules.


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Exposure of cells to protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) inhibitors causes an increase in the phosphotyrosine content of many cellular proteins. However, the level at which the primary signaling event is affected is still unclear. We show that Jaks are activated by tyrosine phosphorylation in cells that are briefly exposed to the PTP inhibitor pervanadate (PV), resulting in tyrosine phosphorylation and functional activation of Stat6 (in addition to other Stats). Mutant cell lines that lack Jak1 activity fail to support PV-mediated [or interleukin 4 (IL-4)-dependent] activation of Stat6 but can be rescued by complementation with functional Jak1. The docking sites for both Jak1 and Stat6 reside in the cytoplasmic domain of the IL-4 receptor α-chain (IL-4Rα). The glioblastoma-derived cell lines T98G, GRE, and M007, which do not express the IL-4Rα chain, fail to support Stat6 activation in response to either IL-4 or PV. Complementation of T98G cells with the IL-4Rα restores both PV-mediated and IL-4-dependent Stat6 activation. Murine L929 cells, which do not express the γ common chain of the IL-4 receptor, support PV-mediated but not IL-4-dependent Stat6 activation. Thus, Stat6 activation by PV is an IL-4Rα-mediated, Jak1-dependent event that is independent of receptor dimerization. We propose that receptor-associated constitutive PTP activity functions to down-regulate persistent, receptor-linked kinase activity. Inhibition or deletion of PTP activity results in constitutive activation of cytokine signaling pathways.


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Continuous growth and development in plants are accomplished by meristems, groups of undifferentiated cells that persist as stem cells and initiate organs. While the structures of the apical and floral meristems in dicotyledonous plants have been well described, little is known about the underlying molecular mechanisms controlling cell proliferation and differentiation in these structures. We have shown previously that the CLAVATA1 (CLV1) gene in Arabidopsis encodes a receptor kinase-like protein that controls the size of the apical and floral meristems. Here, we show that KAPP, a gene encoding a kinase-associated protein phosphatase, is expressed in apical and young floral meristems, along with CLV1. Overexpression of KAPP mimics the clv1 mutant phenotype. Furthermore, CLV1 has kinase activity: it phosphorylates both itself and KAPP. Finally, KAPP binds and dephosphorylates CLV1. We present a model where KAPP functions as a negative regulator of the CLAVATA1 signal transduction pathway.


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The human transcription factor B-TFIID is comprised of TATA-binding protein (TBP) in complex with one TBP-associated factor (TAF) of 170 kDa. We report the isolation of the cDNA for TAFII170. By cofractionation and coprecipitation experiments, we show that the protein encoded by the cDNA encodes the TAF subunit of B-TFIID. Recombinant TAFII170 has (d)ATPase activity. Inspection of its primary structure reveals a striking homology with genes of other organisms, yeast MOT1, and Drosophila moira, which belongs to the Trithorax group. Both homologs were isolated in genetic screens as global regulators of pol II transcription. This supports our classification of B-TFIID as a pol II transcription factor and suggests that specific TBP–TAF complexes perform distinct functions during development.


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The yeast Sec1p protein functions in the docking of secretory transport vesicles to the plasma membrane. We previously have cloned two yeast genes encoding syntaxins, SSO1 and SSO2, as suppressors of the temperature-sensitive sec1–1 mutation. We now describe a third suppressor of sec1–1, which we call MSO1. Unlike SSO1 and SSO2, MSO1 is specific for sec1 and does not suppress mutations in any other SEC genes. MSO1 encodes a small hydrophilic protein that is enriched in a microsomal membrane fraction. Cells that lack MSO1 are viable, but they accumulate secretory vesicles in the bud, indicating that the terminal step in secretion is partially impaired. Moreover, loss of MSO1 shows synthetic lethality with mutations in SEC1, SEC2, and SEC4, and other synthetic phenotypes with mutations in several other late-acting SEC genes. We further found that Mso1p interacts with Sec1p both in vitro and in the two-hybrid system. These findings suggest that Mso1p is a component of the secretory vesicle docking complex whose function is closely associated with that of Sec1p.


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The Ising problem consists in finding the analytical solution of the partition function of a lattice once the interaction geometry among its elements is specified. No general analytical solution is available for this problem, except for the one-dimensional case. Using site-specific thermodynamics, it is shown that the partition function for ligand binding to a two-dimensional lattice can be obtained from those of one-dimensional lattices with known solution. The complexity of the lattice is reduced recursively by application of a contact transformation that involves a relatively small number of steps. The transformation implemented in a computer code solves the partition function of the lattice by operating on the connectivity matrix of the graph associated with it. This provides a powerful new approach to the Ising problem, and enables a systematic analysis of two-dimensional lattices that model many biologically relevant phenomena. Application of this approach to finite two-dimensional lattices with positive cooperativity indicates that the binding capacity per site diverges as Na (N = number of sites in the lattice) and experiences a phase-transition-like discontinuity in the thermodynamic limit N → ∞. The zeroes of the partition function tend to distribute on a slightly distorted unit circle in complex plane and approach the positive real axis already for a 5×5 square lattice. When the lattice has negative cooperativity, its properties mimic those of a system composed of two classes of independent sites with the apparent population of low-affinity binding sites increasing with the size of the lattice, thereby accounting for a phenomenon encountered in many ligand-receptor interactions.


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As well as inducing a protective immune response against reinfection, acute measles is associated with a marked suppression of immune functions against superinfecting agents and recall antigens, and this association is the major cause of the current high morbidity and mortality rate associated with measles virus (MV) infections. Dendritic cells (DCs) are antigen-presenting cells crucially involved in the initiation of primary and secondary immune responses, so we set out to define the interaction of MV with these cells. We found that both mature and precursor human DCs generated from peripheral blood monocytic cells express the major MV protein receptor CD46 and are highly susceptible to infection with both MV vaccine (ED) and wild-type (WTF) strains, albeit with different kinetics. Except for the down-regulation of CD46, the expression pattern of functionally important surface antigens on mature DCs was not markedly altered after MV infection. However, precursor DCs up-regulated HLA-DR, CD83, and CD86 within 24 h of WTF infection and 72 h after ED infection, indicating their functional maturation. In addition, interleukin 12 synthesis was markedly enhanced after both ED and WTF infection in DCs. On the other hand, MV-infected DCs strongly interfered with mitogen-dependent proliferation of freshly isolated peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro. These data indicate that the differentiation of effector functions of DCs is not impaired but rather is stimulated by MV infection. Yet, mature, activated DCs expressing MV surface antigens do give a negative signal to inhibit lymphocyte proliferation and thus contribute to MV-induced immunosuppression.