20 resultados para Heliodore,--d’Émèse--Thèmes, motifs
em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI
The 436-amino acid protein enolase 1 from yeast was degraded in vitro by purified wild-type and mutant yeast 20S proteasome particles. Analysis of the cleavage products at different times revealed a processive degradation mechanism and a length distribution of fragments ranging from 3 to 25 amino acids with an average length of 7 to 8 amino acids. Surprisingly, the average fragment length was very similar between wild-type and mutant 20S proteasomes with reduced numbers of active sites. This implies that the fragment length is not influenced by the distance between the active sites, as previously postulated. A detailed analysis of the cleavages also allowed the identification of certain amino acid characteristics in positions flanking the cleavage site that guide the selection of the P1 residues by the three active β subunits. Because yeast and mammalian proteasomes are highly homologous, similar cleavage motifs might be used by mammalian proteasomes. Therefore, our data provide a basis for predicting proteasomal degradation products from which peptides are sampled by major histocompatibility complex class I molecules for presentation to cytotoxic T cells.
Unmethylated CpG dinucleotides in particular base contexts (CpG-S motifs) are relatively common in bacterial DNA but are rare in vertebrate DNA. B cells and monocytes have the ability to detect such CpG-S motifs that trigger innate immune defenses with production of Th1-like cytokines. Despite comparable levels of unmethylated CpG dinucleotides, DNA from serotype 12 adenovirus is immune-stimulatory, but serotype 2 is nonstimulatory and can even inhibit activation by bacterial DNA. In type 12 genomes, the distribution of CpG-flanking bases is similar to that predicted by chance. However, in type 2 adenoviral DNA the immune stimulatory CpG-S motifs are outnumbered by a 15- to 30-fold excess of CpG dinucleotides in clusters of direct repeats or with a C on the 5′ side or a G on the 3′ side. Synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides containing these putative neutralizing (CpG-N) motifs block immune activation by CpG-S motifs in vitro and in vivo. Eliminating 52 of the 134 CpG-N motifs present in a DNA vaccine markedly enhanced its Th1-like function in vivo, which was increased further by the addition of CpG-S motifs. Thus, depending on the CpG motif, prokaryotic DNA can be either immune-stimulatory or neutralizing. These results have important implications for understanding microbial pathogenesis and molecular evolution and for the clinical development of DNA vaccines and gene therapy vectors.
An HLA allele-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte response is thought to influence the rate of disease progression in HIV-1-infected individuals. In a prior study of 139 HIV-1-infected homosexual men, we identified HLA class I alleles and observed an association of specific alleles with different relative hazards for progression to AIDS. Seeking an explanation for this association, we searched HIV-1 protein sequences to determine the number of peptides matching motifs defined by combinations of specific amino acids reported to bind 16 class I alleles. Analyzing complete sequences of 12 clade B HIV isolates, we determined the number of allele motifs that were conserved (occurring in all 12 isolates) and nonconserved (occurring in only one isolate), as well as the average number of allele motifs per isolate. We found significant correlations with an allele’s association with disease progression for counts of conserved motifs in gag (R = 0.73; P = 0.002), pol (R = 0.58, P = 0.024), gp120 (R = 0.78, P = 0.00056), and total viral protein sequences (R = 0.67, P = 0.0058) and also for counts of nonconserved motifs in gag (R = 0.62, P = 0.013), pol (R = 0.74, P = 0.0017), gp41 (R = 0.52, P = 0.046), and total viral protein (R = 0.71, P = 0.0033). We also found significant correlations for the average number of motifs per isolate for gag, pol, gp120, and total viral protein. This study provides a plausible functional explanation for the observed association of different HLA alleles with variable rates of disease progression.
Null mutations at the misato locus of Drosophila melanogaster are associated with irregular chromosomal segregation at cell division. The consequences for morphogenesis are that mutant larvae are almost devoid of imaginal disk tissue, have a reduction in brain size, and die before the late third-instar larval stage. To analyze these findings, we isolated cDNAs in and around the misato locus, mapped the breakpoints of chromosomal deficiencies, determined which transcript corresponded to the misato gene, rescued the cell division defects in transgenic organisms, and sequenced the genomic DNA. Database searches revealed that misato codes for a novel protein, the N-terminal half of which contains a mixture of peptide motifs found in α-, β-, and γ-tubulins, as well as a motif related to part of the myosin heavy chain proteins. The sequence characteristics of misato indicate either that it arose from an ancestral tubulin-like gene, different parts of which underwent convergent evolution to resemble motifs in the conventional tubulins, or that it arose by the capture of motifs from different tubulin genes. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome lacks a true homolog of the misato gene, and this finding highlights the emerging problem of assigning functional attributes to orphan genes that occur only in some evolutionary lineages.
Dystrobrevin, a dystrophin-related and -associated protein, has been proposed to be important in the formation and maintenance of the neuromuscular junction. Dystrobrevin coprecipitates with both the acetylcholine receptor complex as well as the dystrophin glycoprotein complex. Although the nature of dystrobrevin’s association with the dystrophin glycoprotein complex remains unclear, it is known that dystrobrevin binds directly to the syntrophins, a heterologous group of dystrophin-associated proteins. Using the yeast two-hybrid system to identify protein–protein interactions, we present evidence for the heterodimerization of dystrobrevin directly with dystrophin. The C terminus of dystrobrevin binds specifically to the C terminus of dystrophin. We further refined this site of interaction to these proteins’ homologous coiled-coil motifs that flank their respective syntrophin-binding sites. We also show that the interaction between the dystrobrevin and dystrophin coiled-coil domains is specific and is not due to a nonspecific coiled-coil domain interaction. From the accumulated evidence of protein–protein interactions presented here and elsewhere, we propose a partially revised model of the organization of the dystrophin-associated glycoprotein complex.
The specificity of protein–protein interactions in cellular signaling cascades is dependent on the sequence and intramolecular location of distinct amino acid motifs. We used the two-hybrid interaction trap to identify proteins that can associate with the PDZ motif-rich segment in the protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP-BL. A specific interaction was found with the Lin-11, Isl-1, Mec-3 (LIM) domain containing protein RIL. More detailed analysis demonstrated that the binding specificity resides in the second and fourth PDZ motif of PTP-BL and the LIM domain in RIL. Immunohistochemistry on various mouse tissues revealed a submembranous colocalization of PTP-BL and RIL in epithelial cells. Remarkably, there is also an N-terminal PDZ motif in RIL itself that can bind to the RIL-LIM domain. We demonstrate here that the RIL-LIM domain can be phosphorylated on tyrosine in vitro and in vivo and can be dephosphorylated in vitro by the PTPase domain of PTP-BL. Our data point to the presence of a double PDZ-binding interface on the RIL-LIM domain and suggest tyrosine phosphorylation as a regulatory mechanism for LIM-PDZ associations in the assembly of multiprotein complexes. These findings are in line with an important role of PDZ-mediated interactions in the shaping and organization of submembranous microenvironments of polarized cells.
Host Cell Factor-1 (HCF-1, C1) was first identified as a cellular target for the herpes simplex virus transcriptional activator VP16. Association between HCF and VP16 leads to the assembly of a multiprotein enhancer complex that stimulates viral immediate-early gene transcription. HCF-1 is expressed in all cells and is required for progression through G1 phase of the cell cycle. In addition to VP16, HCF-1 associates with a cellular bZIP protein known as LZIP (or Luman). Both LZIP and VP16 contain a four-amino acid HCF-binding motif, recognized by the N-terminal β-propeller domain of HCF-1. Herein, we show that the N-terminal 92 amino acids of LZIP contain a potent transcriptional activation domain composed of three elements: the HCF-binding motif and two LxxLL motifs. LxxLL motifs are found in a number of transcriptional coactivators and mediate protein–protein interactions, notably recognition of the nuclear hormone receptors. LZIP is an example of a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein that uses LxxLL motifs within its activation domain to stimulate transcription. The LxxLL motifs are not required for association with the HCF-1 β-propeller and instead interact with other regions in HCF-1 or recruit additional cofactors.
In the last decade, two tools, one drawn from information theory and the other from artificial neural networks, have proven particularly useful in many different areas of sequence analysis. The work presented herein indicates that these two approaches can be joined in a general fashion to produce a very powerful search engine that is capable of locating members of a given nucleic acid sequence family in either local or global sequence searches. This program can, in turn, be queried for its definition of the motif under investigation, ranking each base in context for its contribution to membership in the motif family. In principle, the method used can be applied to any binding motif, including both DNA and RNA sequence families, given sufficient family size.
We have developed a semi-synthetic approach for preparing long stretches of DNA (>100 bp) containing internal chemical modifications and/or non-Watson–Crick structural motifs which relies on splint-free, cell-free DNA ligations and recycling of side-products by non-PCR thermal cycling. A double-stranded DNA PCR fragment containing a polylinker in its middle is digested with two restriction enzymes and a small insert (∼20 bp) containing the modification or non-Watson–Crick motif of interest is introduced into the middle. Incorrect products are recycled to starting materials by digestion with appropriate restriction enzymes, while the correct product is resistant to digestion since it does not contain these restriction sites. This semi-synthetic approach offers several advantages over DNA splint-mediated ligations, including fewer steps, substantially higher yields (∼60% overall yield) and ease of use. This method has numerous potential applications, including the introduction of modifications such as fluorophores and cross-linking agents into DNA, controlling the shape of DNA on a large scale and the study of non-sequence-specific nucleic acid–protein interactions.
The RegA proteins from the bacteriophage T4 and RB69 are translational repressors that control the expression of multiple phage mRNAs. RegA proteins from the two phages share 78% sequence identity; however, in vivo expression studies have suggested that the RB69 RegA protein binds target RNAs with a higher affinity than T4 RegA protein. To study the RNA binding properties of T4 and RB69 RegA proteins more directly, the binding sites of RB69 RegA protein on synthetic RNAs corresponding to the translation initiation region of two RB69 target genes were mapped by RNase protection assays. These assays revealed that RB69 RegA protein protects nucleotides –9 to –3 (relative to the start codon) on RB69 gene 44, which contains the sequence GAAAAUU. On RB69 gene 45, the protected site (nucleotides –8 to –3) contains a similar purine-rich sequence: GAAAUA. Interestingly, T4 RegA protein protected the same nucleotides on these RNAs. To examine the specificity of RNA binding, quantitative RNA gel shift assays were performed with synthetic RNAs corresponding to recognition elements (REs) in three T4 and three RB69 mRNAs. Comparative gel shift assays demonstrated that RB69 RegA protein has an ∼7-fold higher affinity for T4 gene 44 RE RNA than T4 RegA protein. RB69 RegA protein also binds RB69 gene 44 RE RNA with a 4-fold higher affinity than T4 RegA protein. On the other hand, T4 RegA exhibited a higher affinity than RB69 RegA protein for RB69 gene 45 RE RNA. With respect to their affinities for cognate RNAs, both RegA proteins exhibited the following hierarchy of affinities: gene 44 > gene 45 > regA. Interestingly, T4 RegA exhibited the highest affinity towards RB69 gene 45 RE RNA, whereas RB69 RegA protein had the highest affinity for T4 gene 44 RE RNA. The helix–loop groove RNA binding motif of T4 RegA protein is fully conserved in RB69 RegA protein. However, homology modeling of the structure of RB69 RegA protein reveals that the divergent residues are clustered in two areas of the surface, and that there are two large areas of high conservation near the helix–loop groove, which may also play a role in RNA binding.
We present a method for discovering conserved sequence motifs from families of aligned protein sequences. The method has been implemented as a computer program called emotif (http://motif.stanford.edu/emotif). Given an aligned set of protein sequences, emotif generates a set of motifs with a wide range of specificities and sensitivities. emotif also can generate motifs that describe possible subfamilies of a protein superfamily. A disjunction of such motifs often can represent the entire superfamily with high specificity and sensitivity. We have used emotif to generate sets of motifs from all 7,000 protein alignments in the blocks and prints databases. The resulting database, called identify (http://motif.stanford.edu/identify), contains more than 50,000 motifs. For each alignment, the database contains several motifs having a probability of matching a false positive that range from 10−10 to 10−5. Highly specific motifs are well suited for searching entire proteomes, while generating very few false predictions. identify assigns biological functions to 25–30% of all proteins encoded by the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome and by several bacterial genomes. In particular, identify assigned functions to 172 of proteins of unknown function in the yeast genome.
Mouse mast cells express gp49B1, a cell-surface member of the Ig superfamily encoded by the gp49B gene. We now report that by ALIGN comparison of the amino acid sequence of gp49B1 with numerous receptors of the Ig superfamily, a newly recognized family has been established that includes gp49B1, the human myeloid cell Fc receptor for IgA, the bovine myeloid cell Fc receptor for IgG2, and the human killer cell inhibitory receptors expressed on natural killer cells and T lymphocyte subsets. Furthermore, the cytoplasmic domain of gp49B1 contains two immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motifs that are also present in killer cell inhibitory receptors; these motifs downregulate natural killer cell and T-cell activation signals that lead to cytotoxic activity. As assessed by flow cytometry with transfectants that express either gp49B1 or gp49A, which are 89% identical in the amino acid sequences of their extracellular domains, mAb B23.1 was shown to recognize only gp49B1. Coligation of mAb B23.1 bound to gp49B1 and IgE fixed to the high-affinity Fc receptor for IgE on the surface of mouse bone marrow-derived mast cells inhibited exocytosis in a dose-related manner, as defined by the release of the secretory granule constituent beta-hexosaminidase, as well as the generation of the membrane-derived lipid mediator, leukotriene C4. Thus, gp49B1 is an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motif-containing integral cell-surface protein that downregulates the high-affinity Fc receptor for IgE-mediated release of proinflammatory mediators from mast cells. Our findings establish a novel counterregulatory transmembrane pathway by which mast cell activation can be inhibited.
A unique gene, RBP-MS, spanning over 230 kb in the human chromosome 8p11-12 near the Werner syndrome gene locus is described. The single-copy RBP-MS gene is alternatively spliced, resulting in a family of at least 12 transcripts (average length of 1.5 kb). Nine different types of cDNAs that encode an RNa-binding motif at the N terminus and helix-rich sequences at the C terminus have been identified thus far. Among the 16 exons identified, four 5'-proximal exons contained sequences homologous to the RNA-binding domain of Drosophila couch potato gene. Northern blot analysis showed that the RBP-MS gene was expressed strongly in the heart, prostate, intestine, and ovary, and poorly in the skeletal muscle, spleen, thymus, brain, and peripheral leukocytes. The possible role of this gene in RNA metabolism is discussed.
Translation termination requires two codon-specific polypeptide release factors in prokaryotes and one omnipotent factor in eukaryotes. Sequences of 17 different polypeptide release factors from prokaryotes and eukaryotes were compared. The prokaryotic release factors share residues split into seven motifs. Conservation of many discrete, perhaps critical, amino acids is observed in eukaryotic release factors, as well as in the C-terminal portion of elongation factor (EF) G. Given that the C-terminal domains of EF-G interacts with ribosomes by mimicry of a tRNA structure, the pattern of conservation of residues in release factors may reflect requirements for a tRNA-mimicry for binding to the A site of the ribosome. This mimicry would explain why release factors recognize stop codons and suggests that all prokaryotic and eukaryotic release factors evolved from the progenitor of EF-G.