14 resultados para Heat of formation

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Hypoxanthine (H), the deamination product of adenine, has been implicated in the high frequency of A to G transitions observed in retroviral and other RNA genomes. Although H·C base pairs are thermodynamically more stable than other H·N pairs, polymerase selection may be determined in part by kinetic factors. Therefore, the hypoxanthine induced substitution pattern resulting from replication by viral polymerases may be more complex than that predicted from thermodynamics. We have examined the steady-state kinetics of formation of base pairs opposite template H in RNA by HIV-RT, and for the incorporation of dITP during first- and second-strand synthesis. Hypoxanthine in an RNA template enhances the k2app for pairing with standard dNTPs by factors of 10–1000 relative to adenine at the same sequence position. The order of base pairing preferences for H in RNA was observed to be H·C >> H·T > H·A > H·G. Steady-state kinetics of insertion for all possible mispairs formed with dITP were examined on RNA and DNA templates of identical sequence. Insertion of dITP opposite all bases occurs 2–20 times more frequently on RNA templates. This bias for higher insertion frequencies on RNA relative to DNA templates is also observed for formation of mispairs at template A. This kinetic advantage afforded by RNA templates for mismatches and pairing involving H suggests a higher induction of mutations at adenines during first-strand synthesis by HIV-RT.


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The phosphorelay signal transduction system activates developmental transcription in sporulation of Bacillus subtilis by phosphorylation of aspartyl residues of the Spo0F and Spo0A response regulators. The phosphorylation level of these response regulators is determined by the opposing activities of protein kinases and protein aspartate phosphatases that interpret positive and negative signals for development in a signal integration circuit. The RapA protein aspartate phosphatase of the phosphorelay is regulated by a peptide that directly inhibits its activity. This peptide is proteolytically processed from an inactive pre-inhibitor protein encoded in the phrA gene. The pre-inhibitor is cleaved by the protein export apparatus to a putative pro-inhibitor that is further processed to the active inhibitor peptide and internalized by the oligopeptide permease. This export–import circuit is postulated to be a mechanism for timing phosphatase activity where the processing enzymes regulate the rate of formation of the active inhibitor. The processing events may, in turn, be controlled by a regulatory hierarchy. Chromosome sequencing has revealed several other phosphatase–prepeptide gene pairs in B. subtilis, suggesting that the use of this mechanism may be widespread in signal transduction.


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The multidimensional free energy surface for a small fast folding helical protein is explored based on first-principle calculations. The model represents the 46-residue segment from fragment B of staphylococcal protein A. The relationship between collapse and tertiary structure formation, and the order of collapse and secondary structure formation, are investigated. We find that the initial collapse process gives rise to a transition state with about 30% of the native tertiary structure and 50–70% of the native helix content. We also observe two distinct distributions of native helix in this collapsed state (Rg ≈ 12 Å), one with about 20% of the native helical hydrogen bonds, the other with near 70%. The former corresponds to a local minimum. The barrier from this metastable state to the native state is about 2 kBT. In the latter case, folding is essentially a downhill process involving topological assembly. In addition, the order of formation of secondary structure among the three helices is examined. We observe cooperative formation of the secondary structure in helix I and helix II. Secondary structure in helix III starts to form following the formation of certain secondary structure in both helix I and helix II. Comparisons of our results with those from theory and experiment are made.


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Three-dimensional (3D) domain-swapped proteins are intermolecularly folded analogs of monomeric proteins; both are stabilized by the identical interactions, but the individual domains interact intramolecularly in monomeric proteins, whereas they form intermolecular interactions in 3D domain-swapped structures. The structures and conditions of formation of several domain-swapped dimers and trimers are known, but the formation of higher order 3D domain-swapped oligomers has been less thoroughly studied. Here we contrast the structural consequences of domain swapping from two designed three-helix bundles: one with an up-down-up topology, and the other with an up-down-down topology. The up-down-up topology gives rise to a domain-swapped dimer whose structure has been determined to 1.5 Å resolution by x-ray crystallography. In contrast, the domain-swapped protein with an up-down-down topology forms fibrils as shown by electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering. This demonstrates that design principles can predict the oligomeric state of 3D domain-swapped molecules, which should aid in the design of domain-swapped proteins and biomaterials.


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Clustered damages are formed in DNA by ionising radiation and radiomimetic anticancer agents and are thought to be biologically severe. 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG), a major DNA damage resulting from oxidative attack, is highly mutagenic leading to a high level of G·C→T·A transversions if not previously excised by OGG1 DNA glycosylase/AP lyase proteins in eukaryotes. However, 8-oxoG within clustered DNA damage may present a challenge to the repair machinery of the cell. The ability of yeast OGG1 to excise 8-oxoG was determined when another type of damage [dihydrothymine, uracil, 8-oxoG, abasic (AP) site or various types of single-strand breaks (SSBs)] is present on the complementary strand 1, 3 or 5 bases 5′ or 3′ opposite to 8-oxoG. Base damages have little or no influence on the excision of 8-oxoG by yeast OGG1 (yOGG1) whereas an AP site has a strong inhibitory effect. Various types of SSBs, obtained using either oligonucleotides with 3′- and 5′-phosphate termini around a gap or through conversion of an AP site with either endonuclease III or human AP endonuclease 1, strongly inhibit excision of 8-oxoG by yOGG1. Therefore, this large inhibitory effect of an AP site or a SSB may minimise the probability of formation of a double-strand break in the processing of 8-oxoG within clustered damages.


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Formation of a transcriptionally competent open complex is a highly regulated multistep process involving at least two intermediates. The rate of formation and stability of the intermediate complexes often determine promoter strength. However, the detailed mechanism of formation of the open complex and the high resolution structures of these intermediates are not known. In this study the structures of the open and intermediate complexes formed on the lacUV5 promoter by Escherichia coli RNA polymerase were analyzed using ‘zero length’ DNA–protein cross-linking. In both the open and the intermediate complexes the core subunits (β′ and β) interact with lacUV5 DNA in a similar way, forming DNA–protein contacts flanking the initiation site. At the same time, the recognition (σ70) subunit closely interacts with the promoter only in the open complex. In combination with our previous results, the data suggest that during promoter recognition contacts of the σ subunit with core RNA polymerase and promoter DNA are rearranged in concert. These rearrangements constitute a landmark of transition from the intermediate to the open complex, identifying the σ subunit as a key player directing formation of the open complex.


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In 1950, G. Ledyard Stebbins devoted two chapters of his book Variation and Evolution in Plants (Columbia Univ. Press, New York) to polyploidy, one on occurrence and nature and one on distribution and significance. Fifty years later, many of the questions Stebbins posed have not been answered, and many new questions have arisen. In this paper, we review some of the genetic attributes of polyploids that have been suggested to account for the tremendous success of polyploid plants. Based on a limited number of studies, we conclude: (i) Polyploids, both individuals and populations, generally maintain higher levels of heterozygosity than do their diploid progenitors. (ii) Polyploids exhibit less inbreeding depression than do their diploid parents and can therefore tolerate higher levels of selfing; polyploid ferns indeed have higher levels of selfing than do their diploid parents, but polyploid angiosperms do not differ in outcrossing rates from their diploid parents. (iii) Most polyploid species are polyphyletic, having formed recurrently from genetically different diploid parents. This mode of formation incorporates genetic diversity from multiple progenitor populations into the polyploid “species”; thus, genetic diversity in polyploid species is much higher than expected by models of polyploid formation involving a single origin. (iv) Genome rearrangement may be a common attribute of polyploids, based on evidence from genome in situ hybridization (GISH), restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis, and chromosome mapping. (v) Several groups of plants may be ancient polyploids, with large regions of homologous DNA. These duplicated genes and genomes can undergo divergent evolution and evolve new functions. These genetic and genomic attributes of polyploids may have both biochemical and ecological benefits that contribute to the success of polyploids in nature.


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Elucidating the mechanism of folding of polynucleotides depends on accurate estimates of free energy surfaces and a quantitative description of the kinetics of structure formation. Here, the kinetics of hairpin formation in single-stranded DNA are measured after a laser temperature jump. The kinetics are modeled as configurational diffusion on a free energy surface obtained from a statistical mechanical description of equilibrium melting profiles. The effective diffusion coefficient is found to be strongly temperature-dependent in the nucleation step as a result of formation of misfolded loops that do not lead to subsequent zipping. This simple system exhibits many of the features predicted from theoretical studies of protein folding, including a funnel-like energy surface with many folding pathways, trapping in misfolded conformations, and non-Arrhenius folding rates.


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Transmembrane signaling by bacterial chemoreceptors is thought to involve relative movement among the four transmembrane helices of the homodimer. We assayed that movement by measuring effects of ligand occupancy on rates of oxidative cross-linking between cysteines introduced into neighboring helices of the transmembrane domain of chemoreceptor Trg from Escherichia coli. Measurements were done on chemoreceptors in their native environment, intact cells that were motile and chemotactically responsive. Receptor occupancy did not appear to cause drastic rearrangement of the four-helix structure since, among 67 cysteine pairs tested, the same 19 exhibited oxidative cross-linking in the presence or absence of saturating chemoattractant. However, occupancy did cause subtle changes that were detected as effects on rates of cross-linking. Among the seven disulfides appropriate for measurements of initial rates of formation, ligand occupancy had significant and different effects on all three cross-links that connected the two helices within a subunit but had minimal effects on the four that spanned the packing interface between subunits. This constitutes direct evidence that the conformational change of transmembrane signaling involves significant movement within a subunit and minimal movement between subunits, a pattern deduced from several previous studies and now documented directly. Among possible modes of movement between the two helices of a subunit, axial sliding of one helix relative to the other was the conformational change that best accounted for the observed effects on cross-linking.


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The mechanism of protein targeting to individual granules in cells that contain different subsets of storage granules is poorly understood. The neutrophil contains two highly distinct major types of granules, the peroxidase positive (azurophil) granules and the peroxidase negative (specific and gelatinase) granules. We hypothesized that targeting of proteins to individual granule subsets may be determined by the stage of maturation of the cell, at which the granule proteins are synthesized, rather than by individual sorting information present in the proteins. This was tested by transfecting the cDNA of the specific granule protein, NGAL, which is normally synthesized in metamyelocytes, into the promyelocytic cell line HL-60, which is developmentally arrested at the stage of formation of azurophil granules, and thus does not contain specific and gelatinase granules. Controlled by a cytomegalovirus promoter, NGAL was constitutively expressed in transfected HL-60 cells. This resulted in the targeting of NGAL to azurophil granules as demonstrated by colocalization of NGAL with myeloperoxidase, visualized by immunoelectron microscopy. This shows that targeting of proteins into distinct granule subsets may be determined solely by the time of their biosynthesis and does not depend on individual sorting information present in the proteins.


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Various compounds that affect signal transduction regulate the relative utilization of alternative processing pathways for the beta-amyloid precursor protein (beta APP) in intact cells, increasing the production of nonamyloidogenic soluble beta APP (s beta APP) and decreasing that of amyloidogenic beta-amyloid peptide. In a recent study directed toward elucidating the mechanisms underlying phorbol ester-stimulated s beta APP secretion from cells, it was demonstrated that protein kinase C increases the formation from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) of beta APP-containing secretory vesicles. Here we present evidence that forskolin increases s beta APP production from intact PC12 cells, and protein kinase A stimulates formation from the TGN of beta APP-containing vesicles. Although protein kinase A and protein kinase C converge at the level of formation from the TGN of beta APP-containing vesicles, additional evidence indicates that the regulatory mechanisms involved are distinct.


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We describe a procedure for the generation of chemically accurate computer-simulation models to study chemical reactions in the condensed phase. The process involves (i) the use of a coupled semiempirical quantum and classical molecular mechanics method to represent solutes and solvent, respectively; (ii) the optimization of semiempirical quantum mechanics (QM) parameters to produce a computationally efficient and chemically accurate QM model; (iii) the calibration of a quantum/classical microsolvation model using ab initio quantum theory; and (iv) the use of statistical mechanical principles and methods to simulate, on massively parallel computers, the thermodynamic properties of chemical reactions in aqueous solution. The utility of this process is demonstrated by the calculation of the enthalpy of reaction in vacuum and free energy change in aqueous solution for a proton transfer involving methanol, methoxide, imidazole, and imidazolium, which are functional groups involved with proton transfers in many biochemical systems. An optimized semiempirical QM model is produced, which results in the calculation of heats of formation of the above chemical species to within 1.0 kcal/mol (1 kcal = 4.18 kJ) of experimental values. The use of the calibrated QM and microsolvation QM/MM (molecular mechanics) models for the simulation of a proton transfer in aqueous solution gives a calculated free energy that is within 1.0 kcal/mol (12.2 calculated vs. 12.8 experimental) of a value estimated from experimental pKa values of the reacting species.


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In establishing the memory B-cell population and maintaining self-tolerance during an immune response, apoptosis mediates the removal of early, low-affinity antibody-forming cells, unselected germinal center (GC) cells, and, potentially, self-reactive B cells. To address the role of the apoptosis-signaling cell surface molecule FAS in the B-cell response to antigen, we have examined the T-cell-dependent B-cell response to the carrier-conjugated hapten (4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenyl)acetyl (NP) in lpr mice in which the fas gene is mutated. High levels of FAS were expressed on normal GC B cells but the absence of FAS did not perturb the progressive decline in numbers of either GC B cells or extrafollicular antibody-forming cells. Furthermore, the rate of formation and eventual size of the NP-specific memory B-cell population in lpr mice were normal. The accumulation of cells with affinity-enhancing mutations and the appearance of high-affinity anti-NP IgG1 antibody in the serum were also normal in lpr mice. Thus, although high levels of FAS are expressed on GC B cells, FAS is not required for GC selection or for regulation of the major antigen-specific B-cell compartments. The results suggest that the size and composition of B-cell compartments in the humoral immune response are regulated by mechanisms that do not require FAS.


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The cyclic enzymatic function of a cytochrome P450, as it catalyzes the oxygen-dependent metabolism of many organic chemicals, requires the delivery of two electrons to the hemeprotein. In general these electrons are transferred from NADPH to the P450 via an FMN- and FAD-containing flavoprotein (NADPH-P450 reductase). The present paper shows that NADPH can be replaced by an electrochemically generated reductant [cobalt(II) sepulchrate trichloride] for the electrocatalytically driven omega-hydroxylation of lauric acid. Results are presented illustrating the use of purified recombinant proteins containing P450 4A1, such as the fusion protein (rFP450 [mRat4A1/mRatOR]L1) or a system reconstituted with purified P450 4A1 plus purified NADPH-P450 reductase. Rates of formation of 12-hydroxydodecanoic acid by the electrochemical method are comparable to those obtained using NADPH as electron donor. These results suggest the practicality of developing electrocatalytically dependent bioreactors containing different P450s as catalysts for the large-scale synthesis of stereo- and regio-selective hydroxylation products of many chemicals.