7 resultados para Heart of Darkness

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Relying on a quantitative analysis of the patenting and assignment behavior of inventors, we highlight the evolution of institutions that encouraged trade in technology and a growing division of labor between those who invented new technologies and those who exploited them commercially over the nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. At the heart of this change in the organization of inventive activity was a set of familiar developments which had significant consequences for the supply and demand of inventions. On the supply side, the growing complexity and capital intensity of technology raised the amount of human and physical capital required for effective invention, making it increasingly desirable for individuals involved in this activity to specialize. On the demand side, the growing competitiveness of product markets induced firms to purchase or otherwise obtain the rights to technologies developed by others. These increasing incentives to differentiate the task of invention from that of commercializing new technologies depended for their realization upon the development of markets and other types of organizational supports for trade in technology. The evidence suggests that the necessary institutions evolved first in those regions of the country where early patenting activity had already been concentrated. A self-reinforcing process whereby high rates of inventive activity encouraged the evolution of a market for technology, which in turn encouraged greater specialization and productivity at invention as individuals found it increasingly feasible to sell and license their discoveries, appears to have been operating. This market trade in technological information was an important contributor to the achievement of a high level of specialization at invention well before the rise of large-scale research laboratories in the twentieth century.


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The kinetics of phototransduction of phytochrome A (phyA) and phytochrome B (phyB) were compared in etiolated Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. The responses of hypocotyl growth, cotyledon unfolding, and expression of a light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein of the photosystem II gene promoter fused to the coding region of β-glucuronidase (used as a reporter enzyme) were mediated by phyA under continuous far-red light (FR) and by phyB under continuous red light (R). The seedlings were exposed hourly either to n min of FR followed by 60 minus n min in darkness or to n min of R, 3 min of FR (to back-convert phyB to its inactive form), and 57 minus n min of darkness. For the three processes investigated here, the kinetics of phototransduction of phyB were faster than that of phyA. For instance, 15 min R h−1 (terminated with a FR pulse) were almost as effective as continuous R, whereas 15 min of FR h−1 caused less than 30% of the effect of continuous FR. This difference is interpreted in terms of divergence of signal transduction pathways downstream from phyA and phyB.


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Rhodopsin is a prototypical G protein-coupled receptor that is activated by photoisomerization of its 11-cis-retinal chromophore. Mutant forms of rhodopsin were prepared in which the carboxylic acid counterion was moved relative to the positively charged chromophore Schiff base. Nanosecond time-resolved laser photolysis measurements of wild-type recombinant rhodopsin and two mutant pigments then were used to determine reaction schemes and spectra of their early photolysis intermediates. These results, together with linear dichroism data, yielded detailed structural information concerning chromophore movements during the first microsecond after photolysis. These chromophore structural changes provide a basis for understanding the relative movement of rhodopsin’s transmembrane helices 3 and 6 required for activation of rhodopsin. Thus, early structural changes following isomerization of retinal are linked to the activation of this G protein-coupled receptor. Such rapid structural changes lie at the heart of the pharmacologically important signal transduction mechanisms in a large variety of receptors, which use extrinsic activators, but are impossible to study in receptors using diffusible agonist ligands.


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We have attempted to determine whether loss of mtDNA and respiratory chain function result in apoptosis in vivo. Apoptosis was studied in embryos with homozygous disruption of the mitochondrial transcription factor A gene (Tfam) and tissue-specific Tfam knockout animals with severe respiratory chain deficiency in the heart. We found massive apoptosis in Tfam knockout embryos at embryonic day (E) 9.5 and increased apoptosis in the heart of the tissue-specific Tfam knockouts. Furthermore, mtDNA-less (ρ0) cell lines were susceptible to apoptosis induced by different stimuli in vitro. The data presented here provide in vivo evidence that respiratory chain deficiency predisposes cells to apoptosis, contrary to previous assumptions based on in vitro studies of cultured cells. These results suggest that increased apoptosis is a pathogenic event in human mtDNA mutation disorders. The finding that respiratory chain deficiency is associated with increased in vivo apoptosis may have important therapeutic implications for human disease. Respiratory chain deficiency and cell loss and/or apoptosis have been associated with neurodegeneration, heart failure, diabetes mellitus, and aging. Furthermore, chemotherapy and radiation treatment of cancer are intended to induce apoptosis in tumor cells. It would therefore be of interest to determine whether manipulation of respiratory chain function can be used to inhibit or enhance apoptosis in these conditions.


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In many species translocation of sucrose from the mesophyll to the phloem is carrier mediated. A sucrose/H+-symporter cDNA, NtSUT1, was isolated from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and shown to be highly expressed in mature leaves and at low levels in other tissues, including floral organs. To study the in vivo function of NtSUT1, tobacco plants were transformed with a SUT1 antisense construct under control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. Upon maturation, leaves of transformants expressing reduced amounts of SUT1 mRNA curled downward, and strongly affected plants developed chloroses and necroses that led to death. The leaves exhibited impaired ability to export recently fixed 14CO2 and were unable to export transient starch during extended periods of darkness. As a consequence, soluble carbohydrates accumulated and photosynthesis was reduced. Autoradiographs of leaves show a heterogenous pattern of CO2 fixation even after a 24-h chase. The 14C pattern does not change with time, suggesting that movement of photosynthate between mesophyll cells may also be impaired. The affected lines show a reduction in the development of the root system and delayed or impaired flowering. Taken together, the effects observed in a seed plant (tobacco) demonstrate the importance of SUT1 for sucrose loading into the phloem via an apoplastic route and possibly for intermesophyll transport as well.


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The unicellular, diazotrophic cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142 demonstrated important modifications to photosystem II (PSII) centers when grown under light/dark N2-fixing conditions. The properties of PSII were studied throughout the diurnal cycle using O2-flash-yield and pulse-amplitude-modulated fluorescence techniques. Nonphotochemical quenching (qN) of PSII increased during N2 fixation and persisted after treatments known to induce transitions to state 1. The qN was high in cells grown in the dark, and then disappeared progressively during the first 4 h of light growth. The photoactivation probability, ε, demonstrated interesting oscillations, with peaks near 3 h of darkness and 4 and 10 h of light. Experiments and calculations of the S-state distribution indicated that PSII displays a high level of heterogeneity, especially as the cells prepare for N2 fixation. We conclude that the oxidizing side of PSII is strongly affected during the period before and after the peak of nitrogenase activity; changes include a lowered capacity for O2 evolution, altered dark stability of PSII centers, and substantial changes in qN.


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The heart of oxygenic photosynthesis is photosystem II (PSII), a multisubunit protein complex that uses solar energy to drive the splitting of water and production of molecular oxygen. The effectiveness of the photochemical reaction center of PSII depends on the efficient transfer of excitation energy from the surrounding antenna chlorophylls. A kinetic model for PSII, based on the x-ray crystal structure coordinates of 37 antenna and reaction center pigment molecules, allows us to map the major energy transfer routes from the antenna chlorophylls to the reaction center chromophores. The model shows that energy transfer to the reaction center is slow compared with the rate of primary electron transport and depends on a few bridging chlorophyll molecules. This unexpected energetic isolation of the reaction center in PSII is similar to that found in the bacterial photosystem, conflicts with the established view of the photophysics of PSII, and may be a functional requirement for primary photochemistry in photosynthesis. In addition, the model predicts a value for the intrinsic photochemical rate constant that is 4 times that found in bacterial reaction centers.