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The present work develops and implements a biomathematical statement of how reciprocal connectivity drives stress-adaptive homeostasis in the corticotropic (hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal) axis. In initial analyses with this interactive construct, we test six specific a priori hypotheses of mechanisms linking circadian (24-h) rhythmicity to pulsatile secretory output. This formulation offers a dynamic framework for later statistical estimation of unobserved in vivo neurohormone secretion and within-axis, dose-responsive interfaces in health and disease. Explication of the core dynamics of the stress-responsive corticotropic axis based on secure physiological precepts should help to unveil new biomedical hypotheses of stressor-specific system failure.


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Psychological stress is thought to contribute to reactivation of latent herpes simplex virus (HSV). Although several animal models have been developed in an effort to reproduce different pathogenic aspects of HSV keratitis or labialis, until now, no good animal model existed in which application of a psychological laboratory stressor results in reliable reactivation of the virus. Reported herein, disruption of the social hierarchy within colonies of mice increased aggression among cohorts, activated the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, and caused reactivation of latent HSV type 1 in greater than 40% of latently infected animals. However, activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis using restraint stress did not activate the latent virus. Thus, the use of social stress in mice provides a good model in which to investigate the neuroendocrine mechanisms that underlie behaviorally mediated reactivation of latent herpesviruses.


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A physiological role for beta-endorphin in endogenous pain inhibition was investigated by targeted mutagenesis of the proopiomelanocortin gene in mouse embryonic stem cells. The tyrosine codon at position 179 of the proopiomelanocortin gene was converted to a premature translational stop codon. The resulting transgenic mice display no overt developmental or behavioral alterations and have a normally functioning hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Homozygous transgenic mice with a selective deficiency of beta-endorphin exhibit normal analgesia in response to morphine, indicating the presence of functional mu-opiate receptors. However, these mice lack the opioid (naloxone reversible) analgesia induced by mild swim stress. Mutant mice also display significantly greater nonopioid analgesia in response to cold water swim stress compared with controls and display paradoxical naloxone-induced analgesia. These changes may reflect compensatory upregulation of alternative pain inhibitory mechanisms.


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Stimulation of the cAMP-dependent signaling pathway exerts an inhibitory effect on the proliferation and effector functions of T cells. The ability of T cells to form high intracellular levels of cAMP is acquired during development in the human thymus and is retained by the majority of mature peripheral T lymphocytes. Here we show that elevated cAMP levels in T cells correlate with the expression of the potent transcriptional repressor ICER (inducible cAMP early repressor) previously described in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. Further, in transcriptional assays in vivo, ICER inhibits calcineurin-mediated expression of the interleukin 2 promoter as well as Tax-mediated transactivation of the human T-lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) promoter. Thus, the induction of ICER in T cells may play an important role in the cAMP-induced quiescence and the persistent latency of HTLV-I.


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The circadian clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus organizes behavioral rhythms, such as the sleep–wake cycle, on a near 24-h time base and synchronizes them to environmental day and night. Light information is transmitted to the SCN by direct retinal projections via the retinohypothalamic tract (RHT). Both glutamate (Glu) and pituitary adenylyl cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP) are localized within the RHT. Whereas Glu is an established mediator of light entrainment, the role of PACAP is unknown. To understand the functional significance of this colocalization, we assessed the effects of nocturnal Glu and PACAP on phasing of the circadian rhythm of neuronal firing in slices of rat SCN. When coadministered, PACAP blocked the phase advance normally induced by Glu during late night. Surprisingly, blocking PACAP neurotransmission, with either PACAP6–38, a specific PACAP receptor antagonist, or anti-PACAP antibodies, augmented the Glu-induced phase advance. Blocking PACAP in vivo also potentiated the light-induced phase advance of the rhythm of hamster wheel-running activity. Conversely, PACAP enhanced the Glu-induced delay in the early night, whereas PACAP6–38 inhibited it. These results reveal that PACAP is a significant component of the Glu-mediated light-entrainment pathway. When Glu activates the system, PACAP receptor-mediated processes can provide gain control that generates graded phase shifts. The relative strengths of the Glu and PACAP signals together may encode the amplitude of adaptive circadian behavioral responses to the natural range of intensities of nocturnal light.


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Pax6, a highly conserved member of the paired homeodomain transcription factor family that plays essential roles in ocular, neural, and pancreatic development and effects asymmetric transient dorsal expression during pituitary development, with its expression extinguished before the ventral → dorsal appearance of specific cell types. Analysis of pituitary development in the Small eye and Pax6 −/− mouse mutants reveals that the dorsoventral axis of the pituitary gland becomes ventralized, with dorsal extension of the transcriptional determinants of ventral cell types, particularly PFrk. This ventralization is followed by a marked decrease in terminally differentiated dorsal somatotrope and lactotrope cell types and a marked increase in the expression of markers of the ventral thyrotrope cells and SF-1-expressing cells of gonadotrope lineage. We suggest that the transient dorsal expression of Pax6 is essential for establishing a sharp boundary between dorsal and ventral cell types, based on the inhibition of Shh ventral signals.


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It has been shown that the pituitary contains a cytotropic factor (CTF) that stimulates the secretion of catecholamines by dopaminergic neurons of the hypothalamus. In the present study, CTF was purified from rat pituitaries and found by means of mass spectrometric analysis to be adenosine. This finding was corroborated by the observations that CTF behaves identically to adenosine when subjected to liquid chromatography, is inactivated and converted to inosine by adenosine deaminase, and is qualitatively and quantitatively indistinguishable from adenosine in its biological activity. It is concluded that pituitary adenosine is a trophic factor for hypothalamic dopaminergic neurons.


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The neuropeptide galanin is predominantly expressed by the lactotrophs (the prolactin secreting cell type) in the rodent anterior pituitary and in the median eminence and paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. Prolactin and galanin colocalize in the same secretory granule, the expression of both proteins is extremely sensitive to the estrogen status of the animal. The administration of estradiol-17β induces pituitary hyperplasia followed by adenoma formation and causes a 3,000-fold increase in the galanin mRNA content of the lactotroph. To further study the role of galanin in prolactin release and lactotroph growth we now report the generation of mice carrying a loss-of-function mutation of the endogenous galanin gene. There is no evidence of embryonic lethality and the mutant mice grow normally. The specific endocrine abnormalities identified to date, relate to the expression of prolactin. Pituitary prolactin message levels and protein content of adult female mutant mice are reduced by 30–40% compared with wild-type controls. Mutant females fail to lactate and pups die of starvation/dehydration unless fostered onto wild-type mothers. Prolactin secretion in mutant females is markedly reduced at 7 days postpartum compared with wild-type controls with an associated failure in mammary gland maturation. There is an almost complete abrogation of the proliferative response of the lactotroph to high doses of estrogen, with a failure to up-regulate prolactin release, STAT5 expression or to increase pituitary cell number. These data further support the hypothesis that galanin acts as a paracrine regulator of prolactin expression and as a growth factor to the lactotroph.


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We have established a differential peptide display method, based on a mass spectrometric technique, to detect peptides that show semiquantitative changes in the neurointermediate lobe (NIL) of individual rats subjected to salt-loading. We employed matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry, using a single-reference peptide in combination with careful scanning of the whole crystal rim of the matrix-analyte preparation, to detect in a semiquantitative manner the molecular ions present in the unfractionated NIL homogenate. Comparison of the mass spectra generated from NIL homogenates of salt-loaded and control rats revealed a selective and significant decrease in the intensities of several molecular ion species of the NIL homogenates from salt-loaded rats. These ion species, which have masses that correspond to the masses of oxytocin, vasopressin, neurophysins, and an unidentified putative peptide, were subsequently chemically characterized. We confirmed that the decreased molecular ion species are peptides derived exclusively from propressophysin and prooxyphysin (i.e., oxytocin, vasopressin, and various neurophysins). The putative peptide is carboxyl-terminal glycopeptide. The carbohydrate moiety of the latter peptide was determined by electrospray tandem MS as bisected biantennary Hex3HexNAc5Fuc. This posttranslational modification accounts for the mass difference between the predicted mass of the peptide based on cDNA studies and the measured mass of the mature peptide.


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Hypothalamic neuropeptide Y (NPY) is thought to be important in the regulation of feeding and also in the release of Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH). Intracerebroventricular administration of NPY to male rats significantly increased plasma ACTH 10 min after injection and stimulated 2-h food intake. A series of analogues of NPY that have a greatly reduced affinity for the Y1 [human pancreatic polypeptide (human PP), NPY(3–36)], the Y2 ([Pro34]NPY, human PP), the Y3 (peptide YY), and the Y6 (human PP) receptor, all markedly stimulated ACTH release. Rat PP, which binds with high affinity to the Y4 receptor, was unable to stimulate ACTH release. A novel analogue fragment [Pro34]NPY(13–36) was synthesized as a ligand with low Y1 and Y2 receptor affinity. Interestingly, neither [Pro34]NPY(13–36) nor the selective Y5 receptor agonist [d-Trp32]NPY stimulated food intake, whereas both significantly increased plasma ACTH. Thus the hypothalamic NPY receptor mediating increases in plasma ACTH has a fragment activation profile unlike the Y1–Y4 or Y6 receptors and appears distinct from the NPY receptor controlling food intake.


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The androgen receptor (AR) binds to androgen response elements and regulates target genes via a mechanism involving coregulators. Here we demonstrate that the AR can interact with the testicular orphan receptor-4 (TR4) and function as a repressor to down-regulate the TR4 target genes by preventing the TR4 binding to its target DNA. Interestingly, the heterodimerization of AR and TR4 also allows TR4 to repress AR target gene expression. Simultaneous exposure to both receptors therefore could result in bidirectional suppression of their target genes. Together, these data demonstrate that the coupling of two different receptors, through the heterodimerization of AR and TR4, is a unique signaling pathway in the steroid receptor superfamily, which may facilitate further understanding of the complicated androgen action in prostate cancer or libido.


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Mice with a targeted mutation of the gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) receptor gene (GIPR) were generated to determine the role of GIP as a mediator of signals from the gut to pancreatic β cells. GIPR−/− mice have higher blood glucose levels with impaired initial insulin response after oral glucose load. Although blood glucose levels after meal ingestion are not increased by high-fat diet in GIPR+/+ mice because of compensatory higher insulin secretion, they are significantly increased in GIPR−/− mice because of the lack of such enhancement. Accordingly, early insulin secretion mediated by GIP determines glucose tolerance after oral glucose load in vivo, and because GIP plays an important role in the compensatory enhancement of insulin secretion produced by a high insulin demand, a defect in this entero-insular axis may contribute to the pathogenesis of diabetes.


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Antagonists of growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) inhibit the growth of various cancers in vivo. This effect is thought to be exerted through suppression of the pituitary growth hormone–hepatic insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) axis and direct inhibition of autocrine/paracrine production of IGF-I and -II in tumors. However, other evidence points to a direct effect of GHRH antagonists on tumor growth that may not implicate IGFs, although an involvement of GHRH in the proliferation of cancer cells has not yet been established. In the present study we investigated whether GHRH can function as an autocrine/paracrine growth factor in small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC). H-69 and H-510A SCLC lines cultured in vitro express mRNA for GHRH, which apparently is translated into peptide GHRH and then secreted by the cells, as shown by the detection of GHRH-like immunoreactivity in conditioned media from the cells cultured in vitro. In addition, the levels of GHRH-like immunoreactivity in serum from nude mice bearing H-69 xenografts were higher than in tumor-free mice. GHRH(1–29)NH2 stimulated the proliferation of H-69 and H-510A SCLCs in vitro, and GHRH antagonist JV-1–36 inhibited it. JV-1–36 administered s.c. into nude mice bearing xenografts of H-69 SCLC reduced significantly (P < 0.05) tumor volume and weight, after 31 days of therapy, as compared with controls. Collectively, our results suggest that GHRH can function as an autocrine growth factor in SCLCs. Treatment with antagonistic analogs of GHRH may offer a new approach to the treatment of SCLC and other cancers.


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Pituitary gonadotropins follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone stimulate the gonads by regulating germ cell proliferation and differentiation. FSH receptors (FSH-Rs) are localized to testicular Sertoli cells and ovarian granulosa cells and are coupled to activation of the adenylyl cyclase and other signaling pathways. Activation of FSH-Rs is considered essential for folliculogenesis in the female and spermatogenesis in the male. We have generated mice lacking FSH-R by homologous recombination. FSH-R-deficient males are fertile but display small testes and partial spermatogenic failure. Thus, although FSH signaling is not essential for initiating spermatogenesis, it appears to be required for adequate viability and motility of the sperms. FSH-R-deficient females display thin uteri and small ovaries and are sterile because of a block in folliculogenesis before antral follicle formation. Although the expression of marker genes is only moderately altered in FSH-R −/− mice, drastic sex-specific changes are observed in the levels of various hormones. The anterior lobe of the pituitary gland in females is enlarged and reveals a larger number of FSH- and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)-positive cells. The phenotype of FSH-R −/− mice is reminiscent of human hypergonadotropic ovarian dysgenesis and infertility.


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The cytokine IL-1 mediates diverse forms of neurodegeneration, but its mechanism of action is unknown. We have demonstrated previously that exogenous and endogenous IL-1 acts specifically in the rat striatum to dramatically enhance ischemic and excitotoxic brain damage and cause extensive cortical injury. Here we tested the hypothesis that this distant effect of IL-1 is mediated through polysynaptic striatal outputs to the cortex via the hypothalamus. We show that IL-1β injected into the rat striatum with the excitotoxin α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate (S-AMPA) caused increased expression of IL-1β (mRNA and protein) mainly in the cortex where maximum injury occurs. Marked increases in IL-1β mRNA and protein were also observed in the hypothalamus. S-AMPA, injected alone into the striatum, caused only localized damage, but administration of IL-1β into either the striatum or the lateral hypothalamus immediately after striatal S-AMPA resulted in widespread cell loss throughout the ipsilateral cortex. Finally we showed that the cortical cell death produced by striatal coinjection of S-AMPA and IL-1β was significantly reduced by administration of the IL-1 receptor antagonist into the lateral hypothalamus. These data suggest that IL-1β can act in the hypothalamus to modify cell viability in the cortex. We conclude that IL-1-dependent pathways project from the striatum to the cortex via the hypothalamus and lead to cortical injury, and that these may contribute to a number of human neurological conditions including stroke and head trauma.