25 resultados para HUMAN MONOCYTES

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage play a central role in both innate and acquired immunity of the host. However, the acquisition of functional competence and the ability to respond to a variety of activating or modulating signals require maturation and differentiation of circulating monocytes and entail alterations in both biochemical and phenotypic profiles of the cells. The process of activation also confers survival signals essential for the functional integrity of monocytes enabling the cells to remain viable in microenvironments of immune or inflammatory lesions that are rich in cytotoxic inflammatory mediators and reactive free-radical species. However, the molecular mechanisms of activation-induced survival signals in monocytes remain obscure. To define the mechanistic basis of activation-induced resistance to apoptosis in human monocytes at the molecular level, we evaluated the modulation of expression profiles of genes associated with the cellular apoptotic pathways upon activation and demonstrate the following: (i) activation results in selective resistance to apoptosis particularly to that induced by signaling via death receptors and DNA damage; (ii) concurrent with activation, the most apical protease in the death receptor pathway, caspase-8/FLICE is rapidly down-regulated at the mRNA level representing a novel regulatory mechanism; and (iii) activation of monocytes also leads to dramatic induction of the Bfl-1 gene, an anti apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 family. Our findings thus provide a potential mechanistic basis for the activation-induced resistance to apoptosis in human monocytes.


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Leishmania are parasites that survive within macrophages by mechanism(s) not entirely known. Depression of cellular immunity and diminished production of interleukin 1β (IL-1β) and tumor necrosis factor α are potential ways by which the parasite survives within macrophages. We examined the mechanism(s) by which lipophosphoglycan (LPG), a major glycolipid of Leishmania, perturbs cytokine gene expression. LPG treatment of THP-1 monocytes suppressed endotoxin induction of IL-1β steady-state mRNA by greater than 90%, while having no effect on the expression of a control gene. The addition of LPG 2 h before or 2 h after endotoxin challenge significantly suppressed steady-state IL-1β mRNA by 90% and 70%, respectively. LPG also inhibited tumor necrosis factor α and Staphylococcus induction of IL-1β gene expression. The inhibitory effect of LPG is agonist-specific because LPG did not suppress the induction of IL-1β mRNA by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. A unique DNA sequence located within the −310 to −57 nucleotide region of the IL-1β promoter was found to mediate LPG’s inhibitory activity. The requirement for the −310 to −57 promoter gene sequence for LPG’s effect is demonstrated by the abrogation of LPG’s inhibitory activity by truncation or deletion of the −310 to −57 promoter gene sequence. Furthermore, the minimal IL-1β promoter (positions −310 to +15) mediated LPG’s inhibitory activity with dose and kinetic profiles that were similar to LPG’s suppression of steady-state IL-1β mRNA. These findings delineated a promoter gene sequence that responds to LPG to act as a “gene silencer,” a function, to our knowledge, not previously described. LPG’s inhibitory activity for several mediators of inflammation and the persistence of significant inhibitory activity 2 h after endotoxin challenge suggest that LPG has therapeutic potential and may be exploited for therapy of sepsis, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and autoimmune diseases.


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Two chemokine (chemoattractant cytokines) beta peptides, macrophage inflammatory proteins 1 alpha and 1 beta (MIP-1 alpha and MIP-1 beta), were induced in human monocyte cultures following infection with the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Induction depended on productive viral infection: not only did the kinetics of MIP-1 peptide induction closely follow those of viral replication, but monocyte cultures inoculated with heat-inactivated virus or infected in the presence of AZT failed to produce these chemokine beta peptides. In addition, HIV infection markedly altered the pattern of beta chemokine expression elicited by tumor necrosis factor (TNF), itself a potent proinflammatory cytokine upregulated during the development of AIDS. Reverse transcription (RT)-PCR and RT-in situ PCR studies on brain tissue from patients with AIDS dementia demonstrated elevated MIP-1 alpha and MIP-1 beta mRNA expression relative to comparable samples from HIV-1-infected patients without dementia. Cells expressing chemokines in HIV-1-infected brains were identified morphologically as microglia and astrocytes. As MIP-1 alpha and MIP-1 beta are potent chemoattractants for both monocytes and specific subpopulations of lymphocytes, this dysregulation of beta chemokine expression may influence the trafficking of leukocytes during HIV infection. These data, taken together, suggest a mechanism by which HIV-1-infected monocytes might recruit uninfected T cells and monocytes to sites of active viral replication or inflammation, notably the brain and lymph nodes.


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Macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) is required for the growth and differentiation of mononuclear phagocytes. In the present studies using human monocytes, we show that M-CSF induces interaction of the Grb2 adaptor protein with the focal adhesion kinase pp125FAK. The results demonstrate that tyrosine-phosphorylated pp125FAK directly interacts with the SH2 domain of Grb2. The findings indicate that a pYENV site at Tyr-925 in pp125FAK is responsible for this interaction. We also demonstrate that the Grb2-FAK complex associates with the GTPase dynamin. Dynamin interacts with the SH3 domains of Grb2 and exhibits M-CSF-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation in association with pp125FAK. These findings suggest that M-CSF-induced signaling involves independent Grb2-mediated pathways, one leading to Ras activation and another involving pp125FAK and a GTPase implicated in receptor internalization.


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Interleukin 10 (IL-10) is a recently described natural endogenous immunosuppressive cytokine that has been identified in human, murine, and other organisms. Human IL-10 (hIL-10) has high homology with murine IL-10 (mIL-10) as well as with an Epstein–Barr virus genome product BCRFI. This viral IL-10 (vIL-10) shares a number of activities with hIL-10. IL-10 significantly affects chemokine biology, because human IL-10 inhibits chemokine production and is a specific chemotactic factor for CD8+ T cells. It suppresses the ability of CD4+ T cells, but not CD8+ T cells, to migrate in response to IL-8. A nonapeptide (IT9302) with complete homology to a sequence of hIL-10 located in the C-terminal portion (residues 152–160) of the cytokine was found to possess activities that mimic some of those of hIL-10. These are: (i) inhibition of IL-1β-induced IL-8 production by peripheral blood mononuclear cell, (ii) inhibition of spontaneous IL-8 production by cultured human monocytes, (iii) induction of IL-1 receptor antagonistic protein production by human monocytes, (iv) induction of chemotactic migration of CD8+ human T lymphocytes in vitro, (v) desensitization of human CD8+ T cells resulting in an unresponsiveness toward rhIL-10-induced chemotaxis, (vi) suppression of the chemotactic response of CD4+ T human lymphocytes toward IL-8, (vii) induction of IL-4 production by cultured normal human CD4+ T cells, (viii) down-regulation of tumor necrosis factor-α production by CD8+ T cells, and (ix) inhibition of class II major histocompatibility complex antigen expression on IFN-γ-stimulated human monocytes. Another nonapeptide (IT9403) close to the NH2-terminal part of hIL-10 did not reveal cytokine synthesis inhibitory properties, but proved to be a regulator of mast cell proliferation. In conclusion, we have identified two functional domains of IL-10 exerting different IL-10 like activities, an observation that suggests that relatively small segments of these signal proteins are responsible for particular biological functions.


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A secreted CC chemokine homolog, encoded by the MC148 gene of molluscum contagiosum virus, potently interfered with the chemotaxis of human monocytes, lymphocytes, and neutrophils in response to a large number of CC and CXC chemokines with diverse receptor specificities. Evidence that the viral protein binds to human chemokine receptors was obtained by competition binding and calcium mobilization experiments. The broad spectrum chemokine antagonistic activity of MC148 can explain the prolonged absence of an inflammatory response in skin tumors that harbor replicating molluscum contagiosum virus.


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To improve the usefulness of in vivo mode for the investigation of the pathophysiology of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, we modified the construction of SCID mice implanted with human fetal thymus and liver (thy/liv-SCID-hu mice) so that the peripheral blood of the mice contained significant numbers of human monocytes and T cells. After inoculation with HIV-1(59), a primary patient isolate capable of infecting monocytes and T cells, the modified thy/liv-SCID-hu mice developed disseminated HIV infection that was associated with plasma viremia. The development of plasma viremia and HIV infection in thy/liv-SCID-hu mice inoculated with HIV-1(59) was inhibited by acute treatment with human interleukin (IL) 10 but not with human IL-12. The human peripheral blood mononuclear cells in these modified thy/liv-SCID-hu mice were responsive to in vivo treatment with exogenous cytokines. Human interferon gamma expression in the circulating human peripheral blood mononuclear cells was induced by treatment with IL-12 and inhibited by treatment with IL-10. Thus, these modified thy/liv-SCID-hu mice should prove to be a valuable in vivo model for examining the role of immunomodulatory therapy in modifying HIV infection. Furthermore, our demonstration of the vivo inhibitory effect of IL-10 on acute HIV infection suggests that further studies may be warranted to evaluate whether there is a role for IL-10 therapy in preventing HIV infection in individuals soon after exposure to HIV such as for children born to HIV-infected mothers.


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Serum IgE concentrations and the expression of the low-affinity receptor for IgE (Fc epsilon RII/CD23) are increased in cutaneous leishmaniasis or after immune challenge with Leishmania antigens. In vitro, the ligation of CD23 by IgE-anti-IgE immune complexes (IgE-IC) or by anti-CD23 monoclonal antibody (mAb) induces nitric oxide (NO) synthase and the generation of various cytokines by human monocytes/macrophages. The present study shows that IgE-IC, via CD23 binding, induce intracellular killing of Leishmania major in human monocyte-derived macrophages through the induction of the L-arginine:NO pathway. This was demonstrated by increased generation of nitrite (NO2-), the stable oxidation product of NO, and by the ability of NG-monomethyl-L-arginine to block both NO generation and parasite killing. A similar NO-dependent effect was observed with interferon gamma-treated cells. Tumor necrosis factor alpha is involved in this process, since both the induction of NO synthase and the killing of parasites caused by anti-CD23 mAb were inhibited by an anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha mAb. Treatment of noninfected CD23+ macrophages with IgE-IC provided protection against subsequent in vitro infection of these cells by Leishmania major promastigotes. Thus, IgE-IC promote killing of L. major by inducing NO synthase in human macrophages.


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Human macrophages are believed to damage host tissues in chronic inflammatory disease states, but these cells have been reported to express only modest degradative activity in vitro. However, while examining the ability of human monocytes to degrade the extracellular matrix component elastin, we identified culture conditions under which the cells matured into a macrophage population that displayed a degradative phenotype hundreds of times more destructive than that previously ascribed to any other cell population. The monocyte-derived macrophages synthesized elastinolytic matrix metalloproteinases (i.e., gelatinase B and matrilysin) as well as cysteine proteinases (i.e., cathepsins B, L, and S), but only the cathepsins were detected in the extracellular milieu as fully processed, mature enzymes by either vital fluorescence or active-site labeling. Consistent with these observations, macrophage-mediated elastinolytic activity was not affected by matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors but could be almost completely abrogated by inhibiting cathepsins L and S. These data demonstrate that human macrophages mobilize cysteine proteinases to arm themselves with a powerful effector mechanism that can participate in the pathophysiologic remodeling of the extracellular matrix.


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In a number of clinical circumstances it would be desirable to artificially conceal cellular antigenic determinants to permit survival of heterologous donor cells. A case in point is the problem encountered in transfusions of patients with rare blood types or chronically transfused patients who become allosensitized to minor blood group determinants. We have tested the possibility that chemical modification of the red blood cell (RBC) membrane might serve to occlude antigenic determinants, thereby minimizing transfusion reactions. To this end, we have covalently bound methoxy(polyethylene glycol) (mPEG) to the surface of mammalian RBC via cyanuric chloride coupling. Human RBC treated with this technique lose ABO blood group reactivity as assessed by solution–phase antisera agglutination. In accord with this, we also find a profound decrease in anti-blood group antibody binding. Furthermore, whereas human monocytes avidly phagocytose untreated sheep RBC, mPEG-derivatized sheep RBC are ineffectively phagocytosed. Surprisingly, human and mouse RBC appear unaffected by this covalent modification of the cell membrane. Thus, mPEG-treated RBC are morphologically normal, have normal osmotic fragility, and mPEG-derivatized murine RBC have normal in vivo survival, even following repeated infusions. Finally, in preliminary experiments, mPEG-modified sheep RBC intraperitoneally transfused into mice show significantly improved (up to 360-fold) survival when compared with untreated sheep RBC. We speculate that similar chemical camouflage of intact cells may have significant clinical applications in both transfusion (e.g., allosensitization and autoimmune hemolytic disease) and transplantation (e.g., endothelial cells and pancreatic β cells) medicine.


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Nerve growth factor (NGF) is a neurotrophin with the ability to exert specific effects on cells of the immune system. Human monocytes/macrophages (M/M) infected in vitro with HIV type 1 (HIV-1) are able to produce substantial levels of NGF that are associated with enhanced expression of the high-affinity NGF receptor (p140 trkA) on the M/M surface. Treatment of HIV-infected human M/M with anti-NGF Ab blocking the biological activity of NGF leads to a marked decrease of the expression of p140 trkA high-affinity receptor, a concomitant increased expression of p75NTR low-affinity receptor for NGF, and the occurrence of apoptotic death of M/M. Taken together, these findings suggest a role for NGF as an autocrine survival factor that rescues human M/M from the cytopathic effect caused by HIV infection.


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Interleukin 1β (IL-1β), a secretory protein lacking a signal peptide, does not follow the classical endoplasmic reticulum-to-Golgi pathway of secretion. Here we provide the evidence for a “leaderless” secretory route that uses regulated exocytosis of preterminal endocytic vesicles to transport cytosolic IL-1β out of the cell. Indeed, although most of the IL-1β precursor (proIL-1β) localizes in the cytosol of activated human monocytes, a fraction is contained within vesicles that cofractionate with late endosomes and early lysosomes on Percoll density gradients and display ultrastructural features and markers typical of these organelles. The observation of organelles positive for both IL-1β and the endolysosomal hydrolase cathepsin D or for both IL-1β and the lysosomal marker Lamp-1 further suggests that they belong to the preterminal endocytic compartment. In addition, similarly to lysosomal hydrolases, secretion of IL-1β is induced by acidotropic drugs. Treatment of monocytes with the sulfonylurea glibenclamide inhibits both IL-1β secretion and vesicular accumulation, suggesting that this drug prevents the translocation of proIL-1β from the cytosol into the vesicles. A high concentration of extracellular ATP and hypotonic medium increase secretion of IL-1β but deplete the vesicular proIL-1β content, indicating that exocytosis of proIL-1β–containing vesicles is regulated by ATP and osmotic conditions.


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In addition to its well known sedative and teratogenic effects, thalidomide also possesses potent immunomodulatory and antiinflammatory activities, being most effective against leprosy and chronic graft-versus-host disease. The immunomodulatory activity of thalidomide has been ascribed to the selective inhibition of tumor necrosis factor alpha from monocytes. The molecular mechanism for the immunomodulatory effect of thalidomide remains unknown. To elucidate this mechanism, we synthesized an active photoaffinity label of thalidomide as a probe to identify the molecular target of the drug. Using the probe, we specifically labeled a pair of proteins of 43-45 kDa with high acidity from bovine thymus extract. Purification of these proteins and partial peptide sequence determination revealed them to be alpha1-acid glycoprotein (AGP). We show that the binding of thalidomide photoaffinity label to authentic human AGP is competed with both thalidomide and the nonradioactive photoaffinity label at concentrations comparable to those required for inhibition of production of tumor necrosis factor alpha from human monocytes, suggesting that AGP may be involved in the immunomodulatory activity of thalidomide.


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ISG15 is a 15-kDa protein of unique primary amino acid sequence, which is transcriptionally regulated by interferon (IFN) alpha and IFN-beta. Because it is synthesized in many cell types and secreted from human monocytes and lymphocytes, we postulated that ISG15 might act to modulate immune cell function. ISG15 stimulated B-depleted lymphocyte proliferation in a dose-dependent manner with significant proliferation induced by amounts of ISG15 as low as 1 ng/ml (58 pM). Maximal stimulation of [3H]thymidine incorporation by B-depleted lymphocytes occurred at 6-7 days. Immunophenotyping of ISG15-treated B-depleted lymphocyte cultures indicated a 26-fold expansion of natural killer (NK) cells (CD56+). In cytotoxicity assays, ISG15 was a potent inducer of cytolytic activity directed against both K562 (100 lytic units per 10(6) cells) and Daudi (80 lytic units per 10(6) cells) tumor cell targets, indicating that ISG15 enhanced lymphokine-activated killer-like activity. ISG15-induced NK cell proliferation required coculturing of T and NK cells, suggesting that soluble factor(s) were required. Measurement of ISG15-treated cell culture supernatants for cytokines indicated production of IFN-gamma (> 700 units/ml). No interleukin 2 or interleukin 12 was detected. IFN-gamma itself failed to stimulate lymphocyte proliferation and lymphokine-activated killer cell activation. Further, induced expression of IFN-gamma mRNA was detected by reverse transcription-PCR in T lymphocytes after ISG15 treatment but not in NK cells. Enhancement of NK cell proliferation, augmentation of non-major histocompatibility complex-restricted cytotoxicity, and induction of IFN-gamma from T cells identify ISG15 as a member of the cytokine cascade and suggest that it may be responsible for amplifying and directing some of the immunomodulatory effects of IFN-alpha or IFN-beta.


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We have reported a deficiency of a 91-kDa glycoprotein component of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase (gp91phox) in neutrophils, monocytes, and B lymphocytes of a patient with X chromosome-linked chronic granulomatous disease. Sequence analysis of his gp91phox gene revealed a single-base mutation (C → T) at position −53. Electrophoresis mobility-shift assays showed that both PU.1 and hematopoietic-associated factor 1 (HAF-1) bound to the inverted PU.1 consensus sequence centered at position −53 of the gp91phox promoter, and the mutation at position −53 strongly inhibited the binding of both factors. It was also indicated that a mutation at position −50 strongly inhibited PU.1 binding but hardly inhibited HAF-1 binding, and a mutation at position −56 had an opposite binding specificity for these factors. In transient expression assay using HEL cells, which express PU.1 and HAF-1, the mutations at positions −53 and −50 significantly reduced the gp91phox promoter activity; however, the mutation at position −56 did not affect the promoter activity. In transient cotransfection study, PU.1 dramatically activated the gp91phox promoter in Jurkat T cells, which originally contained HAF-1 but not PU.1. In addition, the single-base mutation (C → T) at position −52 that was identified in a patient with chronic granulomatous disease inhibited the binding of PU.1 to the promoter. We therefore conclude that PU.1 is an essential activator for the expression of gp91phox gene in human neutrophils, monocytes, and B lymphocytes.