6 resultados para HAL

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Human umbilical cord blood T lymphocytes (CBTL) respond to primary allostimulation but they do not proliferate upon rechallenge with alloantigen. Using PKH-26-labeled cells created a proliferative block that was observed only in CBTL that have divided during primary stimulation (PKH-26dim) but not in unstimulated (PKH-26bright) CBTL. CBTL’s secondary unresponsiveness resembles anergy and can be overcome by treatment with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) and ionomycin or by high doses (50–100 units/ml) of interleukin 2. Addition of interleukin 2 to the primary cultures does not prevent the induction of secondary unresponsiveness. Defective Ras activation is detected in PKH-26dim CBTL during secondary response to alloantigen or after antibody-mediated T cell receptor stimulation whereas Ras is activated and proliferation is induced in CBTL during primary alloantigenic stimulation. Upon stimulation with PMA plus ionomycin, PMA plus alloantigen, but not alloantigen plus ionomycin, Ras is activated in PKH-26dim CBTL, and the block in proliferation is overcome. Correction of PKH-26dim CBTL’s proliferative defect correlates with PMA-induced Ras activation, suggesting a defect in the signaling pathway leading to Ras. Ras-independent signals, necessary but not sufficient to induce PKH-26dim CBTL proliferation, are provided by alloantigen exposure, as evident by the ability of PMA plus alloantigen but not PMA alone to overcome the proliferative block. Functional signal transduction through CD28 in PKH-26dim CBTL is supported by detectable CD28-mediated PI-3 kinase activation after PKH-26dim CBTL’s exposure to alloantigen or CD28 cross-linking. These results suggest that defective activation of Ras plays a key role in PKH-26dim CBTL’s secondary unresponsiveness and point to a defect along the T cell receptor rather than the CD28 signaling pathway.


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Many viruses have evolved mechanisms for evading the host immune system by synthesizing proteins that interfere with the normal immune response. The poxviruses are among the most accomplished at deceiving their hosts’ immune systems. The nucleotide sequence of the genome of the human cutaneous poxvirus, molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV) type 1, was recently reported to contain a region that resembles a human chemokine. We have cloned and expressed the chemokine-like genes from MCV type 1 and the closely related MCV type 2 to determine a potential role for these proteins in the viral life cycle. In monocyte chemotaxis assays, the viral proteins have no chemotactic activity but both viral proteins block the chemotactic response to the human chemokine, macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1α. Like MIP-1α, both viral proteins also inhibit the growth of human hematopoietic progenitor cells, but the viral proteins are more potent in this activity than the human chemokine. These viral chemokines antagonize the chemotactic activity of human chemokines and have an inhibitory effect on human hematopoietic progenitor cells. We hypothesize that the inhibition of chemotaxis is an immune evasion function of these proteins during molluscum contagiosum virus infection. The significance of hematopoietic progenitor cell inhibition in viral pathogenesis is uncertain.


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The human endogenous retrovirus K (HERV-K) family of endogenous retroviruses consists of ≈50 proviral copies per haploid human genome. Herein, the HERV-Ks are shown to encode a sequence-specific nuclear RNA export factor, termed K-Rev, that is functionally analogous to the HIV-1 Rev protein. Like HIV-1 Rev, K-Rev binds to both the Crm1 nuclear export factor and to a cis-acting viral RNA target to activate nuclear export of unspliced RNAs. Surprisingly, this HERV-K RNA sequence, which is encoded within the HERV-K long terminal repeat, is also recognized by HIV-1 Rev. These data provide surprising evidence for an evolutionary link between HIV-1 and a group of endogenous retroviruses that first entered the human genome ≈30 million years ago.


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The major subassemblies of virulence-associated P pili, the pilus rod (comprised of PapA) and tip fibrillum (comprised of PapE), were reconstituted from purified chaperone-subunit complexes in vitro. Subunits are held in assembly-competent conformations in chaperone-subunit complexes prior to their assembly into mature pili. The PapD chaperone binds, in part, to a conserved motif present at the C terminus of the subunits via a beta zippering interaction. Amino acid residues in this conserved motif were also found to be essential for subunit–subunit interactions necessary for the formation of pili, thus revealing a molecular mechanism whereby the PapD chaperone may prevent premature subunit–subunit interactions in the periplasm. Uncapping of the chaperone-protected C terminus of PapA and PapE was mimicked in vitro by freeze–thaw techniques and resulted in the formation of pilus rods and tip fibrillae, respectively. A mutation in the leading edge of the beta zipper of PapA produces pilus rods with an altered helical symmetry and azimuthal disorder. This change in the number of subunits per turn of the helix most likely reflects involvement of the leading edge of the beta zipper in forming a right-handed helical cylinder. Organelle development is a fundamental process in all living cells, and these studies shed new light on how immunoglobulin-like chaperones govern the formation of virulence-associated organelles in pathogenic bacteria.


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T cells recognizing poorly displayed self determinants escape tolerance mechanisms and persist in the adult repertoire. The process by which these T cells are primed is not clear, but once activated, they can cause autoimmunity. Here, we show that dendritic cells treated with interleukin 6 (IL-6) process and present determinants from a model native antigen in a qualitatively altered hierarchy, activating T cells in vitro and in vivo against determinants that were previously cryptic because of poor display. IL-6 does not induce conventional maturation of dendritic cells but alters the pH of peripheral, early endosomal compartments and renders the cells more susceptible to killing by chloroquine. Acidification of endosomes by ouabain mimics the effect of IL-6 and allows processing of the same cryptic determinant. These results suggest that cytokines such as IL-6 could initiate and help to propagate an autoimmune disease process by differentiating dendritic cells into a state distinct from that induced by normal maturation.