12 resultados para H-2 PRODUCTION

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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T cell receptor ζ (TcRζ)/CD3 ligation initiates a signaling cascade that involves src kinases p56lck and ζ-associated protein 70, leading to the phosphorylation of substrates such as TcRζ, Vav, SH2-domain-containing leukocyte protein 76 (SLP-76), cbl, and p120/130. FYN binding protein (FYB or p120/130) associates with p59fyn, the TcRζ/CD3 complex, and becomes tyrosine-phosphorylated in response to receptor ligation. In this study, we report the cDNA cloning of human and murine FYB and show that it is restricted in expression to T cells and myeloid cells and possesses an overall unique hydrophilic sequence with several tyrosine-based motifs, proline-based type I and type II SH3 domain binding motifs, several putative lysine/glutamic acid-rich nuclear localization motifs, and a SH3-like domain. In addition to binding the src kinase p59fyn, FYB binds specifically to the hematopoietic signaling protein SLP-76, an interaction mediated by the SLP-76 SH2 domain. In keeping with this, expression of FYB augmented interleukin 2 secretion from a T cell hybridoma, DC27.10, in response to TcRζ/CD3 ligation. FYB is therefore a novel hematopoietic protein that acts as a component of the FYN and SLP-76 signaling cascades in T cells.


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Full activation of T cells requires signaling through the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) and additional surface molecules interacting with ligands on the antigen-presenting cell. TCR recognition of agonist ligands in the absence of accessory signals frequently results in the induction of a state of unresponsiveness termed anergy. However, even in the presence of costimulation, anergy can be induced by TCR partial agonists. The unique pattern of early receptor-induced tyrosine phosphorylation events induced by partial agonists has led to the hypothesis that altered TCR signaling is directly responsible for the development of anergy. Here we show that anergy induction is neither correlated with nor irreversibly determined by the pattern of early TCR-induced phosphorylation. Rather, it appears to result from the absence of downstream events related to interleukin 2 receptor occupancy and/or cell division. This implies that the anergic state can be manipulated independently of the precise pattern of early biochemical changes following TCR occupancy, a finding with implications for understanding the induction of self-tolerance and the use of partial agonist ligands in the treatment of autoimmune diseases.


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The nonlytic suppression of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) production from infected CD4+ T cells by CD8+ lymphocytes from HIV-infected individuals is one of the most potent host-mediated antiviral activities observed in vitro. We demonstrate that the pleiotropic cytokine interleukin 2 (IL-2), but not IL-12, is a potent inducer of the CD8+ HIV suppressor phenomenon. IL-2 induces HIV expression in peripheral blood or lymph node mononuclear cells from HIV-infected individuals in the absence of CD8+ T cells. However, IL-2 induces CD8+ T cells to suppress HIV expression when added back to these cultures, and this effect dramatically supersedes the ability to IL-2 to induce HIV expression. Five to 25 times fewer CD8+ cells were required to obtain comparable levels of inhibition of viral production if they were activated in the presence of IL-2 as compared with IL-12 or no exogenous cytokine. Furthermore, IL-2 appeared either to induce a qualitative increase in HIV suppressor cell activity or to increase the relative frequency of suppressor cells in the activated (CD25+) CD8+ populations. Analyses of proviral levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells suggest that CD8+ T cell-mediated lysis of in vivo infected cells is not induced by IL-2. These results have implications for our understanding of the effects of impaired IL-2 production during HIV disease as well as the overall effects of IL-2-based immunotherapy on HIV replication in vivo.


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Cancer vaccines genetically engineered to produce interleukin 2 have been investigated intensively in a series of animal models and are at the point of entering into clinical trials. In this study we demonstrate a strong correlation between the rate of interleukin 2 production and the protection efficiency of murine S91 melanoma cell (clone M-3) vaccines. Best immunization is achieved with vaccines producing medium interleukin 2 levels of 1000-3000 units per 10(5) cells per day. Reduced interleukin 2 production evokes a corresponding decline in the number of successfully treated animals. Unexpectedly, when interleukin 2 expression is raised to high levels of 5000-7500 units per 10(5) cells per day, protection is completely absent because of impaired generation of tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes. In comparison, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor as immunomodulator induces substantial immunization even at a moderate level of secretion and protects all animals at the maximal obtainable level of secretion. Our findings demonstrate the importance of the interleukin 2 level produced by genetically modified tumor cells and may have substantial impact for the clinical application of cancer vaccines.


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Stimulation of naive T cells by antigen-presenting cells (APC) is thought to involve two qualitatively different signals: signal one results from T-cell receptor (TCR) recognition of antigenic peptides bound to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules, whereas signal two reflects contact with one or more costimulatory molecules. The requirements for stimulating naive T cells were studied with MHC class I-restricted CD8+ T cells from a T-cell receptor transgenic line, with defined peptides as antigen and transfected Drosophila cells as APC. Three main findings are reported. First, stimulation of naive T cells via signal one alone (MHC plus peptide) was essentially nonimmunogenic; thus T cells cultured with peptides presented by MHC class I-transfected Drosophila APC lacking costimulatory molecules showed little or no change in their surface phenotype. Second, cotransfection of two costimulatory molecules, B7-1 and intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1), converted class I+ Drosophila cells to potent APC capable of inducing strong T-proliferative responses and cytokine (interleukin 2) production. Third, B7-1 and ICAM-1 acted synergistically, indicating that signal two is complex; synergy between B7-1 and ICAM-1 varied from moderate to extreme and was influenced by both the dose and affinity of the peptide used and the parameter of T-cell activation studied. Transfected Drosophila cells are thus a useful tool for examining the minimal APC requirements for naive T cells.


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We have found suppressor T cells that inhibit the proliferative response of naive CD4+ T cells in T cell receptor (TCR) Vβ8.1 transgenic mice rendered tolerant in vivo by inoculation of Mls-1a-positive cells. This suppression was mediated by CD4+ T cells but not by CD8+ T cells or double-negative (DN) cells, and splenic CD4+ T cells from tolerant mice displayed a greater suppression than lymph node CD4+ T cells. Cell contact was required for efficient suppression, and known inhibitory cytokines such as IL-4, IL-10, and transforming growth factor β were not involved. Suppressor T cells inhibited IL-2 production by naive CD4+ T cells, and the addition of exogenous IL-2 diminished the suppressed activity while having little activity on tolerant T cells. Suppression was abolished by the elimination of CD25+ T cells in the tolerant CD4+ T cell subset. CD25+CD4+ T cells suppressed the proliferative response of the residual fraction of the nonanergic population, namely, 6C10+CD4+ T cells still present in the tolerant mice. However, 6C10−CD4+ T cells still had reduced reactivity to Mls-1a even after CD25+CD4+ T cells were removed and exogenous IL-2 was added. Suppressor cells appear to affect only residual nonanergic cells in situ, thereby facilitating the maintenance of the unresponsive state in vivo. These data provide a framework for understanding suppressor T cells and explain the difficulties and variables in defining their activity in other systems, because suppressor T cells apparently control only a small population of nonanergic cells in the periphery and may be viewed as a homeostatic mechanism.


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Protein tyrosine phosphorylation and dephosphorylation are key regulatory events in T-cell receptor (TCR) signaling. We investigated the role of the tyrosine phosphatase SHPTP1 in TCR signaling by analysis of TCR signal transduction in motheaten (me/me) mice, which lack SHPTP1 expression. As revealed by flow cytometric analysis, thymocyte development was normal in me/me mice. However, me/me thymocytes hyperproliferated (3-to 5-fold) in response to TCR stimulation, whereas their response to interleukin 2 stimulation was unchanged compared with normal thymocytes. TCR-induced hyperproliferation of me/me thymocytes was reproduced in purified single-positive thymocytes. Moreover, me/me thymocytes produced increased amounts of interleukin 2 production upon TCR stimulation. Biochemical analysis revealed that, in response to TCR or TCR/CD4 stimulation, thymocytes lacking SHPTP1 showed increased tyrosyl phosphorylation of several cellular substrates, which correlated with increased activation of the src-family kinases Lck and Fyn. Taken together, our data suggest that SHPTP1 is an important negative regulator of TCR signaling, acting at least in part to inactivate Lck and Fyn.


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The protein known as macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) was one of the first cytokines to be discovered and was described 30 years ago to be a T-cell-derived factor that inhibited the random migration of macrophages in vitro. A much broader role for MIF has emerged recently as a result of studies that have demonstrated it to be released from the anterior pituitary gland in vivo. MIF also is the first protein that has been identified to be secreted from monocytes/macrophages upon glucocorticoid stimulation. Once released, MIF acts to "override" or counter-regulate the suppressive effects of glucocorticoids on macrophage cytokine production. We report herein that MIF plays an important regulatory role in the activation of T cells induced by mitogenic or antigenic stimuli. Activated T cells produce MIF and neutralizing anti-MIF antibodies inhibit T-cell proliferation and interleukin 2 production in vitro, and suppress antigen-driven T-cell activation and antibody production in vivo. T cells also release MIF in response to glucocorticoid stimulation and MIF acts to override glucocorticoid inhibition of T-cell proliferation and interleukin 2 and interferon gamma production. These studies indicate that MIF acts in concert with glucocorticoids to control T-cell activation and assign a previously unsuspected but critical role for MIF in antigen-specific immune responses.


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Oral administration of autoantigens can prevent and partially suppress autoimmune diseases in a number of experimental models, Depending on the dose of antigen fed, this approach appears to involve distinct yet reversible and short-lasting mechanisms (anergy/deletion and suppression) and usually requires repeated feeding of large (suppression) to massive (anergy/deletion) amounts of autoantigens to be effective. Most importantly, this approach is relatively less effective in animals already systemically sensitized to the fed antigen, such as in animals already harboring autoreactive T cells and, thus, presumably also in humans suffering from an autoimmune disorder. We have previously shown that feeding a single dose of minute amounts of antigens conjugated to cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) can effectively suppress delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions in systemically immune animals. We now report that feeding small amounts of myelin basic protein (MBP) conjugated to CTB either before or after disease induction protected rats from experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Such treatment was as effective in suppressing interleukin 2 production and proliferative responses of lymph node cells to MBP as treatment involving repeated feeding with much larger (50- to 100-fold) doses of free MBP. Different from the latter treatment, which led to decreased production of interferon-gamma in lymph nodes, low-dose oral CTB-MBP treatment was associated with increased interferon-gamma production. Most importantly, low-dose oral CTB-MBP treatment greatly reduced the level of leukocyte infiltration into spinal cord tissue compared with treatment with repeated feeding of large doses of MBP. These results suggest that the protection from experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis achieved by feeding CTB-conjugated myelin autoantigen involves immunomodulating mechanisms that are distinct from those implicated by conventional protocols of oral tolerance induction.


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CD28 is a costimulatory receptor found on the surface of most T lymphocytes. Engagement of CD28 induces interleukin 2 (IL-2) production and cell proliferation when combined with an additional signal such as treatment with phorbol ester, an activator of protein kinase C. Recent studies have established that after CD28 ligation, the cytoplasmic domain of CD28 can bind to the 85-kDa subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3 kinase). There is a concomitant increase in PI3 lipid kinase activity that may be important in CD28 signaling. Despite the requirement of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) for effector function, we have found, however, that treatment of Jurkat T cells with the phorbol ester PMA dramatically inhibits (i) the association of PI3 kinase with CD28, (ii) the ability of p85 PI3 kinase to be immunoprecipitated by anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies, and (iii) the induction of PI3 kinase activity after stimulation of the cells with the anti-CD28 monoclonal antibody 9.3. These changes occur within minutes of PMA treatment and are persistent. In addition, we have found that wortmannin, a potent inhibitor of PI3 kinase, does not interfere with the induction of IL-2 after stimulation of Jurkat T cells with anti-CD28 monoclonal antibody and PMA. We conclude that PI3 kinase activity may not be required for CD28-dependent IL-2 production from Jurkat T cells in the presence of PMA.


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The mechanisms by which cells rapidly polarize in the direction of external signals are not understood. Helper T cells, when contacted by an antigen-presenting cell, polarize their cytoskeletons toward the antigen-presenting cell within minutes. Here we show that, in T cells, the mammalian Ras-related GTPase CDC42 (the homologue of yeast CDC42, a protein involved in budding polarity) can regulate the polarization of both actin and microtubules toward antigen-presenting cells but is not involved in other T-cell signaling processes such as those which culminate in interleukin 2 production. Although T-cell polarization appears dispensable for signaling leading to interleukin 2 production, polarization may direct lymphokine secretion towards the correct antigen-presenting cell in a crowded cellular environment. Inhibitor experiments suggest that phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase is required for cytoskeletal polarization but that calcineurin activity, known to be important for other aspects of signaling, is not. Apparent conservation of CDC42 function between yeast and T cells suggests that this GTPase is a general regulator of cytoskeletal polarity in many cell types.


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Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is an inducible form of COX and is overexpressed in diverse tumors, raising the possibility of a role for COX-2 in carcinogenesis. In addition, COX-2 contributes to angiogenesis. The Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) oncoprotein, latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1), is detected in at least 70% of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) and all EBV-infected preinvasive nasopharyngeal lesions. We found that in specimens of LMP1-positive NPC, COX-2 is frequently expressed, whereas LMP1-negative NPC rarely express the enzyme. We next found that expression of LMP1 in EBV-negative nasopharyngeal epithelial cells induced COX-2 expression. Coexpression of IκBα(S32A/S36A), which is not phosphorylated and prevents NF-κB activation, with LMP1 showed that NF-κB is essential for induction of COX-2 by LMP1. We also demonstrate that NF-κB is involved in LMP1-induced cox-2 promoter activity with the use of reporter assays. Two major regions of LMP1, designated CTAR1 and CTAR2, are signal-transducing domains of LMP1. Constructs expressing either CTAR1 or CTAR2 induce COX-2 but to a lesser extent than wild-type LMP1, consistent with the ability of both regions to activate NF-κB. Furthermore, we demonstrate that LMP1-induced COX-2 is functional because LMP1 increased production of prostaglandin E2 in a COX-2-dependent manner. Finally, we demonstrate that LMP1 increased production of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Treatment of LMP1-expressing cells with the COX-2-specific inhibitor (NS-398) dramatically decreased production of VEGF, suggesting that LMP1-induced VEGF production is mediated, at least in part, by COX-2. These results suggest that COX-2 induction by LMP1 may play a role in angiogenesis in NPC.