9 resultados para Gradient Flows

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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A high resolution, second-order central difference method for incompressible flows is presented. The method is based on a recent second-order extension of the classic Lax–Friedrichs scheme introduced for hyperbolic conservation laws (Nessyahu H. & Tadmor E. (1990) J. Comp. Physics. 87, 408-463; Jiang G.-S. & Tadmor E. (1996) UCLA CAM Report 96-36, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., in press) and augmented by a new discrete Hodge projection. The projection is exact, yet the discrete Laplacian operator retains a compact stencil. The scheme is fast, easy to implement, and readily generalizable. Its performance was tested on the standard periodic double shear-layer problem; no spurious vorticity patterns appear when the flow is underresolved. A short discussion of numerical boundary conditions is also given, along with a numerical example.


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The study of passive scalar transport in a turbulent velocity field leads naturally to the notion of generalized flows, which are families of probability distributions on the space of solutions to the associated ordinary differential equations which no longer satisfy the uniqueness theorem for ordinary differential equations. Two most natural regularizations of this problem, namely the regularization via adding small molecular diffusion and the regularization via smoothing out the velocity field, are considered. White-in-time random velocity fields are used as an example to examine the variety of phenomena that take place when the velocity field is not spatially regular. Three different regimes, characterized by their degrees of compressibility, are isolated in the parameter space. In the regime of intermediate compressibility, the two different regularizations give rise to two different scaling behaviors for the structure functions of the passive scalar. Physically, this means that the scaling depends on Prandtl number. In the other two regimes, the two different regularizations give rise to the same generalized flows even though the sense of convergence can be very different. The “one force, one solution” principle is established for the scalar field in the weakly compressible regime, and for the difference of the scalar in the strongly compressible regime, which is the regime of inverse cascade. Existence and uniqueness of an invariant measure are also proved in these regimes when the transport equation is suitably forced. Finally incomplete self similarity in the sense of Barenblatt and Chorin is established.


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In the most extensive analysis of body size in marine invertebrates to date, we show that the size–frequency distributions of northeastern Pacific bivalves at the provincial level are surprisingly invariant in modal and median size as well as size range, despite a 4-fold change in species richness from the tropics to the Arctic. The modal sizes and shapes of these size–frequency distributions are consistent with the predictions of an energetic model previously applied to terrestrial mammals and birds. However, analyses of the Miocene–Recent history of body sizes within 82 molluscan genera show little support for the expectation that the modal size is an evolutionary attractor over geological time.


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Sequence-specific recognition of DNA can be achieved by triple helix-forming oligonucleotides that bind to the major groove of double-helical DNA. These oligonucleotides have been used as sequence-specific DNA ligands for various purposes, including sequence-specific gene regulation in the so-called ‘antigene strategy’. In particular, (G,A)-containing oligonucleotides can form stable triple helices under physiological conditions. However, triplex formation may be in competition with self-association of these oligonucleotides. For biological applications it would be interesting to identify the conditions under which one structure is favoured as compared to the other(s). Here we have directly studied competition between formation of a parallel (G,A) homoduplex and that of a triple helix by a 13 nt (G,A)-containing oligonucleotide. Temperature gradient gel electrophoresis allows simultaneous detection of competition between the two structures, because of their different temperature dependencies and gel electrophoretic mobilities, and characterisation of this competition.


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The extent to which new technological knowledge flows across institutional and national boundaries is a question of great importance for public policy and the modeling of economic growth. In this paper we develop a model of the process generating subsequent citations to patents as a lens for viewing knowledge diffusion. We find that the probability of patent citation over time after a patent is granted fits well to a double-exponential function that can be interpreted as the mixture of diffusion and obsolescense functions. The results indicate that diffusion is geographically localized. Controlling for other factors, within-country citations are more numerous and come more quickly than those that cross country boundaries.


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A recently described experimental system for analyzing the mode of action of a morphogen gradient involves the in situ hybridization of sectioned tissue constructs. In these constructs, a source of activin signaling induces the transcription of several mesodermal genes in blastula animal caps, according to the position of cells in a concentration gradient. New experiments show that activin-loaded beads emit a signal for only 2 hr and that the same cell can be induced to express different genes. We determine the position in the gradient and the time after the start of activin signaling at which early genes, including Mix1, Xpo, Xwnt8, Xchd, and Xlim1, are activated, relative to the previously tested genes Xbra and Xgsc.


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The SecY protein of Escherichia coli is an integral membrane component of the protein export apparatus. Suppressor mutations in the secY gene (prlA alleles) have been isolated that restore the secretion of precursor proteins with defective signal sequences. These mutations have never been shown to affect the translocation of wild-type precursor proteins. Here, we report that prlA suppressor mutations relieve the proton-motive force (pmf) dependency of the translocation of wild-type precursors, both in vivo and in vitro. Furthermore, the proton-motive force dependency of the translocation of a precursor with a stably folded domain in the mature region was suppressed by prlA mutations in vitro. These data show that prlA mutations cause a general relaxation of the export apparatus rather than a specific change that results in bypassing of the recognition of the signal sequence. In addition, these results are indicative for a mechanism in which the proton-motive force stimulates translocation by altering the conformation of the translocon.


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Under conditions (0.2% CO2; 1% O2) that allow high rates of photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence was measured simultaneously with carbon assimilation at various light intensities in spinach (Spinacia oleracea) leaves. Using a stoichiometry of 3 ATP/CO2 and the known relationship between ATP synthesis rate and driving force (Delta pH), we calculated the light-dependent pH gradient (Delta pH) across the thylakoid membrane in intact leaves. These Delta pH values were correlated with the photochemical (qP) and nonphotochemical (qN) quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence and with the quantum yield of photosystem II (phiPSII). At Delta pH > 2.1 all three parameters (qP, qN, and phiPSII) changed very steeply with increasing DeltapH (decreasing pH in the thylakoid). The observed pH dependences followed hexacooperative titration curves with slightly different pKa values. The significance of the steep pH dependences with slightly different pKa values is discussed in relation to the regulation of photosynthetic electron transport in intact leaves.