33 resultados para Glycerol

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Water is the natural medium for protein folding, which is also used in all in vitro studies. In the present work, we posed, and answered affirmatively, a question of whether it is possible to fold correctly a typical protein in a nonaqueous solvent. To this end, unfolded and reduced hen egg-white lysozyme was refolded and reoxidized in glycerol containing varying amounts of water. The unfolded/reduced enzyme was found to regain spontaneously substantial catalytic activity even in the nearly anhydrous solvent; for example, the refolding yield in 99% glycerol was still some one-third of that in pure water, and one-half of that was regained even in 99.8% glycerol. The less than full recovery of the enzymatic activity in glycerol is, as in water, because of competing protein aggregation during the refolding. Lysozyme reoxidation in glycerol was successfully mediated by two dissimilar oxidizing systems, and the refolding yield was markedly affected by the pH of the last aqueous solution before the transfer into glycerol. No recovery of the lysozyme activity was observed when the refolding/reoxidation reaction was carried out in the denaturing solvent dimethyl sulfoxide. This study paves the way for a systematic investigation of the solvent effect on protein folding and demonstrates that water is not a unique milieu for this process.


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A large family of membrane channel proteins selective for transport of water (aquaporins) or water plus glycerol (aquaglyceroporins) has been found in diverse life forms. Escherichia coli has two members of this family—a water channel, AqpZ, and a glycerol facilitator, GlpF. Despite having similar primary amino acid sequences and predicted structures, the oligomeric state and solute selectivity of AqpZ and GlpF are disputed. Here we report biochemical and functional characterizations of affinity-purified GlpF and compare it to AqpZ. Histidine-tagged (His-GlpF) and hemagglutinin-tagged (HA-GlpF) polypeptides encoded by a bicistronic construct were expressed in bacteria. HA-GlpF and His-GlpF appear to form oligomers during Ni-nitrilotriacetate affinity purification. Sucrose gradient sedimentation analyses showed that the oligomeric state of octyl glucoside-solubilized GlpF varies: low ionic strength favors subunit dissociation, whereas Mg2+ stabilizes tetrameric assembly. Reconstitution of affinity-purified GlpF into proteoliposomes increases glycerol permeability more than 100-fold and water permeability up to 10-fold compared with control liposomes. Glycerol and water permeability of GlpF both occur with low Arrhenius activation energies and are reversibly inhibited by HgCl2. Our studies demonstrate that, unlike AqpZ, a water-selective stable tetramer, purified GlpF exists in multiple oligomeric forms under nondenaturing conditions and is highly permeable to glycerol but less well permeated by water.


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The monomer composition of the esterified part of suberin can be determined using gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy technology and is accordingly believed to be well known. However, evidence was presented recently indicating that the suberin of green cotton (Gossypium hirsutum cv Green Lint) fibers contains substantial amounts of esterified glycerol. This observation is confirmed in the present report by a sodium dodecyl sulfate extraction of membrane lipids and by a developmental study, demonstrating the correlated accumulation of glycerol and established suberin monomers. Corresponding amounts of glycerol also occur in the suberin of the periderm of cotton stems and potato (Solanum tuberosum) tubers. A periderm preparation of wound-healing potato tuber storage parenchyma was further purified by different treatments. As the purification proceeded, the concentration of glycerol increased at about the same rate as that of α,ω-alkanedioic acids, the most diagnostic suberin monomers. Therefore, it is proposed that glycerol is a monomer of suberins in general and can cross-link aliphatic and aromatic suberin domains, corresponding to the electron-translucent and electron-opaque suberin lamellae, respectively. This proposal is consistent with the reported dimensions of the electron-translucent suberin lamellae.


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The reconstitutable apoprotein of Crotalus adamanteus L-amino acid oxidase was prepared using hydrophobic interaction chromatography. After reconstitution with flavin adenine dinucleotide, the resulting protein was inactive, with a perturbed conformation of the flavin binding site. Subsequently, a series of cosolvent-dependent compact intermediates was identified. The nearly complete activation of the reconstituted apoprotein and the restoration of its native flavin binding site was achieved in the presence of 50% glycerol. We provide evidence that in addition to a merely stabilizing effect of glycerol on native proteins, glycerol can also have a restorative effect on their compact equilibrium intermediates, and we suggest the hydrophobic effect as a dominating force in this in vitro-assisted restorative process.


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The insertion of the blood retrotransposon into the untranslated region of exon 7 of the sn-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase-encoding gene (Gpdh) in Drosophila melanogaster induces a GPDH isozyme-GPDH-4-and alters the pattern of expression of the three normal isozymes-GPDH-1 to GPDH-3. The process of transcript terminus formation inside the retrotransposon insertion reduces the level of the Gpdh transcript that contains exon 8 and increases the level of the transcript that contains exons 1-7. The induced GPDH-4 isozyme is a translation product of the three transcripts that contain fragments of the blood retrotransposon. The mechanism of mutagenesis by the blood insertion is postulated to involve the pause or termination of transcription within the blood sequence, which in turn is caused by the interference of a DNA-binding protein with the RNA polymerase. Thus, we show the formation of a new functional GPDH protein by the insertion of a transposable element and discuss the evolutionary significance of this phenomenon.


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Two water channel homologs were cloned recently from rat kidney, mercurial-insensitive water channel (MIWC) and glycerol intrinsic protein (GLIP). Polyclonal antibodies were raised against synthetic C-terminal peptides and purified by affinity chromatography. MIWC and GLIP antibodies recognized proteins in rat kidney with an apparent molecular mass of 30 and 27 kDa, respectively, and did not cross-react. By immunofluorescence, MIWC and GLIP were expressed together on the basolateral plasma membrane of collecting duct principal cells in kidney. By immunohistochemistry, MIWC and GLIP were expressed on tracheal epithelial cells with greater expression of GLIP on the basal plasma membrane and MIWC on the lateral membrane; only MIWC was expressed in bronchial epithelia. In eye, GLIP was expressed in conjunctival epithelium, whereas MIWC was found in iris, ciliary body, and neural cell layers in retina. MIWC and GLIP colocalized on the basolateral membrane of villus epithelial cells in colon and brain ependymal cells. Expression of MIWC and GLIP was not detected in small intestine, liver, spleen, endothelia, and cells that express water channels CHIP28 or WCH-CD. These studies suggest water/solute transporting roles for MIWC and GLIP in the urinary concentrating mechanism, cerebrospinal fluid absorption, ocular fluid balance, fecal dehydration, and airway humidification. The unexpected membrane colocalization of MIWC and GLIP in several tissues suggests an interaction at the molecular and/or functional levels.


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Splicing of nuclear precursors of mRNA (pre-mRNA) involves dynamic interactions between the RNA constituents of the spliceosome. The rearrangement of RNA–RNA interactions, such as the unwinding of the U4/U6 duplex, is believed to be driven by ATP-dependent RNA helicases. We recently have shown that spliceosomal U5 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) from HeLa cells contain two proteins, U5–200kD and U5–100kD, which share homology with the DEAD/DEXH-box families of RNA helicases. Here we demonstrate that purified U5 snRNPs exhibit ATP-dependent unwinding of U4/U6 RNA duplices in vitro. To identify the protein responsible for this activity, U5 snRNPs were depleted of a subset of proteins under high salt concentrations and assayed for RNA unwinding. The activity was retained in U5 snRNPs that contain the U5–200kD protein but lack U5–100kD, suggesting that the U5–200kD protein could mediate U4/U6 duplex unwinding. Finally, U5–200kD was purified to homogeneity by glycerol gradient centrifugation of U5 snRNP proteins in the presence of sodium thiocyanate, followed by ion exchange chromatography. The RNA unwinding activity was found to reside exclusively with the U5–200kD DEXH-box protein. Our data raise the interesting possibility that this RNA helicase catalyzes unwinding of the U4/U6 RNA duplex in the spliceosome.


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We identified a protein, Aer, as a signal transducer that senses intracellular energy levels rather than the external environment and that transduces signals for aerotaxis (taxis to oxygen) and other energy-dependent behavioral responses in Escherichia coli. Domains in Aer are similar to the signaling domain in chemotaxis receptors and the putative oxygen-sensing domain of some transcriptional activators. A putative FAD-binding site in the N-terminal domain of Aer shares a consensus sequence with the NifL, Bat, and Wc-1 signal-transducing proteins that regulate gene expression in response to redox changes, oxygen, and blue light, respectively. A double mutant deficient in aer and tsr, which codes for the serine chemoreceptor, was negative for aerotaxis, redox taxis, and glycerol taxis, each of which requires the proton motive force and/or electron transport system for signaling. We propose that Aer and Tsr sense the proton motive force or cellular redox state and thereby integrate diverse signals that guide E. coli to environments where maximal energy is available for growth.


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The Arabidopsis PAD4 gene previously was found to be required for expression of multiple defense responses including camalexin synthesis and PR-1 gene expression in response to infection by the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola. This report describes the isolation of PAD4. The predicted PAD4 protein sequence displays similarity to triacyl glycerol lipases and other esterases. The PAD4 transcript was found to accumulate after P. syringae infection or treatment with salicylic acid (SA). PAD4 transcript levels were very low in infected pad4 mutants. Treatment with SA induced expression of PAD4 mRNA in pad4–1, pad4–3, and pad4–4 plants but not in pad4–2 plants. Induction of PAD4 expression by P. syringae was independent of the regulatory factor NPR1 but induction by SA was NPR1-dependent. Taken together with the previous observation that pad4 mutants have a defect in accumulation of SA upon pathogen infection, these results suggest that PAD4 participates in a positive regulatory loop that increases SA levels, thereby activating SA-dependent defense responses.


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σ32, the product of the rpoH gene in Escherichia coli, provides promoter specificity by interacting with core RNAP. Amino acid sequence alignment of σ32 with other sigma factors in the σ70 family has revealed regions of sequence homology. We have investigated the function of the most highly conserved region, 2.2, using purified products of various rpoH alleles. Core RNAP binding analysis by glycerol gradient sedimentation has revealed reduced core RNAP affinity for one of the mutant σ32 proteins, Q80R. This reduced core interaction is exacerbated in the presence of σ70, which competes with σ32 for binding of core RNAP. When a different but more conserved amino acid was introduced at this position by site-directed mutagenesis (Q80N), this mutant sigma factor still displayed a significant reduction in its core RNAP affinity. Based on these results, we conclude that at least one specific amino acid in region 2.2 is involved in core RNAP interaction.


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The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains two genes, PDE1 and PDE2, which respectively encode a low-affinity and a high-affinity cAMP phosphodiesterase. The physiological function of the low-affinity enzyme Pde1 is unclear. We show that deletion of PDE1, but not PDE2, results in a much higher cAMP accumulation upon addition of glucose or upon intracellular acidification. Overexpression of PDE1, but not PDE2, abolished the agonist-induced cAMP increases. These results indicate a specific role for Pde1 in controlling glucose and intracellular acidification-induced cAMP signaling. Elimination of a putative protein kinase A (PKA) phosphorylation site by mutagenesis of serine252 into alanine resulted in a Pde1ala252 allele that apparently had reduced activity in vivo. Its presence in a wild-type strain partially enhanced the agonist-induced cAMP increases compared with pde1Δ. The difference between the Pde1ala252 allele and wild-type Pde1 was strongly dependent on PKA activity. In a RAS2val19 pde2Δ background, the Pde1ala252 allele caused nearly the same hyperaccumulation of cAMP as pde1Δ, while its expression in a PKA-attenuated strain caused the same reduction in cAMP hyperaccumulation as wild-type Pde1. These results suggest that serine252 might be the first target site for feedback inhibition of cAMP accumulation by PKA. We show that Pde1 is rapidly phosphorylated in vivo upon addition of glucose to glycerol-grown cells, and this activation is absent in the Pde1ala252 mutant. Pde1 belongs to a separate class of phosphodiesterases and is the first member shown to be phosphorylated. However, in vitro the Pde1ala252 enzyme had the same catalytic activity as wild-type Pde1, both in crude extracts and after extensive purification. This indicates that the effects of the S252A mutation are not caused by simple inactivation of the enzyme. In vitro phosphorylation of Pde1 resulted in a modest and variable increase in activity, but only in crude extracts. This was absent in Pde1ala252, and phosphate incorporation was strongly reduced. Apparently, phosphorylation of Pde1 does not change its intrinsic activity or affinity for cAMP but appears to be important in vivo for protein-protein interaction or for targeting Pde1 to a specific subcellular location. The PKA recognition site is conserved in the corresponding region of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Candida albicans Pde1 homologues, possibly indicating a similar control by phosphorylation.


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Budding yeast adjusts to increases in external osmolarity via a specific mitogen-activated protein kinase signal pathway, the high-osmolarity glycerol response (HOG) pathway. Studies with a functional Hog1–green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion reveal that even under nonstress conditions the mitogen-activated protein kinase Hog1 cycles between cytoplasmic and nuclear compartments. The basal distribution of the protein seems independent of its activator, Pbs2, and independent of its phosphorylation status. Upon osmotic challenge, the Hog1–GFP fusion becomes rapidly concentrated in the nucleus from which it is reexported after return to an iso-osmotic environment or after adaptation to high osmolarity. The preconditions and kinetics of increased nuclear localization correlate with those found for the dual phosphorylation of Hog1–GFP. The duration of Hog1 nuclear residence is modulated by the presence of the general stress activators Msn2 and Msn4. Reexport of Hog1 to the cytoplasm does not require de novo protein synthesis but depends on Hog1 kinase activity. Thus, at least three different mechanisms contribute to the intracellular distribution pattern of Hog1: phosphorylation-dependent nuclear accumulation, retention by nuclear targets, and a kinase-induced export.


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In wild-type yeast mitochondrial inheritance occurs early in the cell cycle concomitant with bud emergence. Cells lacking the PTC1 gene initially produce buds without a mitochondrial compartment; however, these buds later receive part of the mitochondrial network from the mother cell. Thus, the loss of PTC1 causes a delay, but not a complete block, in mitochondrial transport. PTC1 encodes a serine/threonine phosphatase in the high-osmolarity glycerol response (HOG) pathway. The mitochondrial inheritance delay in the ptc1 mutant is not attributable to changes in intracellular glycerol concentrations or defects in the organization of the actin cytoskeleton. Moreover, epistasis experiments with ptc1Δ and mutations in HOG pathway kinases reveal that PTC1 is not acting through the HOG pathway to control the timing of mitochondrial inheritance. Instead, PTC1 may be acting either directly or through a different signaling pathway to affect the mitochondrial transport machinery in the cell. These studies indicate that the timing of mitochondrial transport in wild-type cells is genetically controlled and provide new evidence that mitochondrial inheritance does not depend on a physical link between the mitochondrial network and the incipient bud site.


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Nonribosomal nucleolar protein gar2 is required for 18S rRNA and 40S ribosomal subunit production in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. We have investigated the consequences of the absence of each structural domain of gar2 on cell growth, 18S rRNA production, and nucleolar structure. Deletion of gar2 RNA-binding domains (RBDs) causes stronger inhibition of growth and 18S rRNA accumulation than the absence of the whole protein, suggesting that other factors may be titrated by its remaining N-terminal basic/acidic serine-rich domain. These drastic functional defects correlate with striking nucleolar hypertrophy. Point mutations in the conserved RNP1 motifs of gar2 RBDs supposed to inhibit RNA–protein interactions are sufficient to induce severe nucleolar modifications but only in the presence of the N-terminal domain of the protein. Gar2 and its mutants also distribute differently in glycerol gradients: gar2 lacking its RBDs is found either free or assembled into significantly larger complexes than the wild-type protein. We propose that gar2 helps the assembly on rRNA of factors necessary for 40S subunit synthesis by providing a physical link between them. These factors may be recruited by the N-terminal domain of gar2 and may not be released if interaction of gar2 with rRNA is impaired.


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The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ste11p protein kinase is a homologue of mammalian MAPK/extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase kinase kinases (MAPKKKs or MEKKs) as well as the Schizosaccharomyces pombe Byr2p kinase. Ste11p functions in several signaling pathways, including those for mating pheromone response and osmotic stress response. The Ste11p kinase has an N-terminal domain that interacts with other signaling molecules to regulate Ste11p function and direct its activity in these pathways. One of the Ste11p regulators is Ste50p, and Ste11p and Ste50p associate through their respective N-terminal domains. This interaction relieves a negative activity of the Ste11p N terminus, and removal of this negative function is required for Ste11p function in the high-osmolarity glycerol (HOG) pathway. The Ste50p/Ste11p interaction is also important (but not essential) for Ste11p function in the mating pathway; in this pathway binding of the Ste11p N terminus with both Ste50p and Ste5p is required, with the Ste5p association playing the major role in Ste11p function. In vitro, Ste50p disrupts an association between the catalytic C terminus and the regulatory N terminus of Ste11p. In addition, Ste50p appears to modulate Ste11p autophosphorylation and is itself a substrate of the Ste11p kinase. Therefore, both in vivo and in vitro data support a role for Ste50p in the regulation of Ste11p activity.