26 resultados para Genetic Complementation Test

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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To accelerate gene isolation from plants by positional cloning, vector systems suitable for both chromosome walking and genetic complementation are highly desirable. Therefore, we developed a transformation-competent artificial chromosome (TAC) vector, pYLTAC7, that can accept and maintain large genomic DNA fragments stably in both Escherichia coli and Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Furthermore, it has the cis sequences required for Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer into plants. We cloned large genomic DNA fragments of Arabidopsis thaliana into the vector and showed that most of the DNA fragments were maintained stably. Several TAC clones carrying 40- to 80-kb genomic DNA fragments were transferred back into Arabidopsis with high efficiency and shown to be inherited faithfully among the progeny. Furthermore, we demonstrated the practical utility of this vector system for positional cloning in Arabidopsis. A TAC contig was constructed in the region of the SGR1 locus, and individual clones with ca. 80-kb inserts were tested for their ability to complement the gravitropic defects of a homozygous mutant line. Successful complementation enabled the physical location of SGR1 to be delimited with high precision and confidence.


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Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) involves fetal overgrowth and predisposition to a wide variety of embryonal tumors of childhood. We have previously found that BWS is genetically linked to 11p15 and that this same band shows loss of heterozygosity in the types of tumors to which children with BWS are susceptible. However, 11p15 contains > 20 megabases, and therefore, the BWS and tumor suppressor genes could be distinct. To determine the precise physical relationship between these loci, we isolated yeast artificial chromosomes, and cosmid libraries from them, within the region of loss of heterozygosity in embryonal tumors. Five germ-line balanced chromosomal rearrangement breakpoint sites from BWS patients, as well as a balanced chromosomal translocation breakpoint from a rhabdoid tumor, were isolated within a 295- to 320-kb cluster defined by a complete cosmid contig crossing these breakpoints. This breakpoint cluster terminated approximately 100 kb centromeric to the imprinted gene IGF2 and 100 kb telomeric to p57KIP2, an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases, and was located within subchromosomal transferable fragments that suppressed the growth of embryonal tumor cells in genetic complementation experiments. We have identified 11 transcribed sequences in this BWS/tumor suppressor coincident region, one of which corresponded to p57KIP2. However, three additional BWS breakpoints were > 4 megabases centromeric to the other five breakpoints and were excluded from the tumor suppressor region defined by subchromosomal transferable fragments. Thus, multiple genetic loci define BWS and tumor suppression on 11p15.


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Cockayne syndrome (CS) is a human genetic disorder characterized by UV sensitivity, developmental abnormalities, and premature aging. Two of the genes involved, CSA and CSB, are required for transcription-coupled repair (TCR), a subpathway of nucleotide excision repair that removes certain lesions rapidly and efficiently from the transcribed strand of active genes. CS proteins have also been implicated in the recovery of transcription after certain types of DNA damage such as those lesions induced by UV light. In this study, site-directed mutations have been introduced to the human CSB gene to investigate the functional significance of the conserved ATPase domain and of a highly acidic region of the protein. The CSB mutant alleles were tested for genetic complementation of UV-sensitive phenotypes in the human CS-B homologue of hamster UV61. In addition, the CSB mutant alleles were tested for their ability to complement the sensitivity of UV61 cells to the carcinogen 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4-NQO), which introduces bulky DNA adducts repaired by global genome repair. Point mutation of a highly conserved glutamic acid residue in ATPase motif II abolished the ability of CSB protein to complement the UV-sensitive phenotypes of survival, RNA synthesis recovery, and gene-specific repair. These data indicate that the integrity of the ATPase domain is critical for CSB function in vivo. Likewise, the CSB ATPase point mutant failed to confer cellular resistance to 4-NQO, suggesting that ATP hydrolysis is required for CSB function in a TCR-independent pathway. On the contrary, a large deletion of the acidic region of CSB protein did not impair the genetic function in the processing of either UV- or 4-NQO-induced DNA damage. Thus the acidic region of CSB is likely to be dispensable for DNA repair, whereas the ATPase domain is essential for CSB function in both TCR-dependent and -independent pathways.


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DNA polymerases contain active sites that are structurally superimposable and highly conserved in sequence. To assess the significance of this preservation and to determine the mutational burden that active sites can tolerate, we randomly mutated a stretch of 13 amino acids within the polymerase catalytic site (motif A) of Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase I. After selection, by using genetic complementation, we obtained a library of approximately 8,000 active mutant DNA polymerases, of which 350 were sequenced and analyzed. This is the largest collection of physiologically active polymerase mutants. We find that all residues of motif A, except one (Asp-610), are mutable while preserving wild-type activity. A wide variety of amino acid substitutions were obtained at sites that are evolutionarily maintained, and conservative substitutions predominate at regions that stabilize tertiary structures. Several mutants exhibit unique properties, including DNA polymerase activity higher than the wild-type enzyme or the ability to incorporate ribonucleotide analogs. Bacteria dependent on these mutated polymerases for survival are fit to replicate repetitively. The high mutability of the polymerase active site in vivo and the ability to evolve altered enzymes may be required for survival in environments that demand increased mutagenesis. The inherent substitutability of the polymerase active site must be addressed relative to the constancy of nucleotide sequence found in nature.


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Applied molecular evolution is a rapidly developing technology that can be used to create and identify novel enzymes that nature has not selected. An important application of this technology is the creation of highly drug-resistant enzymes for cancer gene therapy. Seventeen O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase (AGT) mutants highly resistant to O6-benzylguanine (BG) were identified previously by screening 8 million variants, using genetic complementation in Escherichia coli. To examine the potential of these mutants for use in humans, the sublibrary of AGT clones was introduced to human hematopoietic cells and stringently selected for resistance to killing by the combination of BG and 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea. This competitive analysis between the mutants in human cells revealed three AGT mutants that conferred remarkable resistance to the combination of BG and 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea. Of these, one was recovered significantly more frequently than the others. Upon further analysis, this mutant displayed a level of BG resistance in human hematopoietic cells greater than that of any previously reported mutant.


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Hd6 is a quantitative trait locus involved in rice photoperiod sensitivity. It was detected in backcross progeny derived from a cross between the japonica variety Nipponbare and the indica variety Kasalath. To isolate a gene at Hd6, we used a large segregating population for the high-resolution and fine-scale mapping of Hd6 and constructed genomic clone contigs around the Hd6 region. Linkage analysis with P1-derived artificial chromosome clone-derived DNA markers delimited Hd6 to a 26.4-kb genomic region. We identified a gene encoding the α subunit of protein kinase CK2 (CK2α) in this region. The Nipponbare allele of CK2α contains a premature stop codon, and the resulting truncated product is undoubtedly nonfunctional. Genetic complementation analysis revealed that the Kasalath allele of CK2α increases days-to-heading. Map-based cloning with advanced backcross progeny enabled us to identify a gene underlying a quantitative trait locus even though it exhibited a relatively small effect on the phenotype.


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Tuberculosis continues to be responsible for the deaths of millions of people, yet the virulence factors of the causative pathogens remain unknown. Genetic complementation experiments with strains of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex have identified a gene from a virulent strain that restores virulence to an attenuated strain. The gene, designated rpoV, has a high degree of homology with principal transcription or sigma factors from other bacteria, particularly Mycobacterium smegmatis and Streptomyces griseus. The homologous rpoV gene of the attenuated strain has a point mutation causing an arginine-->histidine change in a domain known to interact with promoters. To our knowledge, association of loss of bacterial virulence with a mutation in the principal sigma factor has not been previously reported. The results indicate either that tuberculosis organisms have an alternative principal sigma factor that promotes virulence genes or, more probably, that this particular mutant principal sigma factor is unable to promote expression of one or more genes required for virulence. Study of genes and proteins differentially regulated by the mutant transcription factor should facilitate identification of further virulence factors.


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A genetic approach has been established that combines the advantages of blastocyst complementation with the experimental attributes of the developing lens for the functional analysis of genes governing cellular proliferation, terminal differentiation, and apoptosis. This lens complementation system (LCS) makes use of a mutant mouse strain, aphakia (ak), homozygotes of which fail to develop an ocular lens. We demonstrate that microinjection of wild-type embryonic stem (ES) cells into ak/ak blastocysts produces chimeras with normal ES-cell-derived lenses and that microinjection of Rb-/- ES cells generates an aberrant lens phenotype identical to that obtained through conventional gene targeting methodology. Our determination that a cell autonomous defect underlies the aphakia condition assures that lenses generated through LCS are necessarily ES-cell-derived. LCS provides for the rapid phenotypic analysis of loss-of-function mutations, circumvents the need for germ-line transmission of null alleles, and, most significantly, facilitates the study of essential genes whose inactivation is associated with early lethal phenotypes.


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We present an approach for monitoring protein–protein interactions within intact eukaryotic cells, which should increase our understanding of the regulatory circuitry that controls the proliferation and differentiation of cells and how these processes go awry in disease states such as cancer. Chimeric proteins composed of proteins of interest fused to complementing β-galactosidase (β-gal) deletion mutants permit a novel analysis of protein complexes within cells. In this approach, the β-gal activity resulting from the forced interaction of nonfunctional weakly complementing β-gal peptides (Δα and Δω) serves as a measure of the extent of interaction of the non-β-gal portions of the chimeras. To test this application of lacZ intracistronic complementation, proteins that form a complex in the presence of rapamycin were used. These proteins, FRAP and FKBP12, were synthesized as fusion proteins with Δα and Δω, respectively. Enzymatic β-gal activity served to monitor the formation of the rapamycin-induced chimeric FRAP/FKBP12 protein complex in a time- and dose-dependent manner, as assessed by histochemical, biochemical, and fluorescence-activated cell sorting assays. This approach may prove to be a valuable adjunct to in vitro immunoprecipitation and crosslinking methods and in vivo yeast two-hybrid and fluorescence energy transfer systems. It may also allow a direct assessment of specific protein dimerization interactions in a biologically relevant context, localized in the cell compartments in which they occur, and in the milieu of competing proteins.


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Pairs of transcriptional activators in prokaryotes have been shown to activate transcription synergistically from promoters with two activator binding sites. In some cases, such synergistic effects result from cooperative binding, but in other cases each DNA-bound activator plays a direct role in the activation process by interacting simultaneously with separate surfaces of RNA polymerase. In such cases, each DNA-bound activator must possess a functional activating region, the surface that mediates the interaction with RNA polymerase. When transcriptional activation depends on two or more identical activators, it is not straightforward to test the requirement of each activator for a functional activating region. Here we describe a method for directing a mutationally altered activator to either one or the other binding site, and we demonstrate the use of this method to examine the mechanism of transcriptional activator synergy by the Escherichia coli cyclic AMP receptor protein (CRP) working at an artificial promoter bearing two CRP-binding sites.


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The ability to tolerate a low-O2 environment varies widely among species in the animal kingdom. Some animals, such as Drosophila melanogaster, can tolerate anoxia for prolonged periods without apparent tissue injury. To determine the genetic basis of the cellular responses to low O2, we performed a genetic screen in Drosophila to identify loci that are responsible for anoxia resistance. Four X-linked, anoxia-sensitive mutants belonging to three complementation groups were isolated after screening more than 10,000 mutagenized flies. The identified recessive and dominant mutations showed marked delay in recovery from O2 deprivation. In addition, electrophysiologic studies demonstrated that polysynaptic transmission in the central nervous system of the mutant flies was abnormally long during recovery from anoxia. These studies show that anoxic tolerance can be genetically dissected.


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The comparative typing of matched tumor and blood DNAs at dinucleotide repeat (microsatellite) loci has revealed in tumor DNA the presence of alleles that are not observed in normal DNA. The occurrence of these additional alleles is possibly due to replication errors (RERs). Although this observation has led to the recognition of a subtype of colorectal cancer with a high incidence of RERs (caused by a deficiency in DNA mismatch repair), a thorough analysis of the RER frequency in a consecutive series of colorectal cancers had not been reported. It is shown here that the extensive typing of 88 colorectal tumors reveals a bimodal distribution for the frequency of RER at microsatellite loci. Within the major mode (75 tumors, RER− subtype), the probability that a locus exhibited instability did not differ significantly among loci and tumors, being 0.02. The subsequent development of a statistical test for an operational discrimination between the RER− and RER+ subtypes indicated that the probability of misclassification did not exceed 0.001 in this series. The frequency of K-ras mutation was found to be equivalent in the two subtypes. However, in the RER+ tumors, the p53 gene mutation was less frequently detected, the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) mutation was rare, and the biallelic inactivation of either of these genes was not observed. Furthermore, the concomitant occurrence of APC and tumor growth factor β receptor type II gene alterations was found only once. These data suggest that the repertoires of genes that are frequently altered in RER+ and RER− tumors may be more different than previously thought.


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Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are large proteinaceous portals for exchanging macromolecules between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Revealing how this transport apparatus is assembled will be critical for understanding the nuclear transport mechanism. To address this issue and to identify factors that regulate NPC formation and dynamics, a novel fluorescence-based strategy was used. This approach is based on the functional tagging of NPC proteins with the green fluorescent protein (GFP), and the hypothesis that NPC assembly mutants will have distinct GFP-NPC signals as compared with wild-type (wt) cells. By fluorescence-activated cell sorting for cells with low GFP signal from a population of mutagenized cells expressing GFP-Nup49p, three complementation groups were identified: two correspond to mutant nup120 and gle2 alleles that result in clusters of NPCs. Interestingly, a third group was a novel temperature-sensitive allele of nup57. The lowered GFP-Nup49p incorporation in the nup57-E17 cells resulted in a decreased fluorescence level, which was due in part to a sharply diminished interaction between the carboxy-terminal truncated nup57pE17 and wt Nup49p. Interestingly, the nup57-E17 mutant also affected the incorporation of a specific subset of other nucleoporins into the NPC. Decreased levels of NPC-associated Nsp1p and Nup116p were observed. In contrast, the localizations of Nic96p, Nup82p, Nup159p, Nup145p, and Pom152p were not markedly diminished. Coincidentally, nuclear import capacity was inhibited. Taken together, the identification of such mutants with specific perturbations of NPC structure validates this fluorescence-based strategy as a powerful approach for providing insight into the mechanism of NPC biogenesis.


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The symbiotic interaction between Medicago truncatula and Sinorhizobium meliloti results in the formation of nitrogen-fixing nodules on the roots of the host plant. The early stages of nodule formation are induced by bacteria via lipochitooligosaccharide signals known as Nod factors (NFs). These NFs are structurally specific for bacterium–host pairs and are sufficient to cause a range of early responses involved in the host developmental program. Early events in the signal transduction of NFs are not well defined. We have previously reported that Medicago sativa root hairs exposed to NF display sharp oscillations of cytoplasmic calcium ion concentration (calcium spiking). To assess the possible role of calcium spiking in the nodulation response, we analyzed M. truncatula mutants in five complementation groups. Each of the plant mutants is completely Nod− and is blocked at early stages of the symbiosis. We defined two genes, DMI1 and DMI2, required in common for early steps of infection and nodulation and for calcium spiking. Another mutant, altered in the DMI3 gene, has a similar mutant phenotype to dmi1 and dmi2 mutants but displays normal calcium spiking. The calcium behavior thus implies that the DMI3 gene acts either downstream of calcium spiking or downstream of a common branch point for the calcium response and the later nodulation responses. Two additional mutants, altered in the NSP and HCL genes, which show root hair branching in response to NF, are normal for calcium spiking. This system provides an opportunity to use genetics to study ligand-stimulated calcium spiking as a signal transduction event.


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Cannibalism is widespread in natural populations of fishes, where the stomachs of adults frequently contain conspecific juveniles. Furthermore, field observations suggest that guardian males routinely eat offspring from their own nests. However, recent genetic paternity analyses have shown that fish nests often contain embryos not sired by the nest-tending male (because of cuckoldry events, egg thievery, or nest piracy). Such findings, coupled with the fact that several fish species have known capabilities for distinguishing kin from nonkin, raise the possibility that cannibalism by guardian males is directed primarily or exclusively toward unrelated embryos in their nests. Here, we test this hypothesis by collecting freshly cannibalized embryos from the stomachs of several nest-tending darter and sunfish males in nature and determining their genetic parentage by using polymorphic microsatellite markers. Our molecular results clearly indicate that guardian males do indeed consume their own genetic offspring, even when unrelated (foster) embryos are present within the nest. These data provide genetic documentation of filial cannibalism in nature. Furthermore, they suggest that the phenomenon may result, at least in part, from an inability of guardians to differentiate between kin and nonkin within their own nests.