6 resultados para Generalized Derivation

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The Ising problem consists in finding the analytical solution of the partition function of a lattice once the interaction geometry among its elements is specified. No general analytical solution is available for this problem, except for the one-dimensional case. Using site-specific thermodynamics, it is shown that the partition function for ligand binding to a two-dimensional lattice can be obtained from those of one-dimensional lattices with known solution. The complexity of the lattice is reduced recursively by application of a contact transformation that involves a relatively small number of steps. The transformation implemented in a computer code solves the partition function of the lattice by operating on the connectivity matrix of the graph associated with it. This provides a powerful new approach to the Ising problem, and enables a systematic analysis of two-dimensional lattices that model many biologically relevant phenomena. Application of this approach to finite two-dimensional lattices with positive cooperativity indicates that the binding capacity per site diverges as Na (N = number of sites in the lattice) and experiences a phase-transition-like discontinuity in the thermodynamic limit N → ∞. The zeroes of the partition function tend to distribute on a slightly distorted unit circle in complex plane and approach the positive real axis already for a 5×5 square lattice. When the lattice has negative cooperativity, its properties mimic those of a system composed of two classes of independent sites with the apparent population of low-affinity binding sites increasing with the size of the lattice, thereby accounting for a phenomenon encountered in many ligand-receptor interactions.


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Human pluripotent stem cells would be invaluable for in vitro studies of aspects of human embryogenesis. With the goal of establishing pluripotent stem cell lines, gonadal ridges and mesenteries containing primordial germ cells (PGCs, 5–9 weeks postfertilization) were cultured on mouse STO fibroblast feeder layers in the presence of human recombinant leukemia inhibitory factor, human recombinant basic fibroblast growth factor, and forskolin. Initially, single PGCs in culture were visualized by alkaline phosphatase activity staining. Over a period of 7–21 days, PGCs gave rise to large multicellular colonies resembling those of mouse pluripotent stem cells termed embryonic stem and embryonic germ (EG) cells. Throughout the culture period most cells within the colonies continued to be alkaline phosphatase-positive and tested positive against a panel of five immunological markers (SSEA-1, SSEA-3, SSEA-4, TRA-1–60, and TRA-1–81) that have been used routinely to characterize embryonic stem and EG cells. The cultured cells have been continuously passaged and found to be karyotypically normal and stable. Both XX and XY cell cultures have been obtained. Immunohistochemical analysis of embryoid bodies collected from these cultures revealed a wide variety of differentiated cell types, including derivatives of all three embryonic germ layers. Based on their origin and demonstrated properties, these human PGC-derived cultures meet the criteria for pluripotent stem cells and most closely resemble EG cells.


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The study of passive scalar transport in a turbulent velocity field leads naturally to the notion of generalized flows, which are families of probability distributions on the space of solutions to the associated ordinary differential equations which no longer satisfy the uniqueness theorem for ordinary differential equations. Two most natural regularizations of this problem, namely the regularization via adding small molecular diffusion and the regularization via smoothing out the velocity field, are considered. White-in-time random velocity fields are used as an example to examine the variety of phenomena that take place when the velocity field is not spatially regular. Three different regimes, characterized by their degrees of compressibility, are isolated in the parameter space. In the regime of intermediate compressibility, the two different regularizations give rise to two different scaling behaviors for the structure functions of the passive scalar. Physically, this means that the scaling depends on Prandtl number. In the other two regimes, the two different regularizations give rise to the same generalized flows even though the sense of convergence can be very different. The “one force, one solution” principle is established for the scalar field in the weakly compressible regime, and for the difference of the scalar in the strongly compressible regime, which is the regime of inverse cascade. Existence and uniqueness of an invariant measure are also proved in these regimes when the transport equation is suitably forced. Finally incomplete self similarity in the sense of Barenblatt and Chorin is established.


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We report the isolation of generalized transducing phages for Streptomyces species able to transduce chromosomal markers or plasmids between derivatives of Streptomyces coelicolor, the principal genetic model system for this important bacterial genus. We describe four apparently distinct phages (DAH2, DAH4, DAH5, and DAH6) that are capable of transducing multiple chromosomal markers at frequencies ranging from 10−5 to 10−9 per plaque-forming unit. The phages contain DNA ranging in size from 93 to 121 kb and mediate linked transfer of genetic loci at neighboring chromosomal sites sufficiently close to be packaged within the same phage particle. The key to our ability to demonstrate transduction by these phages was the establishment of conditions expected to severely reduce superinfection killing during the selection of transductants. The host range of these phages, as measured by the ability to form plaques, extends to species as distantly related as Streptomyces avermitilis and Streptomyces verticillus, which are among the most commercially important species of this genus. Transduction of plasmid DNA between S. coelicolor and S. verticillus was observed at frequencies of ≈10−4 transductants per colony-forming unit.


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A plant class III alcohol dehydrogenase (or glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase) has been characterized. The enzyme is a typical class III member with enzymatic parameters and substrate specificity closely related to those of already established animal forms. Km values with the pea enzyme are 6.5 microM for NAD+, 2 microM for S-hydroxymethylglutathione, and 840 microM for octanol versus 9, 4, and 1200 microM, respectively, with the human enzyme. Structurally, the pea/human class III enzymes are closely related, exhibiting a residue identity of 69% and with only 3 of 23 residues differing among those often considered in substrate and coenzyme binding. In contrast, the corresponding ethanol-active enzymes, the long-known human liver and pea alcohol dehydrogenases, differ more (47% residue identities) and are also in functionally important active site segments, with 12 of the 23 positions exchanged, including no less than 7 at the usually much conserved coenzyme-binding segment. These differences affect functionally important residues that are often class-distinguishing, such as those at positions 48, 51, and 115, where the plant ethanol-active forms resemble class III (Thr, Tyr, and Arg, respectively) rather than the animal ethanol-active class I forms (typically Ser, His, and Asp, respectively). Calculations of phylogenetic trees support the conclusions from functional residues in subgrouping plant ethanol-active dehydrogenases and the animal ethanol-active enzymes (class I) as separate descendants from the class III line. It appears that the classical plant alcohol dehydrogenases (now called class P) have a duplicatory origin separate from that of the animal class I enzymes and therefore a paralogous relationship with functional convergence of their alcohol substrate specificity. Combined, the results establish the conserved nature of class III also in plants, and contribute to the molecular and functional understanding of alcohol dehydrogenases by defining two branches of plant enzymes into the system.