10 resultados para Gastrointestinal-tract

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Experimental lemurs either were infected orally with the agent of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or were maintained as uninfected control animals. Immunohistochemical examination for proteinase-resistant protein (prion protein or PrP) was performed on tissues from two infected but still asymptomatic lemurs, killed 5 months after infection, and from three uninfected control lemurs. Control tissues showed no staining, whereas PrP was detected in the infected animals in tonsil, gastrointestinal tract and associated lymphatic tissues, and spleen. In addition, PrP was detected in ventral and dorsal roots of the cervical spinal cord, and within the spinal cord PrP could be traced in nerve tracts as far as the cerebral cortex. Similar patterns of PrP immunoreactivity were seen in two symptomatic and 18 apparently healthy lemurs in three different French primate centers, all of which had been fed diets supplemented with a beef protein product manufactured by a British company that has since ceased to include beef in its veterinary nutritional products. This study of BSE-infected lemurs early in their incubation period extends previous pathogenesis studies of the distribution of infectivity and PrP in natural and experimental scrapie. The similarity of neuropathology and PrP immunostaining patterns in experimentally infected animals to those observed in both symptomatic and asymptomatic animals in primate centers suggests that BSE contamination of zoo animals may have been more widespread than is generally appreciated.


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Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) is widely expressed in the central nervous system. Recent studies have pointed to a role for CART-derived peptides in inhibiting feeding behavior. Although these actions have generally been attributed to hypothalamic CART, it remains to be determined whether additional CART pathways exist that link signals from the gastrointestinal tract to the central control of food intake. In the present study, we have investigated the presence of CART in the rat vagus nerve and nodose ganglion. In the viscerosensory nodose ganglion, half of the neuron profiles expressed CART and its predicted peptide, as determined by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. CART expression was markedly attenuated after vagotomy, but no modulation was observed after food restriction or high-fat regimes. A large proportion of CART-labeled neuron profiles also expressed cholecystokinin A receptor mRNA. CART-peptide-like immunoreactivity was transported in the vagus nerve and found in a dense fiber plexus in the nucleus tractus solitarii. Studies on CART in the spinal somatosensory system revealed strong immunostaining of the dorsal horn but only a small number of stained cell bodies in dorsal root ganglia. The present results suggest that CART-derived peptides are present in vagal afferent neurons sensitive to cholecystokinin, suggesting that the role of these peptides in feeding may be explained partly by mediating postprandial satiety effects of cholecystokinin.


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Sik, the mouse homologue of the breast tumor kinase Brk, is expressed in differentiating cells of the gastrointestinal tract and skin. We examined expression and activity of Sik in primary mouse keratinocytes and a mouse embryonic keratinocyte cell line (EMK). Calcium-induced differentiation of these cells has been shown to be accompanied by the activation of tyrosine kinases and rapid phosphorylation of a 65-kDa GTPase-activating protein (GAP)-associated protein (GAP-A.p65). We demonstrate that Sik is activated within 2 min after calcium addition in primary keratinocytes and EMK cells. In EMK cells, Sik binds GAP-A.p65, and this interaction is mediated by the Sik Src homology 2 domain. Although Sik directly complexes with GAP-A.p65, overexpression of wild-type or kinase defective Sik in EMK cells does not lead to detectable changes in GAP-A.p65 phosphorylation. These data suggest that Sik is not responsible for phosphorylation of GAP-A.p65. GAP-A.p65 may act as an adapter protein, bringing Sik into proximity of an unidentified substrate. Overexpression of Sik in EMK cells results in increased expression of filaggrin during differentiation, supporting a role for Sik in differentiation.


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Escherichia coli O157:H7 causes Shiga toxin (Stx)-mediated vascular damage, resulting in hemorrhagic colitis and the hemolytic uremic syndrome in humans. These infections are often foodborne, and healthy carrier cattle are a major reservoir of E. coli O157:H7. We were interested in knowing why cattle are tolerant to infection with E. coli O157:H7. Cattle tissues were examined for the Stx receptor globotriaosylceramide (Gb3), for receptivity to Stx binding in vitro, and for susceptibility to the enterotoxic effects of Stx in vivo. TLC was used to detect Gb3 in tissues from a newborn calf. Gb3 was detected by TLC in kidney and brain, but not in the gastrointestinal tract. Immunohistochemistry was used to define binding of Stx1 and Stx2 overlaid onto sections from cattle tissues. Stx1 and Stx2 bound to selected tubules in the cortex of the kidney of both newborn calves (n = 3) and adult cattle (n = 3). Stx did not bind to blood vessels in any of the six gastrointestinal and five extraintestinal organs examined. The lack of Gb3 and of Stx receptivity in the gastrointestinal tract raised questions about the toxicity of Stx in bovine intestine. We found that neither viable E. coli O157:H7 nor Stx-containing bacterial extracts were enterotoxic (caused fluid accumulation) in ligated ileal loops in newborn calves. The lack of vascular receptors for Stx provides insight into why cattle are tolerant reservoir hosts for E. coli O157:H7.


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We recently have shown that mice deficient for the 86-kDa component (Ku80) of the DNA-dependent protein kinase exhibit growth retardation and a profound deficiency in V(D)J (variable, diversity, and joining) recombination. These defects may be related to abnormalities in DNA metabolism that arise from the inability of Ku80 mutant cells to process DNA double-strand breaks. To further characterize the role of Ku80 in DNA double-strand break repair, we have generated embryonic stem cells and pre-B cells and examined their response to ionizing radiation. Ku80−/− embryonic stem cells are more sensitive than controls to γ-irradiation, and pre-B cells derived from Ku80 mutant mice display enhanced spontaneous and γ-ray-induced apoptosis. We then determined the effects of ionizing radiation on the survival, growth, and lymphocyte development in Ku80-deficient mice. Ku80−/− mice display a hypersensitivity to γ-irradiation, characterized by loss of hair pigmentation, severe injury to the gastrointestinal tract, and enhanced mortality. Exposure of newborn Ku80−/− mice to sublethal doses of ionizing radiation enhances their growth retardation and results in the induction of T cell-specific differentiation. However, unlike severe combined immunodeficient mice, radiation-induced T cell development in Ku80−/− mice is not accompanied by extensive thymocyte proliferation. The response of Ku80-deficient cell lines and mice to DNA-damaging agents provides important insights into the role of Ku80 in growth regulation, lymphocyte development, and DNA repair.


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Serine proteases of the chymotrypsin fold are of great interest because they provide detailed understanding of their enzymatic properties and their proposed role in a number of physiological and pathological processes. We have been developing the macromolecular inhibitor ecotin to be a “fold-specific” inhibitor that is selective for members of the chymotrypsin-fold class of proteases. Inhibition of protease activity through the use of wild-type and engineered ecotins results in inhibition of rat prostate differentiation and retardation of the growth of human PC-3 prostatic cancer tumors. In an effort to identify the proteases that may be involved in these processes, reverse transcription–PCR with PC-3 poly(A)+ mRNA was performed by using degenerate oligonucleotide primers. These primers were designed by using conserved protein sequences unique to chymotrypsin-fold serine proteases. Five proteases were identified: urokinase-type plasminogen activator, factor XII, protein C, trypsinogen IV, and a protease that we refer to as membrane-type serine protease 1 (MT-SP1). The cloning and characterization of the MT-SP1 cDNA shows that it encodes a mosaic protein that contains a transmembrane signal anchor, two CUB domains, four LDLR repeats, and a serine protease domain. Northern blotting shows broad expression of MT-SP1 in a variety of epithelial tissues with high levels of expression in the human gastrointestinal tract and the prostate. A His-tagged fusion of the MT-SP1 protease domain was expressed in Escherichia coli, purified, and autoactivated. Ecotin and variant ecotins are subnanomolar inhibitors of the MT-SP1 activated protease domain, suggesting a possible role for MT-SP1 in prostate differentiation and the growth of prostatic carcinomas.


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The structural relationships between interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC), varicose nerve fibers, and smooth muscle cells in the gastrointestinal tract have led to the suggestion that ICC may be involved in or mediate enteric neurotransmission. We characterized the distribution of ICC in the murine stomach and found two distinct classes on the basis of morphology and immunoreactivity to antibodies against c-Kit receptors. ICC with multiple processes formed a network in the myenteric plexus region from corpus to pylorus. Spindle-shaped ICC were found within the circular and longitudinal muscle layers (IC-IM) throughout the stomach. The density of these cells was greatest in the proximal stomach. IC-IM ran along nerve fibers and were closely associated with nerve terminals and adjacent smooth muscle cells. IC-IM failed to develop in mice with mutations in c-kit. Therefore, we used W/W(V) mutants to test whether IC-IM mediate neural inputs in muscles of the gastric fundus. The distribution of inhibitory nerves in the stomachs of c-kit mutants was normal, but NO-dependent inhibitory neuro-regulation was greatly reduced. Smooth muscle tissues of W/W(V) mutants relaxed in response to exogenous sodium nitroprusside, but the membrane potential effects of sodium nitroprusside were attenuated. These data suggest that IC-IM play a critical serial role in NO-dependent neurotransmission: the cellular mechanism(s) responsible for transducing NO into electrical responses may be expressed in IC-IM. Loss of these cells causes loss of electrical responsiveness and greatly reduces responses to nitrergic nerve stimulation.


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Cells of the exocrine pancreas produce digestive enzymes potentially harmful to the intestinal mucosa. Dopamine has been reported to protect against mucosal injury. In looking for the source of dopamine in the small intestine, we found that the duodenal juice contains high levels of dopamine and that the pancreas itself has a high dopamine [and dihydroxyphenylalanine (dopa)] content that does not change significantly after chemical sympathectomy. Furthermore, we were able to demonstrate tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) activity in control pancreas as well as in pancreas from rats after chemical sympathectomy. Immunostaining and in situ hybridization histochemistry confirmed both the presence of TH, dopamine, and the dopamine transporter, and the mRNAs encoding TH and dopamine transporter, and the presence of both types of vesicular monoamine transporters in the exocrine cells of the pancreas. Since there are no catecholaminergic enteric ganglia in the pancreas, the above results indicate that pancreatic cells have all the characteristics of dopamine-producing cells. We suggest that the pancreas is an important source of nonneuronal dopamine in the body, and that this dopamine has a role in protecting the intestinal mucosa and suggests that dopamine D1b receptor agonists might be used to help mucosal healing in the gastrointestinal tract.


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Mutations of the human adenomatosis polyposis coli (APC) gene are associated with the development of familial as well as sporadic intestinal neoplasia. To examine the in vivo function of APC, 129/Sv embryonic stem (ES) cells were transfected with DNA encoding the wild-type human protein under the control of a promoter that is active in all four of the small intestine's principal epithelial lineages during their migration-associated differentiation. ES-APC cells were then introduced into C57BL/6-ROSA26 blastocysts. Analyses of adult B6-ROSA26<-->129/Sv-APC chimeric mice revealed that forced expression of APC results in markedly disordered cell migration. When compared with the effects of forced expression of E-cadherin, the data suggest that APC-catenin and E-cadherin-catenin complexes have opposing effects on intestinal epithelial cell movement/adhesiveness; augmentation of E-cadherin-beta-catenin complexes produces a highly ordered, "adhesive" migration, whereas augmentation of APC-beta-catenin complexes produces a disordered, nonadhesive migratory phenotype. We propose that APC mutations may promote tumorigenesis by increasing the relative activity of cadherin-catenin complexes, resulting in enhanced adhesiveness and functional anchorage of initiated cells within the intestinal crypt. Our studies also indicate that chimeric mice generated from B6-ROSA26 blastocysts and genetically manipulated ES cells should be useful for auditing gene function in the gastrointestinal tract and in other tissues.


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Hemochromatosis (HC) is an inherited disorder of iron absorption, mapping within the human major histocompatibility complex (MHC). We have identified a multigene system in the murine MHC that contains excellent candidates for the murine equivalent of the human HC locus and implicate nonclassical class I genes in the control of iron absorption. This gene system is characterized by multiple copies of two head-to-head genes encoded on opposite strands and driven by one common regulatory motif. This regulatory motif has a striking homology to the promoter region of the beta-globin gene, a gene obviously involved in iron metabolism and hence termed beta-globin analogous promoter (betaGAP). Upstream of the betaGAP sequence are nonclassical class I genes. At least one of these nonclassical class I genes, Q2, is expressed in the gastrointestinal tract, the primary site of iron absorption. Also expressed in the gastrointestinal tract and downstream of the betaGAP motif is a second set of putative genes, termed Hephaestus (HEPH). Based on these observations, we hypothesized that the genes that seem to be controlled by the betaGAP regulatory motifs would be responsible for the control of Fe absorption. As a test of this hypothesis, we predicted that mice which have altered expression of class I gene products, the beta2-microglobulin knockout mice, [beta2m(-/-)], would develop Fe overload. This prediction was confirmed, and these results indicate beta2m-associated proteins are involved in the control of intestinal Fe absorption.