3 resultados para GPA

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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We measured the ortho-para conversion rate in solid hydrogen by using Raman scattering in a diamond-anvil cell, extending previous measurements by a factor of 60 in pressure. We confirm previous experiments that suggested a decrease in the conversion rate above about 0.5 GPa. We observe a distinct minimum at 3 GPa followed by a drastic increase in the conversion rate to our maximum pressure of 58 GPa. This pressure enhancement of conversion is not predicted by previous theoretical treatments and must be due to a new conversion pathway.


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A fundamental catalytic principle for protein enzymes in the use of binding interactions away from the site of chemical transformation for catalysis. We have compared the binding and reactivity of a series of oligonucleotide substrates and products of the Tetrahymena ribozyme, which catalyzes a site-specific phosphodiester cleavage reaction: CCCUCUpA+G<-->CCCUCU-OH+GpA. The results suggest that this RNA enzyme, like protein enzymes, can utilize binding interactions to achieve substantial catalysis via entropic fixation and substrate destabilization. The stronger binding of the all-ribose oligonucleotide product compared to an analog with a terminal 3' deoxyribose residue gives an effective concentration of 2200 M for the 3' hydroxyl group, a value approaching those obtained with protein enzymes and suggesting the presence of a structurally well defined active site capable of precise positioning. The stabilization from tertiary binding interactions is 40-fold less for the oligonucleotide substrate than the oligonucleotide product, despite the presence of the reactive phosphoryl group in the substrate. This destabilization is accounted for by a model in which tertiary interactions away from the site of bond cleavage position the electron-deficient 3' bridging phosphoryl oxygen of the oligonucleotide substrate next to an electropositive Mg ion. As the phosphodiester bond breaks and this 3' oxygen atom develops a negative charge in the transition state, the weak interaction of the substrate with Mg2+ becomes strong. These strategies of "substrate destabilization" and "transition state stabilization" provide estimated rate enhancements of approximately 280- and approximately 60-fold, respectively. Analogous substrate destabilization by a metal ion or hydrogen bond donor may be used more generally by RNA and protein enzymes catalyzing reactions of phosphate esters.


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Occupational exposure to benzene is known to cause leukemia, but the mechanism remains unclear. Unlike most other carcinogens, benzene and its metabolites are weakly or nonmutagenic in most simple gene mutation assays. Benzene and its metabolites do, however, produce chromosomal damage in a variety of systems. Here, we have used the glycophorin A (GPA) gene loss mutation assay to evaluate the nature of DNA damage produced by benzene in 24 workers heavily exposed to benzene and 23 matched control individuals in Shanghai, China. The GPA assay identifies stem cell or precursor erythroid cell mutations expressed in peripheral erythrocytes of MN-heterozygous subjects, distinguishing the NN and N phi mutant variants. A significant increase in the NN GPA variant cell frequency (Vf) was found in benzene-exposed workers as compared with unexposed control individuals (mean +/- SEM, 13.9 +/- 1.7 per million cells vs. 7.4 +/- 1.1 per million cells in control individuals; P = 0.0002). In contrast, no significant difference existed between the two groups for the N phi Vf (9.1 +/- 0.9 vs. 8.8 +/- 1.8 per million cells; P = 0.21). Further, lifetime cumulative occupational exposure to benzene was associated with the NN Vf (P = 0.005) but not with the N phi Vf (P = 0.31), suggesting that NN mutations occur in longer-lived bone marrow stem cells. NN variants result from loss of the GPA M allele and duplication of the N allele, presumably through recombination mechanisms, whereas NO variants arise from gene inactivation, presumably due to point mutations and deletions. Thus, these results suggest that benzene produces gene-duplicating mutations but does not produce gene-inactivating mutations at the GPA locus in bone marrow cells of humans exposed to high benzene levels. This finding is consistent with data on the genetic toxicology of benzene and its metabolites and adds further weight to the hypothesis that chromosome damage and mitotic recombination are important in benzene-induced leukemia.