11 resultados para Frequency tuning

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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We review the mechanical origin of auditory-nerve excitation, focusing on comparisons of the magnitudes and phases of basilar-membrane (BM) vibrations and auditory-nerve fiber responses to tones at a basal site of the chinchilla cochlea with characteristic frequency ≈ 9 kHz located 3.5 mm from the oval window. At this location, characteristic frequency thresholds of fibers with high spontaneous activity correspond to magnitudes of BM displacement or velocity in the order of 1 nm or 50 μm/s. Over a wide range of stimulus frequencies, neural thresholds are not determined solely by BM displacement but rather by a function of both displacement and velocity. Near-threshold, auditory-nerve responses to low-frequency tones are synchronous with peak BM velocity toward scala tympani but at 80–90 dB sound pressure level (in decibels relative to 20 microPascals) and at 100–110 dB sound pressure level responses undergo two large phase shifts approaching 180°. These drastic phase changes have no counterparts in BM vibrations. Thus, although at threshold levels the encoding of BM vibrations into spike trains appears to involve only relatively minor signal transformations, the polarity of auditory-nerve responses does not conform with traditional views of how BM vibrations are transmitted to the inner hair cells. The response polarity at threshold levels, as well as the intensity-dependent phase changes, apparently reflect micromechanical interactions between the organ of Corti, the tectorial membrane and the subtectorial fluid, and/or electrical and synaptic processes at the inner hair cells.


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The tectorial membrane has long been postulated as playing a role in the exquisite sensitivity of the cochlea. In particular, it has been proposed that the tectorial membrane provides a second resonant system, in addition to that of the basilar membrane, which contributes to the amplification of the motion of the cochlear partition. Until now, technical difficulties had prevented vibration measurements of the tectorial membrane and, therefore, precluded direct evidence of a mechanical resonance. In the study reported here, the vibration of the tectorial membrane was measured in two orthogonal directions by using a novel method of combining laser interferometry with a photodiode technique. It is shown experimentally that the motion of the tectorial membrane is resonant at a frequency of 0.5 octave (oct) below the resonant frequency of the basilar membrane and polarized parallel to the reticular lamina. It is concluded that the resonant motion of the tectorial membrane is due to a parallel resonance between the mass of the tectorial membrane and the compliance of the stereocilia of the outer hair cells. Moreover, in combination with the contractile force of outer hair cells, it is proposed that inertial motion of the tectorial membrane provides the necessary conditions to allow positive feedback of mechanical energy into the cochlear partition, thereby amplifying and tuning the cochlear response.


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Auditory conditioning (associative learning) causes reorganization of the cochleotopic (frequency) maps of the primary auditory cortex (AI) and the inferior colliculus. Focal electric stimulation of the AI also evokes basically the same cortical and collicular reorganization as that caused by conditioning. Therefore, part of the neural mechanism for the plasticity of the central auditory system caused by conditioning can be explored by focal electric stimulation of the AI. The reorganization is due to shifts in best frequencies (BFs) together with shifts in frequency-tuning curves of single neurons. In the AI of the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) and the posterior division of the AI of the mustached bat (Pteronotus parnellii), focal electric stimulation evokes BF shifts of cortical auditory neurons located within a 0.7-mm distance along the frequency axis. The amount and direction of BF shift differ depending on the relationship in BF between stimulated and recorded neurons, and between the gerbil and mustached bat. Comparison in BF shift between different mammalian species and between different cortical areas of a single species indicates that BF shift toward the BF of electrically stimulated cortical neurons (centripetal BF shift) is common in the AI, whereas BF shift away from the BF of electrically stimulated cortical neurons (centrifugal BF shift) is special. Therefore, we propose a hypothesis that reorganization, and accordingly organization, of cortical auditory areas caused by associative learning can be quite different between specialized and nonspecialized (ordinary) areas of the auditory cortex.


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The barn owl (Tyto alba) uses interaural time difference (ITD) cues to localize sounds in the horizontal plane. Low-order binaural auditory neurons with sharp frequency tuning act as narrow-band coincidence detectors; such neurons respond equally well to sounds with a particular ITD and its phase equivalents and are said to be phase ambiguous. Higher-order neurons with broad frequency tuning are unambiguously selective for single ITDs in response to broad-band sounds and show little or no response to phase equivalents. Selectivity for single ITDs is thought to arise from the convergence of parallel, narrow-band frequency channels that originate in the cochlea. ITD tuning to variable bandwidth stimuli was measured in higher-order neurons of the owl’s inferior colliculus to examine the rules that govern the relationship between frequency channel convergence and the resolution of phase ambiguity. Ambiguity decreased as stimulus bandwidth increased, reaching a minimum at 2–3 kHz. Two independent mechanisms appear to contribute to the elimination of ambiguity: one suppressive and one facilitative. The integration of information carried by parallel, distributed processing channels is a common theme of sensory processing that spans both modality and species boundaries. The principles underlying the resolution of phase ambiguity and frequency channel convergence in the owl may have implications for other sensory systems, such as electrolocation in electric fish and the computation of binocular disparity in the avian and mammalian visual systems.


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Clinical evidence suggests that control mechanisms for local and global attention are lateralized in the temporal–parietal cortex. However, in the human occipital (visual) cortex, the evidence for lateralized local/global attention is controversial. To clarify this matter, we used functional MRI to map activity in the human occipital cortex, during local and global attention, with sustained visual fixation. Data were analyzed in a flattened cortical format, relative to maps of retinotopy and spatial frequency peak tuning. Neither local nor global attention was lateralized in the occipital cortex. Instead, local attention and global attention appear to be special cases of visual spatial attention, which are mapped consistently with the maps of retinotopy and spatial frequency tuning, in multiple visual cortical areas.


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The hearing organ of the inner ear was the last of the paired sense organs of amniotes to undergo formative evolution. As a mechanical sensory organ, the inner-ear hearing organ's function depends highly on its physical structure. Comparative studies suggest that the hearing organ of the earliest amniote vertebrates was small and simple, but possessed hair cells with a cochlear amplifier mechanism, electrical frequency tuning, and incipient micromechanical tuning. The separation of the different groups of amniotes from the stem reptiles occurred relatively early, with the ancestors of the mammals branching off first, approximately 320 million years ago. The evolution of the hearing organ in the three major lines of the descendents of the stem reptiles (e.g., mammals, birds-crocodiles, and lizards-snakes) thus occurred independently over long periods of time. Dramatic and parallel improvements in the middle ear initiated papillar elongation in all lineages, accompanied by increased numbers of sensory cells with enhanced micromechanical tuning and group-specific hair-cell specializations that resulted in unique morphological configurations. This review aims not only to compare structure and function across classification boundaries (the comparative approach), but also to assess how and to what extent fundamental mechanisms were influenced by selection pressures in times past (the phylogenetic viewpoint).


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In the mammalian cochlea, the basilar membrane's (BM) mechanical responses are amplified, and frequency tuning is sharpened through active feedback from the electromotile outer hair cells (OHCs). To be effective, OHC feedback must be delivered to the correct region of the BM and introduced at the appropriate time in each cycle of BM displacement. To investigate when OHCs contribute to cochlear amplification, a laser-diode interferometer was used to measure tone-evoked BM displacements in the basal turn of the guinea pig cochlea. Measurements were made at multiple sites across the width of the BM, which are tuned to the same characteristic frequency (CF). In response to CF tones, the largest displacements occur in the OHC region and phase lead those measured beneath the outer pillar cells and adjacent to the spiral ligament by about 90°. Postmortem, responses beneath the OHCs are reduced by up to 65 dB, and all regions across the width of the BM move in unison. We suggest that OHCs amplify BM responses to CF tones when the BM is moving at maximum velocity. In regions of the BM where OHCs contribute to its motion, the responses are compressive and nonlinear. We measured the distribution of nonlinear compressive vibrations along the length of the BM in response to a single frequency tone and estimated that OHC amplification is restricted to a 1.25- to 1.40-mm length of BM centered on the CF place.


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Peripheral auditory neurons are tuned to single frequencies of sound. In the central auditory system, excitatory (or facilitatory) and inhibitory neural interactions take place at multiple levels and produce neurons with sharp level-tolerant frequency-tuning curves, neurons tuned to parameters other than frequency, cochleotopic (frequency) maps, which are different from the peripheral cochleotopic map, and computational maps. The mechanisms to create the response properties of these neurons have been considered to be solely caused by divergent and convergent projections of neurons in the ascending auditory system. The recent research on the corticofugal (descending) auditory system, however, indicates that the corticofugal system adjusts and improves auditory signal processing by modulating neural responses and maps. The corticofugal function consists of at least the following subfunctions. (i) Egocentric selection for short-term modulation of auditory signal processing according to auditory experience. Egocentric selection, based on focused positive feedback associated with widespread lateral inhibition, is mediated by the cortical neural net working together with the corticofugal system. (ii) Reorganization for long-term modulation of the processing of behaviorally relevant auditory signals. Reorganization is based on egocentric selection working together with nonauditory systems. (iii) Gain control based on overall excitatory, facilitatory, or inhibitory corticofugal modulation. Egocentric selection can be viewed as selective gain control. (iv) Shaping (or even creation) of response properties of neurons. Filter properties of neurons in the frequency, amplitude, time, and spatial domains can be sharpened by the corticofugal system. Sharpening of tuning is one of the functions of egocentric selection.


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Recent studies of corticofugal modulation of auditory information processing indicate that cortical neurons mediate both a highly focused positive feedback to subcortical neurons “matched” in tuning to a particular acoustic parameter and a widespread lateral inhibition to “unmatched” subcortical neurons. This cortical function for the adjustment and improvement of subcortical information processing is called egocentric selection. Egocentric selection enhances the neural representation of frequently occurring signals in the central auditory system. For our present studies performed with the big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus), we hypothesized that egocentric selection adjusts the frequency map of the inferior colliculus (IC) according to auditory experience based on associative learning. To test this hypothesis, we delivered acoustic stimuli paired with electric leg stimulation to the bat, because such paired stimuli allowed the animal to learn that the acoustic stimulus was behaviorally important and to make behavioral and neural adjustments based on the acquired importance of the acoustic stimulus. We found that acoustic stimulation alone evokes a change in the frequency map of the IC; that this change in the IC becomes greater when the acoustic stimulation is made behaviorally relevant by pairing it with electrical stimulation; that the collicular change is mediated by the corticofugal system; and that the IC itself can sustain the change evoked by the corticofugal system for some time. Our data support the hypothesis.


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Visual classification is the way we relate to different images in our environment as if they were the same, while relating differently to other collections of stimuli (e.g., human vs. animal faces). It is still not clear, however, how the brain forms such classes, especially when introduced with new or changing environments. To isolate a perception-based mechanism underlying class representation, we studied unsupervised classification of an incoming stream of simple images. Classification patterns were clearly affected by stimulus frequency distribution, although subjects were unaware of this distribution. There was a common bias to locate class centers near the most frequent stimuli and their boundaries near the least frequent stimuli. Responses were also faster for more frequent stimuli. Using a minimal, biologically based neural-network model, we demonstrate that a simple, self-organizing representation mechanism based on overlapping tuning curves and slow Hebbian learning suffices to ensure classification. Combined behavioral and theoretical results predict large tuning overlap, implicating posterior infero-temporal cortex as a possible site of classification.


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Many response properties in primary auditory cortex (AI) are segregated spatially and organized topographically as those in primary visual cortex. Intensive study has not revealed an intrinsic, anatomical organizing principle related to an AI functional topography. We used retrograde anatomic tracing and topographic physiologic mapping of acoustic response properties to reveal long-range (≥1.5 mm) convergent intrinsic horizontal connections between AI subregions with similar bandwidth and characteristic frequency selectivity. This suggests a modular organization for processing spectral bandwidth in AI.