11 resultados para Flagella

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Bacterial shape usually is dictated by the peptidoglycan layer of the cell wall. In this paper, we show that the morphology of the Lyme disease spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi is the result of a complex interaction between the cell cylinder and the internal periplasmic flagella. B. burgdorferi has a bundle of 7–11 helically shaped periplasmic flagella attached at each end of the cell cylinder and has a flat-wave cell morphology. Backward moving, propagating waves enable these bacteria to swim in both low viscosity media and highly viscous gel-like media. Using targeted mutagenesis, we inactivated the gene encoding the major periplasmic flagellar filament protein FlaB. The resulting flaB mutants not only were nonmotile, but were rod-shaped. Western blot analysis indicated that FlaB was no longer synthesized, and electron microscopy revealed that the mutants were completely deficient in periplasmic flagella. Wild-type cells poisoned with the protonophore carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone retained their flat-wave morphology, indicating that the periplasmic flagella do not need to be energized for the cell to maintain this shape. Our results indicate that the periplasmic flagella of B. burgdorferi have a skeletal function. These organelles dynamically interact with the rod-shaped cell cylinder to enable the cell to swim, and to confer in part its flat-wave morphology.


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The mechanism of bacterial gliding motility (active movement over surfaces without the aid of flagella) is not known. A large number of nonmotile mutants of the gliding bacterium Flavobacterium johnsoniae (Cytophaga johnsonae) have been previously isolated, and genetic techniques to analyze these mutants have recently been developed. We complemented a nonmotile mutant of F. johnsoniae (UW102-09) with a library of wild-type DNA by using the shuttle cosmid pCP17. The complementing plasmid (pCP100) contained an insert of 13 kbp, and restored motility to 4 of 61 independently isolated nonmotile mutants. A 1.3-kbp fragment that encompassed a single ORF, gldA, complemented all four mutants. Disruption of the chromosomal copy of gldA in wild-type F. johnsoniae UW101 eliminated gliding motility. The predicted protein produced by gldA has strong sequence similarity to ATP binding cassette transport proteins.


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We have cloned the UNI3 gene in Chlamydomonas and find that it encodes a new member of the tubulin superfamily. Although Uni3p shares significant sequence identity with α-, β-, and γ-tubulins, there is a region of Uni3p that has no similarity to tubulins or other known proteins. Mutant uni3–1 cells assemble zero, one, or two flagella. Pedigree analysis suggests that flagellar number in uni3–1 cells is a function of the age of the cell. The uniflagellate uni3–1 cells show a positional phenotype; the basal body opposite the eyespot templates the single flagellum. A percentage of uni3–1 cells also fail to orient the cleavage furrow properly, and basal bodies have been implicated in the placement of cleavage furrows in Chlamydomonas. Finally when uni3–1 cells are observed by electron microscopy, doublet rather than triplet microtubules are observed at the proximal end of the basal bodies. We propose that the Uni3 tubulin is involved in both the function and cell cycle-dependent maturation of basal bodies/centrioles.


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Previous work has revealed a cytoplasmic pool of flagellar precursor proteins capable of contributing to the assembly of new flagella, but how and where these components assemble is unknown. We tested Chlamydomonas outer-dynein arm subunit stability and assembly in the cytoplasm of wild-type cells and 11 outer dynein arm assembly mutant strains (oda1-oda11) by Western blotting of cytoplasmic extracts, or immunoprecipitates from these extracts, with five outer-row dynein subunit-specific antibodies. Western blots reveal that at least three oda mutants (oda6, oda7, and oda9) alter the level of a subunit that is not the mutant gene product. Immunoprecipitation shows that large preassembled flagellar complexes containing all five tested subunits (three heavy chains and two intermediate chains) exist within wild-type cytoplasm. When the preassembly of these subunits was examined in oda strains, we observed three patterns: complete coassembly (oda 1, 3, 5, 8, and 10), partial coassembly (oda7 and oda11), and no coassembly (oda2, 6, and 9) of the four tested subunits with HCβ. Our data, together with previous studies, suggest that flagellar outer-dynein arms preassemble into a complete Mr ≃ 2 × 106 dynein arm that resides in a cytoplasmic precursor pool before transport into the flagellar compartment.


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Previous structural and biochemical studies have revealed that the inner arm dynein I1 is targeted and anchored to a unique site located proximal to the first radial spoke in each 96-nm axoneme repeat on flagellar doublet microtubules. To determine whether intermediate chains mediate the positioning and docking of dynein complexes, we cloned and characterized the 140-kDa intermediate chain (IC140) of the I1 complex. Sequence and secondary structural analysis, with particular emphasis on β-sheet organization, predicted that IC140 contains seven WD repeats. Reexamination of other members of the dynein intermediate chain family of WD proteins indicated that these polypeptides also bear seven WD/β-sheet repeats arranged in the same pattern along each intermediate chain protein. A polyclonal antibody was raised against a 53-kDa fusion protein derived from the C-terminal third of IC140. The antibody is highly specific for IC140 and does not bind to other dynein intermediate chains or proteins in Chlamydomonas flagella. Immunofluorescent microscopy of Chlamydomonas cells confirmed that IC140 is distributed along the length of both flagellar axonemes. In vitro reconstitution experiments demonstrated that the 53-kDa C-terminal fusion protein binds specifically to axonemes lacking the I1 complex. Chemical cross-linking indicated that IC140 is closely associated with a second intermediate chain in the I1 complex. These data suggest that IC140 contains domains responsible for the assembly and docking of the I1 complex to the doublet microtubule cargo.


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Efficient motility of the eukaryotic flagellum requires precise temporal and spatial control of its constituent dynein motors. The central pair and its associated structures have been implicated as important members of a signal transduction cascade that ultimately regulates dynein arm activity. To identify central pair components involved in this process, we characterized a Chlamydomonas motility mutant (pf6-2) obtained by insertional mutagenesis. pf6-2 flagella twitch ineffectively and lack the 1a projection on the C1 microtubule of the central pair. Transformation with constructs containing a full-length, wild-type copy of the PF6 gene rescues the functional, structural, and biochemical defects associated with the pf6 mutation. Sequence analysis indicates that the PF6 gene encodes a large polypeptide that contains numerous alanine-rich, proline-rich, and basic domains and has limited homology to an expressed sequence tag derived from a human testis cDNA library. Biochemical analysis of an epitope-tagged PF6 construct demonstrates that the PF6 polypeptide is an axonemal component that cosediments at 12.6S with several other polypeptides. The PF6 protein appears to be an essential component required for assembly of some of these polypeptides into the C1-1a projection.


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Kinesin molecular motor proteins are responsible for many of the major microtubule-dependent transport pathways in neuronal and non-neuronal cells. Elucidating the transport pathways mediated by kinesins, the identity of the cargoes moved, and the nature of the proteins that link kinesin motors to cargoes are areas of intense investigation. Kinesin-II recently was found to be required for transport in motile and nonmotile cilia and flagella where it is essential for proper left-right determination in mammalian development, sensory function in ciliated neurons, and opsin transport and viability in photoreceptors. Thus, these pathways and proteins may be prominent contributors to several human diseases including ciliary dyskinesias, situs inversus, and retinitis pigmentosa. Kinesin-I is needed to move many different types of cargoes in neuronal axons. Two candidates for receptor proteins that attach kinesin-I to vesicular cargoes were recently found. One candidate, sunday driver, is proposed to both link kinesin-I to an unknown vesicular cargo and to bind and organize the mitogen-activated protein kinase components of a c-Jun N-terminal kinase signaling module. A second candidate, amyloid precursor protein, is proposed to link kinesin-I to a different, also unknown, class of axonal vesicles. The finding of a possible functional interaction between kinesin-I and amyloid precursor protein may implicate kinesin-I based transport in the development of Alzheimer's disease.


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Bacteria that swim without the benefit of flagella might do so by generating longitudinal or transverse surface waves. For example, swimming speeds of order 25 microns/s are expected for a spherical cell propagating longitudinal waves of 0.2 micron length, 0.02 micron amplitude, and 160 microns/s speed. This problem was solved earlier by mathematicians who were interested in the locomotion of ciliates and who considered the undulations of the envelope swept out by ciliary tips. A new solution is given for spheres propagating sinusoidal waveforms rather than Legendre polynomials. The earlier work is reviewed and possible experimental tests are suggested.


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Certain marine unicellular cyanobacteria of the genus Synechococcus exhibit a unique and mysterious form of motility characterized by the ability to swim in liquid in the absence of flagella. An abundant cell-surface-associated polypeptide that is required for swimming motility by Synechococcus sp. strain WH8102 has been identified, and the gene encoding it, swmA, has been cloned and sequenced. The predicted SwmA protein contains a number of Ca2+-binding motifs as well as several potential N-glycosylation sites. Insertional inactivation of swmA in Synechococcus sp. strain WH8102 results in a loss of the ability to translocate, although the mutant strain, Swm-1, generates torque. This suggests that SwmA functions in the generation of thrust.


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Fertilization in Chlamydomonas is initiated by adhesive interactions between gametes of opposite mating types through flagellar glycoproteins called agglutinins. Interactions between these cell adhesion molecules signal for the activation of adenylyl cyclase through an interplay of protein kinases and ultimately result in formation of a diploid zygote. One of the early events during adhesion-induced signal transduction is the rapid inactivation of a flagellar protein kinase that phosphorylates a 48-kDa protein in the flagella. We report the biochemical and molecular characterization of the 48-kDa protein. Experiments using a bacterially expressed fusion protein show that the 48-kDa protein is capable of autophosphorylation on serine and tyrosine and phosphorylation of bovine beta-casein on serine, confirming that the 48-kDa protein itself has protein kinase activity. This protein kinase exhibits limited homology to members of the eukaryotic protein kinase superfamily and may be an important element in a signaling pathway in fertilization.


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Neuronal function is dependent on the transport of materials from the cell body to the synapse via anterograde axonal transport. Anterograde axonal transport consists of several components that differ in both rate and protein composition. In fast transport, membranous organelles are moved along microtubules by the motor protein kinesin. The cytoskeleton and the cytomatrix proteins move in the two components of slow transport. While the mechanisms underlying slow transport are unknown, it has been hypothesized that the movement of microtubules in slow transport is generated by sliding. To determine whether dynein, a motor protein that causes microtubule sliding in flagella, may play a role in slow axonal transport, we identified the transport rate components with which cytoplasmic dynein is associated in rat optic nerve. Nearly 80% of the anterogradely moving dynein was associated with slow transport, whereas only approximately 15% of the dynein was associated with the membranous organelles of anterograde fast axonal transport. A segmental analysis of the transport of dynein through contiguous regions of the optic nerve and tract showed that dynein is associated with the microfilaments and other proteins of slow component b. Dynein from this transport component has the capacity to bind microtubules in vitro. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that cytoplasmic dynein generates the movement of microtubules in slow axonal transport. A model is presented to illustrate how dynein attached to the slow component b complex of proteins is appropriately positioned to generate force of the correct polarity to slide microtubules down the axon.