11 resultados para Firefly

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Female fireflies of the genus Photuris, the so-called firefly “femmes fatales,” prey on male fireflies of the genus Photinus. The females are able to entrap the males by faking the flash signal characteristics of the Photinus female. We found that by feeding on Photinus males, Photuris females gain more than nutrients. They also acquire defensive steroidal pyrones called lucibufagins, which are contained in Photinus but which Photuris fireflies are unable to produce on their own. Photuris females that eat Photinus males or lucibufagin are rejected by Phidippus jumping spiders. Lucibufagin itself proved to be a deterrent to such spiders. Field-collected Photuris females contain lucibufagin in varying amounts. The more lucibufagin they contain the more unacceptable they are to Phidippus.


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We have developed a gene transfer system for the protozoan parasite Giardia lamblia. This organism is responsible for many cases of diarrhea worldwide and is considered to be one of the most primitive eukaryotes. Expression of a heterologous gene was detected in this parasite after electroporation with appropriate DNA constructs. We constructed a series of transfection plasmids using flanking sequences of the Giardia glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) gene to drive expression of the firefly luciferase reporter gene. The optimal construct consisted of a GDH/luciferase fusion gene in which the first 18 codons of the GDH gene immediately preceded the luciferase gene; this fusion gene was flanked by the upstream and downstream sequences of the GDH gene. Electroporation of this construct into Giardia yielded luciferase activity that was 3000- to 50,000-fold above background. Removal of either the 5' or 3' GDH flanking sequences from this construct resulted in significantly reduced luciferase activity, and removal of both flanking sequences reduced luciferase activity to background levels. Luciferase activity was proportional to the amount of DNA electroporated and was maximal at 6 hr after electroporation.


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The role of the abundant stress protein Hsp90 in protecting cells against stress-induced damage is not well understood. The recent discovery that a class of ansamycin antibiotics bind specifically to Hsp90 allowed us to address this problem from a new angle. We find that mammalian Hsp90, in cooperation with Hsp70, p60, and other factors, mediates the ATP-dependent refolding of heat-denatured proteins, such as firefly luciferase. Failure to refold results in proteolysis. The ansamycins inhibit refolding, both in vivo and in a cell extract, by preventing normal dissociation of Hsp90 from luciferase, causing its enhanced degradation. This mechanism also explains the ansamycin-induced proteolysis of several protooncogenic protein kinases, such as Raf-1, which interact with Hsp90. We propose that Hsp90 is part of a quality control system that facilitates protein refolding or degradation during recovery from stress. This function is used by a limited set of signal transduction molecules for their folding and regulation under nonstress conditions. The ansamycins shift the mode of Hsp90 from refolding to degradation, and this effect is probably amplified for specific Hsp90 substrates.


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Genetic modification of the vectorial capacity of mosquito vectors of human disease requires promoters capable of driving gene expression with appropriate tissue and stage specificity. We report on the characterization in transgenic Aedes aegypti of two mosquito gut-specific promoters. A 1.4-kb DNA fragment adjacent to the 5′ end of the coding region of the Ae. aegypti carboxypeptidase (AeCP) gene and a corresponding 3.4-kb DNA fragment at the 5′ end of the Anopheles gambiae carboxypeptidase (AgCP) gene were linked to a firefly luciferase reporter gene and introduced into the Ae. aegypti germ line by using Hermes and mariner (Mos1) transposons. Six independent transgenic lines were obtained with the AeCP construct and one with the AgCP construct. Luciferase mRNA and protein were abundantly expressed in the guts of transgenic mosquitoes in four of the six AeCP lines and in the AgCP line. Expression of the reporter gene was gut-specific and reached peak levels at about 24 h post-blood ingestion. The AeCP and AgCP promoters can be used to drive the expression of genes that hinder parasite development in the mosquito gut.


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Feedback regulation of photosynthesis by carbon metabolites has long been recognized, but the underlying cellular mechanisms that control this process remain unclear. By using an Arabidopsis cell culture, we show that a block in photosynthetic electron flux prevents the increase in transcript levels of chlorophyll a/b-binding protein and the small subunit of Rubisco that typically occurs when intracellular sugar levels are depleted. In contrast, the expression of the nitrate reductase gene, which is induced by sugars, is not affected. These findings were confirmed in planta by using Arabidopsis carrying the firefly luciferase reporter gene fused to the plastocyanin and chlorophyll a/b-binding protein 2 gene promoters. Transcription from both promoters increases on carbohydrate depletion. Blocking photosynthetic electron transport with 3-(3′, 4′-dichlorophenyl)-1,1′-dimethylurea prevents this increase in transcription. We conclude that plastid-derived redox signaling can override the sugar-regulated expression of nuclear-encoded photosynthetic genes. In the sugar-response mutant, sucrose uncoupled 6 (sun6), plastocyanin-firefly luciferase transcription actually increases in response to exogenous sucrose rather than decreasing as in the wild type. Interestingly, plastid-derived redox signals do not influence this defective pattern of sugar-regulated gene expression in the sun6 mutant. A model, which invokes a positive inducer originating from the photosynthetic electron transport chain, is proposed to explain the nature of the plastid-derived signal.


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The impact of simultaneous environmental stresses on plants and how they respond to combined stresses compared with single stresses is largely unclear. By using a transgene (RD29A-LUC) consisting of the firefly luciferase coding sequence (LUC) driven by the stress-responsive RD29A promoter, we investigated the interactive effects of temperature, osmotic stress, and the phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) in the regulation of gene expression in Arabidopsis seedlings. Results indicated that both positive and negative interactions exist among the studied stress factors in regulating gene expression. At a normal growth temperature (22°C), osmotic stress and ABA act synergistically to induce the transgene expression. Low temperature inhibits the response to osmotic stress or to combined treatment of osmotic stress and ABA, whereas low temperature and ABA treatments are additive in inducing transgene expression. Although high temperature alone does not activate the transgene, it significantly amplifies the effects of ABA and osmotic stress. The effect of multiple stresses in the regulation of RD29A-LUC expression in signal transduction mutants was also studied. The results are discussed in the context of cold and osmotic stress signal transduction pathways.


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Starburst polyamidoamine dendrimers are a new class of synthetic polymers with unique structural and physical characteristics. These polymers were investigated for the ability to bind DNA and enhance DNA transfer and expression in a variety of mammalian cell lines. Twenty different types of polyamidoamine dendrimers were synthesized, and the polymer structure was confirmed using well-defined analytical techniques. The efficiency of plasmid DNA transfection using dendrimers was examined using two reporter gene systems: firefly luciferase and bacterial beta-galactosidase. The transfections were performed using various dendrimers, and levels of expression of the reporter protein were determined. Highly efficient transfection of a broad range of eukaryotic cells and cell lines was achieved with minimal cytotoxicity using the DNA/dendrimer complexes. However, the ability to transfect cells was restricted to certain types of dendrimers and in some situations required the presence of additional compounds, such as DEAE-dextran, that appeared to alter the nature of the complex. A few cell lines demonstrated enhanced transfection with the addition of chloroquine, indicating endosomal localization of the complexes. The capability of a dendrimer to transfect cells appeared to depend on the size, shape, and number of primary amino groups on the surface of the polymer. However, the specific dendrimer most efficient in achieving transfection varied between different types of cells. These studies demonstrate that Starburst dendrimers can transfect a wide variety of cell types in vitro and offer an efficient method for producing permanently transfected cell lines.


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Primer extension and RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends) assays were used to identify and sequence the 5' terminus of mouse ob mRNA. This sequence was used to obtain a recombinant bacteriophage containing the first exon of the encoding gene. DNA sequence analysis of the region immediately upstream of the first exon of the mouse ob gene revealed DNA sequences corresponding to presumptive cis-regulatory elements. A canonical TATA box was observed 30-34 base pairs upstream from the start site of transcription and a putative binding site for members of the C/EBP family of transcription factors was identified immediately upstream from the TATA box. Nuclear extracts prepared from primary adipocytes contained a DNA binding activity capable of avid and specific interaction with the putative C/EBP response element; antibodies to C/EBP alpha neutralized the DNA binding activity present in adipocyte nuclear extracts. When linked to a firefly luciferase reporter and transfected into primary adipocytes, the presumptive promoter of the mouse ob gene facilitated luciferase expression. When transfected into HepG2 cells, which lack C/EBP alpha, the mouse ob promoter was only weakly active. Supplementation of C/EBP alpha by cotransfection with a C/EBP alpha expression vector markedly stimulated luciferase expression. Finally, an ob promoter variant mutated at the C/EBP response element was inactive in both primary adipocytes and HepG2 cells. These observations provide evidence for identification of a functional promoter capable of directing expression of the mouse ob gene.


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These studies were initiated to elucidate the mechanism of DNA nuclear transport in mammalian cells. Biotin- or gold-labeled plasmid and plasmid DNA expression vectors for Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase or firefly luciferase were microinjected into the cytoplasm of primary rat myotubes in culture. Plasmid DNA was expressed in up to 70% of the injected myotubes, which indicates that it entered intact, postmitotic nuclei. The nuclear transport of plasmid DNA occurred through the nuclear pore by a process common to other large karyophilic macromolecules. The majority of the injected plasmid DNA was sequestered by cytoplasmic elements. This understanding of plasmid DNA nuclear transport provides a basis for increasing the efficiency of gene transfer.


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Retinoblastoma cells in culture have previously been shown to express cone-specific genes but not their rod counterparts. We have detected the messages for the rod alpha, beta, and gamma subunits of cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE), the rod alpha subunit of transducin, rod opsin, and the cone alpha' subunit of PDE in RNA of human Y-79 retinoblastoma cells by reverse transcription-PCR. Quantitative analysis of the mRNAs for the rod alpha and cone alpha' PDE subunits revealed that they were expressed at comparable levels; however, the transcript encoding the rod beta PDE subunit was 10 times more abundant in these cells. Northern hybridization analysis of Y-79 cell RNA confirmed the presence of the transcripts for rod and cone PDE catalytic subunits. To test whether the transcriptional machinery required for the expression of rod-specific genes was endogenous in Y-79 retinoblastoma cells, cultures were transfected with a construct containing the promoter region of the rod beta PDE subunit gene attached to the firefly luciferase reporter vector. Significant levels of reporter enzyme activity were observed in the cell lysates. Our results demonstrate that the Y-79 retinoblastoma cell line is a good model system for the study of transcriptional regulation of rod-specific genes.


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Mucosal vascular addressin cell adhesion molecule 1 (MAdCAM-1) is involved in trafficking of lymphocytes to mucosal endothelium. Expression of MAdCAM-1 is induced in the murine endothelial cell line bEnd.3 by tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin 1, and bacterial lipopolysaccharide. Here we show that TNF-alpha enhances expression of a firefly luciferase reporter directed by the MAdCAM-1 promoter, confirming transcriptional regulation of MAdCAM-1. Mutational analysis of the promoter indicates that a DNA fragment extending from nt -132 to nt +6 of the gene is sufficient for TNF-alpha inducibility. Two regulatory sites critical for TNF-alpha induction were identified in this region. DNA-binding experiments demonstrate that NF-kappa B proteins from nuclear extracts of TNF-alpha-stimulated bEnd.3 cells bind to these sites, and transfection assays with promoter mutants of the MAdCAM-1 gene indicate that occupancy of both sites is essential for promoter function. The predominant NF-kappa B binding activity detected with these nuclear extracts is a p65 homodimer. These findings establish that, as with other endothelial cell adhesion molecules, transcriptional induction of MAdCAM-1 by TNF-alpha requires activated NF-kappa B proteins.