16 resultados para Fetal renal regulation

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The progression of animal life from the paleozoic ocean to rivers and diverse econiches on the planet's surface, as well as the subsequent reinvasion of the ocean, involved many different stresses on ionic pattern, osmotic pressure, and volume of the extracellular fluid bathing body cells. The relatively constant ionic pattern of vertebrates reflects a genetic "set" of many regulatory mechanisms--particularly renal regulation. Renal regulation of ionic pattern when loss of fluid from the body is disproportionate relative to the extracellular fluid composition (e.g., gastric juice with vomiting and pancreatic secretion with diarrhea) makes manifest that a mechanism to produce a biologically relatively inactive extracellular anion HCO3- exists, whereas no comparable mechanism to produce a biologically inactive cation has evolved. Life in the ocean, which has three times the sodium concentration of extracellular fluid, involves quite different osmoregulatory stress to that in freshwater. Terrestrial life involves risk of desiccation and, in large areas of the planet, salt deficiency. Mechanisms integrated in the hypothalamus (the evolutionary ancient midbrain) control water retention and facilitate excretion of sodium, and also control the secretion of renin by the kidney. Over and above the multifactorial processes of excretion, hypothalamic sensors reacting to sodium concentration, as well as circumventricular organs sensors reacting to osmotic pressure and angiotensin II, subserve genesis of sodium hunger and thirst. These behaviors spectacularly augment the adaptive capacities of animals. Instinct (genotypic memory) and learning (phenotypic memory) are melded to give specific behavior apt to the metabolic status of the animal. The sensations, compelling emotions, and intentions generated by these vegetative systems focus the issue of the phylogenetic emergence of consciousness and whether primal awareness initially came from the interoreceptors and vegetative systems rather than the distance receptors.


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To discover genes involved in von Hippel-Lindau (VHL)-mediated carcinogenesis, we used renal cell carcinoma cell lines stably transfected with wild-type VHL-expressing transgenes. Large-scale RNA differential display technology applied to these cell lines identified several differentially expressed genes, including an alpha carbonic anhydrase gene, termed CA12. The deduced protein sequence was classified as a one-pass transmembrane CA possessing an apparently intact catalytic domain in the extracellular CA module. Reintroduced wild-type VHL strongly inhibited the overexpression of the CA12 gene in the parental renal cell carcinoma cell lines. Similar results were obtained with CA9, encoding another transmembrane CA with an intact catalytic domain. Although both domains of the VHL protein contribute to regulation of CA12 expression, the elongin binding domain alone could effectively regulate CA9 expression. We mapped CA12 and CA9 loci to chromosome bands 15q22 and 17q21.2 respectively, regions prone to amplification in some human cancers. Additional experiments are needed to define the role of CA IX and CA XII enzymes in the regulation of pH in the extracellular microenvironment and its potential impact on cancer cell growth.


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Production of prostaglandins involved in renal salt and water homeostasis is modulated by regulated expression of the inducible form of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) at restricted sites in the rat renal cortex. Because inflammatory COX-2 is suppressed by glucocorticoids, and prostaglandin levels in the kidney are sensitive to steroids, the sensitivity of COX expression to adrenalectomy (ADX) was investigated. By 2 weeks after ADX in mature rats, cortical COX-2 immunoreactivity increased 10-fold in the cortical thick ascending limb and macula densa. The constitutive isoform, COX-1, was unchanged. The magnitude of the changes and specificity of COX-2 immunoreactivity were validated by in situ hybridization histochemistry of COX-2 mRNA and Western blot analysis. Increased COX-2 activity (>5-fold) was documented by using a specific COX-2 inhibitor. The COX-2 up-regulation in ADX rats was reversed by replacement therapy with either corticosterone or deoxycorticosterone acetate. In normal rats, inhibition of glucocorticoid receptors with RU486 or mineralocorticoid receptors with spironolactone caused up-regulation of renal cortical COX-2. These results indicate that COX-2 expression in situ is tonically inhibited by adrenal steroids, and COX-2 is regulated by mineralocorticoids as well as glucocorticoids.


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Aldosterone-dependent epithelial sodium transport in the distal nephron is mediated by the absorption of sodium through the highly selective, amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) made of three homologous subunits (α, β, and γ). In human, autosomal recessive mutations of α, β, or γENaC subunits cause pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1 (PHA-1), a renal salt-wasting syndrome characterized by severe hypovolemia, high plasma aldosterone, hyponatremia, life-threatening hyperkaliemia, and metabolic acidosis. In the mouse, inactivation of αENaC results in failure to clear fetal lung liquid at birth and in early neonatal death, preventing the observation of a PHA-1 renal phenotype. Transgenic expression of αENaC driven by a cytomegalovirus promoter in αENaC(−/−) knockout mice [αENaC(−/−)Tg] rescued the perinatal lethal pulmonary phenotype and partially restored Na+ transport in renal, colonic, and pulmonary epithelia. At days 5–9, however, αENaC(−/−)Tg mice showed clinical features of severe PHA-1 with metabolic acidosis, urinary salt-wasting, growth retardation, and 50% mortality. Adult αENaC(−/−)Tg survivors exhibited a compensated PHA-1 with normal acid/base and electrolyte values but 6-fold elevation of plasma aldosterone compared with wild-type littermate controls. We conclude that partial restoration of ENaC-mediated Na+ absorption in this transgenic mouse results in a mouse model for PHA-1.


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Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS) causes regression of the fetal Müllerian duct on binding a heteromeric complex of types I and II cell-surface receptors in the fetal urogenital ridge. The MIS type II receptor (MISRII), which provides specificity for MIS, is also expressed in the adult testis, ovary, and uterus. The rat MISRII promoter was cloned to study the molecular mechanisms underlying its temporal and cell-specific expression. The 1.6-kilobase (kb) promoter contained no recognizable TATA or CAAT box, but there was a consensus Sp1 site upstream of the transcription initiation site. Two binding sites for the orphan nuclear receptor steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1) are occupied in vitro by using nuclear extracts from R2C cells, an MIS-responsive rat Leydig cell line that expresses endogenous MISRII, with differing affinities, indicating that the distal SF-1 site is bound more avidly than is the proximal SF-1 site. R2C cells transfected with MISRII promoter/luciferase reporter constructs show a 12-fold induction with the 1.6-kb fragment and deletion of sequences upstream of −282-bp lowered luciferase expression to one-third. Mutation of both SF-1 sites greatly inhibited luciferase expression, whereas mutation of either site alone resulted in continuing activation by endogenous SF-1, indicating redundancy. In vitro binding and transcriptional analyses suggest that a proximal potential Smad-responsive element and an uncharacterized element also contribute to activation of the MISRII gene. R2C cells and MISRII promoter regulation can now be used to uncover endogenous transcription factors responsible for receptor expression or repression.


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The (X;1)(p11;q21) translocation is a recurrent chromosomal abnormality in a subset of human papillary renal cell carcinomas, and is sometimes the sole cytogenetic abnormality present. Via positional cloning, we were able to identify the genes involved. The translocation results in a fusion of the transcription factor TFE3 gene on the X chromosome to a novel gene, designated PRCC, on chromosome 1. Through this fusion, reciprocal translocation products are formed, which are both expressed in papillary renal cell carcinomas. PRCC is ubiquitously expressed in normal adult and fetal tissues and encodes a putative protein of 491 aa with a relatively high content of prolines. No relevant homologies with known sequences at either the DNA or the protein level were found.


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The classically recognized functions of the renin–angiotensin system are mediated by type 1 (AT1) angiotensin receptors. Whereas man possesses a single AT1 receptor, there are two AT1 receptor isoforms in rodents (AT1A and AT1B) that are products of separate genes (Agtr1a and Agtr1b). We have generated mice lacking AT1B (Agtr1b −/−) and both AT1A and AT1B receptors (Agtr1a −/−Agtr1b −/−). Agtr1b −/− mice are healthy, without an abnormal phenotype. In contrast, Agtr1a −/−Agtr1b −/− mice have diminished growth, vascular thickening within the kidney, and atrophy of the inner renal medulla. This phenotype is virtually identical to that seen in angiotensinogen-deficient (Agt−/−) and angiotensin-converting enzyme-deficient (Ace −/−) mice that are unable to synthesize angiotensin II. Agtr1a −/−Agtr1b −/− mice have no systemic pressor response to infusions of angiotensin II, but they respond normally to another vasoconstrictor, epinephrine. Blood pressure is reduced substantially in the Agtr1a −/− Agtr1b −/− mice and following administration of an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, their blood pressure increases paradoxically. We suggest that this is a result of interruption of AT2-receptor signaling. In summary, our studies suggest that both AT1 receptors promote somatic growth and maintenance of normal kidney structure. The absence of either of the AT1 receptor isoforms alone can be compensated in varying degrees by the other isoform. These studies reaffirm and extend the importance of AT1 receptors to mediate physiological functions of the renin–angiotensin system.


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Hypertension is a leading cause of cardiovascular, cerebral, and renal disease morbidity and mortality. Here we show that disruption of the Cyp 4a14 gene causes hypertension, which is, like most human hypertension, more severe in males. Male Cyp 4a14 (−/−) mice show increases in plasma androgens, kidney Cyp 4a12 expression, and the formation of prohypertensive 20-hydroxyarachidonate. Castration normalizes the blood pressure of Cyp 4a14 (−/−) mice and minimizes Cyp 4a12 expression and arachidonate ω-hydroxylation. Androgen replacement restores hypertensive phenotype, Cyp 4a12 expression, and 20-hydroxy-arachidonate formation. We conclude that the androgen-mediated regulation of Cyp 4a arachidonate monooxygenases is an important component of the renal mechanisms that control systemic blood pressures. These results provide direct evidence for a role of Cyp 4a isoforms in cardiovascular physiology, establish Cyp 4a14 (−/−) mice as a monogenic model for the study of cause/effect relationships between blood pressure, sex hormones, and P450 ω-hydroxylases, and suggest the human CYP 4A homologues as candidate genes for the analysis of the genetic and molecular basis of human hypertension.


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Globin genes are subject to tissue-specific and developmental stage-specific regulation. A switch from human fetal (gamma)-to adult (beta)-globin expression occurs within erythroid precursor cells of the adult lineage. Previously we and others showed by targeted gene disruption that the zinc finger gene, erythroid Krüppel-like factor (EKLF), is required for expression of the beta-globin gene in mice, presumably through interaction with a high-affinity binding site in the proximal promoter. To examine the role of EKLF in the developmental regulation of the human gamma-globin gene we interbred EKLF heterozygotes (+/-) with mice harboring a human beta-globin yeast artificial chromosome transgene. We find that in the absence of EKLF, while human beta-globin expression is dramatically reduced, gamma-globin transcripts are elevated approximately 5-fold. Impaired silencing of gamma-globin expression identifies EKLF as the first transcription factor participating quantitatively in the gamma-globin to beta-globin switch. Our findings are compatible with a competitive model of switching in which EKLF mediates an adult stage-specific interaction between the beta-globin gene promoter and the locus control region that excludes the gamma-globin gene.


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The VHL tumor suppressor gene is inactivated in patients with von Hippel-Lindau disease and in most sporadic clear cell renal carcinomas. Although VHL protein function remains unclear, VHL does interact with the elongin BC subunits in vivo and regulates RNA polymerase II elongation activity in vitro by inhibiting formation of the elongin ABC complex. Expression of wild-type VHL in renal carcinoma cells with inactivated endogenous VHL resulted in unaltered in vitro cell growth and decreased vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mRNA expression and responsiveness to serum deprivation. VEGF is highly expressed in many tumors, including VHL-associated and sporadic renal carcinomas, and it stimulates neoangiogenesis in growing solid tumors. Despite 5-fold differences in VEGF mRNA levels, VHL overexpression did not affect VEGF transcription initiation or elongation as would have been suggested by VHL-elongin association. These results suggest that VHL regulates VEGF expression at a post-transcriptional level and that VHL inactivation in target cells causes a loss of VEGF suppression, leading to formation of a vascular stroma.


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Inactivation of the von Hippel-Lindau protein (pVHL) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of renal carcinomas and central nervous system hemangioblastomas. These are highly vascular tumors which overproduce angiogenic peptides such as vascular endothelial growth factor/vascular permeability factor (VEGF/VPF). Renal carcinoma cells lacking wild-type pVHL were found to produce mRNAs encoding VEGF/VPF, the glucose transporter GLUT1, and the platelet-derived growth factor B chain under both normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Reintroduction of wild-type, but not mutant, pVHL into these cells specifically inhibited the production of these mRNAs under normoxic conditions, thus restoring their previously described hypoxia-inducible profile. Thus, pVHL appears to play a critical role in the transduction of signals generated by changes in ambient oxygen tension.


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Na+-phosphate (Pi) cotransport across the renal brush border membrane is the rate limiting step in the overall reabsorption of filtered Pi. Murine and human renal-specific cDNAs (NaPi-7 and NaPi-3, respectively) related to this cotransporter activity (type II Na+-Pi cotransporter) have been cloned. We now report the cloning and characterization of the corresponding mouse (Npt2) and human (NPT2) genes. The genes were cloned by screening mouse genomic and human chromosome 5-specific libraries, respectively. Both genes are approximately 16 kb and are comprised of 13 exons and 12 introns, the junctions of which conform to donor and acceptor site consensus sequences. Putative CAAT and TATA boxes are located, respectively, at positions -147 and -40 of the Npt2 gene and -143 and -51 of the NPT2 gene, relative to nucleotide 1 of the corresponding cDNAs. The translation initiation site is within exon 2 of both genes. The first 220 bp of the mouse and human promoter regions exhibit 72% identity. Two transcription start sites (at positions -9 and - 10 with respect to nucleotide 1 of NaPi-7 cDNA) and two polyadenylylation signals were identified in the Npt2 gene by primer extension, 5' and 3' rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). A 484-bp 5' flanking region of the Npt2 gene, comprising the CAAT box, TATA box, and exon 1, was cloned upstream of a luciferase reporter gene; this construct significantly stimulated luciferase gene expression, relative to controls, when transiently transfected into OK cells, a renal cell line expressing type II Na+ -Pi cotransporter activity. The present data provide a basis for detailed analysis of cis and trans elements involved in the regulation of Npt2/NPT2 gene transcription and facilitate screening for mutations in the NPT2 gene in patients with autosomally inherited disorders of renal Pi reabsorption.


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Polycystic kidney disease 1 (PKD1) is the major locus of the common genetic disorder autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. We have studied PKD1 mRNA, with an RNase protection assay, and found widespread expression in adult tissue, with high levels in brain and moderate signal in kidney. Expression of the PKD1 protein, polycystin, was assessed in kidney using monoclonal antibodies to a recombinant protein containing the C terminus of the molecule. In fetal and adult kidney, staining is restricted to epithelial cells. Expression in the developing nephron is most prominent in mature tubules, with lesser staining in Bowman's capsule and the proximal ureteric bud. In the nephrogenic zone, detectable signal was observed in comma- and S-shaped bodies as well as the distal branches of the ureteric bud. By contrast, uninduced mesenchyme and glomerular tufts showed no staining. In later fetal (>20 weeks) and adult kidney, strong staining persists in cortical tubules with moderate staining detected in the loops of Henle and collecting ducts. These results suggest that polycystin's major role is in the maintenance of renal epithelial differentiation and organization from early fetal life. Interestingly, polycystin expression, monitored at the mRNA level and by immunohistochemistry, appears higher in cystic epithelia, indicating that the disease does not result from complete loss of the protein.


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Liddle syndrome is a mendelian form of hypertension characterized by constitutively elevated renal Na reabsorption that can result from activating mutations in the beta or gamma subunit of the epithelial Na channel. All reported mutations have deleted the last 45-76 normal amino acids from the cytoplasmic C terminus of one of these channel subunits. While these findings implicate these terminal segments in the normal negative regulation of channel activity, they do not identify the amino acid residues that are critical targets for these mutations. Potential targets include the short highly conserved Pro-rich segments present in the C terminus of beta and gamma subunits; these segments are similar to SH3-binding domains that mediate protein-protein interaction. We now report a kindred with Liddle syndrome in which affected patients have a mutation in codon 616 of the beta subunit resulting in substitution of a Leu for one of these highly conserved Pro residues. The functional significance of this mutation is demonstrated both by the finding that this is a de novo mutation appearing concordantly with the appearance of Liddle syndrome in the kindred and also by the marked activation of amiloride-sensitive Na channel activity seen in Xenopus oocytes expressing channels containing this mutant subunit (8.8-fold increase compared with control oocytes expressing normal channel subunits; P = 0.003). These findings demonstrate a de novo missense mutation causing Liddle syndrome and identify a critical channel residue important for the normal regulation of Na reabsorption in humans.


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Chronic rejection, the most important cause of long-term graft failure, is thought to result from both alloantigen-dependent and -independent factors. To examine these influences, cytokine dynamics were assessed by semiquantitative competitive reverse transcriptase-PCR and by immunohistology in an established rat model of chronic rejection lf renal allografts. Isograft controls develop morphologic and immunohistologic changes that are similar to renal allograft changes, although quantitatively less intense and at a delayed speed; these are thought to occur secondary to antigen-independent events. Sequential cytokine expression was determined throughout the process. During an early reversible allograft rejection episode, both T-cell associated [interleukin (IL) 2, IL-2 receptor, IL-4, and interferon gamma] and macrophage (IL-1 alpha, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and IL-6) products were up-regulated despite transient immunosuppression. RANTES (regulated upon activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted) peaked at 2 weeks; intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM-1) was maximally expressed at 6 weeks. Macrophage products such as monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP-1) increased dramatically (to 10 times), presaging intense peak macrophage infiltration at 16 weeks. In contrast, in isografts, ICAM-1 peaked at 24 weeks. MCP-1 was maximally expressed at 52 weeks, commensurate with a progressive increase in infiltrating macrophages. Cytokine expression in the spleen of allograft and isograft recipients was insignificant. We conclude that chronic rejection of kidney allografts in rats is predominantly a local macrophage-dependent event with intense up-regulation of macrophage products such as MCP-1, IL-6, and inducible nitric oxide synthase. The cytokine expression in isografts emphasizes the contribution of antigen-independent events. The dynamics of RANTES expression between early and late phases of chronic rejection suggest a key role in mediating the events of the chronic process.