10 resultados para Fertilization of plants by insects

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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In this paper, we report direct measurement of an influx of extracellular Ca2+ induced by gamete fusion in flowering plants. This result was obtained during maize in vitro fertilization with the use of an extracellular Ca2+-selective vibrating probe. Ca2+ influx recorded at the surface of isolated egg cells, with or without adhesion of a male sperm cell, was close to zero and stable over time. Gamete fusion, however, triggered a Ca2+ influx in the vicinity of the sperm entry site with a delay of 1.8 ± 0.6 sec. The Ca2+ influx spread subsequently through the whole egg cell plasma membrane as a wavefront, progressing at an estimated rate of 1.13 μm⋅sec−1. Once established, Ca2+ influx intensities were sustained, monotonic and homogeneous over the whole egg cell, with an average peak influx of 14.92 pmol⋅cm−2⋅sec−1 and an average duration of 24.4 min. The wavefront spread of channel activation correlates well with the cytological modifications induced by fertilization, such as egg cell contraction, and with the cytosolic Ca2+ (c[Ca2+]) elevation previously reported. Calcium influx was inhibited effectively by gadolinium, possibly implicating mechanosensitive channels. Furthermore, artificial influxes created by incubation with Ca2+ ionophores mimicked some aspects of egg activation. Taken together, these results suggest that, during fertilization in higher plants, gamete membrane fusion starts the first embryonic events by channel opening and Ca2+ influx. In turn, c[Ca2+] may work as a trigger and possibly a space and time coordinator of many aspects of egg activation.


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In transgenic and nontransgenic plants, viruses are both initiators and targets of a defense mechanism that is similar to posttranscriptional gene silencing (PTGS). Recently, it was found that potyviruses and cucumoviruses encode pathogenicity determinants that suppress this defense mechanism. Here, we test diverse virus types for the ability to suppress PTGS. Nicotiana benthamiana exhibiting PTGS of a green fluorescent protein transgene were infected with a range of unrelated viruses and various potato virus X vectors producing viral pathogenicity factors. Upon infection, suppression of PTGS was assessed in planta through reactivation of green fluorescence and confirmed by molecular analysis. These experiments led to the identification of three suppressors of PTGS and showed that suppression of PTGS is widely used as a counter-defense strategy by DNA and RNA viruses. However, the spatial pattern and degree of suppression varied extensively between viruses. At one extreme, there are viruses that suppress in all tissues of all infected leaves, whereas others are able to suppress only in the veins of new emerging leaves. This variation existed even between closely related members of the potexvirus group. Collectively, these results suggest that virus-encoded suppressors of gene silencing have distinct modes of action, are targeted against distinct components of the host gene-silencing machinery, and that there is dynamic evolution of the host and viral components associated with the gene-silencing mechanism.


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The ability to induce galls on plants has evolved independently in many insect orders, but the adaptive significance and evolutionary consequences of gall induction are still largely unknown. We studied these questions by analyzing the concentrations of various plant defense compounds in willow leaves and sawfly galls. We found that the galls are probably nutritionally beneficial for the sawfly larvae, because the concentrations of most defensive phenolics are substantially lower in gall interiors than in leaves. More importantly, changes in chemistry occur in a similar coordinated pattern in all studied willow species, which suggests that the insects control the phenolic biosynthesis in their hosts. The resulting convergence of the chemical properties of the galls both within and between host species indicates that the role of plant chemistry in the evolution of host shifts may be fundamentally less significant in gallers than in other phytophagous insects.


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Extracellular invertase mediates phloem unloading via an apoplastic pathway. The gene encoding isoenzyme Nin88 from tobacco was cloned and shown to be characterized by a specific spatial and temporal expression pattern. Tissue-specific antisense repression of Nin88 under control of the corresponding promoter in tobacco results in a block during early stages of pollen development, thus, causing male sterility. This result demonstrates a critical role of extracellular invertase in pollen development and strongly supports the essential function of extracellular sucrose cleavage for supplying carbohydrates to sink tissues via the apoplast. The specific interference with phloem unloading, the sugar status, and metabolic signaling during pollen formation will be a potentially valuable approach to induce male sterility in various crop species for hybrid seed production.


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Bacterial pathogens of both animals and plants use type III secretion machines to inject virulence proteins into host cells. Although many components of the secretion machinery are conserved among different bacterial species, the substrates for their type III pathways are not. The Yersinia type III machinery recognizes some secretion substrates via a signal that is encoded within the first 15 codons of yop mRNA. These signals can be altered by frameshift mutations without affecting secretion of the encoded polypeptides, suggesting a mechanism whereby translation of yop mRNA is coupled to the translocation of newly synthesized polypeptide. We report that the type III machinery of Erwinia chrysanthemi cloned in Escherichia coli recognizes the secretion signals of yopE and yopQ. Pseudomonas syringae AvrB and AvrPto, two proteins exported by the recombinant Erwinia machine, can also be secreted by the Yersinia type III pathway. Mapping AvrPto sequences sufficient for the secretion of reporter fusions in Yersinia revealed the presence of an mRNA secretion signal. We propose that 11 conserved components of type III secretion machines may recognize signals that couple mRNA translation to polypeptide secretion.


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The incorporation of [1-13C]- and [2,3,4,5-13C4]1-deoxy-d-xylulose into β-carotene, lutein, phytol, and sitosterol in a cell culture of Catharanthus roseus was analyzed by NMR spectroscopy. The labeling patterns of the isoprene precursors, isopentenyl pyrophosphate and dimethylallyl pyrophosphate, were obtained from the terpenes by a retrobiosynthetic approach. 13C Enrichment and 13C13C coupling patterns showed conclusively that 1-deoxy-d-xylulose and not mevalonate is the predominant isoprenoid precursor of phytol, β-carotene, and lutein. Label from 1-deoxyxylulose was also diverted to phytosterols to a minor extent (6% relative to carotene and phytol formation). The data demonstrate that the formation of isopentenyl pyrophosphate from pentulose occurs strictly by an intramolecular rearrangement process.


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We describe a conserved family of bacterial gene products that includes the VirB1 virulence factor encoded by tumor-inducing plasmids of Agrobacterium spp., proteins involved in conjugative DNA transfer of broad-host-range bacterial plasmids, and gene products that may be involved in invasion by Shigella spp. and Salmonella enterica. Sequence analysis and structural modeling show that the proteins in this group are related to chicken egg white lysozyme and are likely to adopt a lysozyme-like structural fold. Based on their similarity to lysozyme, we predict that these proteins have glycosidase activity. Iterative data base searches with three conserved sequence motifs from this protein family detect a more distant relationship to bacterial and bacteriophage lytic transglycosylases, and goose egg white lysozyme. Two acidic residues in the VirB1 protein of Agrobacterium tumefaciens form a putative catalytic dyad, Each of these residues was changed into the corresponding amide by site-directed mutagenesis. Strains of A. tumefaciens that express mutated VirB1 proteins have a significantly reduced virulence. We hypothesize that many bacterial proteins involved in export of macromolecules belong to a widespread class of hydrolases and cleave beta-1,4-glycosidic bonds as part of their function.


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Despite the critical role that terrestrial vegetation plays in the Earth's carbon cycle, very little is known about the potential evolutionary responses of plants to anthropogenically induced increases in concentrations of atmospheric CO2. We present experimental evidence that rising CO2 concentration may have a direct impact on the genetic composition and diversity of plant populations but is unlikely to result in selection favoring genotypes that exhibit increased productivity in a CO2-enriched atmosphere. Experimental populations of an annual plant (Abutilon theophrasti, velvetleaf) and a temperate forest tree (Betula alleghaniensis, yellow birch) displayed responses to increased CO2 that were both strongly density-dependent and genotype-specific. In competitive stands, a higher concentration of CO2 resulted in pronounced shifts in genetic composition, even though overall CO2-induced productivity enhancements were small. For the annual species, quantitative estimates of response to selection under competition were 3 times higher at the elevated CO2 level. However, genotypes that displayed the highest growth responses to CO2 when grown in the absence of competition did not have the highest fitness in competitive stands. We suggest that increased CO2 intensified interplant competition and that selection favored genotypes with a greater ability to compete for resources other than CO2. Thus, while increased CO2 may enhance rates of selection in populations of competing plants, it is unlikely to result in the evolution of increased CO2 responsiveness or to operate as an important feedback in the global carbon cycle. However, the increased intensity of selection and drift driven by rising CO2 levels may have an impact on the genetic diversity in plant populations.


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Genetic resistance in plants to root diseases is rare, and agriculture depends instead on practices such as crop rotation and soil fumigation to control these diseases. "Induced suppression" is a natural phenomenon whereby a soil due to microbiological changes converts from conducive to suppressive to a soilborne pathogen during prolonged monoculture of the susceptible host. Our studies have focused on the wheat root disease "take-all," caused by the fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, and the role of bacteria in the wheat rhizosphere (rhizobacteria) in a well-documented induced suppression (take-all decline) that occurs in response to the disease and continued monoculture of wheat. The results summarized herein show that antibiotic production plays a significant role in both plant defense by and ecological competence of rhizobacteria. Production of phenazine and phloroglucinol antibiotics, as examples, account for most of the natural defense provided by fluorescent Pseudomonas strains isolated from among the diversity of rhizobacteria associated with take-all decline. There appear to be at least three levels of regulation of genes for antibiotic biosynthesis: environmental sensing, global regulation that ties antibiotic production to cellular metabolism, and regulatory loci linked to genes for pathway enzymes. Plant defense by rhizobacteria producing antibiotics on roots and as cohabitants with pathogens in infected tissues is analogous to defense by the plant's production of phytoalexins, even to the extent that an enzyme of the same chalcone/stilbene synthase family used to produce phytoalexins is used to produce 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol. The defense strategy favored by selection pressure imposed on plants by soilborne pathogens may well be the ability of plants to support and respond to rhizosphere microorganisms antagonistic to these pathogens.


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Flowering plants require light for chlorophyll synthesis. Early studies indicated that the dependence on light for greening stemmed in part from the light-dependent reduction of the chlorophyll intermediate protochlorophyllide to the product chlorophyllide. Light-dependent reduction of protochlorophyllide by flowering plants is contrasted by the ability of nonflowering plants, algae, and photosynthetic bacteria to reduce protochlorophyllide and, hence, synthesize (bacterio) chlorophyll in the dark. In this report, we functionally complemented a light-independent protochlorophyllide reductase mutant of the eubacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus with an expression library composed of genomic DNA from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. The complemented R. capsulatus strain is capable of synthesizing bacteriochlorophyll in the light, thereby indicating that a chlorophyll biosynthesis enzyme can function in the bacteriochlorophyll biosynthetic pathway. However, under dark growth conditions the complemented R. capsulatus strain fails to synthesize bacteriochlorophyll and instead accumulates protochlorophyllide. Sequence analysis demonstrates that the complementing Synechocystis genomic DNA fragment exhibits a high degree of sequence identity (53-56%) with light-dependent protochlorophyllide reductase enzymes found in plants. The observation that a plant-type, light-dependent protochlorophyllide reductase enzyme exists in a cyanobacterium indicates that light-dependent protochlorophyllide reductase evolved before the advent of eukaryotic photosynthesis. As such, this enzyme did not arise to fulfill a function necessitated either by the endosymbiotic evolution of the chloroplast or by multicellularity; rather, it evolved to fulfill a fundamentally cell-autonomous role.