27 resultados para FOLLICULAR LYMPHOMA

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Rearrangement of chromosomal bands 1q21–23 is one of the most frequent chromosomal aberrations observed in hematological malignancy. The genes affected by these rearrangements remain poorly characterized. Typically, 1q21–23 rearrangements arise during tumor evolution and accompany disease-specific chromosomal rearrangements such as t(14;18) (BCL2) and t(8;14) (MYC), where they are thus thought to play an important role in tumor progression. The pathogenetic basis of this 1q21–23-associated disease progression is currently unknown. In this setting, we surveyed our series of follicular lymphoma for evidence of recurring 1q21–23 breaks and identified three cases in which a t(14;18)(q32;q21) was accompanied by a novel balanced t(1;22)(q22;q11). Molecular cloning of the t(1;22) in a cell line (B593) derived from one of these cases and detailed fluorescent in situ hybridization mapping in the two remaining cases identified the FCGR2B gene, which encodes the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motif-bearing IgG Fc receptor, FcγRIIB, as the target gene of the t(1;22)(q22;q11). We demonstrate deregulation of FCGR2B leading to hyperexpression of FcγRIIb2 as the principal consequence of the t(1;22). This is evidence that IgG Fc receptors can be targets for deregulation through chromosomal translocation in lymphoma. It suggests that dysregulation of FCGR2B may play a role in tumor progression in follicular lymphoma.


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The BCL6 gene encodes a zinc-finger transcription factor and is altered by chromosomal arrangements in its 5' noncoding region in approximately 30% of diffuse large-cell lymphoma (DLCL). We report here that, in 22/30 (73%) DLCL and 7/15 (47%) follicular lymphoma (FL), but not in other tumor types, the BCL6 gene is also altered by multiple (1.4 x 10(-3) -1.6 x 10(-2) per bp), often biallelic, mutations clustering in its 5' noncoding region. These mutations are of somatic origin and are found in cases displaying either normal or rearranged BLC6 alleles indicating their independence from chromosomal rearrangements and linkage to immunoglobulin genes. These alterations identify a mechanism of genetic instability in malignant B cells and may have been selected during lymphomagenesis for their role in altering BCL6 expression.


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In the tumor-bearing host, T cells invariably fail to induce a clinically significant antitumor immune response. Although model systems support the existence of tumor peptide antigens, the molecular interactions critical for antigen presentation by the tumor cell remain unresolved. Here, we demonstrate that human follicular lymphoma cells are highly inefficient at presenting alloantigen despite their strong expression of major histocompatibility complex and low-to-intermediate expression of some adhesion and B7 costimulatory molecules. Activation of follicular lymphoma cells via CD40 induces or up-regulates both adhesion and B7 costimulatory molecules essential to repair this defect. More importantly, once primed, alloreactive T cells efficiently recognize unstimulated follicular lymphoma cells. Thus, correction of defective tumor immunity requires not only expression of major histocompatibility complex but also sufficient expression of multiple adhesion and costimulatory molecules.


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Follicular dendritic cells (FDC) provide a reservoir for HIV type 1 (HIV-1) that may reignite infection if highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) is withdrawn before virus on FDC is cleared. To estimate the treatment time required to eliminate HIV-1 on FDC, we develop deterministic and stochastic models for the reversible binding of HIV-1 to FDC via ligand–receptor interactions and examine the consequences of reducing the virus available for binding to FDC. Analysis of these models shows that the rate at which HIV-1 dissociates from FDC during HAART is biphasic, with an initial period of rapid decay followed by a period of slower exponential decay. The speed of the slower second stage of dissociation and the treatment time required to eradicate the FDC reservoir of HIV-1 are insensitive to the number of virions bound and their degree of attachment to FDC before treatment. In contrast, the expected time required for dissociation of an individual virion from FDC varies sensitively with the number of ligands attached to the virion that are available to interact with receptors on FDC. Although most virions may dissociate from FDC on the time scale of days to weeks, virions coupled to a higher-than-average number of ligands may persist on FDC for years. This result suggests that HAART may not be able to clear all HIV-1 trapped on FDC and that, even if clearance is possible, years of treatment will be required.


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Ataxia telangiectasia (AT) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by growth retardation, cerebellar ataxia, oculocutaneous telangiectasias, and a high incidence of lymphomas and leukemias. In addition, AT patients are sensitive to ionizing radiation. Atm-deficient mice recapitulate most of the AT phenotype. p21cip1/waf1 (p21 hereafter), an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases, has been implicated in cellular senescence and response to γ-radiation-induced DNA damage. To study the role of p21 in ATM-mediated signal transduction pathways, we examined the combined effect of the genetic loss of atm and p21 on growth control, radiation sensitivity, and tumorigenesis. As might have been expected, our data provide evidence that p21 modifies the in vitro senescent response seen in AT fibroblasts. Further, it is a downstream effector of ATM-mediated growth control. In addition, however, we find that loss of p21 in the context of an atm-deficient mouse leads to a delay in thymic lymphomagenesis and an increase in acute radiation sensitivity in vivo (the latter principally because of effects on the gut epithelium). Modification of these two crucial aspects of the ATM phenotype can be related to an apparent increase in spontaneous apoptosis seen in tumor cells and in the irradiated intestinal epithelium of mice doubly null for atm and p21. Thus, loss of p21 seems to contribute to tumor suppression by a mechanism that operates via a sensitized apoptotic response. These results have implications for cancer therapy in general and AT patients in particular.


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The hair follicle cycle successively goes through the anagen, catagen, telogen, and latency phases, which correspond, respectively, to hair growth, arrest, shedding, and absence before a new anagen phase is initiated. Experimental observations collected over a period of 14 years in a group of 10 male volunteers, alopecic and nonalopecic, allowed us to determine the characteristics of scalp hair follicle cycles. On the basis of these observations, we propose a follicular automaton model to simulate the dynamics of human hair cycles. The automaton model is defined by a set of rules that govern the stochastic transitions of each follicle between the successive states anagen, telogen, and latency, and the subsequent return to anagen. The transitions occur independently for each follicle, after time intervals given stochastically by a distribution characterized by a mean and a variance. The follicular automaton model accounts both for the dynamical transitions observed in a single follicle and for the behavior of an ensemble of independently cycling follicles. Thus, the model successfully reproduces the evolution of the fractions of follicle populations in each of the three phases, which fluctuate around steady-state or slowly drifting values. We apply the follicular automaton model to the study of spatial patterns of follicular growth that result from a spatially heterogeneous distribution of parameters such as the mean duration of anagen phase. When considering that follicles die or miniaturize after going through a critical number of successive cycles, the model can reproduce the evolution to hair patterns similar to well known types of diffuse or androgenetic alopecia.


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Drug treatment of HIV type 1 (HIV-1) infection leads to a rapid initial decay of plasma virus followed by a slower second phase of decay. To investigate the role of HIV-1 retained on follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) in this process, we have developed and analyzed a mathematical model for HIV-1 dynamics in lymphoid tissue (LT) that includes FDCs. Analysis of clinical data using this model indicates that decay of HIV-1 during therapy may be influenced by release of FDC-associated virus. The biphasic character of viral decay can be explained by reversible multivalent binding of HIV-1 to receptors on FDCs, indicating that the second phase of decay is not necessarily caused by long-lived or latently infected cells. Furthermore, viral clearance and death of short-lived productively infected cells may be faster than previously estimated. The model, with reasonable parameter values, is consistent with kinetic measurements of viral RNA in plasma, viral RNA on FDCs, productively infected cells in LT, and CD4+ T cells in LT during therapy.


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Human T cell leukemia/lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) induces adult T cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL). The mechanism of HTLV-I oncogenesis in T cells remains partly elusive. In vitro, HTLV-I induces ligand-independent transformation of human CD4+ T cells, an event that correlates with acquisition of constitutive phosphorylation of Janus kinases (JAK) and signal transducers and activators of transcription (STAT) proteins. However, it is unclear whether the in vitro model of HTLV-I transformation has relevance to viral leukemogenesis in vivo. Here we tested the status of JAK/STAT phosphorylation and DNA-binding activity of STAT proteins in cell extracts of uncultured leukemic cells from 12 patients with ATLL by either DNA-binding assays, using DNA oligonucleotides specific for STAT-1 and STAT-3, STAT-5 and STAT-6 or, more directly, by immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting with anti-phosphotyrosine antibody for JAK and STAT proteins. Leukemic cells from 8 of 12 patients studied displayed constitutive DNA-binding activity of one or more STAT proteins, and the constitutive activation of the JAK/STAT pathway was found to persist over time in the 2 patients followed longitudinally. Furthermore, an association between JAK3 and STAT-1, STAT-3, and STAT-5 activation and cell-cycle progression was demonstrated by both propidium iodide staining and bromodeoxyuridine incorporation in cells of four patients tested. These results imply that JAK/STAT activation is associated with replication of leukemic cells and that therapeutic approaches aimed at JAK/STAT inhibition may be considered to halt neoplastic growth.


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Objective: To analyse the cost effectiveness of a national programme to screen blood donors for infection with the human T cell leukaemia/lymphoma virus.


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SJL mice spontaneously develop pre-B-cell lymphoma that we hypothesized might stimulate macrophages to produce nitric oxide (NO.). Transplantation of an aggressive lymphoma (RcsX) was used to induce tumor formation. Urinary nitrate excretion was measured as an index of NO. production and was found to increase 50-fold by 13 days after tumor injection. NO. production was prevented by the addition of a nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor. The expression of inducible NOS (iNOS) in various tissues was estimated by Western blot analysis and localized by immunohistochemistry. The synthase was detected in the spleen, lymph nodes, and liver of treated but not control mice. To assess whether the iNOS-staining cells were macrophages, spleen sections from ResX-bearing animals were costained with anti-iNOS antibody and the anti-macrophage antibody moma-2. Expression of iNOS was found to be limited to a subset of the macrophage population. The concentration of gamma-interferon, a cytokine known to induce NO. production by macrophages, in the serum of tumor-bearing mice, was measured and found to be elevated 25-fold above untreated mice. The ability of ResX-activated macrophages to inhibit splenocyte growth in primary culture was estimated and macrophage-derived NO. was found to inhibit cell division 10-fold. Our findings demonstrate that ResX cells stimulate NO. production by macrophages in the spleen and lymph nodes of SJL mice, and we believe this experimental model will prove useful for study of the toxicological effects of NO. under physiological conditions.