7 resultados para FEMALE-BIASED SEX RATIO

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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When the relative fitness of sons and daughters differs, sex-allocation theory predicts that it would be adaptive for individuals to adjust their investment in different sexes of offspring. Sex ratio adjustment by females in response to the sexual attractiveness of their mate would be an example of this. In vertebrates the existence of this form of sex ratio adjustment is controversial and may be confounded with sex-biased mortality, particularly in sexually size-dimorphic species. Here we use PCR amplification of a conserved W-chromosome-linked gene to show that the sex ratio within broods of a natural population of sexually size-monomorphic collared flycatchers Ficedula albicollis is related to the size of their father's forehead patch, a heritable secondary sexual character implicated in female choice. Experimental manipulations of paternal investment, which influence the size of his character in future breeding attempts, result in corresponding changes in the sex ratio of offspring born to males in those breeding attempts. In contrast, manipulations of maternal investment have no effect on future sex ratios, and there is no relationship between variables predicting the reproductive value of the brood and nestling sex ratio. Analysis of recruitment of offspring reveals similar patterns of sex ratio bias. The results suggest that female collared flycatchers be able to adjust the sex ratio of eggs ovulated in response to the phenotype of their mate. This finding is most consistent with "genetic quality" models of sexual selection.


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The double sex gene (dsx) encodes two proteins, DSX(M) and DSX(F), that regulate sex-specific transcription in Drosophila. These proteins bind target sites in DNA from which the male-specific DSX(M) represses and the female-specific DSX(F) activates transcription of yolk protein (Yp) genes. We investigated the physical properties of these DSX proteins, which are identical in their amino-terminal 397 residues but are entirely different in their carboxyl-terminal sequences (DSX(F), 30 amino acids; DSX(M), 152 amino acids). DSX(M) and DSX(F) were overexpressed in cultured insect cells and purified to near homogeneity. Gel filtration chromatography and glycerol gradient sedimentation showed that at low concentrations both proteins are dimers of highly asymmetrical shape. The axial ratios are approximately 18:1 (DSX(M), 860 X 48 angstroms; DSX(F), 735 X 43 angstroms). At higher concentrations, the proteins form tetramers. Through use of a novel, double crosslinking assay (protein-DNA plus protein-protein), we demonstrated that a DNA regulatory site binds to both monomers of the DSX dimer and to only two monomers of the tetramer. Furthermore, binding another DNA molecule to what we presume is the second and identical site in the tetramer dramatically shifts the equilibrium from tetramers to dimers. These oligomerization and DNA binding properties are indistinguishable between the male and female proteins.


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The genetic relationships of colony members in the ant Myrmica tahoensis were determined on the basis of highly polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci. These analyses show that colonies fall into one of two classes. In roughly half of the sampled colonies, workers and female offspring appear to be full sisters. The remaining colonies contain offspring produced by two or more queens. Colonies that produce female sexuals are always composed of highly related females, while colonies that produce males often show low levels of nestmate relatedness. These results support theoretical predictions that workers should skew sex allocation in response to relatedness asymmetries found within colonies. The existence of a relatedness threshold below which female sexuals are not produced suggests a possible mechanism for worker perception of relatedness. Two results indicate that workers use genetic cues, not queen number, in making sex-allocation decisions. (i) The number of queens in a colony was not significantly correlated with either the level of relatedness asymmetry or the sex ratio. (ii) Sex-ratio shifts consistent with a genetically based mechanism of relatedness assessment were seen in an experiment involving transfers of larvae among unrelated nests. Thus workers appear to make sex-allocation decisions on the basis of larval cues and appear to be able to adjust sex ratios long after egg laying.


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In ciliate protists, sex involves the temporary joining of two cells of compatible mating type, followed by meiosis and exchange of gametic nuclei between conjugants. Reproduction is by asexual binary fission following conjugation. For the many ciliates with fixed multiple mating types, frequency-dependent sex-ratio theory predicts equal frequencies of mating types, if sex is common in nature. Here, we report that in natural populations of Tetrahymena thermophila sexually immature cells, indicative of recent conjugation, are found from spring through fall. In addition, the seven mating types occur in approximately equal frequencies, and these frequencies appear to be maintained by interaction between complex, multiple mat alleles and environmental conditions during conjugation. Such genotype-environment interaction determining mating type frequency is rare among ciliates.


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We earlier described three lines of sex-reversed XY female mice deleted for sequences believed close to the testes-determining gene (Sry) on the Y chromosome short arm (Yp). The original sex-reversed females appeared among the offspring of XY males that carried the Yp duplication Sxr on their X chromosome. Earlier cytogenetic observations had suggested that the deletions resulted from asymmetrical meiotic recombination between the Y and the homologous Sxr region, but no direct evidence for this hypothesis was available. We have now analyzed the offspring of XSxr/Y males carrying an evolutionarily divergent Mus musculus domesticus Y chromosome, which permits detection and characterization of such recombination events. This analysis has enabled the derivation of a recombination map of Yp and Sxr, also demonstrating the orientation of Yp with respect to the Y centromere. The mapping data have established that Rbm, the murine homologue of a gene family cloned from the human Y chromosome, lies between Sry and the centromere. Analysis of two additional XY female lines shows that asymmetrical Yp-Sxr recombination leading to XY female sex reversal results in deletion of Rbm sequences. The deletions bring Sry closer to Y centromere, consistent with the hypothesis that position-effect inactivation of Sry is the basis for the sex reversal.


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Female moths often become depleted of sex pheromone after mating as the various components of virgin behavior are switched off. In examining a potential male contribution to these events in the corn earworm moth Helicoverpa zea, we have characterized a basic polypeptide from the tissues producing (accessory glands) and storing (duplex) the seminal fluids. The peptide evokes the depletion of sex pheromone when injected into virgin females. This pheromonostatic peptide (PSP) is 57 amino acids long and contains a single disulfide bridge. It is blocked at the N terminus with pyroglutamate and at the C terminus by amidation. As little as 23 ng of peptide evokes the near-complete depletion of pheromone in decapitated (neck-ligated) females that had been injected with pheromone biosynthesis-activating neuropeptide. Activity is approximately 15-fold less in intact virgins, showing that the head limits the expression of activity in these injected females. Females mated to surgically impaired males, capable of producing a spermatophore but not transferring spermatozoa or seminal fluids, are depleted of pheromone by injected peptide. Females whose abdominal nerve cords have been severed are not depleted of pheromone after mating. Thus, neural signals either descending or ascending via the nerve cord are required for the depletion of pheromone after mating. PSP, from the seminal fluids, may participate in this process by direct or indirect action on the glandular tissue; if so, it represents an unusual mechanism in insects for the regulation by seminal fluids of postmating reproductive behavior.