23 resultados para Eye Development

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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A novel method of P-element mutagenesis is described for the isolation of mutants affecting the development of the Drosophila compound eye. It exploits the interaction between the Bride of Sevenless (Boss) ligand and the Sevenless (Sev) receptor tyrosine kinase that triggers the formation of the UV-sensitive photoreceptor neuron, R7. Transposition of a boss cDNA transgene, in an otherwise boss mutant background, was used as a “phenotypic trap” in live flies to identify enhancers expressed during a narrow time window in eye development. Using a rapid behavioral screen, more than 400,000 flies were tested for restoration of R7. Some 1,800 R7-containing flies were identified. Among these, 21 independent insertions with expression of the boss reporter gene in the R8 cell were identified by a external eye morphology and staining with an antibody against Boss. Among 900 lines with expression of the boss reporter gene in multiple cells assessed for homozygous mutant phenotypes, insertions in the marbles, glass, gap1, and fasciclin II genes were isolated. This phenotypic enhancer-trap facilitates (i) the isolation of enhancer-traps with a specific expression pattern, and (ii) the recovery of mutants disrupting development of specific tissues. Because the temporal and tissue specificity of the phenotypic trap is dependent on the choice of the marker used, this approach can be extended to other tissues and developmental stages.


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The Drosophila fat facets gene encodes a deubiquitinating enzyme that regulates a cell communication pathway essential very early in eye development, prior to facet assembly, to limit the number of photoreceptor cells in each facet of the compound eye to eight. The Fat facets protein facilitates the production of a signal in cells outside the developing facets that inhibits neural development of particular facet precursor cells. Novel gain-of-function mutations in the Drosophila Rap1 and Ras1 genes are described herein that interact genetically with fat facets mutations. Analysis of these genetic interactions reveals that Fat facets has an additional function later in eye development involving Rap1 and Ras1 proteins. Moreover, the results suggest that undifferentiated cells outside the facet continue to influence facet assembly later in eye development.


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Eye development in both invertebrates and vertebrates is regulated by a network of highly conserved transcription factors. However, it is not known what controls the expression of these factors to regulate early eye formation and whether transmembrane signaling events are involved. Here we establish a role for signaling via a member of the frizzled family of receptors in regulating early eye development. We show that overexpression of Xenopus frizzled 3 (Xfz3), a receptor expressed during normal eye development, functions cell autonomously to promote ectopic eye formation and can perturb endogenous eye development. Ectopic eyes obtained with Xfz3 overexpression have a laminar organization similar to that of endogenous eyes and contain differentiated retinal cell types. Ectopic eye formation is preceded by ectopic expression of transcription factors involved in early eye development, including Pax6, Rx, and Otx2. Conversely, targeted overexpression of a dominant-negative form of Xfz3 (Nxfz3), consisting of the soluble extracellular domain of the receptor, results in suppression of endogenous Pax6, Rx, and Otx2 expression and suppression of endogenous eye development. This effect can be rescued by coexpression of Xfz3. Finally, overexpression of Kermit, a protein that interacts with the C-terminal intracellular domain of Xfz3, also blocks endogenous eye development, suggesting that signaling through Xfz3 or a related receptor is required for normal eye development. In summary, we show that frizzled signaling is both necessary and sufficient to regulate eye development in Xenopus.


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neuralized (neur) is a neurogenic mutant of Drosophila in which many signaling events mediated by the Notch (N) receptor are disrupted. Here, we analyze the role of neur during eye development. Neur is required in a cell-autonomous fashion to restrict R8 and other photoreceptor fates and is involved in lateral inhibition of interommatidial bristles but is not required for induction of the cone cell fate. The latter contrasts with the absolute requirement for Suppressor of Hairless and the Enhancer of split-Complex for cone cell induction. Using gain-of-function experiments, we further demonstrate that ectopic wild-type and truncated Neur proteins can interfere with multiple N-controlled aspects of eye development, including both neur-dependent and neur-independent processes.


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Friend of GATA (FOG) proteins regulate GATA factor-activated gene transcription. During vertebrate hematopoiesis, FOG and GATA proteins cooperate to promote erythrocyte and megakaryocyte differentiation. The Drosophila FOG homologue U-shaped (Ush) is expressed similarly in the blood cell anlage during embryogenesis. During hematopoiesis, the acute myeloid leukemia 1 homologue Lozenge and Glial cells missing are required for the production of crystal cells and plasmatocytes, respectively. However, additional factors have been predicted to control crystal cell proliferation. In this report, we show that Ush is expressed in hemocyte precursors and plasmatocytes throughout embryogenesis and larval development, and the GATA factor Serpent is essential for Ush embryonic expression. Furthermore, loss of ush function results in an overproduction of crystal cells, whereas forced expression of Ush reduces this cell population. Murine FOG-1 and FOG-2 also can repress crystal cell production, but a mutant version of FOG-2 lacking a conserved motif that binds the corepressor C-terminal binding protein fails to affect the cell lineage. The GATA factor Pannier (Pnr) is required for eye and heart development in Drosophila. When Ush, FOG-1, FOG-2, or mutant FOG-2 is coexpressed with Pnr during these developmental processes, severe eye and heart phenotypes result, consistent with a conserved negative regulation of Pnr function. These results indicate that the fly and mouse FOG proteins function similarly in three distinct cellular contexts in Drosophila, but may use different mechanisms to regulate genetic events in blood vs. cardial or eye cell lineages.


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Regeneration of eye tissues, such as lens, seen in some urodeles involves dedifferentiation of the dorsal pigmented epithelium and subsequent differentiation to lens cells. Such spatial regulation implies possible action of genes known to be specific for particular cell lineages and/or axis. Hox genes have been the best examples of genes for such actions. We have, therefore, investigated the possibility that such genes are expressed during lens regeneration in the newt. The pax-6 gene (a gene that contains a homeobox and a paired box) has been implicated in the development of the eye and lens determination in various species ranging from Drosophila to human and, because of these properties, could be instrumental in the regeneration of the urodele eye tissues as well. We present data showing that pax-6 transcripts are present in the developing and the regenerating eye tissues. Furthermore, expression in eye tissues, such as in retina, declines when a urodele not capable of lens regeneration (axolotl) surpasses the embryonic stages. Such a decline is not seen in adult newts capable of lens regeneration. This might indicate a vital role of pax-6 in newt lens regeneration.


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Insights into the function of a gene can be gained in multiple ways, including loss-of-function phenotype, sequence similarity, expression pattern, and by the consequences of its misexpression. Analysis of the phenotypes produced by expression of a gene at an abnormal time, place, or level may provide clues to a gene’s function when other approaches are not illuminating. Here we report that an eye-specific, enhancer–promoter present in the P element expression vector pGMR is able to drive high level expression in the eye of genes near the site of P element insertion. Cell fate determination, differentiation, proliferation, and death are essential for normal eye development. Thus the ability to carry out eye-specific misexpression of a significant fraction of genes in the genome, given the dispensability of the eye for viability and fertility of the adult, should provide a powerful approach for identifying regulators of these processes. To test this idea we carried out two overexpression screens for genes that function to regulate cell death. We screened for insertion-dependent dominant phenotypes in a wild-type background, and for dominant modifiers of a reaper overexpression-induced small eye phenotype. Multiple chromosomal loci were identified, including an insertion 5′ to hid, a potent inducer of apoptosis, and insertions 5′ to DIAP1, a cell death suppressor. To facilitate the cloning of genes near the P element insertion new misexpression vectors were created. A screen with one of these vectors identified eagle as a suppressor of a rough eye phenotype associated with overexpression of an activated Ras1 gene.


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Vertebrate eye development begins at the gastrula stage, when a region known as the eye field acquires the capacity to generate retina and lens. Optx2, a homeobox gene of the sine oculis-Six family, is selectively expressed in this early eye field and later in the lens placode and optic vesicle. The distal and ventral portion of the optic vesicle are fated to become the retina and optic nerve, whereas the dorsal portion eventually loses its neural characteristics and activates the synthesis of melanin, forming the retinal pigment epithelium. Optx2 expression is turned off in the future pigment epithelium but remains expressed in the proliferating neuroblasts and differentiating cells of the neural retina. When an Optx2-expressing plasmid is transfected into embryonic or mature chicken pigment epithelial cells, these cells adopt a neuronal morphology and express markers characteristic of developing neural retina and photoreceptors. One explanation of these results is that Optx2 functions as a determinant of retinal precursors and that it has induced the transdifferentiation of pigment epithelium into retinal neurons and photoreceptors. We also have isolated optix, a Drosophila gene that is the closest insect homologue of Optx2 and Six3. Optix is expressed during early development of the fly head and eye primordia.


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Irregular facets (If) is a dominant mutation of Drosophila that results in small eyes with fused ommatidia. Previous results showed that the gene Krüppel (Kr), which is best known for its early segmentation function, is expressed ectopically in If mutant eye discs. However, it was not known whether ectopic Kr activity is either the cause or the result of the If mutation. Here, we show that If is a gain-of-function allele of Kr. We then used the If mutation in a genetic screen to identify dominant enhancers and suppressors of Kr activity on the third chromosome. Of 30 identified Kr-interacting loci, two were cloned, and we examined whether they also represent components of a natural Kr-dependent developmental pathway of the embryo. We show that the two genes, eyelid (eld) and extramacrochaetae (emc), which encode a Bright family-type DNA binding protein and a helix-loop-helix factor, respectively, are necessary to achieve the singling-out of a unique Kr-expressing cell during the development of the Malpighian tubules, the excretory organs of the fly. The results indicate that the Kr gain-of-function mutation If provides a tool to identify genes that are active during eye development and that a number of them function also in the control of Kr-dependent developmental processes.


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Two-hybrid technology provides a simple way to isolate small peptide aptamers that specifically recognize and strongly bind to a protein of interest. These aptamers have the potential to dominantly interfere with specific activities of their target proteins and, therefore, could be used as in vivo inhibitors. Here we explore the ability to use peptide aptamers as in vivo inhibitors by expressing aptamers directed against cell cycle regulators in Drosophila. We expressed two peptide aptamers, each of which specifically recognizes one of the two essential cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks), DmCdk1 and DmCdk2, in Drosophila. Expression of each Cdk aptamer during organogenesis caused adult eye defects typical of those caused by cell cycle inhibition. Co-overexpression of DmCdk1 or DmCdk2 resulted in suppression of the eye phenotypes, indicating that each aptamer interacts with a Cdk target in vivo and suggesting that these peptides disrupt normal eye development by inhibiting Cdk function. Moreover, the specificity of each aptamer for one of the two Cdks as determined in two-hybrid assays was retained in Drosophila. Combined, our results demonstrate that peptide aptamers generated by yeast two-hybrid methods can serve as inhibitory reagents to target specific proteins in vivo.


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Pax proteins are a family of transcription factors with a highly conserved paired domain; many members also contain a paired-type homeodomain and/or an octapeptide. Nine mammalian Pax genes are known and classified into four subgroups: Pax-1/9, Pax-2/5/8, Pax-3/7, and Pax-4/6. Most of these genes are involved in nervous system development. In particular, Pax-6 is a key regulator that controls eye development in vertebrates and Drosophila. Although the Pax-4/6 subgroup seems to be more closely related to Pax-2/5/8 than to Pax-3/7 or Pax-1/9, its evolutionary origin is unknown. We therefore searched for a Pax-6 homolog and related genes in Cnidaria, which is the lowest phylum of animals that possess a nervous system and eyes. A sea nettle (a jellyfish) genomic library was constructed and two pax genes (Pax-A and -B) were isolated and partially sequenced. Surprisingly, unlike most known Pax genes, the paired box in these two genes contains no intron. In addition, the complete cDNA sequences of hydra Pax-A and -B were obtained. Hydra Pax-B contains both the homeodomain and the octapeptide, whereas hydra Pax-A contains neither. DNA binding assays showed that sea nettle Pax-A and -B and hydra Pax-A paired domains bound to a Pax-5/6 site and a Pax-5 site, although hydra Pax-B paired domain bound neither. An alignment of all available paired domain sequences revealed two highly conserved regions, which cover the DNA binding contact positions. Phylogenetic analysis showed that Pax-A and especially Pax-B were more closely related to Pax-2/5/8 and Pax-4/6 than to Pax-1/9 or Pax-3/7 and that the Pax genes can be classified into two supergroups: Pax-A/Pax-B/Pax-2/5/8/4/6 and Pax-1/9/3/7. From this analysis and the gene structure, we propose that modern Pax-4/6 and Pax-2/5/8 genes evolved from an ancestral gene similar to cnidarian Pax-B, having both the homeodomain and the octapeptide.


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Pax-6 is essential for normal eye development and has been implicated as a "master gene" for lens formation in embryogenesis. Guinea pig zeta-crystallin, a taxon-specific enzyme crystallin, achieves high expression specifically in lens through use of an alternative promoter. Here we show that Pax-6 binds a site in this promoter, which is essential for lens-specific expression. Lens and lens-derived cells exhibit a tissue-specific pattern of alternative splicing of Pax-6 transcripts and Pax-6 is expressed in adult lenses and cells that support zeta-crystallin expression. These results suggest that zeta-crystallin is a natural target gene for Pax-6 and that this Pax family member has a direct role in the continuing expression of tissue-specific genes.


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Recent experimental evidence has shown that application of certain neurotrophic factors (NTs) to the developing primary visual cortex prevents the development of ocular dominance (OD) columns. One interpretation of this result is that afferents from the lateral geniculate nucleus compete for postsynaptic trophic factor in an activity-dependent manner. Application of excess trophic factor eliminates this competition, thereby preventing OD column formation. We present a model of OD column development, incorporating Hebbian synaptic modification and activity-driven competition for NT, which accounts for both normal OD column development as well as the prevention of that development when competition is removed. In the “control” situation, when available NT is below a critical amount, OD columns form normally. These columns form without weight normalization procedures and in the presence of positive inter-eye correlations. In the “experimental” case, OD column development is prevented in a local neighborhood in which excess NT has been added. Our model proposes a biologically plausible mechanism for competition between neural populations that is motivated by several pieces of experimental data, thereby accounting for both normal and experimentally perturbed conditions.


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Pax6, a highly conserved member of the paired homeodomain transcription factor family that plays essential roles in ocular, neural, and pancreatic development and effects asymmetric transient dorsal expression during pituitary development, with its expression extinguished before the ventral → dorsal appearance of specific cell types. Analysis of pituitary development in the Small eye and Pax6 −/− mouse mutants reveals that the dorsoventral axis of the pituitary gland becomes ventralized, with dorsal extension of the transcriptional determinants of ventral cell types, particularly PFrk. This ventralization is followed by a marked decrease in terminally differentiated dorsal somatotrope and lactotrope cell types and a marked increase in the expression of markers of the ventral thyrotrope cells and SF-1-expressing cells of gonadotrope lineage. We suggest that the transient dorsal expression of Pax6 is essential for establishing a sharp boundary between dorsal and ventral cell types, based on the inhibition of Shh ventral signals.


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The homozygous disruption of the mouse AP-2 gene yields a complex and lethal phenotype that results from defective development of the neural tube, head, and body wall. The severe and pleiotropic developmental abnormalities observed in the knockout mouse suggested that AP-2 may regulate several morphogenic pathways. To uncouple the individual developmental mechanisms that are dependent on AP-2, we have now analyzed chimeric mice composed of both wild-type and AP-2-null cells. The phenotypes obtained from these chimeras indicate that there is an independent requirement for AP-2 in the formation of the neural tube, body wall, and craniofacial skeleton. In addition, these studies reveal that AP-2 exerts a major influence on eye formation, which is a critical new role for AP-2 that was masked previously in the knockout mice. Furthermore, we also have uncovered an unexpected influence of AP-2 on limb pattern formation; this influence is typified by major limb duplications. The range of phenotypes observed in the chimeras displays a significant overlap with those caused by teratogenic levels of retinoic acid, strongly suggesting that AP-2 is an important component of the mechanism of action of this morphogen.