15 resultados para Exo-biopolymer

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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In PCR, DNA polymerases from thermophilic bacteria catalyze the extension of primers annealed to templates as well as the structure-specific cleavage of the products of primer extension. Here we show that cleavage by Thermus aquaticus and Thermus thermophilus DNA polymerases can be precise and substantial: it occurs at the base of the stem-loop structure assumed by the single strand products of primer extension using as template a common genetic element, the promoter-operator of the Escherichia coli lactose operon, and may involve up to 30% of the products. The cleavage is independent of primer, template, and triphosphates, is dependent on substrate length and temperature, requires free ends and Mg2+, and is absent in DNA polymerases lacking the 5'-->3' exonuclease, such as the Stoffel fragment and the T7 DNA polymerase. Heterogeneity of the extension products results also from premature detachment of the enzyme approaching the 5' end of the template.


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The Escherichia coli dnaQ gene encodes the proofreading 3' exonuclease (epsilon subunit) of DNA polymerase III holoenzyme and is a critical determinant of chromosomal replication fidelity. We constructed by site-specific mutagenesis a mutant, dnaQ926, by changing two conserved amino acid residues (Asp-12-->Ala and Glu-14-->Ala) in the Exo I motif, which, by analogy to other proofreading exonucleases, is essential for the catalytic activity. When residing on a plasmid, dnaQ926 confers a strong, dominant mutator phenotype, suggesting that the protein, although deficient in exonuclease activity, still binds to the polymerase subunit (alpha subunit or dnaE gene product). When dnaQ926 was transferred to the chromosome, replacing the wild-type gene, the cells became inviable. However, viable dnaQ926 strains could be obtained if they contained one of the dnaE alleles previously characterized in our laboratory as antimutator alleles or if it carried a multicopy plasmid containing the E. coli mutL+ gene. These results suggest that loss of proofreading exonuclease activity in dnaQ926 is lethal due to excessive error rates (error catastrophe). Error catastrophe results from both the loss of proofreading and the subsequent saturation of DNA mismatch repair. The probability of lethality by excessive mutation is supported by calculations estimating the number of inactivating mutations in essential genes per chromosome replication.


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Photon bursts from single diffusing donor-acceptor labeled macromolecules were used to measure intramolecular distances and identify subpopulations of freely diffusing macromolecules in a heterogeneous ensemble. By using DNA as a rigid spacer, a series of constructs with varying intramolecular donor-acceptor spacings were used to measure the mean and distribution width of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) efficiencies as a function of distance. The mean single-pair FRET efficiencies qualitatively follow the distance dependence predicted by Förster theory. Possible contributions to the widths of the FRET efficiency distributions are discussed, and potential applications in the study of biopolymer conformational dynamics are suggested. The ability to measure intramolecular (and intermolecular) distances for single molecules implies the ability to distinguish and monitor subpopulations of molecules in a mixture with different distances or conformational states. This is demonstrated by monitoring substrate and product subpopulations before and after a restriction endonuclease cleavage reaction. Distance measurements at single-molecule resolution also should facilitate the study of complex reactions such as biopolymer folding. To this end, the denaturation of a DNA hairpin was examined by using single-pair FRET.


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Compound 1 (F), a nonpolar nucleoside analog that is isosteric with thymidine, has been proposed as a probe for the importance of hydrogen bonds in biological systems. Consistent with its lack of strong H-bond donors or acceptors, F is shown here by thermal denaturation studies to pair very poorly and with no significant selectivity among natural bases in DNA oligonucleotides. We report the synthesis of the 5′-triphosphate derivative of 1 and the study of its ability to be inserted into replicating DNA strands by the Klenow fragment (KF, exo− mutant) of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I. We find that this nucleotide derivative (dFTP) is a surprisingly good substrate for KF; steady-state measurements indicate it is inserted into a template opposite adenine with efficiency (Vmax/Km) only 40-fold lower than dTTP. Moreover, it is inserted opposite A (relative to C, G, or T) with selectivity nearly as high as that observed for dTTP. Elongation of the strand past F in an F–A pair is associated with a brief pause, whereas that beyond A in the inverted A–F pair is not. Combined with data from studies with F in the template strand, the results show that KF can efficiently replicate a base pair (A–F/F–A) that is inherently very unstable, and the replication occurs with very high fidelity despite a lack of inherent base-pairing selectivity. The results suggest that hydrogen bonds may be less important in the fidelity of replication than commonly believed and that nucleotide/template shape complementarity may play a more important role than previously believed.


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Stimulation of regulated secretory cells promotes protein release via the fusion of cytoplasmic storage vesicles with the plasma membrane. In Tetrahymena thermophila, brief exposure to secretagogue results in synchronous fusion of the entire set of docked dense-core granules with the plasma membrane. We show that stimulation is followed by rapid new dense-core granule synthesis involving gene induction. Two genes encoding granule matrix proteins, GRL1 and GRL4, are shown to undergo induction following stimulation, resulting in ≈10-fold message accumulation within 1 h. The mechanism of induction involves transcriptional regulation, and the upstream region of GRL1 functions in vivo as an inducible promoter in a heterologous reporter construct using the gene encoding green fluorescent protein. Taking advantage of the characterized exocytosis (exo−) mutants available in this system, we asked whether the signals for regranulation were generated directly by the initial stimulation, or whether downstream events were required for transcription activation. Three mutants, with defects at three distinct stages in the regulated secretory pathway, failed to show induction of GRL1 and GRL4 after exposure to secretagogue. These results argue that regranulation depends upon signals generated by the final steps in exocytosis.


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To further elucidate the mechanism and dynamics of bacteriophage T4 holoenzyme formation, a mutant polymerase in which the last six carboxyl-terminal amino acids are deleted, was constructed, overexpressed, and purified to homogeneity. The mutant polymerase, designated ΔC6 exo−, is identical to wild-type exo− polymerase with respect to kcat, kpol, and dissociation constants for nucleotide and DNA substrate. However, unlike wild-type exo− polymerase, the ΔC6 exo− polymerase is unable to interact with the 45 protein to form the stable holoenzyme. A synthetic polypeptide corresponding to the carboxyl terminus of the wild-type exo− polymerase was tested as an in vitro inhibitor of bacteriophage T4 DNA replication. Surprisingly, the peptide does not directly inhibit holoenzyme complex formation by disrupting the interaction of the polymerase with the 45 protein. On the contrary, the peptide appears to disrupt the interaction of the 44/62 protein with the 45 protein, suggesting that the 44/62 protein and the polymerase use the same site on the 45 protein for functional interactions. Data presented are discussed in terms of a model correlating the functionality of the carboxyl terminus of the polymerase for productive interactions with the 45 protein as well as in terms of the 45 protein concomitantly interacting with the 44/62 protein and polymerase.


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Succinoglycan, a symbiotically important exopolysaccharide of Rhizobium meliloti, is composed of polymerized octasaccharide subunits, each of which consists of one galactose and seven glucoses with succinyl, acetyl, and pyruvyl modifications. Production of specific low molecular weight forms of R. meliloti exported and surface polysaccharides, including succinoglycan, appears to be important for nodule invasion. In a previous study of the roles of the various exo gene products in succinoglycan biosynthesis, exoP, exoQ, and exoT mutants were found to synthesize undecaprenol-linked fully modified succinoglycan octasaccharide subunits, suggesting possible roles for their gene products in polymerization or transport. Using improved techniques for analyzing succinoglycan biosynthesis by these mutants, we have obtained evidence indicating that R. meliloti has genetically separable systems for the synthesis of high molecular weight succinoglycan and the synthesis of a specific class of low molecular weight oligosaccharides consisting of dimers and trimers of the octasaccharide subunit. Models to account for our unexpected findings are discussed. Possible roles for the ExoP, ExoQ, and ExoT proteins are compared and contrasted with roles that have been suggested on the basis of homologies to key proteins involved in the biosynthesis of O-antigens and of certain exported or capsular cell surface polysaccharides.


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The large potential of redox enzymes to carry out formation of high value organic compounds motivates the search for innovative strategies to regenerate the cofactors needed by their biocatalytic cycles. Here, we describe a bioreactor where the reducing power to the cycle is supplied directly to purified cytochrome CYP101 (P450cam; EC through its natural redox partner (putidaredoxin) using an antimony-doped tin oxide working electrode. Required oxygen was produced at a Pt counter electrode by water electrolysis. A continuous catalytic cycle was sustained for more than 5 h and 2,600 enzyme turnovers. The maximum product formation rate was 36 nmol of 5-exo-hydroxycamphor/nmol of CYP101 per min.


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Since the advent of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization and electrospray ionization, mass spectrometry has played an increasingly important role in protein functional characterization, identification, and structural analysis. Expanding this role, desorption/ionization on silicon (DIOS) is a new approach that allows for the analysis of proteins and related small molecules. Despite the absence of matrix, DIOS-MS yields little or no fragmentation and is relatively tolerant of moderate amounts of contaminants commonly found in biological samples. Here, functional assays were performed on an esterase, a glycosidase, a lipase, as well as exo- and endoproteases by using enzyme-specific substrates. Enzyme activity also was monitored in the presence of inhibitors, successfully demonstrating the ability of DIOS to be used as an inhibitor screen. Because DIOS is a matrix-free desorption technique, it also can be used as a platform for multiple analyses to be performed on the same protein. This unique advantage was demonstrated with acetylcholine esterase for qualitative and quantitative characterization and also by its subsequent identification directly from the DIOS platform.


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Many DNA polymerases (Pol) have an intrinsic 3′→5′ exonuclease (Exo) activity which corrects polymerase errors and prevents mutations. We describe a role of the 3′→5′ Exo of Pol δ as a supplement or backup for the Rad27/Fen1 5′ flap endonuclease. A yeast rad27 null allele was lethal in combination with Pol δ mutations in Exo I, Exo II, and Exo III motifs that inactivate its exonuclease, but it was viable with mutations in other parts of Pol δ. The rad27-p allele, which has little phenotypic effect by itself, was also lethal in combination with mutations in the Pol δ Exo I and Exo II motifs. However, rad27-p Pol δ Exo III double mutants were viable. They exhibited strong synergistic increases in CAN1 duplication mutations, intrachromosomal and interchromosomal recombination, and required the wild-type double-strand break repair genes RAD50, RAD51, and RAD52 for viability. Observed effects were similar to those of the rad27-null mutant deficient in the removal of 5′ flaps in the lagging strand. These results suggest that the 3′→5′ Exo activity of Pol δ is redundant with Rad27/Fen1 for creating ligatable nicks between adjacent Okazaki fragments, possibly by reducing the amount of strand-displacement in the lagging strand.


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β-Galactosidases (EC constitute a widespread family of enzymes characterized by their ability to hydrolyze terminal, nonreducing β-d-galactosyl residues from β-d-galactosides. Several β-galactosidases, sometimes referred to as exo-galactanases, have been purified from plants and shown to possess in vitro activity against extracted cell wall material via the release of galactose from wall polymers containing β(1→4)-d-galactan. Although β-galactosidase II, a protein present in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) fruit during ripening and capable of degrading tomato fruit galactan, has been purified, cloning of the corresponding gene has been elusive. We report here the cloning of a cDNA, pTomβgal 4 (accession no. AF020390), corresponding to β-galactosidase II, and show that its corresponding gene is expressed during fruit ripening. Northern-blot analysis revealed that the β-galactosidase II gene transcript was detectable at the breaker stage of ripeness, maximum at the turning stage, and present at decreasing levels during the later stages of normal tomato fruit ripening. At the turning stage of ripeness, the transcript was present in all fruit tissues and was highest in the outermost tissues (including the peel). Confirmation that pTomβgal 4 codes for β-galactosidase II was derived from matching protein and deduced amino acid sequences. Furthermore, analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence of pTomβgal 4 suggested a high probability for secretion based on the presence of a hydrophobic leader sequence, a leader-sequence cleavage site, and three possible N-glycosylation sites. The predicted molecular mass and isoelectric point of the pTomβgal 4-encoded mature protein were similar to those reported for the purified β-galactosidase II protein from tomato fruit.


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We present a quantitative experimental demonstration of solvent-mediated communication between noncontacting biopolymers. We show that changes in the activity of a solvent component brought about by a conformational change in one biopolymer can result in changes in the physical properties of a second noncontacting biopolymer present in solution. Specifically, we show that the release of protons on denaturation of a donor polymer (in this case, a four-stranded DNA tetraplex, iDNA) modulates the melting temperature of a noncontacting, acceptor polymer [in this case poly(A)]. In addition to such proton-mediated cross talk, we also demonstrate counterion-mediated cross talk between noncontacting biopolymers. Specifically, we show that counterion association/release on denaturation of native salmon sperm DNA (the donor polymer) can modulate the melting temperature of poly(dA)⋅poly(dT) (the acceptor polymer). Taken together, these two examples demonstrate how poly(A) and poly(dA)⋅poly(dT) can serve as molecular probes that report the pH and free salt concentrations in solution, respectively. Further, we demonstrate how such through-solvent dialogue between biopolymers that do not directly interact can be used to evaluate (in a model-free manner) association/dissociation reactions of solvent components (e.g., protons, sodium cations) with one of the two biopolymers. We propose that such through-solution dialogue is a general property of all biopolymers. As a result, such solvent-mediated cross talk should be considered when assessing reactions of multicomponent systems such as those that exist in essentially all biological processes.


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The RAD27 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a 5′-3′ flap exo/endonuclease, which plays an important role during DNA replication for Okazaki fragment maturation. Genetic studies have shown that RAD27 is not essential for growth, although rad27Δ mutants are temperature sensitive. Moreover, they exhibit increased sensitivity to alkylating agents, enhanced spontaneous recombination, and repetitive DNA instability. The conditional lethality conferred by the rad27Δ mutation indicates that other nuclease(s) can compensate for the absence of Rad27. Indeed, biochemical and genetical analyses indicate that Okazaki fragment processing can be assured by other enzymatic activities or by alternative pathways such as homologous recombination. Here we present the results of a screen that makes use of a synthetic lethality assay to identify functions required for the survival of rad27Δ strains. Altogether, we confirm that all genes of the Rad52 recombinational repair pathway are required for the survival of rad27Δ strains at both permissive (23°C) and semipermissive (30°C) temperatures for growth. We also find that several point mutations that confer weaker phenotypes in mitotic than in meiotic cells (rad50S, mre11s) and additional gene deletions (com1/sae2, srs2) exhibit synthetic lethality with rad27Δ and that rad59Δ exhibits synergistic effects with rad27Δ. This and previous studies indicate that homologous recombination is the primary, but not only, pathway that functions to bypass the replication defects that arise in the absence of the Rad27 protein.


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Isothermal titration microcalorimetry is combined with solution-depletion isotherm data to analyze the thermodynamics of binding of the cellulose-binding domain (CBD) from the beta-1,4-(exo)glucanase Cex of Cellulomonas fimi to insoluble bacterial microcrystalline cellulose. Analysis of isothermal titration microcalorimetry data against two putative binding models indicates that the bacterial microcrystalline cellulose surface presents two independent classes of binding sites, with the predominant high-affinity site being characterized by a Langmuir-type Ka of 6.3 (+/-1.4) x 10(7) M-1 and the low-affinity site by a Ka of 1.1 (+/-0.6) x 10(6) M-1. CBDCex binding to either site is exothermic, but is mainly driven by a large positive change in entropy. This differs from protein binding to soluble carbohydrates, which is usually driven by a relatively large exothermic standard enthalpy change for binding. Differential heat capacity changes are large and negative, indicating that sorbent and protein dehydration effects make a dominant contribution to the driving force for binding.


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Hookworms are hematophagous nematodes that infect a wide range of mammalian hosts, including humans. There has been speculation for nearly a century as to the identity of the anticoagulant substances) used by these organisms to subvert host hemostasis. Using molecular cloning, we describe a family of potent small protein (75-84 amino acids) anticoagulants from the hookworm Ancylostoma caninum termed AcAP (A. caninum anticoagulant protein). Two recombinant AcAP members (AcAP5 and AcAP6) directly inhibited the catalytic activity of blood coagulation factor Xa (fXa), while a third form (AcAPc2) predominantly inhibited the catalytic activity of a complex composed of blood coagulation factor VIIa and tissue factor (fVIIa/TF). The inhibition of fVIIa/TF was by a unique mechanism that required the initial formation of a binary complex of the inhibitor with fXa at a site on the enzyme that is distinct from the catalytic center (exo-site). The sequence of AcAPc2 as well as the utilization of an exo-site on fXa distinguishes this inhibitor from the mammalian anticoagulant TFPI (tissue factor pathway inhibitor), which is functionally equivalent with respect to fXa-dependent inhibition of fIIa/TF. The relative sequence positions of the reactive site residues determined for AcAP5 with the homologous regions in AcAP6 and AcAPc2 as well as the pattern of 10 cysteine residues present in each of the inhibitors suggest that the AcAPs are distantly related to the family of small protein serine protease inhibitors found in the nonhematophagous nematode Ascaris lumbricoides var. suum.