8 resultados para Exchange control

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Speciation involves the establishment of genetic barriers between closely related organisms. The extent of genetic recombination is a key determinant and a measure of genetic isolation. The results reported here reveal that genetic barriers can be established, eliminated, or modified by manipulating two systems which control genetic recombination, SOS and mismatch repair. The extent of genetic isolation between enterobacteria is a simple mathematical function of DNA sequence divergence. The function does not depend on hybrid DNA stability, but rather on the number of blocks of sequences identical in the two mating partners and sufficiently large to allow the initiation of recombination. Further, there is no obvious discontinuity in the function that could be used to define a level of divergence for distinguishing species.


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Phosphatidylserine (PtdSer) synthesis in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells occurs through the exchange of l-serine with the base moiety of phosphatidylcholine or phosphatidylethanolamine. The synthesis is depressed on the addition of PtdSer to the culture medium. A CHO cell mutant named mutant 29, whose PtdSer biosynthesis is highly resistant to this depression by exogenous PtdSer, has been isolated from CHO-K1 cells. In the present study, the PtdSer-resistant PtdSer biosynthesis in the mutant was traced to a point mutation in the PtdSer synthase I gene, pssA, resulting in the replacement of Arg-95 of the synthase by lysine. Introduction of the mutant pssA cDNA, but not the wild-type pssA cDNA, into CHO-K1 cells induced the PtdSer-resistant PtdSer biosynthesis. In a cell-free system, the serine base-exchange activity of the wild-type pssA-transfected cells was inhibited by PtdSer, but that of the mutant pssA-transfected cells was resistant to the inhibition. Like the mutant 29 cells, the mutant pssA-transfected cells grown without exogenous PtdSer exhibited an ≈2-fold increase in the cellular PtdSer level compared with that in CHO-K1 cells, although the wild-type pssA-transfected cells did not exhibit such a significant increase. These results indicated that the inhibition of PtdSer synthase I by PtdSer is essential for the maintenance of a normal PtdSer level in CHO-K1 cells and that Arg-95 of the synthase is a crucial residue for the inhibition.


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Ras proteins, key regulators of growth, differentiation, and malignant transformation, recently have been implicated in synaptic function and region-specific learning and memory functions in the brain. Rap proteins, members of the Ras small G protein superfamily, can inhibit Ras signaling through the Ras/Raf-1/mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway or, through B-Raf, can activate MAP kinase. Rap and Ras proteins both can be activated through guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs). Many Ras GEFs, but to date only one Rap GEF, have been identified. We now report the cloning of a brain-enriched gene, CalDAG-GEFI, which has substrate specificity for Rap1A, dual binding domains for calcium (Ca2+) and diacylglycerol (DAG), and enriched expression in brain basal ganglia pathways and their axon-terminal regions. Expression of CalDAG-GEFI activates Rap1A and inhibits Ras-dependent activation of the Erk/MAP kinase cascade in 293T cells. Ca2+ ionophore and phorbol ester strongly and additively enhance this Rap1A activation. By contrast, CalDAG-GEFII, a second CalDAG-GEF family member that we cloned and found identical to RasGRP [Ebinu, J. O., Bottorff, D. A., Chan, E. Y. W., Stang, S. L., Dunn, R. J. & Stone, J. C. (1998) Science 280, 1082–1088], exhibits a different brain expression pattern and fails to activate Rap1A, but activates H-Ras, R-Ras, and the Erk/MAP kinase cascade under Ca2+ and DAG modulation. We propose that CalDAG-GEF proteins have a critical neuronal function in determining the relative activation of Ras and Rap1 signaling induced by Ca2+ and DAG mobilization. The expression of CalDAG-GEFI and CalDAG-GEFII in hematopoietic organs suggests that such control may have broad significance in Ras/Rap regulation of normal and malignant states.


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ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) GTPases and their regulatory proteins have been implicated in the control of diverse biological functions. Two main classes of positive regulatory elements for ARF have been discovered so far: the large Sec7/Gea and the small cytohesin/ARNO families, respectively. These proteins harbor guanine–nucleotide-exchange factor (GEF) activity exerted by the common Sec7 domain. The availability of a specific inhibitor, the fungal metabolite brefeldin A, has enabled documentation of the involvement of the large GEFs in vesicle transport. However, because of the lack of such tools, the biological roles of the small GEFs have remained controversial. Here, we have selected a series of RNA aptamers that specifically recognize the Sec7 domain of cytohesin 1. Some aptamers inhibit guanine–nucleotide exchange on ARF1, thereby preventing ARF activation in vitro. Among them, aptamer M69 exhibited unexpected specificity for the small GEFs, because it does not interact with or inhibit the GEF activity of the related Gea2-Sec7 domain, a member of the class of large GEFs. The inhibitory effect demonstrated in vitro clearly is observed as well in vivo, based on the finding that M69 produces similar results as a dominant-negative, GEF-deficient mutant of cytohesin 1: when expressed in the cytoplasm of T-cells, M69 reduces stimulated adhesion to intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and results in a dramatic reorganization of F-actin distribution. These highly specific cellular effects suggest that the ARF-GEF activity of cytohesin 1 plays an important role in cytoskeletal remodeling events of lymphoid cells.


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There is increasing evidence for an additional acute, nongenomic action of the mineralocorticoid hormone aldosterone on renal epithelial cells, leading to a two-step model of mineralocorticoid action on electrolyte excretion. We investigated the acute effect of aldosterone on intracellular free Ca2+ and on intracellular pH in an aldosterone-sensitive Madin-Darby canine kidney cell clone. Within seconds of application of aldosterone, but not of the glucocorticoid hydrocortisone, there was a 3-fold sustained increase of intracellular Ca2+ at a half-maximal concentration of 10(-10) mol/liter. Omission of extracellular Ca2+ prevented this hormone response. In the presence of extracellular Ca2+ aldosterone led to intracellular alkalinization. The Na+/H+ exchange inhibitor ethyl-isopropanol-amiloride (EIPA) prevented the aldosterone-induced alkalinization but not the aldosterone-induced increase of intracellular Ca2+. Omission of extracellular Ca2+ also prevented aldosterone-induced alkalinization. Instead, aldosterone led to a Zn(2+)-dependent intracellular acidification in the presence of EIPA, indicative of an increase of plasma membrane proton conductance. Under control conditions, Zn2+ prevented the aldosterone-induced alkalinization completely. We conclude that aldosterone stimulated net-entry of Ca2+ from the extracellular compartment and a plasma membrane H+ conductance as prerequisites for the stimulation of plasma membrane Na+/H+ exchange which in turn modulates K+ channel acitivity. It is probable that the aldosterone-sensitive H+ conductance maintains Na+/H+ exchange activity by providing an acidic environment in the vicinity of the exchanger. Thus, genomic action of aldosterone determines cellular transport equipment, whereas the nongenomic action regulates transporter activity that requires responses within seconds or minutes, which explains the rapid effects on electrolyte excretion.


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31P NMR magnetization transfer measurements have been used to measure the steady state flux between Pi and ATP in yeast cells genetically modified to overexpress an adenine nucleotide translocase isoform. An increase in Pi -> ATP flux and apparent ratio of moles of ATP synthesized/atoms of oxygen consumed (P:O ratio), when these cells were incubated with glucose, demonstrated that the reactions catalyzed by the translocase and F1F0 ATP synthase were readily reversible in vivo. However, when the same cells were incubated with ethanol alone, translocase overexpression had no effect on the measured Pi -> ATP flux or apparent P:O ratio, suggesting that the synthase was now operating irreversibly. This change was accompanied by an increase in the intracellular ADP concentration. These observations are consistent with a model proposed for the kinetic control of mitochondrial ATP synthesis, which was based on isotope exchange measurements with isolated mammalian mitochondria [LaNoue, K. F., Jeffries, F. M. H. & Radda, G. K. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 7667-7675].


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We have detected an endoribonucleolytic activity in human cell extracts that processes the Escherichia coli 9S RNA and outer membrane protein A (ompA) mRNA with the same specificity as RNase E from E. coli. The human enzyme was partially purified by ion-exchange chromatography, and the active fractions contained a protein that was detected with antibodies shown to recognize E. coli RNase E. RNA containing four repeats of the destabilizing motif AUUUA and RNA from the 3' untranslated region of human c-myc mRNA were also found to be cleaved by E. coli RNase E and its human counterpart in a fashion that may suggest a role of this activity in mammalian mRNA decay. It was also found that RNA containing more than one AUUUA motif was cleaved more efficiently than RNA with only one or a mutated motif. This finding of a eukaryotic endoribonucleolytic activity corresponding to RNase E indicates an evolutionary conservation of the components of mRNA degradation systems.


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Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase [PARP; NAD+ ADP-ribosyltransferase; NAD+:poly(adenosine-diphosphate-D-ribosyl)-acceptor ADP-D-ribosyltransferase, EC] is a zinc-dependent eukaryotic DNA-binding protein that specifically recognizes DNA strand breaks produced by various genotoxic agents. To study the biological function of this enzyme, we have established stable HeLa cell lines that constitutively produce the 46-kDa DNA-binding domain of human PARP (PARP-DBD), leading to the trans-dominant inhibition of resident PARP activity. As a control, a cell line was constructed, producing a point-mutated version of the DBD, which has no affinity for DNA in vitro. Expression of the PARP-DBD had only a slight effect on undamaged cells but had drastic consequences for cells treated with genotoxic agents. Exposure of cell lines expressing the wild-type (wt) or the mutated PARP-DBD, with low doses of N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) resulted in an increase in their doubling time, a G2 + M accumulation, and a marked reduction in cell survival. However, UVC irradiation had no preferential effect on the cell growth or viability of cell lines expressing the PARP-DBD. These PARP-DBD-expressing cells treated with MNNG presented the characteristic nucleosomal DNA ladder, one of the hallmarks of cell death by apoptosis. Moreover, these cells exhibited chromosomal instability as demonstrated by higher frequencies of both spontaneous and MNNG-induced sister chromatid exchanges. Surprisingly, the line producing the mutated DBD had the same behavior as those producing the wt DBD, indicating that the mechanism of action of the dominant-negative mutant involves more than its DNA-binding function. Altogether, these results strongly suggest that PARP is an element of the G2 checkpoint in mammalian cells.