33 resultados para Enzymes -- Structure

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Bovine seminal ribonuclease (BS-RNase) is a homodimeric enzyme strictly homologous to the pancreatic ribonuclease (RNase A). Native BS-RNase is an equilibrium mixture of two distinct dimers differing in the interchange of the N-terminal segments and in their biological properties. The loop 16-22 plays a fundamental role on the relative stability of the two isomers. Both the primary and tertiary structures of the RNase A differ substantially from those of the seminal ribonuclease in the loop region 16-22. To analyze the possible stable conformations of this loop in both enzymes, structure predictions have been attempted, according to a procedure described by Palmer and Scheraga [Palmer, K. A. & Scheraga, H. A. (1992) J. Comput. Chem. 13, 329-350]. Results compare well with experimental x-ray structures and clarify the structural determinants that are responsible for the swapping of the N-terminal domains and for the peculiar properties of BS-RNase. Minimal modifications of RNase A sequence needed to form a stable swapped dimer are also predicted.


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Folylpolyglutamate synthetase, which is responsible for the addition of a polyglutamate tail to folate and folate derivatives, is an ATP-dependent enzyme isolated from eukaryotic and bacterial sources, where it plays a key role in the retention of the intracellular folate pool. Here, we report the 2.4-Å resolution crystal structure of the MgATP complex of the enzyme from Lactobacillus casei. The structural analysis reveals that folylpolyglutamate synthetase is a modular protein consisting of two domains, one with a typical mononucleotide-binding fold and the other strikingly similar to the folate-binding enzyme dihydrofolate reductase. We have located the active site of the enzyme in a large interdomain cleft adjacent to an ATP-binding P-loop motif. Opposite this site, in the C domain, a cavity likely to be the folate binding site has been identified, and inspection of this cavity and the surrounding protein structure suggests that the glutamate tail of the substrate may project into the active site. A further feature of the structure is a well defined Ω loop, which contributes both to the active site and to interdomain interactions. The determination of the structure of this enzyme represents the first step toward the elucidation of the molecular mechanism of polyglutamylation of folates and antifolates.


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Microsomal NADPH–cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) is one of only two mammalian enzymes known to contain both FAD and FMN, the other being nitric-oxide synthase. CPR is a membrane-bound protein and catalyzes electron transfer from NADPH to all known microsomal cytochromes P450. The structure of rat liver CPR, expressed in Escherichia coli and solubilized by limited trypsinolysis, has been determined by x-ray crystallography at 2.6 Å resolution. The molecule is composed of four structural domains: (from the N- to C- termini) the FMN-binding domain, the connecting domain, and the FAD- and NADPH-binding domains. The FMN-binding domain is similar to the structure of flavodoxin, whereas the two C-terminal dinucleotide-binding domains are similar to those of ferredoxin–NADP+ reductase (FNR). The connecting domain, situated between the FMN-binding and FNR-like domains, is responsible for the relative orientation of the other domains, ensuring the proper alignment of the two flavins necessary for efficient electron transfer. The two flavin isoalloxazine rings are juxtaposed, with the closest distance between them being about 4 Å. The bowl-shaped surface near the FMN-binding site is likely the docking site of cytochrome c and the physiological redox partners, including cytochromes P450 and b5 and heme oxygenase.


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The structure and function of Erwinia chrysanthemi pectate lysase C, a plant virulence factor, is reviewed to illustrate one mechanism of pathogenesis at the molecular level. Current investigative topics are discussed in this paper.


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The crystal structure of the xanthine oxidase-related molybdenum-iron protein aldehyde oxido-reductase from the sulfate reducing anaerobic Gram-negative bacterium Desulfovibrio gigas (Mop) was analyzed in its desulfo-, sulfo-, oxidized, reduced, and alcohol-bound forms at 1.8-A resolution. In the sulfo-form the molybdenum molybdopterin cytosine dinucleotide cofactor has a dithiolene-bound fac-[Mo, = O, = S, ---(OH2)] substructure. Bound inhibitory isopropanol in the inner compartment of the substrate binding tunnel is a model for the Michaelis complex of the reaction with aldehydes (H-C = O,-R). The reaction is proposed to proceed by transfer of the molybdenum-bound water molecule as OH- after proton transfer to Glu-869 to the carbonyl carbon of the substrate in concert with hydride transfer to the sulfido group to generate [MoIV, = O, -SH, ---(O-C = O, -R)). Dissociation of the carboxylic acid product may be facilitated by transient binding of Glu-869 to the molybdenum. The metal-bound water is replenished from a chain of internal water molecules. A second alcohol binding site in the spacious outer compartment may cause the strong substrate inhibition observed. This compartment is the putative binding site of large inhibitors of xanthine oxidase.


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The m7GpppN cap structure of eukaryotic mRNA is formed cotranscriptionally by the sequential action of three enzymes: RNA triphosphatase, RNA guanylyltransferase, and RNA (guanine-7)-methyltransferase. A multifunctional polypeptide containing all three active sites is encoded by vaccinia virus. In contrast, fungi and Chlorella virus encode monofunctional guanylyltransferase polypeptides that lack triphosphatase and methyltransferase activities. Transguanylylation is a two-stage reaction involving a covalent enzyme-GMP intermediate. The active site is composed of six protein motifs that are conserved in order and spacing among yeast and DNA virus capping enzymes. We performed a structure–function analysis of the six motifs by targeted mutagenesis of Ceg1, the Saccharomyces cerevisiae guanylyltransferase. Essential acidic, basic, and aromatic functional groups were identified. The structural basis for covalent catalysis was illuminated by comparing the mutational results with the crystal structure of the Chlorella virus capping enzyme. The results also allowed us to identify the capping enzyme of Caenorhabditis elegans. The 573-amino acid nematode protein consists of a C-terminal guanylyltransferase domain, which is homologous to Ceg1 and is strictly conserved with respect to all 16 amino acids that are essential for Ceg1 function, and an N-terminal phosphatase domain that bears no resemblance to the vaccinia triphosphatase domain but, instead, has strong similarity to the superfamily of protein phosphatases that act via a covalent phosphocysteine intermediate.


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HIV integrase, the enzyme that inserts the viral DNA into the host chromosome, has no mammalian counterpart, making it an attractive target for antiviral drug design. As one of the three enzymes produced by HIV, it can be expected that inhibitors of this enzyme will complement the therapeutic use of HIV protease and reverse transcriptase inhibitors. We have determined the structure of a complex of the HIV-1 integrase core domain with a novel inhibitor, 5ClTEP, 1-(5-chloroindol-3-yl)-3-hydroxy-3-(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)-propenone, to 2.1-Å resolution. The inhibitor binds centrally in the active site of the integrase and makes a number of close contacts with the protein. Only minor changes in the protein accompany inhibitor binding. This inhibitor complex will provide a platform for structure-based design of an additional class of inhibitors for antiviral therapy.


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The SQD1 enzyme is believed to be involved in the biosynthesis of the sulfoquinovosyl headgroup of plant sulfolipids, catalyzing the transfer of SO3− to UDP-glucose. We have determined the structure of the complex of SQD1 from Arabidopsis thaliana with NAD+ and the putative substrate UDP-glucose at 1.6-Å resolution. Both bound ligands are completely buried within the binding cleft, along with an internal solvent cavity which is the likely binding site for the, as yet, unidentified sulfur-donor substrate. SQD1 is a member of the short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR) family of enzymes, and its structure shows a conservation of the SDR catalytic residues. Among several highly conserved catalytic residues, Thr-145 forms unusually short hydrogen bonds with both susceptible hydroxyls of UDP-glucose. A His side chain may also be catalytically important in the sulfonation.


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The three-dimensional structure of glutamate-1-semialdehyde aminomutase (EC, an α2-dimeric enzyme from Synechococcus, has been determined by x-ray crystallography using heavy atom derivative phasing. The structure, refined at 2.4-Å resolution to an R-factor of 18.7% and good stereochemistry, explains many of the enzyme’s unusual specificity and functional properties. The overall fold is that of aspartate aminotransferase and related B6 enzymes, but it also has specific features. The structure of the complex with gabaculine, a substrate analogue, shows unexpectedly that the substrate binding site involves residues from the N-terminal domain of the molecule, notably Arg-32. Glu-406 is suitably positioned to repel α-carboxylic acids, thereby suggesting a basis for the enzyme’s reaction specificity. The subunits show asymmetry in cofactor binding and in the mobilities of the residues 153–181. In the unliganded enzyme, one subunit has the cofactor bound as an aldimine of pyridoxal phosphate with Lys-273 and, in this subunit, residues 153–181 are disordered. In the other subunit in which the cofactor is not covalently bound, residues 153–181 are well defined. Consistent with the crystallographically demonstrated asymmetry, a form of the enzyme in which both subunits have pyridoxal phosphate bound to Lys-273 through a Schiff base showed biphasic reduction by borohydride in solution. Analysis of absorption spectra during reduction provided evidence of communication between the subunits. The crystal structure of the reduced form of the enzyme shows that, despite identical cofactor binding in each monomer, the structural asymmetry at residues 153–181 remains.


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F- and V-type ATPases are central enzymes in energy metabolism that couple synthesis or hydrolysis of ATP to the translocation of H+ or Na+ across biological membranes. They consist of a soluble headpiece that contains the catalytic sites and an integral membrane-bound part that conducts the ion flow. Energy coupling is thought to occur through the physical rotation of a stalk that connects the two parts of the enzyme complex. This mechanism implies that a stator-like structure prevents the rotation of the headpiece relative to the membrane-bound part. Such a structure has not been observed to date. Here, we report the projected structure of the V-type Na+-ATPase of Clostridium fervidus as determined by electron microscopy. Besides the central stalk, a second stalk of 130 Å in length is observed that connects the headpiece and membrane-bound part in the periphery of the complex. This additional stalk is likely to be the stator.


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The endosperm of a sorghum mutant cultivar, with high in vitro uncooked and cooked protein digestibilities, was examined by transmission electron microscopy and α-, β-, and γ-kafirins (storage proteins) were localized within its protein bodies. Transmission electron microscopy micrographs revealed that these protein bodies had a unique microstructure related to high protein digestibility. They were irregular in shape and had numerous invaginations, often reaching to the central area of the protein body. Protein bodies from normal cultivars, such as P721N studied here, with much lower uncooked and cooked digestibilities are spherical and contain no invaginations. Immunocytochemistry results showed that the relative location of α- and β-kafirins within the protein bodies of the highly digestible genotype were similar to the normal cultivar, P721N. γ-Kafirin, however, was concentrated in dark-staining regions at the base of the folds instead of at the protein body periphery, as is typical of normal cultivars. The resulting easy accessibility of digestive enzymes to α-kafirin, the major storage protein, in addition to the increased surface area of the protein bodies of the highly digestible cultivar appear to account for its high in vitro protein digestibility.


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Muconate lactonizing enzyme (MLE), a component of the β-ketoadipate pathway of Pseudomonas putida, is a member of a family of related enzymes (the “enolase superfamily”) that catalyze the abstraction of the α-proton of a carboxylic acid in the context of different overall reactions. New untwinned crystal forms of MLE were obtained, one of which diffracts to better than 2.0-Å resolution. The packing of the octameric enzyme in this crystal form is unusual, because the asymmetric unit contains three subunits. The structure of MLE presented here contains no bound metal ion, but is very similar to a recently determined Mn2+-bound structure. Thus, absence of the metal ion does not perturb the structure of the active site. The structures of enolase, mandelate racemase, and MLE were superimposed. A comparison of metal ligands suggests that enolase may retain some characteristics of the ancestor of this enzyme family. Comparison of other residues involved in catalysis indicates two unusual patterns of conservation: (i) that the position of catalytic atoms remains constant, although the residues that contain them are located at different points in the protein fold; and (ii) that the positions of catalytic residues in the protein scaffold are conserved, whereas their identities and roles in catalysis vary.


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FokI is a member an unusual class of restriction enzymes that recognize a specific DNA sequence and cleave nonspecifically a short distance away from that sequence. FokI consists of an N-terminal DNA recognition domain and a C-terminal cleavage domain. The bipartite nature of FokI has led to the development of artificial enzymes with novel specificities. We have solved the structure of FokI to 2.3 Å resolution. The structure reveals a dimer, in which the dimerization interface is mediated by the cleavage domain. Each monomer has an overall conformation similar to that found in the FokI–DNA complex, with the cleavage domain packing alongside the DNA recognition domain. In corroboration with the cleavage data presented in the accompanying paper in this issue of Proceedings, we propose a model for FokI DNA cleavage that requires the dimerization of FokI on DNA to cleave both DNA strands.


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Cytochrome P450 14α-sterol demethylases (CYP51) are essential enzymes in sterol biosynthesis in eukaryotes. CYP51 removes the 14α-methyl group from sterol precursors such as lanosterol, obtusifoliol, dihydrolanosterol, and 24(28)-methylene-24,25-dihydrolanosterol. Inhibitors of CYP51 include triazole antifungal agents fluconazole and itraconazole, drugs used in treatment of topical and systemic mycoses. The 2.1- and 2.2-Å crystal structures reported here for 4-phenylimidazole- and fluconazole-bound CYP51 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTCYP51) are the first structures of an authentic P450 drug target. MTCYP51 exhibits the P450 fold with the exception of two striking differences—a bent I helix and an open conformation of BC loop—that define an active site-access channel running along the heme plane perpendicular to the direction observed for the substrate entry in P450BM3. Although a channel analogous to that in P450BM3 is evident also in MTCYP51, it is not open at the surface. The presence of two different channels, with one being open to the surface, suggests the possibility of conformationally regulated substrate-in/product-out openings in CYP51. Mapping mutations identified in Candida albicans azole-resistant isolates indicates that azole resistance in fungi develops in protein regions involved in orchestrating passage of CYP51 through different conformational stages along the catalytic cycle rather than in residues directly contacting fluconazole. These new structures provide a basis for rational design of new, more efficacious antifungal agents as well as insight into the molecular mechanism of P450 catalysis.


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Undecaprenyl diphosphate synthase (UPS) catalyzes the cis-prenyl chain elongation onto trans, trans-farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) to produce undecaprenyl diphosphate (UPP), which is indispensable for the biosynthesis of bacterial cell walls. We report here the crystal structure of UPS as the only three-dimensional structure among cis-prenyl chain elongating enzymes. The structure is classified into a protein fold family and is completely different from the so-called “isoprenoid synthase fold” that is believed to be a common structure for the enzymes relating to isoprenoid biosynthesis. Conserved amino acid residues among cis-prenyl chain elongating enzymes are located around a large hydrophobic cleft in the UPS structure. A structural P-loop motif, which frequently appears in the various kinds of phosphate binding site, is found at the entrance of this cleft. The catalytic site is determined on the basis of these structural features, from which a possible reaction mechanism is proposed.