206 resultados para Endoplasmic reticulum resident aminopeptidase 2

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Cytochrome P450 2C2 is a resident endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane protein that is excluded from the recycling pathway and contains redundant retention functions in its N-terminal transmembrane signal/anchor sequence and its large, cytoplasmic domain. Unlike some ER resident proteins, cytochrome P450 2C2 does not contain any known retention/retrieval signals. One hypothesis to explain exclusion of resident ER proteins from the transport pathway is the formation of networks by interaction with other proteins that immobilize the proteins and are incompatible with packaging into the transport vesicles. To determine the mobility of cytochrome P450 in the ER membrane, chimeric proteins of either cytochrome P450 2C2, its catalytic domain, or the cytochrome P450 2C1 N-terminal signal/anchor sequence fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP) were expressed in transiently transfected COS1 cells. The laurate hydroxylase activities of cytochrome P450 2C2 or the catalytic domain with GFP fused to the C terminus were similar to the native enzyme. The mobilities of the proteins in the membrane were determined by recovery of fluorescence after photobleaching. Diffusion coefficients for all P450 chimeras were similar, ranging from 2.6 to 6.2 × 10−10 cm2/s. A coefficient only slightly larger (7.1 × 10−10 cm2/s) was determined for a GFP chimera that contained a C-terminal dilysine ER retention signal and entered the recycling pathway. These data indicate that exclusion of cytochrome P450 from the recycling pathway is not mediated by immobilization in large protein complexes.


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The Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene ERD2 is responsible for the retrieval of lumenal resident proteins of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lost to the next secretory compartment. Previous studies have suggested that the retrieval of proteins by ERD2 is not essential. Here, we find that ERD2-mediated retrieval is not an essential process only because, on its failure, a second inducible system acts to maintain levels of ER proteins. The second system is controlled by the ER membrane-bound kinase encoded by IRE1. We conclude that IRE1 and ERD2 together maintain normal concentrations of resident proteins within the ER.


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Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins are cell surface-localized proteins that serve many important cellular functions. The pathway mediating synthesis and attachment of the GPI anchor to these proteins in eukaryotic cells is complex, highly conserved, and plays a critical role in the proper targeting, transport, and function of all GPI-anchored protein family members. In this article, we demonstrate that MCD4, an essential gene that was initially identified in a genetic screen to isolate Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants defective for bud emergence, encodes a previously unidentified component of the GPI anchor synthesis pathway. Mcd4p is a multimembrane-spanning protein that localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and contains a large NH2-terminal ER lumenal domain. We have also cloned the human MCD4 gene and found that Mcd4p is both highly conserved throughout eukaryotes and has two yeast homologues. Mcd4p’s lumenal domain contains three conserved motifs found in mammalian phosphodiesterases and nucleotide pyrophosphases; notably, the temperature-conditional MCD4 allele used for our studies (mcd4–174) harbors a single amino acid change in motif 2. The mcd4–174 mutant (1) is defective in ER-to-Golgi transport of GPI-anchored proteins (i.e., Gas1p) while other proteins (i.e., CPY) are unaffected; (2) secretes and releases (potentially up-regulated cell wall) proteins into the medium, suggesting a defect in cell wall integrity; and (3) exhibits marked morphological defects, most notably the accumulation of distorted, ER- and vesicle-like membranes. mcd4–174 cells synthesize all classes of inositolphosphoceramides, indicating that the GPI protein transport block is not due to deficient ceramide synthesis. However, mcd4–174 cells have a severe defect in incorporation of [3H]inositol into proteins and accumulate several previously uncharacterized [3H]inositol-labeled lipids whose properties are consistent with their being GPI precursors. Together, these studies demonstrate that MCD4 encodes a new, conserved component of the GPI anchor synthesis pathway and highlight the intimate connections between GPI anchoring, bud emergence, cell wall function, and feedback mechanisms likely to be involved in regulating each of these essential processes. A putative role for Mcd4p as participating in the modification of GPI anchors with side chain phosphoethanolamine is also discussed.


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Autocrine motility factor receptor (AMF-R) is a cell surface receptor that is also localized to a smooth subdomain of the endoplasmic reticulum, the AMF-R tubule. By postembedding immunoelectron microscopy, AMF-R concentrates within smooth plasmalemmal vesicles or caveolae in both NIH-3T3 fibroblasts and HeLa cells. By confocal microscopy, cell surface AMF-R labeled by the addition of anti-AMF-R antibody to viable cells at 4°C exhibits partial colocalization with caveolin, confirming the localization of cell surface AMF-R to caveolae. Labeling of cell surface AMF-R by either anti-AMF-R antibody or biotinylated AMF (bAMF) exhibits extensive colocalization and after a pulse of 1–2 h at 37°C, bAMF accumulates in densely labeled perinuclear structures as well as fainter tubular structures that colocalize with AMF-R tubules. After a subsequent 2- to 4-h chase, bAMF is localized predominantly to AMF-R tubules. Cytoplasmic acidification, blocking clathrin-mediated endocytosis, results in the essentially exclusive distribution of internalized bAMF to AMF-R tubules. By confocal microscopy, the tubular structures labeled by internalized bAMF show complete colocalization with AMF-R tubules. bAMF internalized in the presence of a 10-fold excess of unlabeled AMF labels perinuclear punctate structures, which are therefore the product of fluid phase endocytosis, but does not label AMF-R tubules, demonstrating that bAMF targeting to AMF-R tubules occurs via a receptor-mediated pathway. By electron microscopy, bAMF internalized for 10 min is located to cell surface caveolae and after 30 min is present within smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum tubules. AMF-R is therefore internalized via a receptor-mediated clathrin-independent pathway to smooth ER. The steady state localization of AMF-R to caveolae implicates these cell surface invaginations in AMF-R endocytosis.


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Topogenic determinants that direct protein topology at the endoplasmic reticulum membrane usually function with high fidelity to establish a uniform topological orientation for any given polypeptide. Here we show, however, that through the coupling of sequential translocation events, native topogenic determinants are capable of generating two alternate transmembrane structures at the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. Using defined chimeric and epitope-tagged full-length proteins, we found that topogenic activities of two C-trans (type II) signal anchor sequences, encoded within the seventh and eighth transmembrane (TM) segments of human P-glycoprotein were directly coupled by an inefficient stop transfer (ST) sequence (TM7b) contained within the C-terminus half of TM7. Remarkably, these activities enabled TM7 to achieve both a single- and a double-spanning TM topology with nearly equal efficiency. In addition, ST and C-trans signal anchor activities encoded by TM8 were tightly linked to the weak ST activity, and hence topological fate, of TM7b. This interaction enabled TM8 to span the membrane in either a type I or a type II orientation. Pleiotropic structural features contributing to this unusual topogenic behavior included 1) a short, flexible peptide loop connecting TM7a and TM7b, 2) hydrophobic residues within TM7b, and 3) hydrophilic residues between TM7b and TM8.


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We are studying endoplasmic reticulum–associated degradation (ERAD) with the use of a truncated variant of the type I ER transmembrane glycoprotein ribophorin I (RI). The mutant protein, RI332, containing only the N-terminal 332 amino acids of the luminal domain of RI, has been shown to interact with calnexin and to be a substrate for the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. When RI332 was expressed in HeLa cells, it was degraded with biphasic kinetics; an initial, slow phase of ∼45 min was followed by a second phase of threefold accelerated degradation. On the other hand, the kinetics of degradation of a form of RI332 in which the single used N-glycosylation consensus site had been removed (RI332-Thr) was monophasic and rapid, implying a role of the N-linked glycan in the first proteolytic phase. RI332 degradation was enhanced when the binding of glycoproteins to calnexin was prevented. Moreover, the truncated glycoprotein interacted with calnexin preferentially during the first proteolytic phase, which strongly suggests that binding of RI332 to the lectin-like protein may result in the slow, initial phase of degradation. Additionally, mannose trimming appears to be required for efficient proteolysis of RI332. After treatment of cells with the inhibitor of N-glycosylation, tunicamycin, destruction of the truncated RI variants was severely inhibited; likewise, in cells preincubated with the calcium ionophore A23187, both RI332 and RI332-Thr were stabilized, despite the presence or absence of the N-linked glycan. On the other hand, both drugs are known to trigger the unfolded protein response (UPR), resulting in the induction of BiP and other ER-resident proteins. Indeed, only in drug-treated cells could an interaction between BiP and RI332 and RI332-Thr be detected. Induction of BiP was also evident after overexpression of murine Ire1, an ER transmembrane kinase known to play a central role in the UPR pathway; at the same time, stabilization of RI332 was observed. Together, these results suggest that binding of the substrate proteins to UPR-induced chaperones affects their half lives.


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Higher plants share with animals a responsiveness to the Ca2+ mobilizing agents inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) and cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR). In this study, by using a vesicular 45Ca2+ flux assay, we demonstrate that microsomal vesicles from red beet and cauliflower also respond to nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP), a Ca2+-releasing molecule recently described in marine invertebrates. NAADP potently mobilizes Ca2+ with a K1/2 = 96 nM from microsomes of nonvacuolar origin in red beet. Analysis of sucrose gradient-separated cauliflower microsomes revealed that the NAADP-sensitive Ca2+ pool was derived from the endoplasmic reticulum. This exclusively nonvacuolar location of the NAADP-sensitive Ca2+ pathway distinguishes it from the InsP3- and cADPR-gated pathways. Desensitization experiments revealed that homogenates derived from cauliflower tissue contained low levels of NAADP (125 pmol/mg) and were competent in NAADP synthesis when provided with the substrates NADP and nicotinic acid. NAADP-induced Ca2+ release is insensitive to heparin and 8-NH2-cADPR, specific inhibitors of the InsP3- and cADPR-controlled mechanisms, respectively. However, NAADP-induced Ca2+ release could be blocked by pretreatment with a subthreshold dose of NAADP, as previously observed in sea urchin eggs. Furthermore, the NAADP-gated Ca2+ release pathway is independent of cytosolic free Ca2+ and therefore incapable of operating Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release. In contrast to the sea urchin system, the NAADP-gated Ca2+ release pathway in plants is not blocked by L-type channel antagonists. The existence of multiple Ca2+ mobilization pathways and Ca2+ release sites might contribute to the generation of stimulus-specific Ca2+ signals in plant cells.


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Major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) molecules have been implicated in several nonimmunological functions including the regulation and intracellular trafficking of the insulin-responsive glucose transporter GLUT4. We have used confocal microscopy to compare the effects of insulin on the intracellular trafficking of MHC-I and GLUT4 in freshly isolated rat brown adipose cells. We also used a recombinant vaccinia virus (rVV) to express influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) as a generic integral membrane glycoprotein to distinguish global versus specific enhancement of protein export from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in response to insulin. In the absence of insulin, MHC-I molecules largely colocalize with the ER-resident protein calnexin and remain distinct from intracellular pools of GLUT4. Surprisingly, insulin induces the rapid export of MHC-I molecules from the ER with a concomitant approximately three-fold increase in their level on the cell surface. This ER export is blocked by brefeldin A and wortmannin but is unaffected by cytochalasin D, indicating that insulin stimulates the rapid transport of MHC-I molecules from the ER to the plasma membrane via the Golgi complex in a phosphatidyl-inositol 3-kinase–dependent and actin-independent manner. We further show that the effect of insulin on MHC-I molecules is selective, because insulin does not affect the intracellular distribution or cell-surface localization of rVV-expressed HA. These results demonstrate that in rat brown adipose cells MHC-I molecule export from the ER is stimulated by insulin and provide the first evidence that the trafficking of MHC-I molecules is acutely regulated by a hormone.


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Secretory proteins that fail to fold in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are transported back to the cytosol and degraded by proteasomes. It remains unclear how the cell distinguishes between folding intermediates and misfolded proteins. We asked whether misfolded secretory proteins are covalently modified in the ER before export. We found that a fraction of mutant alpha-factor precursor, but not the wild type, was progressively O-mannosylated in microsomes and in intact yeast cells by protein O-mannosyl transferase 2 (Pmt2p). O-Mannosylation increased significantly in vitro under ER export conditions, i.e., in the presence of ATP and cytosol, and this required export-proficient Sec61p in the ER membrane. Deletion of PMT2, however, did not abrogate mutant alpha-factor precursor degradation but, rather, enhanced its turnover in intact yeast cells. In vitro, O-mannosylated mutant alpha-factor precursor was stable and protease protected, and a fraction was associated with Sec61p in the ER lumen. Thus, prolonged ER residence allows modification of exposed O-mannosyl acceptor sites in misfolded proteins, which abrogates misfolded protein export from the ER at a posttargeting stage. We conclude that there is a limited window of time during which misfolded proteins can be removed from the ER before they acquire inappropriate modifications that can interfere with disposal through the Sec61 channel.


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Many resident membrane proteins of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) do not have known retrieval sequences. Among these are the so-called tail-anchored proteins, which are bound to membranes by a hydrophobic tail close to the C terminus and have most of their sequence as a cytosolically exposed N-terminal domain. Because ER tail-anchored proteins generally have short (< or = 17 residues) hydrophobic domains, we tested whether this feature is important for localization, using cytochrome b5 as a model. The hydrophobic domain of cytochrome b5 was lengthened by insertion of five amino acids (ILAAV), and the localization of the mutant was analyzed by immunofluorescence in transiently transfected mammalian cells. While the wild-type cytochrome was localized to the ER, the mutant was relocated to the surface. This relocation was not due to the specific sequence introduced, as demonstrated by the ER localization of a second mutant, in which the original length of the membrane anchor was restored, while maintaining the inserted ILAAV sequence. Experiments with brefeldin A and with cycloheximide demonstrated that the extended anchor mutant reached the plasma membrane by transport along the secretory pathway. We conclude that the short membrane anchor of cytochrome b5 is important for its ER residency, and we discuss the relevance of this finding for other ER tail-anchored proteins.


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The generation of transport vesicles at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) depends on cytosolic proteins, which, in the form of subcomplexes (Sec23p/Sec24p; Sec13p/Sec31p) are recruited to the ER membrane by GTP-bound Sar1p and form the coat protein complex II (COPII). Using affinity chromatography and two-hybrid analyses, we found that the essential COPII component Sec24p, but not Sec23p, binds to the cis-Golgi syntaxin Sed5p. Sec24p/Sed5p interaction in vitro was not dependent on the presence of [Sar1p⋅GTP]. The binding of Sec24p to Sed5p is specific; none of the other seven yeast syntaxins bound to this COPII component. Whereas the interaction site of Sec23p is within the N-terminal half of the 926-aa-long Sec24p (amino acid residues 56–549), Sed5p binds to the N- and C-terminal halves of the protein. Destruction by mutagenesis of a potential zinc finger within the N-terminal half of Sec24p led to a nonfunctional protein that was still able to bind Sec23p and Sed5p. Sec24p/Sed5p binding might be relevant for cargo selection during transport-vesicle formation and/or for vesicle targeting to the cis-Golgi.


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To understand the structure, role, and regulation of individual Ca2+ pumps in plants, we have used yeast as a heterologous expression system to test the function of a gene from Arabidopsis thaliana (ECA1). ECA1 encoded a 116-kDa polypeptide that has all the conserved domains common to P-type Ca2+ pumps (EC The amino acid sequence shared more identity with sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum (53%) than with plasma membrane (32%) Ca2+ pumps. Yeast mutants defective in a Golgi Ca2+ pump (pmr1) or both Golgi and vacuolar Ca2+ pumps (pmr1 pmc1 cnb1) were sensitive to growth on medium containing 10 mM EGTA or 3 mM Mn2+. Expression of ECA1 restored growth of either mutant on EGTA. Membranes were isolated from the pmr1 pmc1 cnb1 mutant transformed with ECA1 to determine if the ECA1 polypeptide (ECA1p) could be phosphorylated as intermediates of the reaction cycle of Ca2+-pumping ATPases. In the presence of [γ-32P]ATP, ECA1p formed a Ca2+-dependent [32P]phosphoprotein of 106 kDa that was sensitive to hydroxylamine. Cyclopiazonic acid, a blocker of animal sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pumps, inhibited the formation of the phosphoprotein, whereas thapsigargin did not. Immunoblotting with an antibody against the carboxyl tail showed that ECA1p was associated mainly with the endoplasmic reticulum membranes isolated from Arabidopsis plants. The results support the model that ECA1 encodes an endoplasmic reticulum-type Ca2+ pump in Arabidopsis. The ability of ECA1p to restore growth of mutant pmr1 on medium containing Mn2+, and the formation of a Mn2+-dependent phosphoprotein suggested that ECA1p may also regulate Mn2+ homeostasis by pumping Mn2+ into endomembrane compartments of plants.


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Rer1p, a Golgi membrane protein, is required for the correct localization of an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane protein, Sec12p, by a retrieval mechanism from the cis-Golgi to the ER. To test whether or not the role of Rer1p is common to multiple ER membrane proteins, we examined the localization of two other ER membrane proteins, Sec71p and Sec63p, in the wild-type and rer1 mutant yeast cells, using their fusions with an α-mating factor precursor (Mfα1p). Although Sec71p and Sec63p have completely different topology from Sec12p, their Mfα1p fusion proteins were also mislocalized to the trans-Golgi in the rer1 mutant. Overexpression of these fusions caused their mislocalization to the trans-Golgi even in the wild-type cells, and this mislocalization was partially suppressed by the co-overexpression of Rer1p. Either Sec71p or an artificial chimeric protein whose ER localization depends on Rer1p gave a competitive effect on the localization of the Mfα1-Sec71p fusion, which was abolished in rer1. Thus, Rer1p appears to be one of the common limiting components in the retrieval machinery for ER membrane proteins. The results also suggest that Sec71p and Sec63p depend on ER-Golgi recycling, at least partly, for ER localization. We also examined the effect of a mutation in α-COP, a subunit of yeast coatomer, on the localization of these ER membrane proteins. The Mfα1p fusions of Sec12p, Sec71p, and Sec63p were all more or less mislocalized in ret1–1. These observations imply that the roles of Rer1p and coatomer are much more general than thought before.


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Spectrin (βIΣ∗) and ankyrin (AnkG119) associate with Golgi membranes and the dynactin complex, but their role in vesicle trafficking remains uncertain. We find that the actin-binding domain and membrane-association domain 1 (MAD1) of βI spectrin together form a constitutive Golgi targeting signal in transfected MDCK cells. Expression of this signal in transfected cells disrupts the endogenous Golgi spectrin skeleton and blocks transport of α- and β-Na,K-ATPase and vesicular stomatitis virus-G protein from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) but does not disrupt the formation of Golgi stacks, the distribution of β-COP, or the transport and surface display of E-cadherin. The Golgi spectrin skeleton is thus required for the transport of a subset of membrane proteins from the ER to the Golgi. We postulate that together with polyfunctional adapter proteins such as AnkG119, Golgi spectrin forms a docking complex that acts prior to the cis-Golgi, presumably with vesicular–tubular clusters (VTCs or ERGIC), to sequester specific membrane proteins into vesicles transiting between the ER and Golgi, and subsequently (probably involving other isoforms of spectrin and ankyrin) to mediate cargo transport within the Golgi and to other membrane compartments. We hypothesize that this vesicular spectrin–ankyrin adapter-protein trafficking (or tethering) system (SAATS) mediates the capture and transport of many membrane proteins and acts in conjunction with vesicle-targeting molecules to effect the efficient transport of cargo proteins.